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<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT8.8orrower and I.ender covenant and ayne ae tollow4:
<br /> 10S'7a9 �L.Y�:_.--
<br /> ' �, p�y��d p�clp�l�nd �nt�n�l. Borrawer ahell promptly pay when due the principal ol and mteres�on Ihe �,6=�'(;�-;--
<br /> � ind�btednesfevld�nc�dbytheNoU,prsp� mentandlatechar�esasprovldedlntheNol�,andthepnncipalotandfntors�ton —
<br /> . any Future Advances sscured by ths�ol Trus�
<br /> . Z, Rw�d��prT�sand�murane�,Sublactto opplfcabte la�bls underthe Nots ntil the Notef�pald In lull�aium jh�rein
<br /> onthsd�ymonthlyUstallmanbol p►Inaipalandint�restarepay _..__.
<br /> �. , - "Funds")equol to nno-twalfth of the yearly texes end easessments which mey atla�n prlorlty over this Deed of T�uet,ond ` _ _ _T_���
<br /> qround renb on the Property.11any,plus one-twslfth ofyearly pramfum intfallments for hezerd lneurance,plua one-twelfsh ol
<br /> ' yserly premium instdlmaMs for mort�a�s inwrance.il enY.all ae reasonebly wHmeted initially and lrom tfine to dm�by
<br /> � L�nder on the be�is of a�m�nri endblUs and roasoneble estimelsa thereot. _„�__
<br />,", •„ , The Fuodt sholl bs hsld in en InsNtutlon the dapoaits oreccount�ol which ere inaured or gua�anteed,by a Federel or stete �•Ia�_, . _�
<br /> apency(includinp I.�ndsr it Lsnder is such en iniNWUon�.Lender ahall apply the lunda fo psy taid taxes,assessments, �=_ �.:-:,o:�,��
<br /> � insurancepromiumsendgroundrent�.Lende►mey notchergefo�eoholdlnpendapplylnQtheFunde.analyzinpaeidaccount , ���-��-.`-,�`
<br /> or ve►Hyinp and compilinp said asse�ernenb and bills unless Lender peye Borrower intereaton the Funds and applicable law � - �
<br /> Lendertomakeeuchecherqe.BoROwerand�endermeyapreeiowritinpetihetimeotexecutlonotthisDeedolTruet L��„
<br /> t interest on the Funds shell be peid to Borrower,and unless auch agreement is mede or applicelbe law requirea such �""'�,,_,-.:��-.
<br /> interest to bepeId,Lender ahell not be required to pay Borrower any intereat or eamfnga on the Funda.Lender shan give to �.,�:���
<br /> �� BoROwe�,without cherge,en annual eccountlng ot the Funds ahawMg credits and de6its to Ihe Funds and the purpoae ror ,,._,...__a_„W,..y_
<br /> d tY �..,.:. ��.-------`
<br /> which each dsbitto theFundo waa meda.The Fund4 are pledped as s ditlonal secud for Ihe aums secured by thfs D�ed ol t��-
<br /> TIU6L y:Y���_`__---
<br /> 11 the amauM of the lunds held by Lender,topether with the luture monthly inetallmenta ol Funds peyable pnor to the due ��+;!'.�:- ----_ _.
<br /> �!"` -
<br /> � dptea of texe�,assessmenls,inau�anCe premluma a�d ground rents,aheii dxceeJ fi�n+�nww�t�uyui�eni to pay safd taxes, _ .,.•�,,,_
<br /> .�, aeeessmente,insurenee premiums end ground renta as Ihey lall due,sueh exce�s shall be, at Borrower's option,eithe� _, ; :_. `
<br /> promptly�epaid to Bonower or credited to Borrower on monihly Insfellments ol Funda.lf the amount ot the Funds held by ,��;�z.
<br /> lendershallnotbaeufflcienttopaytaxea,aasessmenta,ineurancepremiurnsandgroundrentsastheylalldue.Bo►rowershall , -�•:���
<br /> . pey to l.ender anY amount necesaery to make up the deficiency wilhin 30 days(rom the date notice is meiled by Lender to -
<br /> Bonower reque�dnp paymem thereof. �.��
<br /> Upon peyment in full of ell aums aecured bythis Deed ot Trust,Lender shall promptly refund to Bor►ower eny Funds held by
<br /> � � �#"�'
<br /> Lender.lt under paragreph 1 B hereof the P►ope�ty is sold or the Propertv Is otherwiseacqulred by Lender,Lender ahall epply. + �� .
<br /> no laterthan immedietely prlor to the sele ot the PropeAy or its acqufaNfon by Lender,and Funds held by Lender at the tlme of ; „ _
<br /> ' applicetion ea a credit apeinst the suma secured by thls Oeed of 7ruat � °;�
<br /> 3. AppQc�Non ot P�rmtnla.Unless applfceble law providea othorwfse,ell peyments received by Lender under the Note �__
<br /> end peregrephs 1 and 2 hereof ahell be appfled by Lender firat fn payment of amounta payeble to Lender by Borrower under � �-�-�
<br /> para rep h 2 hereo f,t hon t a i n t e r e s t p e y a6le on the Note,then to the principal of tha Note,andihen to iotereat and prmcipal on ; ' -.
<br /> eny�uture Advencea. � �iq��
<br /> �, Ch�rpp;l.l�i.8o►rowers ahell pey all taxes,aeaessmeotsand other charges,fines and imposlfions atlrfbutable to the � �� .
<br /> Properly which mey ettafn a priorit�over this Deed of Trust,and leasehold paymenta ur ground rents,il any.�n the manner
<br /> provided under peragraph 2 hered or,N not peid in such me�ner,by Borrower meking peyment,when due,directly to the '� "�
<br /> '�`;•:' payee thereot.8onower shall promptly lurniah to Lender all noticea ot emounta due under�his paragraph,end In the event i �
<br /> - 8arrower shall meke�n yment directly.Borrower ahall promptly furnlah to Lender recelpts evidencing such payments. ` �:'
<br /> Bonower ahall promptly dfacharge any Ilen whfch has pnonty over this Denni oi Trust;�T8VId6d,that 8orsawar�hal1 no!be _ *--
<br /> 1 � required to dlscherye eny such Ilen so long es 8orrower shell agree in writfng to the paymen!o�the obligation secured by such r � �►.� :
<br /> � Ilea In a manner accepta b te to Le�der,o r a h e l l i n g o o d f a i th c onteat such lien b y,or defend en(orcemenl of auch Ifen in,leqel �
<br /> i proceedinys which operate to prevent ihe enforcement of the Iien or torleiture of the Property or any paN thereol. � t
<br /> ,I 6. HWrd In�uranc�.Borrower shall keep the Improvements now exisling o�hereaRer erected on the Property inaured
<br /> ageinet loss by tire,hezarda Included wilhin the term"extended coverage",and such other hazards es Lender may require �
<br /> � auch cove ege exce�ed that emount of+coverege requlred t paythersuma s�ecured bythfshDaed of T ust that the amount ol . :�
<br /> This inaurence cerrier providi�g the Insurance shall be chosen b�Borrower sub�ect to app�oval by Lender;provided,that
<br /> auch epproval ahell not be unreasonebly withheld.All premiums on nsurence polfcles shell be pafd in the manner provided �
<br /> under parapraph 2 hereof or,if not paid in auch menner,by Borrower mekinq payment,when due,dlrectly to the insurance �
<br /> cenfer. ' .
<br /> All I�awance policles and renewels thereol shell be in lorm eccepteble to Lender and shall include a stendard mortgege
<br /> clause in feror of and in form ecceptable to Lender.Lender ahall heve Ihe right to hold the pollciea and renewals thereof,and -
<br /> Borrower ahell promptly lurnlah to Lender all renewal notices and all receipfe of paid premlums.ln the event ot losa.Borrower ,
<br /> shall glve prompt notice to the inaurancecerrler and Lender.lender may make proof of loss II not mede promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless lender and 8orrower otherwlse agree In wrltlnp,inaurance proceedsshall be applled to restoration or repal�of the
<br /> Property demeped,provlded such restoratfon or repalr is economlcally feaalble and the seCUrfhr of thfs Deed ol T�ust is not ,
<br /> thereby impaired,II auch reatoratfon or repalr ts not economfcelly feasible or If the securiry ot fhfa Deed of Truat would be
<br /> Impelred,the insurance proceeds ahall be eppHed to Ihe sums secured by thls Deed of Trust,wlth the excess.lf any,paid to , _<<� -
<br /> Bonower.If the Prope►iy is abendoned by Borrower,or II Borrower lalls to respond to Lender wlthin 30 days from the date ,
<br /> notice is melled by Lender to 8orrower that the inaurance cerrier oHera to settle e claim for ineurance benetits,Lender Is •
<br /> � authorized to colleCt and apply 1he Insurance proceeds at Lender'p optlon either to restoration or repair of the Property or to • ��7::-�
<br /> ' �� the suma aecured by th�s Deed ot Trust '� �- .
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree in wrfting,any such applicetion ol proceeds to princlpal aha11 not extend or
<br /> poatpone the due date of the rnonthly Inatallmenta relerred to in parayrephs 1 and 2 hereol or change the amount of auch �
<br /> � Inatellmenta.If under paragreph 18 hereot the Pro�riy Is acquired by Lender,all rfght,title and interes�of Borrower In and to °
<br /> th perty prlor to the sale or Bcquiaftion
<br /> any inaurance pollcies endln end to the proceeds hereol rosulting from demageto e Pro
<br /> shall pass to Lender to tha extent ol the suma secured by thls Deed ol Truat�mmedfately prfor to auch sale or acquisitlon.
<br /> I 6. P�h�nratlon and Malnt�nane�01 Prop�rl�r;l.e�a�holdr,Condominlums;Plann�d Unit O�vNopm�nb.Borrowe�shell
<br /> keep the Properly In good repalr and ahell not commit waste or permit Impafrment o1 deterloratfon of the Praperty and shall
<br /> comply wfth the provfalons ol any lease N this Deed of Trust Is on a teasehofd.If thfs Oeed ol Trust fa on a unit in a condommium
<br /> or a plenned unit development,Borrower ahall perlorm ell of Borrower's obllgations under the declaration or covenants
<br /> creating or governing the condominium or planned unit development,the by-laws and regulalions ol the condominium or
<br /> � plenned unif development,end constituent documenis.II o condom�nlum or planned unit development r�der is excuted by
<br /> Borrower and reco►ded together wlth thfs Deed of Trust,the covenants and agreements ol such rider shAll be incorporated
<br /> Into and shell amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of th�s deed ol7rust as il the nder were a part hereof. .
<br /> 7. Prot�eqon of L�nd�r'�S�curHy.If Borrower fails to pctrlorm the coven�nts end agreements conta��ed in th�s Deed of �
<br /> ' Trust,or il eny eCtfon or proceeding fs commenced w�1h metenally aHects 4ender's�nterest in the Properly,mcluding but not
<br /> flmlted to,eminent domeln,Insolvency.code enforcement or ar�engements ar proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedent,
<br /> then Lender at Lender's optlon,upon notfce to Borrower,may meke such appearances,disburae such sums and fake such
<br /> actfon as fs r.ecesaery to protect Lender'a fnterest,including,but not Ilmlted to,dlsbursemenlot reasonable attorney's fees and
<br /> � entry upo�n the Property to make repairs.lf Lender requiredmortgage insuranceas n cond�tlon of mak�ng the loan secured by
<br /> the Deed o1 Truat,8orrowe�shall pay the premlums required fo mamtem such�naurance�n eMect unt�l such tfine as the
<br /> requlrementlor suCh fnsuranCe terminates fn accordencew�th Borrower'send Le�der's wntten Agreement or applfcalbe lew.
<br /> Borrower shall pey the amount ol all mortgege insurance permiums in the manner provlded under paragraph 2 hereol.
<br /> Any emounis di3bursed by Lende� p�rsuentTto �h�s�P Qre prAp�P�r n�d Lend r atarBUrtO0lhBf te►ms ot p8Ym0nt'tSUCh
<br /> R�n
<br /> intleb�eanessoie�vrrownreeri.��o�,:,����s..�.:..... . - ..-___-- -
<br /> amounts ahall be payable upon notfce trom Lender to Borrower requeslmg payment he►oof,r�nd shall bear interest Irom Ihe
<br /> dete ot diaburaementat the rate payable from time to t�me on outstandmg pnncipol under the Note unless payment ot interest
<br /> a�such rate would be contrary to npplfcable law,in which event such amounls shall bear mterest it the hfghest rate
<br /> permissible under appllcable law Nothing contained m this parpgrnph 7 shall requ�re lender to mcurOny expense ot leke any
<br /> actfon hereunder.
<br /> S. Insp�eflon.Lender may make or cause to bo made reasonnbie entnes upon:�nci�nspect�ons ut Inp Property,provided
<br /> � thafLender8hallgive8orrowernol�cepnortoa�ysuch�nspecliontipoc�fy�nqreasnn;�b�erousetherelorereiatodtoLender's
<br /> I �nteresf�n the Properly.
<br /> i
<br /> , � � ,
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> I
<br />