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<br /> . .. _ _ _-- _ `11�4 ......... - . _ _ ' '.�' -'�•r.i�M.�.�..--r.�_ -
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<br /> ° - �� O, Cond�allon.Ths proceeds ol any�w�rd ar cl�im lor deme�n,dlrect or consequential,In eonnection wdh any
<br /> �"1�"�'•`" cand�mnatlon o�othwt�klnp of tM Prop�rty,or psAth�rwf,o►ior conv�yanc�fn Ilau ot condemnotlon,ere h�nby�wipn�d
<br /> �; �. '`�, ° and shNl b�p�id lo I.Md�r. lied to Ihe sums aacured by thfe D�ed ol Trus4 wilh
<br /> In th�event o1�toal bikinp ol th�P�opMy,theproeesds�h�ll b��pp �'`':''•.'�'-
<br /> �� ths sxc�,it�ny,pald to 8or►ow�r.ln the ov�nt of o panlal lskinp of�fhs PropeAy�un�es�8orrower and Lender othsrwfae _ __ _
<br /> eprse In w�lUnp,th�re�ll bs�ppIfed to the sums secured bythla D a e o 0 1 T►u�t such propoAion of the praceeds an fa equal to ` _
<br /> tl�NpropoAlonwhlahth�amountoNh�wmss�nuredbylhfsWsdofTrustimmedlatelypriortolhedoteollekinpbearetothe
<br /> fair msrlcet v�lus o1 tM propsAY Imm�dlatNy prior to tMw dah ollokinp,with ths bsl�nce ot the pracends pAld to 8orrower. �_ _
<br /> - - If the Property la ebandoned by BoROwer,or if,aller nofico by Lender to 8orrower that the condemnor oHere to make an c_ . .:,_ __ _
<br /> aw�rd or s�ld�a alaim lo►d�rtNpss,Bonow�r hils b nopond to lender wlthin 30 days after 1he deta such notice is melled, __
<br /> ° Lender is�uthorited 10 collect�nd apply th�prxNds,at l�nd�r's optlon,eithu to►o�toretlon w►�psfr ol tho P�opery or to �
<br /> � the sums�eoured by Ihis Oesd o1 Trud. Q Q ���tlon of oceeds to principal ehell not extend or �� ' �� `
<br /> ��� UnlessLenderendBorrowerothervrisea ►eainwrftin ,eny euchapp P� �,_^„_,_� .
<br /> � postpone th�du�daa ol the monthly installm�nts nferred to in psra�raph�1 and 2 heraol or ahonfle the amount ot such ��`�_=�_
<br /> , ' instellmenb. � .- �..,-�;=: •
<br /> �p, 0atowwNotp�Nat�d.ExtenalonoltheUmeforpaymentormodilicetionofamonlxationofthesumssecuredbythis
<br /> y �tts�i.��-� �
<br /> Daed of Truat�rented by Lender to eny succetsor in In t e reat of Borrower ehell not opsrote to release.In en manner,t h e ,Y•=- _.•_=.-_ °
<br /> " IlabiUry of ths oripin�IBonower end 8onowar's successoro interen4 Lender ahall not be required to commence proceedinys --,
<br /> YT-__ v._ �e-��.v:
<br /> . �� apeintt such�ucceaao�or refuse to extend Nnis for payment or otherwlae modly emoRizetion of the suma seeured by Ihis ��'�-�'!-�'������
<br /> N s
<br /> Deed of Trust by reawn of eny demand mede by the oripinel 8orrower end Borrower�8 8UCC6880f8 Ifl If119f981• �Xi:4 TM.�_ _,r;,,��
<br /> ��. Rab�a���by{,�ndK Not a Wdwr.Any brbearance by Lender in exerciaing any ripht or remedy hereunder,or �� '" ' �"'u"'7��j
<br /> otherwiae af(ordet: b�applicebls law,shall not be e welver of or preclude the exarclae of any auch right or remedy.The t �. �
<br /> � � procuremantof inaurance ot the peymentof taxes orother liens nr charyes by Lender ahall not bo a tiyniver ot Lender'R rl�ht tn ..__:__�,—_�F_�
<br /> � � eccelerate the matwlry of the indebtedness secu�ed by lhfs Deed ot 7rus� � -�-�--
<br /> 1�, pMn�elir Cunul�Hv�All romedles provided in this Deed of Truat ere dlatinct and cumulatfve to eny other rlght or •
<br /> remedy under this Deed ot Trust or aftorded by law or equiry,and may be exercised cancurrently,independently or , ;�'�rj�
<br /> successively. The covenents and agreements hereln i ,.j. ._, ,,,�,
<br /> .. �•,: 13. Succ�srors mdA�ns 6ound:Jolnt aml S���nl WWliq►;CaPtioiu• , ,
<br /> •• conteined shall bind,end the rTphta hereunder shall Inure to,lhe reapective successors and aaslpne of Lender and Borrower, �.. �•
<br /> sub�ect to the provialona of parapraph 17 hereof.All covenants and egreementa of Bor�ower shall be joint end severel.The � __
<br /> ' . - cepUona and heedinpe of the parapraphs of thi4 Dead of Trust are lor convenie�ce only and era notto 6e used to interpret or : _
<br /> , detine the provlelo�ehereof. , ��
<br /> 1�. Nolk�.Exceptfor eny notice required underapplicable law to be given ln anothe�manoer,(a)eny notice to Borrower ` . �'.;,;1�
<br /> ��.. provfded for In this Deed of Truat ahall be given by maiHng such notice by certified mall eddressed to 8orrower atthe Prope►ty � _
<br /> Add�esa or at auoh other addresa aa Borrower mey deafpnete by notice to Lender as provided herein,a�d(b)any notice to ,
<br /> lender shell be dvenby cerNfied mell,return�eceiptrequeated,to Lender's addrees steted he►eln orto such other address as � -- "';
<br /> lender mey dealpnate by nodceto 8onower ae provided herein.Any notice provided for in thfs Deed of Trust shall be deemed �
<br /> to havs been�Iven to Bonower or Len der w he��iven fn t h e m a n n e r d e a i p n a t e d h e r e i n. ` �'��{ '
<br /> 1a, UeNorm DMd ol Trud;Qov�nlno I.�w:S�v�r�biNy►.The lorm of deed of trust combinea unilorm covenants for 4 �
<br /> nstfonel uee�+nd nan•unllorm covenenb with Nmlted varietiona by Jurisdlction to conatltute a unllorm security fnalrument .,y,
<br /> -— -- �10!'ett��� �- - - - --�
<br /> coverMg real properry.This Deed of Truat shell be 9ovemea by ihe iew oi iha jurlsdtc8on in whlch the Property I -._-. , —,
<br /> , � i the event thet any proviafon or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note ccnllfcta with eppllaable tew,such contlict ahaU�ot ' ,'
<br /> aflectotherprovl fon of ia o T tor eNotewhichcenbeglveneMec1wlthouttheconflictinqprovlsfons,andtothfa � � , . ,�;
<br /> end the provisio� ere declered to be severable. .
<br /> 18. Bonow �s ed a coniormed copy of the Note and of ihla Deed ol Trust at the time of �
<br /> �` ' execution or eRe rec f �rn7�� �
<br /> n: .
<br /> 17. TransfK� i.���+b�any pe�t o1 the property or an intereat thereln fs sold or tranalerred by ,
<br /> BorrowerwithoutLender'sprforwrittenconsent,excluding(a)lhecreatlonolallenorencumbrancesubordinatetolhfaDeed � �
<br /> of T�uaf,lb)the creatlon of a purchese money aecurlty interest lor household eppllences,(c)a transler by devlae deacenl or by '
<br /> • • operatlon o11aw upanthe death ot a�dnttenant or(d�►he grant of any leasehold intereatoi three yeara or less not conlalning an
<br /> option to purchese,Lender may,et Lender's option,declareall the sums secu�ed by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due . � r�_
<br /> end payeble.Lender shall heve waived euch option to accelerate if,prfor to the sale or transler,Lender and the person to i
<br /> whom the Property la to be sold or trensterred reach e reemenl In wrfting that ihe credlt of such person�s satfafactory to
<br /> Lender end thetihe Intereat payable on the suma aecure�bythis Deed ot Truat ahall be at such rateas Lender shell request.If
<br /> Lender hes walved�e optfon to accele►ete provided In this parepraph 17,end fl Borrower's aucceasor in interest has
<br /> executed a wrilten elsumpGon egreement eccepted In writiny by Lender,Lender shetl release Borrower lrom all obliyations
<br /> under this Oeed of Trust and the Note. sf��•--
<br /> If Lender exerclees euah option to accelerete,Lender shall mail Bo�rower notice of acceteration in accordance with � `: c=
<br /> paraqtaph 14 hereol.Such notice ahell provide a period of not leas than 30 days Irom the date the notfce Is mailed within whlch f . ���;.
<br /> 8orrower may pay the suma declered due.If Borrower fafls to pay such eums prfor to the explratfon o1 such perfod,Lender ,;f;.;::�
<br /> nwy,without further noUce or demand on Bonower,invoke any remedles permRted by paragraph 18 he►eof. � �;.;
<br /> ���
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrow�r�nd tand�r furth�r cownaM�nd��►M a�lollows: , "•; -±
<br /> te. Accd�tlo�R�m�diN.Except es provided in paragreph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or .
<br /> agreement of Borrower In Ihfa Deed of Trus�including the covenants to pay when due eny sums secured by this Oeed ot Trust, �
<br /> Lender prior to acceleratton ahell mall notice to Borrower asprovlded In paragraph 14 hereot specih�ing:(t)the breach;(2)the
<br /> ection requlred to cure such breach;(3)e aate,not lesa than 30 deys Irom the date the notice is mefied to Borrower,by wh�ch
<br /> suCh breach must be cured;end(4)that lallure to cure such breech on or beforethe date specltied in the notice mey result in
<br /> acceleretlon of the wms secured by this Deed of Trustand sale ol the Property.The notice ahall luNher Inform Borrower o11he
<br /> right to refnstete aNer acceleratlon and the rl9ht to bring e court actlon to essert the non•existence of a default or eny olher
<br /> defenae ol8orrowerto ecceleretlon and sele.II the breach fs not cured on or belore the date specflled fn the nollce.Lender at
<br /> lender's option may declare ail of the aums secured by this Oeed of Trust to be Immedialely due and payable wlthout further
<br /> demand and mey invoke the power of sale end any other remedles permltted by appliceble law.Lender shall be entftled to
<br /> collect all reaaonable costa end expenses incurred in pursuf nQ the remedies provided in Ihe perayraph t B,includinq,but not
<br /> Ilmited to,reasonable attorney's fees.
<br /> II the power of aele fs Invoked,Trustee shall record a notice ol delault In each county�n which the Property or some part
<br /> thereol is loceted and shall mall copfes oi such notfce m the manner prescribed by applfcable law to Borrower and to the other
<br /> ' peroons prescribedby appliceble law.ARer the lepse ol such time as may be requued by npplicable law,Trustee shell givo
<br /> public notice ol sale Io the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,wfthout demand on Borrower,
<br /> ahell sell the Properry af publfc auctfon to the hfghest bldderatthe lfine and place and under theterms designated fn the notice
<br /> ol sale in one or mare parcels and In such order as Trustee may determine.Trustee may postpone sale ol all or any parcel of
<br /> the Property by puhlic a�nouncement at the hme and p�ace of any previou4ly scheduled sale.Lender or lender's des�gnee
<br /> mey purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment otthe price bid.Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveymg the Property sold
<br /> The recitels in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facfe Rvidence of the truth ol the statements mede therefn.Trustee shell apply
<br /> ..._._��_...+_.......e.•�e+�.,ou.osa,,.,ahiw costs and exoenses of Ihe sele,mcluding,but not limited to,
<br /> ffl@(JfOC@BOSNiIr`�if5nioiiu�ow�wv��.y.........�..�.�—...'_-- -
<br /> Trustee'sfeesof�otmorethan %olthegrosssaleprfce,reasonebleattorney'steesanacoatsotmieeviaence:
<br /> (b)to all sums secured by thfs Oeed ol Truak and(c)the excess.ll any,to the person or persons legally entitled Ihereto.
<br /> 1�. Bonow�►'�Rlqhl to RNn�lat�.Notwlthstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secureti by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Borrower ahall havethe rlght to haveany proceedings begun by Lender toenforce the Deed ot Trust discontmued atany time
<br /> p►ior to the earlfer t000cur uf(�)the IfBh dey before the sele ot the Property pursuent to the power ol sale contefned in the Deed
<br /> ot Trust(ff)entry ola judpment enforcing this Deed of Trust if:(a►Berrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due
<br /> under thls Deed ol T�ust,the Note and no�pa secunng Future Advances.d any,had no acceleration occured�b1 Borrower
<br /> cures all breacheaof any other covenanta or egreements of Borrower contained�n th�s Deed ol Trust Ic)Borrower pays nll
<br /> reasonable expenees fncurred by Lender and Trustee enforcing the covenentsand agreements of Borrower contained in this
<br /> Deed otTruatand Inenfacing Lender's and Trustee's remediesas p�ov�ded in paragraph t 8 hereof,including,but not I�mded
<br /> � to,reaaonableattaney's lees:and(d)Borrower takes such action as Lender may reasonably reqwre to assure that the I�en of
<br /> thla Deed of Trus�Lender's fnteresf In the Property and Borrower's obl�gation to pay the sums setureA by Ih�s Desd ol Trust
<br /> ehall contfnueunlmpaired.Upon auch peyment and cure by Borrower,th�s Deed ol Trust and the obligat�ons secured hereby
<br /> ehell remafn fn lull brce end ettect as ff no accelerarion had occurred.
<br /> . � _ . _ . . _ _ . _ .—_ . _ I _ . �
<br />