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<br /> •� ' UNIFORM COVENAN73.8orrower And Lendsr covenant and eyne a�IoNowr � .
<br /> p when due ihe principel ot and intereat on Ihe � . �� �`-°
<br /> 1. PaynNnl d P�M�cipal N�d Inbn�t. Borrowar�hell romptlY DeY � , -
<br /> , ` Ind�bt�dn�uwld�ncsdbytheNoU,p►epaym�nlandlatschrrpaso�provldedlnlheNota,ondlhepnncipalolandintereston —��-_
<br /> . �ny Futur�Adv�naa Noured by th�Dsed ol Trust. �.�
<br /> ; � • . Z, Fw�d�1p�T��Imu�nC�.Bubf�nttosppl�abblpwortoewrltlenwal�erbyLender,Borrowerahallpaytolender ��.r�--�-_
<br /> on the d�y monthly imt�)menb ol principal and Int�rett are peyebls underlho Note,until the Note ie p�fd In lull,a sum(hereln �
<br /> �� "Funds")oquol to ano•twelflh ot the yearly ta�cea end eaaeaemenle which may aftefn p►lorfty over thia Deed ol Trust,and � T:��"-__ _ __
<br /> . qround nnh on ths Prop��ty,if any,ptu�ons•twoiRh o1 ysarly premlum imlallmenta lor Ne:ord fnaurance,plus one-twellth ol . �:,;;�-`
<br /> yeatly premlum Intt�llmenta lor moR�e0s In�ura�ce,tl any,all a�reaaonebly estfmoted Initf�lly and Irom tfine to tlme by ._�.,_ �••
<br /> � Lendsr on the bssis of�au��m�nb snd bllls and reaROmWe estlmetas therool. ;�:`'�"
<br /> The Fundash�ll bs hNd In an Imdtudon the d�poaits oreccounuol whlchare Insured orguaranteed,by a Federal or atete �=-�'-
<br /> 4 apency(Includin�L�nder If Lsnder Is weh an instltudon�.Lender ehall epply thAeP y nd�a fo pay eafd taxes,anaessmenta, :�-�._°`-
<br /> � Inturancsprsmium�andproundronts.LendermaynolchargeloraoholdU9 ande I in theFunds,enalyzinpeaidaccount p �, ���?�°� ____
<br /> or v e r i t y l n p�nd co m pllln p aeld aaasssmentsand bllls unleas Lender pay�Borrower Inte�est on Ihe Funds end a p p l i ceble lew .:'•��x—�—
<br /> � pe rmite Landerto make auch a charye.Bor�owerend Lende►may apree in writinp et Ihe time of executlon of this D e e d of Trust � � • �?"=�,`": ._
<br /> that Interest on tha Funds ehell be pald ta Borrower,and unlesa euch eyraement ia mede or eppIicelbe law requirea such '-
<br /> intenst to bep�id,Lende►sholl not be required to pey Borrower eny Interealor earnings on Ihe Funds.Lender shall�ive to
<br /> �� 8 o r r o w s r,w Nhout ch�rge�,en annual accountiny of the Funds ahowing credita end de6Us to the Funds and the purpose lor ____
<br /> whlah each d�bittotheFunds was mede.The Funds are pledped ea adWtlonol security for the auma secur e d by l h is De e d o f ! •�;�—;._��_
<br /> � Truet � . �'..",�-
<br /> If the am�mt of the lunda held by Lendar,topether troith the luture monthly fnstallmente M Funds payable pnor to the due r •�•..��;;w�_
<br /> ��� detea of fexas,esfassme�te,insurence premlums and ground rents,ahaN exceed the amount required to pay aeid texea, ,. ��:���«
<br /> aaeessmants,inaurence premiume and ground rents as they fall due.auch exce�e shall be,et Barrower'a option,elther „
<br /> p�omptly repald to i3onower or aredited to Bor►ower on monlhly fnatallmente ot Funds.II the amount of the Funds hetd by � J'�.. :-�:�,,.r
<br /> Lende�shellnolbesu�iclenttopaytexes,aesessment�.insurancopremfumsandgroundrentaestheyfelldue.Borrowershell .����--�_'-
<br /> pay to Lender any amount necessary b meke up the deflcfency w4hin 30 days from the date not�e Is mailed by Lender to ' 'f"'.r.'TM".
<br /> Bonowar requesdep peyment thereof. . `
<br /> Upon payment In full of all aums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lende►ahell promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by + °���.
<br /> Lender.If under parapreph 18 hereol the Propertv is sold or the PropertY le otherwiseacqulred by lender,Lender shall apply. _
<br /> no lete�than Immediately prlo�to the eale af It►e Property or its ecqu�isition by Lender,end funds held by Lender et the time ot � J --
<br /> " applicatlon as a credit aqeinat the euma secured by thfa Deed of Truat. � � ��;
<br /> 3. Applk�No��ol P�rm�nh.Unlesa appllceble lew provides otherwfse,all payments recelved by Lender under the Note ,
<br /> and pereg►aphs 1 end 2 hereof ehall be applied by Lender firat in peyment ol amounta payable to Lende�by Borrower under ��
<br /> paregraph 2hereol,then to interest payable on the Note.then to thaprincipal of the Note,end then to interest and prMcfpal on ;- :_,
<br /> eny Future Advencas. '�
<br /> �1. Cha�;Wn�.Borrowers ahell pay all texes,asaessments and other charges,llnes and impoaltfona attrfbuteblo to the a
<br /> . PropeAy which mey alteln a prio�ihr over thla Deed of Truat,end leasehotd peyments or ground rents,if eny.In the manner � ,
<br /> p�ovided under perapreph 2 hereol or,if not peld In such menner,by Borrower mekingpe yment when due,dfrectly to the r:.
<br /> � peyee the►eo1.Borrower shell promptly furnlah to Len�er all notices of amounts due under thla peragraph,end In the event , �+,:°
<br /> -- �- - -- Barro+xer shal!make paymen!dlrxtly, 9orr�wer shell promptly furniah to Lender recelpta evidencing such peyments.
<br /> � 8orrower eha0 promptly diacharye eny flen which hea priority aver this Deed ot Trush provided,that fswrower shaN noi be � '��
<br /> � requlred to diacherqe any auch Iien so long es Bo►rower ahell agree In writing to the paymer�l otihe obligation secured by such
<br /> tlen f�e menner accepteble to Lende�,or shall In good taith contea►such Ifen by,o�delend enforcement of such Ben in,leyal
<br /> proceedinga which operate to prevent the enlorcement of the lieo or torfeiture of the Property or any p��t Ihereol.
<br /> I6. H�sard Insur�ne�.Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereaRer erected on the Property Insured
<br /> I egeinst loas by tire,hazerds fncluded within the term'extended coverage",and such other hatarda as Lender may requf re `+
<br /> end in euch amounts and fa such perlods as Lender may requlre;provfded,that Lender shell not require that the amount of
<br /> + such coverege exceed thet amount of coverage required to pey the suma secured by thls Deed ol Trust.
<br /> � Thia lnsurence carrier providinq the inaurance ahell be chosen by Borrower aub�ect to approval by Lender:pruvlded,that �
<br /> such approval ahall not be unreasonebty wlthheld.All premiums on insurence policles shell be peid In the manner prov�ded �
<br />• under porapraph 2 hereof or,if not pald in such menne�,by Borrower meking peyment,when due,directly to the insurence 5 �
<br /> CflRI9f. -
<br /> All Insurance pollclea and renewels thereol ahall be in form acceptable to Lender and shell Include a standard morlgage
<br /> clauae fn favor ot end In form ecceptable to Lender.Lender shell have the right to hald the pollcles and renewals thereorand
<br /> 8orrower shell promptly turniah to Lender all renewal noticesand all recelpts o1 paid premfums.In the event of loss.Borrower ,
<br /> shell ylve prompt noUce to the insurance cerrfer and Lender.Lender may meke prool of losa if not mede promptly by Borrower.
<br /> UnlessLenderandBorrowe►otherwlseagreeinwrfting,lneurance prxeedsehallbeapplledtorestoratfonorrepa��olthe •
<br /> Properly damaged,provlded such�eatoratlon or repair is econamically feaeible and the aecurlry of thia Deed of Truat fs not
<br /> ' thereby ImpaIred.II auch reataetbn a repalr la�ot economfcally feaslble or II the securfy of this Deed of Trust would be
<br /> impelred,the insurance proceeds ehall be epplfed to the sums secured by this Deed of TrusL with the excess,If any,pald to
<br /> � 8orcower.II the Prope�iy Is ebendoned by 8orrower,or If Bor�ower fails to respond to Lender wlthln 30 days(rom the dete
<br /> �otice Ia malled by Lender to Borrower thet the inaurance carrier oNera to sedle a clalm for Insurence benefits,Lender is
<br /> aulhorized to collect and epply the Ineurance proceeds at Lender's optlon elther to reatoration or repalr o1 the Property or to .
<br /> j the sums secured by thla Deed ot Trus�
<br /> Unleas Lenderand Borrower otherwiseagree in writfng,anX such application of proceedsto principal shall nnt extend or
<br /> I poatpone the due date of the monthly Instellments referred to in pnragraphs 1 end 2 hereof or change the amount of�uch
<br /> in9tallments.N under peregreph 18 hereot the Property Is acquired by Lender,all right,tftle and interest of Borrower In end to
<br /> . I any Insurance poNclea end In and to the proceeds thereof resultinglrom demage to fhe Property prlorto the sale or ecquisltfon
<br /> ahell pess lo Lender to the extent of the sums securtid by thls Deed ot Trust immediately pnor to such sale or acquisillon.
<br /> 4 i g, Pr�s�rvaHon�ndMalnt�nanc�olProporty;L��s�holdr,Condominiwm;Ptann�dUnitD�vNopm�nb.Borrowershell
<br /> keep the Praperty in good repeir end ahell not commit waste or permit impelrment of deteriorotion ot the Prope►ty and shall
<br /> comply wfth the provfaions of eny lease if this Deed of 7rust is on a leasehold.11 th�s Oeed ol Trust is on a unit in a condominfum
<br /> or a plenned unit development,Borrower shall pertorm all of Barrower's obllgations under the declaretion o►r,ovenents
<br /> creatfnp or governing the condominfum or planned umt development,Ihe by-laws a�d regulat�ons ol the condominium or
<br /> pIenned unit devetopment,and constltuent documents.�I a condomirnum or plenned unit development nder fs excuted by
<br /> borrower and recorded together wlth this Deed of Truat,the covenanta and agreements ot such nder ahnll be Incorporeted
<br /> into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and egreements ol this Deetl a1 Trust as il the nder were a pa�t hereof.
<br /> 7. Prot�cdon ot L�nd�r's 8�curify.lf 8orrower leils to perform the covenants and agreements contoined in thfs Deed ol
<br /> TruB�or if eny ectlon or proceeding is Commenced wilh matenally affects Lender's mterest in the Property,including but not
<br /> limfted to,eminentdomein,Insolvency,code enforcement.or arrangements or proceedl�gs invulwng a bankrupt or decedent.
<br /> then Lender at Lender's option.upon notice to Borrower,may make such appearances,dlsburse such sums and take such
<br /> action as fs necessary to protect lender's Interest,includ�ng,but not Ilmited to,dlsbursement of reasonable attorney's lees and
<br /> entry upon the Propertyto make repafrs.If Lender�equired mortgage�nsuranceasa condltion ot making the loan secured by
<br /> the Deed of Trust,Borrower shell pay the premlums requued to maintain sucl� msurancQ m ettect unid such tfine as the
<br /> requlrementlor such innurance terminetes in aCCOrdance with 6orrower's end Lender's written agreement or appIfcalbe Inw
<br /> BorrOwer shall pey the emount ol atl moNgege insurance pormwms in Ihe manner prov�ded under paragraph 2 hereot.
<br /> Any amounts dfsbursed by Lender pursuant to th�s Para�raph 1, with interest thereon, shall becoma adddionai
<br /> _..._............�........,e.... ..�.
<br /> � IndebtednessotBOrroweraecuredoym�sueedoiTrusi.i;n�essov��v..a:h���:.a„�ar�y�va:�.�..��..�••••��.r�-i•.•�..•,°�-..
<br /> � amounta shall be payable upon notice from lendFr to Borrower roUuasUng payment hereot,�nd sha11 b�ar��terest Irom the
<br /> ' date ot dfsbursementet the rete payeble Irom t�me to t�me on outslandmg pnnc�pet under the Note unless payment ol interest
<br /> et such rate would be Contrary to appIfcable law.in wh�ch event such amounls shall bear interest at the h�ghest r�te
<br /> permfsslble underappGcable law Nothfn9 COntamed in this poragmph 7 shau requ�re lender to mcur any expense or tt�he any
<br /> action hereunder.
<br /> � 8. Inap�ctlon.Lendar may make or ceuse to be made reasonnhie c+ntr�es upon and�nspecUons ot tne P�operty.prov��ird
<br /> �hetLend@�ShellgfvBBOrrowernobCepnor�oanySUthinspNCtn+nsp��r��y�nqreason,�b��r�usethr.rr����rr��l.�tF�dtolcndw�
<br /> interest in the Property.
<br /> �
<br /> � , ,• . R �
<br /> � ,
<br /> � �
<br />