���I�����_.. ..��.. I-.r �..!'i�3it;'',�' .'/--, � ••'yJ+����L'�Y��.'�n�,.:lu�; �.
<br /> °' �°5�". ,:�:i�. -: -
<br /> � . _
<br /> .�- _.._ :- ••are.,,�..;�,....•,.......e..�..... . •.,....-.-�-�..r-- _..— -- _... - ---
<br /> �+h'' Y " � �b' .a. ,Nr�' .r.. ` .W..� ..
<br /> . . � �• ...., Y�.+'k
<br /> i.,
<br /> / ; � ----- - - ----
<br /> ,. �
<br /> ��--__,���,� g2_ 1os�os
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<br /> - 11��►op��t►r 1�w t�k�n a d�map�d,I.�nd�r�h�ll haw th�optlon,In Ib ral��nd�bsolut�dl�or�tlon,W�pp�y all�uoh ProcNd�.
<br /> ��.��� dN�d�lyellnO IhNMrpin�II oost��nd�Kp�nNS Inau►nd by 11 In aonn�aUon wilh suah P►ooMd�.upon�ny Ind�btdmss aound
<br /> --;+�a hM11tW A�d In wah ade N�Und�r M��dNUmin�.or lo�ppty�11 woh ProcNd�,�fb►woh d�duoUon�,to th�rNta�aon oi tl�
<br /> -�--� �7 ��pp«1y updn wrsh oondNlon���l�nd�r m�q d�rmin�.Any�PPlla�tlon ol Procwd�to Ind�bt�dnn�ah�li not�xtmd a patpon�
<br /> � i.:,.,; '` Ih�dw dsl�M�n��ymrnq und�r 1h�Nol�,or oun�ny d�l�ull th�r�und�r or h�reund�r.Any unappll�d lund�rh�U b�pdd b
<br /> �� ,li'��i'��:'�� TrYMa•
<br /> -------� • /MMM11Mw rr LM�/�r.Upon Ih�oacurnna�o l�n f:v�n t o f O�I�u l t h�r�u n d�r,o r I f�n y a a t I s q k�n o r I p a l p r o o a d l n p
<br /> _- ��
<br /> .._.�w _ _ �on�n�na�d wh�ub�1Mtaily�H�ou L�nd�r'�Inle��l In th�Prop�rty,L�nd�r m�y In It�own ditcnqon.but without odllpatlon to
<br /> ;� 4`.,� �o,�nd wlihoul nW�c�W a dNnNnd upon Tw�to►�nd wllhaut rd�a��np Trustor(rom�nr obllpptton,do any aat which Trwtor has �
<br /> �p�Nd twt 1�11�lo du�nA m���Iw dA�ny olhn�at 11 dNm�n�c�uary to prot�al lha tsaurity heroof.Tru�to��lull,ImmWla4ly
<br /> '_�d,....,.,.�,��- y� upon d�mrnd tnaNar b�r l.�nrNr,p��lo L�nd�r�II ao�h�nd�xp�ne��inaurnd and�um�sMp�nded by l�nd�r in conn�apon with
<br /> Ih��NNCIw by L�nd�r ol lhr lor�polnp rlpht�,lop�th�r wllh Inqn�t th�rwn at th�dofault reW provld�d In tha Nou,whlch�h�ll b�
<br /> �����`-��'�•_�,''� Mdd�d!o IM�ndWMdn� �wur�d h�nby. L�nd�r �h�ll not Inour Mny Il�blllty b�up A1 anylhinp it may do or omq to do
<br /> c:,?w,:�,:•�.. � w IM��undH
<br /> _- �`"�`�-�°� -� p. 11��NAw�MaNr1�N.Au�tor�hall kNp Ih�f'rop�Ay In aompll�nco wlth all applla�bl� laws,ordlnances and repul�tlons
<br /> °m-��'��� r�l�linp In IndulN��l hyp��n�qr �nvlromnwdrl prot�ollon(colleativaly rofonod to heroln es"Environmental Lew�").Tru�tor 4hall �
<br /> ,T�g��,� MNp Ih�Pio{»Hy IrN Irum�0�u Wtonc��dNm�d to M h�s�rdou�or toxla under eny Envfronmental Laws(collecUvely�eferred to
<br /> ��K���^�, �. - h�Mn N�"N�t�rdqu�M�Nrl�l�"1 Trwtor hu�by warrmt���d nprasaMs to Lend�r thet there erY no Hozerdow Mats�iel�on or
<br /> -`°•—�a`��r�ef=�-- " und�r Ih�Pr�ry.Trudur ha�b��prN�io Ind�mnlfy�nd hold h�rmlou Lendor,ib director�,oHlce►s,employee�and aqents,and
<br /> ��T•
<br /> r=����� ^ �ny�uar.M�a�10 L��'��nl�w�t.fram�nd�p��n�t�nq�nd�11 a1Nm�,domapa�,losws and Ilabllitles oritinp In oo�stUon wi
<br />_ _ _ - mp ptz�s+t�p,ttars,dlapaaaf ar lrenapor!ol eny Hnterdo��� M�Mri�h on. under.Irorn or�bout lhe Property,THE FOREOOINO
<br /> "j��'�' WJqVry�qBCONYE1lANCE t�F THIS qEEQ OF TRUST.
<br /> �•�.t-. . _� S:�.Y�.
<br /> _ ,'��,;:�, -.:�•;-, ' �p, �pa����p�q,Tr u�tor hataby as�lpns lo Lendar the ront�,luues and protln ol tha Prop�rty;provid�d that T�uttor _
<br /> , •, � sh�ll,un41 Ih�ocaurr�nc�ol m Ev�nt ol O�I�ult h�roundor,hav�!he ripht to coll�ct�nd retaln�uch rents,luues and profib es they
<br /> �� � b�cotn�du��nd p���bl�.Upon th�ocaurana�ol�n Ev�nt ol DNouft Lend�r may,ather In penon or by ayent,with or without —
<br /> __,._.� brinpinq�ny�clion or procNdlnq,or by�ncilv�r eppolnted by o couA end without repard to the edequecy of ib socuriry,enter
<br /> � a,�; � upor��nd tak�po�w�slon ul lh�Prop�rty,ar any psrl lh�roof,In Ila own name or(n the nome ol the Tru�tee,and do any ecta which it �
<br /> -� �. � d '' : • dNm�n�awary or d���r�bl�to pr�rv�Ih�v�lu�,m�rk�ublllry or renublllty of th�Proporty,or any pert thereol or interest Ihereln,
<br /> -_�� ^• ', 1 Inar��N Ih�I�cam�Ihrt�lrom or prot�cl lh���curlty hor�ol end,wlth or withoul tokinp po�seedlon of tho Property, eue for or
<br /> �'�"�?.'•`'•;'� � olh�rwls�coll�ct Ih�nnt�,hwp�nd prohu thuwl,Includlnp Ihoto pa�t due and unpeld,and apply the same,leu co�t4 and
<br /> '�� " �Mp�Rf��ol qpaallon�nd collQCtlon Includlnp otlorn�ys'Iw�.upon any Indebtednesstecurad hareby,all in euCh o�der ae Le�der
<br /> '�� �;j, ' ,, m�y dH�rmm�.Th��ntulnp upon�nd t�kmp po�s����on ol the Property,the collectlon o1 such renb,l�suea end profito and the
<br /> — — appllc�tlon fh�r�of u Nor��afd,�hNl nol cw�a walve nny d�foult or noUce ol deloult hereunder or Invalidate eny ect done In
<br /> -- _ • rNpona�to�uch dN�ult ar pursu�M lu such notic�of d�l�ult ond,notwlth�tandinp the continuence In poeeeteion of the Prop�rty or
<br /> �� M�eoll�illon,���Ipl�nd�pplie�llon of r�nl�,I��u��or prollb,end Tru�lao end Lender�holl be entitled to exercise every ►Iqht
<br /> _ _ :�'_1._x_�tta�;_�,_ ¢fp�,��n�in�nY o1 th�Loan Indrum�nu or bY Iow upon ocaurronce oi any Evenl of Delaup,Includinp withouf Ilmitatlon the rlpM
<br /> ! e ..,,.; . .
<br /> - to�xarciu th�powv el�ala Fuilhu,Lendor'�r�pht��nd nmedlee under th1�parepraph enell De cumuiaNve with,an u���a wey a
<br /> . „ � Ilmltatlon on,L�nd�r'�rlphl��nd nm�dl��und�r�ny s�tipnmant ot lo�s��and reM�racordod a�elmt the Properly.Lender,Truot�
<br />���'� � ��d th�racolvor ah�ll bo U�W�lo rccounl nnly lor Ihow renb eclually recelved.
<br /> '�� 1 L E�Onb M OdaaH.'•h�lallowln��h�ll contlllute an Event ol qeleult under thll OeeH of Trust
<br /> ���•, (�) F�Iluro to p�y eny In�tAllmonl ol prinalpal or intere�t ol ony othar eum secured hereby when due;
<br /> _�,� (b) A br�ach ol or d�leult under�ny prov��lon conl�m�d m Iho Noto,thl�O�d ol Truit eny of tho Loan Inotrumenu,or ony _
<br /> _'''Z+► • oth�r Il�n or�ncumbr�nco upon Iha Propvrry;
<br /> =,;:'r, " (c) A wrlf ol o��cullon or�tl�chm�nl or pny��mll�r procou shall bo anlorod apafa�t Trustor which fhall baCOme e Ilen on a
<br /> ::"��` . lh�Prop�rly or eny porllon Iher�ol or mte�eft tho�oin, —
<br />,,.:�:> , `
<br /> -�__t.,, ,. (d) The►Y�hell bo hled by or��elnel Tru�tar or Bar►ower n�acllon under any preaent or future federal, sfate or olher _
<br /> •.,;�� ���,,,,��� stetula,I�w or ropulallon�aletlnp to bnnNi uptcy,in�olvsncy or other rellef for debtore;or there ahall be eppolnted any trustee, -
<br /> _:`-� e-
<br /> recelver or Ifqu�dslor ol Tru�tor or Bonuwur or ul ell or uny porl ol lho Property,or�he ronb,iowea or profit�the�eol,or Truotor
<br />_ .,_:r� � or Borrow�r ihell mako Yny pen�tral e�eiq��m�nl lu�ihe bnneld of cr�dltora: —
<br /> • ;;-; , , p) Th� aalo,lran�l�r,I��w,usipnmont,conveyenco or lurlhar enr,umbrance ol all or eny part ot or any interset in the �
<br />--_ PropYrty� �Ither voluntarlly or InvoluManly, wuhout IhA eKpress wntten conee�t o1 Lender;provlded that Truetor shall be �
<br />_`�`_.,�:. � permltted to oxocul�a Iww ol th�Prope�ty Ihol doar nql cont�in an oplion to purohase and Ihe torm ol wMch doao not oxc�d —
<br /> � �- 011�yM�;
<br /> ',+�,� , , Iq Ab�ndonmrnt ol lhn Properry,n► �
<br /> __, (p) 11 Tru�tor 1�no�an i�dlviduN,iho�ssu�nC�.s��s.Ir�nslor,ufiqnmoM,comoyance or encumbranca of moro than a total E;,
<br /> -'M�. . ot��_percnnt ol pl a cUrporetwnl�te�e++u�+A and��ut�lwnd�np slock o�UI n parinershlP)a tOtel 01 perCent Oi 4
<br /> ��°�- " p�►tn�r�hlp lnloreets dunnp 1he per�od Ih�s pe�+d nt T�ust rumnins�Uen on the Property. �
<br /> °_:;; � . . 12, pMn�diN;A�c�ralbn Upon DNaull.tn thx uv��N ul any Cvunt ol Deluult Londer may,wuhout not�ce except as requfred by _
<br /> " law,d�G1Yro�II Indebt�dne�� sacurod h�r�by �o b�duo�nd payanlu nnd Ihe nam9 sholl Iheraupon bocomo due ond peyable _
<br /> y „ . ., wlthout any prewMmero,deme�id.pratru o�nuh�:u ul pny Mmd Thrruallrr Lendor mpy
<br />_- - „ (�) OQmond Ihst Trutte�e�ercuH Ihe Pt)WCH OF SAIf: �rwn1�U he�an, and Twstee ahall thereaRer Ceuse Truetorb f
<br /> inten�t In IhY Properry to bo wld�nd tho�wcued9lu Uu d�Nnbutad.a11�n Ih�m�nner provided 1n Iho NoblaYke TrWI DYSds _
<br /> " Act; L
<br /> (b) Exe�clso�ny end oll nqhls prov�d�A 1ui ���H��y u��n�luan tnstrwnentr or by law upon occurrenco ot eny Event ol
<br /> � 0o1YU11;and
<br /> �, (c) Commenc��n aauon to lorocio�o tniw Uauo u�1�v+t Hr u n�u�lpuyu ap{io�m a►�coiver,or spoc►hcally enforce any oltha -
<br /> � coven�nU hsroot. .
<br /> , No ramody he►Yln conlarrad upon ur�e���v�d tu ��u�tMtl�i� l under�r���lundad lo bu xx�lu�ive ot any olher remedy herein,in ihe L
<br /> ° Loan Irntrument�or by Iow prov�Jed w pu�m�tle�l I���r�,.a r�.i�,�u n��,u�nuln��w�.�t�all bn ui add�lion to every othe�remedy glven
<br /> h9roUnder,m tha Luen Inet�u���N����nr nnw��r h«+«rllw e.��U��y a1�uw w���uqudy u�by statute,and may be exorc�sed toncwrenlly, c
<br /> ` Independenlly o�eueeessivnly f
<br /> 13. T�Y�tN. 1hu 1�u�tux na►y ur���U�� .�t,m� �����u��ih��u��m�+�� ��ul Len�len niny ,��any ume and wdhout cause appofnt a
<br /> succesaor or eubslltute Truelx�► i�u�ttw rndu��ui Uw��NUiM���r��r t��uty ��u:lud�nu wnhout I�m�tet�on�under.8orrower,Tru�tor or any ,
<br /> , „ ., purcha�or ol the Pr��porty.lrn��ny iu�r u�AdwAuu unl����lua 1��rn�wwRM u�wdi6d nuecon�uct.nnd shwll eot be required to takeany i
<br /> �G11011 111 COf1fltlC110fl Wlih Illtl tlnlro��r�nNnl���11��� I1��H�1�1� lni{I urtl�f• �ndrmmh�►d. �n w�d�np.lo� all cosis.compenwtlon or
<br /> oMpen�e�whleh moy be awwc�dtud 11,u�tlwdn In N�Id�I����� ���.�Iru n1Qy�d�umu u uurchn�er�1 any sele��I the Property Qudicfel or
<br />— .__ -:. •,----r.. ___...
<br /> .........�.. �.,.. ....���w.
<br /> .,� . . u�dYr Ihi POWer ol Nlo prontett ne�r�n� pnuponw me �a�w ni Aii nr wnr pvri�vi.isi�°�3 r�u�n�.�.pw.........� ...... ... ��....._
<br /> � Property�s n whulu,Uf m 6tlpA1fl�H�Iql�MI�u� �nU al I�u�irn�d�*��MUun ,
<br /> 14 I�N��11d�f{1M�M.(n Ihu�v«nl I�ur���u rnuw Ih��1'�u��u�ly by n�u�usH ul pUwu� U)tsle,TrueteB eh�dl be en611ed lo APP�Y ,
<br /> eny�vlo pnx:Qted�h�et�o paymenl ul�n i.urlr����d��.��n�ner�d�+�x�i�eu�U uuW���d spl�� �nt:ludiAq All Twsleo s fees.drld I.ender��
<br /> ., ond Trufleo'��1lornny'�Iw�.n��uxUy u�cuue�l t��M.t«n��mi�nd�n�l by A�'yhL11U�U(AW �n�hu�v�nt Horruwer or Truator exerclaea any
<br /> , rlphl pravidW by lew to Curo on CveM�il Uw1�1u11 1 undn�rhn��hn enhlld�l lu idi.ovr!r Irum T�uwl�n nll�•u:ts end expenaea ectuelly
<br /> „ I�CY�fBd 0�A ro/ull ol T�u/10►'f dYl�ull.�ncludu�y w�lh�nil luu�lillwn .�n t�usl�w�and attarnuy'a Ioes.to IhB axlent pOrmlited by
<br /> �ppllC�bl�lew
<br /> tb Futun AdwncM. Upun�Wp�MSI ul INu�nwN� 1 Mndw� ���ry wl�1�upbun naiku ndd��wnal and lulurn edvence�nnd re-
<br /> � edvYncY�lo BOrrowei SuCh�dvllnr.n�nnA�eNdvd����r ad���n�wre�l thr�MUn rnwn h..�u�uJ by Ihu nwxi ol T�uet Alno Ilme ehall
<br /> � Ihe princlpal qmuunt al lh��mJebtndnx�s�e�u�ad h��h�r n����,)��1 1r��d nut ua I���pi��)�Unt��Ii�V rOClyd(U u1Q�1►C�.1atl 6YCyt11�U�Ihls
<br /> I�Nd OI TIU�L YMCWd IhM Uf19111i1 p1U1l;�yYl,1u�uunt rWtud ��un,��� ,�� 3 .wh��hov��r it3 prenbr. B
<br /> �
<br /> ��• 1 . . . . . . . . .. -
<br />