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<br /> �, CondMnn�Yon.Th�pracNds ot sny�w�rd or cl�im lor d�m�p„,dl��ct a canwqwnpN,in conn�ctlon wlth any r
<br /> , . , tond�mntlbn ot othK t�kfnp o!th�P�op�rly,a P�tMno1�or 1or conv�y�ncNn N�u ol cond�mnatlon.�n h�i�by usiyn�d � ":_ .:P:''n—v
<br /> �nd�hsll b�p�ld to L�r.
<br /> . : ' r .� th�ex�w u�, f any p�iW�kBonow��i.l��f t oi a�shk II Mf Pal Pd to t�wnlas Borrowi►ind l.�ind�ifr o�M�wiw –
<br /> np flti� op� ��-�—
<br /> ��rNinwrldnp,th�n�llb�a�I�dtathewmswcuredbythi�ONdolTrudsuchproportlonofq»proc�sd�asfspw{to =-;�•�,:�,n •-_
<br /> � ,� . t►�Ip�pppNonwhlohtMamounioftt►�wm�wcw�dbYthl�DMdolTrwtfmm�dl�tdyprlortothed�t�olWcinpbs�ntoths � • �
<br /> lair rtwrlcM v�fu�M th�prop�rty Imm�0l�tNy P�to th�daq ot t�klnp,wlfh th�bd�nc�of tM procNds pald M 8a►ow�►. � .' �;.���^.
<br /> ", II tha Property le ebandoned by Boaower,or il,�nK nodc�by Und�r w 8onow�r th�t ih�condemnor ollere to m�k�an I
<br /> �wad or�Nd��clalm la d�mapa.BonowK lall�to nspond!o L�nd�r wiMln 30 day�e1Mr th�d�ty such eoUco i�mallod. � ,
<br /> � L�ndw 1��ufhoriz�d to colbct ond�pplr tl»proc�ed�,N L�ntNr's opdon,�ith�r to ratw�tion or��ir o1 th�Prop�rty a ta �
<br /> • Ih�sums a�aund by thii ONd o1 Truft.
<br /> � Unl�ss L�nd�r�nd 8onowsr oth�rwiss apne in wrlUnp,a�y�uch application otproceedsto p�incipal ah�ll not extend or � _
<br /> . . n�th�dw dab ol tM monthiy Inst�llm�nb rd�rc�d to I�panprophs 1�nd 2 h�no1 or chanps q�amount of wch ,:. .m;.-.�,..:,,-�:..
<br />' �� nshllmenb. • . .
<br /> d
<br /> • �p, Yarow�NolftN�wd.Ext�ntionolthsdmelorpaymento►modlllcatbnofamoAlzadonofthesumssecuredbythia
<br /> De�d of Trust Q►anted by Land�r to any wccessor in IMenst a18w►ower shell not operat�to rN�a�s.in�nr menner,the �
<br /> ^ . �I�Wl�ty of th�alplml 8orrower and eo►row�r'�succewon Intsres�Lander shan not b��pulred to eommence proeeedin s
<br /> sy�imt such wccenor a nluw to�xbnd tlme br p�ymsnt or othsrwlta rnodiy�mordzadon of the sums a�cund by th�s ,�
<br /> DNd of Ttust bp rMSOn ot�ny d�muid mad�by ths oripinal8or►owe►and Bonows�'�succesaors in interest.
<br /> " 11. Fo�Mrana�by I.�dK Not a 1Msiwr•Any torbsarance by lendsr fn sxercisinp ony riqht or remedy hareurtder.o�
<br /> �� otherwiss�ffordsd by�ppllcabl�I�w,shall not b��w�iv�r ol a pnclude ths�xercits ol any sueh ripht ar remedy.The ,
<br /> . procuremsnt oHnwrancs o1 fhs prynNnt of Wtes or o1h��Ilsns or ah�ryesby I.�nd�r a1wI1�ot ba a waiver ot Lender'e ripht to �
<br /> accstKals the m�turitr ol tM ind�bt�dnqs acund by thi�Desd o1 Trust .
<br /> �' � �Z, p�NdM�Cwnul�Mw All r�m�dlss provid�d in thi�Deed ol Trust are dledncl and cumul�dva to any other ripht or � T•,•
<br /> �emedy wtdo�this voad ot Trutf ot a7brded by Isw or eqully, a�d may Iw �,cerciwd concumndy, independ�ndy oi � �._
<br /> successively. �`��
<br /> 13, g���p��ound� ,IoN�t�d gw�ai LI�bMII�;C�ptlo�f,The coven�nb and aareemenb herein � '��,rt:�
<br /> contelned ahall bind,and the ri�hts her�undershdl inure to,ths nspective suece�sor�end afaipns of Lend�r end 8orrowe�. � "
<br /> aubjact to Ma provl�fons of porapraph 17 hereof.All covenents and apreementa ot Borrower shall be foint end several.The . _ _
<br /> capdons and hsadUps of th�paraprapha of this M�dof Trust are lor comenl�ncsonly and are not to 6�ua�d to Interpret or � �_
<br /> . do8ne ihe pravi�lons F�aot. a d -
<br /> �� 1�, NoYe�.Exc�ptforanynoticerequiredunderappllcablelewtobegivenfnenothe►menner.(a)enynoticetoBorrower k i�_'�
<br /> , providsdlorinthisDesdofTrushhallbs�ivenbymaflinq suchnoticebycertiNedmafl�ddreuedto8orcowerattheProperty = ���•--
<br /> Address or�t�uch oMK addrsaa es Borrowa mey desipnate by notice to Lender as providsd herein,and(b)any notice to -����
<br /> � lender shall bepiwn b csrtlfied meil,return recelpt requested,to Lender's addrese atatsd herein orto auch other address as � '��.�(
<br /> Lendermayde�l�r►�t��rnodceto8orrow�rotprovldedhsrsin.Anynoticep�ovldediarinthi�DMdofTrustshallbodeemed �:-
<br /> • to hev�bs�n 9iven to Borrowe�w Lender whsm qiven in the manner desipneted hereln. �
<br /> 16. Unilone DNd d T�wt;GovKnkq Law;S�v�►abWy.Ths form of deed ol trust combinss uniform covena�te(or �=�r
<br /> �ty�nwl use and non-uniform covsn�nts wlth Iimited varlatbna by�urisdictlon to constltute a uniform necu►Ity intt�ument I
<br /> covedng real propsrty.This Oeed oi Trust sh�ll bs�ovsmsd by the iew oi thojuriaaSicUon in which the Prapsrty Is lacale.el.!n : -- �
<br /> the event that eny provlalon or clause of thi�Deed of Trust or the Note contlicts wlth epplicable tew,auch conllict fhall not ,
<br /> a8actotherprovielonsotthlaDeedofT�uatortheNotewhichcanbe�iveneHectwlthouttheconflictlnpprovisfons,andtothfs , r
<br /> end the provfsions of the Oeed ot Trust end�e Note ere declared to be aeverable. -
<br /> 1e. 8orrow�r's Copy Borcower ahall beluvnlehed a conformed copy o1 the Note ond ol this Oaed of Trust at tha time of ; .
<br /> exacuUon or aRer recordeUon hareof. ���
<br /> ' ��. Ty��1 w�prop�rtr;Assumption.lf ell or en art ot the ro Ay or an interest therein is eold or t►ensfer�ed by � "° ' .
<br /> Y P P Pe � r's...
<br /> 8or►owerwfthoutLend�r'spriorwrittenconaent,excluding(a)thecreationatelienorencumbrancseubo►dfnatetolhiaDeed � .
<br /> ofTruat,lb)thecreationofepu�chesernoneysecuriylnterestforhouseholdappllaneea,(c)abensfarby devisedeacentorby ' ��
<br /> ope►Ydon of law upo�the death o1 a�olnt tenent or(d)the yrant of any leasehol d i�terestof Ihree years or less not conteinin�en ,
<br /> option to purchese,Lender may,et Lender'eoption,declare all the sums secured by thin Deed of Troet to be immedlately due
<br /> and payebte.Lender shall heve waived such optlon to accelerate if,prlar to tha eale or tnnsle►,Lender and the psraon to , + ::- _
<br /> whom the P�operty ia to be eotd or trensierred reach e �eement in writing thet the credit of such p�rson is aaHsfactory to ��
<br /> Lender and that 1he intereat peyable on the eums eecur�by this Deed ot Truat ahell beat such rate as Lender shall request lf
<br /> lender has waived fhe opUOn to accelerete provided in this parapreph t 7, and if Borrower'a succesaor in interesl hea
<br /> executed e written aasumpNon epreertwnl Accepted in writlnp by Lender,Lender�hall relea�o Bonower trom all oblipadons r
<br /> under thia Dead ot Trust and the Nole. �
<br /> If Lende�exercisea nuch opdon to accele�ale, Lender shall meil Borrower notice of acceleration in accordence with
<br /> paregraph 14 hereof.Such notfce shell provlde a perfod of not less than 30days trom the datelhe notice is mailed wfthin which
<br /> Borrowe�may pay tha eums declared due.II Borrower fails to pay such auma prlor to fhe expfration ol auch period,Lende► � �
<br /> may,without further nodce or demand on Borrower,invoke eny remedies permltted by pareqraph 1 B hereof.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barowu�nd 1.�ndK IwIbK cov�n�M and pr«a�tollow�: _
<br /> 1�. AccNKafion;R�m�dIN.Exce�t aa provided in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach ol eny covenent or -' "� .'
<br /> apreementofBonowerinthleDeedotT►uaRincludin�thecovenentatopaywhendueanysumsaecursdby thfaDeedolTrus� •
<br /> Lende�priortoaccelererionehallmellooticeto Borrowerasprovfdedinparayrepht4hereofspecityI�p:(1)thebreach;(2�the
<br /> actlon required to cure auch breach;(3)a dete,not leas than 30 days Irom thedetethenotice is meiied to 8orrower,by which
<br /> suah breach muat be cured;and(4)that failure to cure such breach on or belorethe date spacified fn the notice may re�ult fn
<br /> ' � eccelereUon of the aumasecured by this Deed ol Trustend sale ot the Properiy.The notice shall/urther inform Borrower of the
<br /> � ripht to reinatete after acceleratlon end the dght to brfng a court acffon to aseert the non-existence ol a default or eny other •
<br /> Lender's��Bi n may decla e e0 oif the suma aecured by this Deed ot Truatto be immediateey s ue and peyable with ut tuAher
<br /> demand end may Invoke the power o1 sale end eny other remedfes permltted by epplicable law.Lender shall ba entltled to
<br /> collect all reaaonable costs end expenaes Incurred fn pursuinp the remediesprovided m the para9raph 18,includfnp,but not
<br /> Ilmited to,�eaeonable ettorney's fees. '
<br /> N the power of aele IS invoked,Trustee ahall record a notice of delault in each county in which the Propeny or aorne part
<br /> • thereof fs located end ahall mail copfes of such notice in the manner preacribed by applicable law to Borrower and totheother
<br /> per8ons prescribed by appHcable law.Aftar the lepse o1 such tlme as may be requi�ed by applfceble law,Truetee ahall�ive �
<br /> public noNce of aale to the pe►sons and in the manner prescrlbed by appflCeble law.Trustee,without demand on Bonower,
<br /> ol sa11le i�n on o�m�ore parcels and in suCh order aes Tr stee may de eemi epT ustee mey poatpo�e sele ot alloe iny parcel 01
<br /> the Property by publfc announcement at the time and plece of any previously scheduled sale.Lender or Lender'adeai9nee
<br /> may purchase the PropeAy at any sele.
<br /> Upon recelpt ol paymentof the prlce bid,Trualee shall deliver to ihe purchasarT�uatee's deed conveyfng the Property sold.
<br /> The recftals in theTrustee's deed ahell be prima fecieevidence of the truth of the statemenbmade therefn.Trustee shall epply
<br /> __�_a_.�_�..u.....i........�..•i.��n o��.nncnnnhla r.nataand eYUenses0l th6 SeIB.ifIClUdlflO,but not Ifmlt@d t0,
<br /> me prviceuti5�0 a w aa�v n�.�w...��.....�.r,.......�..,.__...----"-- ----
<br /> � Trustee'aleesolnotmorethan %olthegrossaeleprlce,reasonableaftorney'sleesandcostsoltitleevidence:
<br /> (b)to all aums secured by thls Deed ol Tru�t and(c)the excess,if any,to the person or persons leyally entlHed thereto.
<br /> 1�. Bonow�r'�RlOht to Rdn�Ut�.Nolwithatanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust.
<br /> Borrower shell have the rlqht to haveany praceedinga begun by Lender to enforce the Deed of Truat dfacontinued al any t�me
<br /> ' priatolheearliertooccurot(i►IhelikhdaybeiorethesaleoftheProperypwsuanttothepowerolselaconteinedintheDeed
<br /> ol Trust fi)entry of a�udpment enforcing Ihfa Deed of Truat i1:(a)Borrower pays Londer all sums whfch would be then due
<br /> under th�s�eed ot Truat the Note and notes secunng Future Advances,i1 any.had no acceleration occured:(b)Bo►rower
<br /> cures all breeches of eny other covenants or egreementa of Borrower conta�ned�n this Deed ol Trust:(c)Borrower pays al1
<br /> rea6oneble expensea Incurred by Lender and Trustoe enlorcfng the covenants and apreements ol8orrower Contafned fn this
<br /> ; Deed of Truat and fn enforcing Lender a and Truaiee'a remedfes as provlded fn peragraph 18 hereof,Includ�ny,but not limded
<br /> ' to,reasoneble ettor�ey'a t2es;and(d)Borrower tekes such action aa Lender may rea�onably requi�e to assure thel the!ien ol
<br /> i this Deed of Truat Lender's Interest In the Property and Borrower's obllgetlan to pay the suma secured by thls Oeed o1 Trust
<br /> ehall contlnue unlmpafred.Upon such�aymentand cure by Borrower,lhia Deed of Yrust and the oblf9at�ons secured hereby
<br /> thall remaln In tull torce ond eHect as f nu acceleratlon had occurred
<br /> ,�; � ,
<br /> �
<br />