(S: �1�(. �.ti'•.�1 �' .��• t S�;yj: sr �,gr•�-,r�ti��tCs�Y) �t;,t�, �.r �r,.•...�.a„ da1 ,�ir r.,..7.,�,
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<br /> }�lS.k�yy ,'� '�'..`f.''.�
<br /> , � k��4i's S-T • d, ' - - ' � .' .• . �
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<br /> rte 3i i,1: :rvr+{%54+!f.;N�. , 1• ' � �, . . . ' � . _.. - .
<br /> ..�:3 ,^..L..•• ��.ai,: , . .
<br /> � . �N�'�Yr?,�1+M'�.. ' .. � t� — .
<br /> l ' �.:r�s�i'.
<br /> • �`
<br /> .'L �'��"�' � . ACKNOWLBDOEMENT OF DEED OF 7RU8T
<br /> ,,,;w",�,a,.�. - � . nc
<br /> � �°_tn, . " �
<br /> ^_�'SJ.se;r..Ws` •:.._` TRUSTOR REAO THiB BEFOtiB BIONINO' ����V
<br /> ����n;�'�;:' T�wtor uind�nqmd�thal lh�daaum�nt Ih�t Trustor I��bout to�xaaute Is a Deed of Trust er1E Fbf a mortpe��eend th�t the powar
<br /> �i'~ ' '� " of MI�provld�d for In th�D�d of Tru�l provldN wb�tanp�lly dlBsnnt riphb and oblipatbns to Truotor then� moR�pe In th�ev�nt
<br /> ;��.,}��:.,,.
<br /> , -,�y;�� , of�dst�ult or br�nh ol ablip�qan und�r th�D�sd ol Trwt,Inoludlnp,but not Ilmited lo,the Lender's rlpht lo he�e the P�opeAy sold
<br /> , .~����,��.: by th�TrwtM wlthout�ny�udicl�l pracNdlnp.Tru�tor r�preMnts and warronts that thio acknowledflement we�execuhd by
<br /> '?�.��.;�.sy..�,,,�� Trwtor bator.a�.•x.ouuon ot m.w�a ot T�u�. N on ut R i r Center2 IncA bY�
<br /> .=�y __ _ ��'�.� - =
<br /> _ �. ��..�,�
<br /> �,��.'�.'' • ;�• °'i•.�' T►u�tor
<br /> .,a�.�.��ul,�arr�'�.-� ,.���L'���f�r.ls�,,4�iC �/td� -G'--'---�.�_.
<br /> ;��nc•
<br /> ------- 'TruWOr
<br /> . :,, ._ ..:
<br /> .�n_wi�r.. ...1" .
<br /> .��:M.a,. i,. . ' .
<br />=""" ��:"�,�,�.'�. . June ,19_92,by and amonp
<br />-����`�'�`•'"�'��''•�� THIS D�ED OF TRUST,11 mado a�ol tho.._Z4�L dpy of
<br /> "i\�':.:,.� : . . '
<br />-'1,1�j..,:.. ', " .�c'.,. : - ,
<br /> theTru�to�, H�misten Aute RenAir en er Inc � A Cnrppration
<br /> � �. � _ _ __
<br />-�;,�'�� '���%��� ''��'^�� � 120 E. St011 @ Pal"k RoBd. Grand I sl and N ere��Q�rwtor,"whether one or moro),
<br />�-.i :�..�`,,;:." whos�m�lllnp addras I� Y � --
<br /> -,;:� :... . ,
<br /> : :.'��,�����'":'.• , e� th6TfU�fY�. .�iVB pA�YitS Bank � Nahraelta CnMnnr�tlpn
<br /> ; .,.� ,.,•;.; ._,. . �
<br />_ �;��`'•'':,i� ' RnY 1 KA7 rantl i a1 and J�E �A�� (h6reln"T►uet9e"),and
<br /> ;.
<br /> f�".,;:,..�::: • - whoso malllnp eddreos b _.1�...Q. • ►-
<br /> r„
<br /> _ ��� �� • �naeen•ncrory, Five Points Bank _ �
<br /> ;.,. .. ; . ;,, ,, .
<br /> � � .�;.;: uc AAA09 --
<br /> .�;F .,�..., . whoao mailinp eddre�s K ��. ge7Ll��. •rand j,Sl�nd (herein"Lender").
<br /> - �,.�,, r� ��� ,��
<br /> N�mis nn Nito Re air '�" `�~�
<br /> ,: -
<br />_ ., FOR VALUABLH CON31DHFiATION,inaludlnp lender's oxtandon of crodit Identfllod herein!o R—
<br /> _ , re.++eM �.,`� A f:n rnerati 011 (herein"Borrower",whether one or more)and Ihe uuat hereln created, _
<br /> � '�, the recelpt of whlch Is hereby aoknowiedped,Trwtor heieby irrevacebly 9rantd,tranafers,conveys and aeslgna to Trustee,IN �_��.
<br /> ' � �,_.ll�:; TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the beneHt and wcurly of Lende►,undor and 4ubJeot to the terms end condtW no heraneRer sot �
<br /> _ - , - toRh�ths raal prapartyr.descdtred as lo!lowe: �
<br />- .,�_r _ .�. _ +�rpr.
<br /> " . Lots Two (2) and Three (3). Roepke Second Subdivislon. in the City of Grand Island, �4t�� � ���.
<br /> •.�„ ,:r�r: Hall County. Nebraska.
<br /> % . .,t. .
<br /> . z .
<br /> �.'« Topether with all bulldlnpa.Improvementa,llxtures,atreela,alleys.paseapeways,easemente,rlyhts,privNeges and appurta- E,..F:,_.__
<br /> �� • � � nencea located thereon or in anywise pertelninq thereto,and the rento,Isauea and prollta,reveralons and remelnders thereol,and -
<br /> r.�.:
<br />� � euch peraonel property thet Is attached to the Improvements so as to consulute a flxture,includinp,but not Ilmited to,heatinp and �:�.•.--.
<br /> v,�-e.ir
<br /> coolinp equlpment;and together with ihe homestead ar meritel Intereata,ff any,whkch Interests ere hereby releaeed and welved;ell
<br /> ' ' . •, � • � of which,Includlnp replac ements and eddUlons thereto,la hereby declered lo be a pert ol the real estate aacured by the Ilen of thls �__.__
<br /> �.�
<br /> Daed ol Trust and all ol tt�e forepolny belnp referred to hereln as Ihe"Property".
<br /> � . Thla Oeed of Trust ahall�ecure(a)the peyment ol lhe princlpal sum and Intereat evldenced by e prornlesory note or credit �;`�'"��•
<br />• ,. ��':_;°=,—._
<br /> 1 opreemeM daled ,�LI°,�-.24� 1992 .hevinfl a maturfy date ol. 1���; 1� 1997 . • t���"ti'.
<br /> ' In the orl Inal rincl el arnount ol S�.1�.703 02 _._ ,and eny and all modilfcntlona,extenelons and renewals � �, : _
<br /> 9 P P
<br /> ' � thereol or thereto and eny and all tuture edvancea and readvances to Bo�rower(or�ny of them If mae Ihan one)hereunder _-�
<br /> . - pursuant to one or more promisaory notea or credit agreementa(hereln celled"Note"I:Ib1 the peyment of other aums advanced by _u=^
<br /> Lender to protect the security of the Note:(c)the pe�lormanco of all covenanls and ayreements ol Truator set forth hereln;and(d)all �,�,
<br /> � presenf and luture Indebtedness end obtiqetions of Borrowe►(or any ol them II more than ono)to I.ender whether direct,indlreCt, �"�°�""�.� .
<br /> . abaolute or contingent and whether erlsing by note,yuaranty,overdraft or othorwlsa.The Note,this Deed of Truat end any and all i�
<br />` offier docuenta that aecur�the Note or otherwlse executed fn connecuon therawuh,mclud�ny wfthout IlmlleHOn querenteea,eeaurly
<br /> . �:���:�L:�;:.,
<br /> � � " epreements and as9lgnmente of leases end rents,shall be referred to here�n as Ihe"LOan Instruments". K.�.=,--
<br /> Truator covonants and agreea with Lender as lollowa: +'�'�`T'��'
<br /> •, •,...
<br />- , 1, p�ym�nt of Ind�blMn���.All Indebtedness secured hereby sha11 be pa�d when dua „r.
<br /> 2.Titb.TrustOr IS ihe Owner of the Properly,has the rlght and authorfty!o Convny Ihe Property,and warrants thet ihe Ilen "
<br /> created hereby is a Ilrot and prlor Ifen on ihe Property,excvpt lor hQns �ind encumbrnnc�s eet lorth by Trostor M writing And :
<br />- , delivered to Lender belore execullon ol thls Deed ol Trusl,and the executlon ond dohvury of th�s Deed ol Trustdoes�ot violate any �
<br /> contrect or other obligallon to which Truator Is sub�ect. •
<br /> 3.Tax��,A��aum�nu.To pey before dellnquency all taxes,apoc�ul neaesamunts and e11 other charyea aqelnst the Property
<br /> � now or hareaNer levled. '
<br /> 4. In�ur�nc�.To keep the Property inaured apalnst damage by luo,hc�zurde u�cludad wilhln Ihe term"extended coverage",end �
<br /> such other hazards as Lender may requfre,in Amounts and wnh comp;irnrfi acci�ptabir W Lendrr.namfng Lander ea an edddionel 1
<br /> � named Ineured,Wilh loss payeble to ihe lender.In caso ol loss undur such po��c���s.tnie Lendv��s+wlhonled to ed�ust,collect and .
<br /> Compromlae,all clalms thereunder and shall have the optlon of app�ying all or part ul tho ir�surnnco proceeda(1►to any indebtedness ,
<br /> , • secured hereby and in au ch order as Lender may determine,Uq to thu Truatur to ba ua�d lur th��rapnl�or reStoretivn of the Property ,
<br /> � or(IH)for any other purpose or ob�ect sadalectory to Lendor w�tho��t atlecUng tho he�,01 In�R Dead ol7rust lor thelull amount secured
<br /> • hereby betore such payment ever took plece.Any applicatlon ot proceeda lo md��htedno�e ehall not axtend a postpane the due
<br /> dete ol any peyments undar the Note.or cure any delault therc�under or ht�n�undu�
<br /> - 15 6�crow.I loon wrlttendemend bv Lendet.TruBtor ahnll pny to LUndur,in xuch ma�mu� .ia Lundur mriydespnate,suH�cient
<br /> " T � suma to enable Lender lo pey as Ihey becorne due une or more ol Ih�io�i��w�nt� UI.���t�uos.ass���smimts ana otner cnnrges agains� •
<br /> • the Properly,pl)the premwms on the property Insurance�equirod he�uund��,a��d Uul thv prumiuma on ariy moripafle insuronce
<br /> required by Lender.
<br /> 8. Malnbnanc�, R�paln and Compll�nc�wllh Laws. Truator yhall keop Itiu Propeily �n pood condilbn and repair;shell
<br /> promptly repalr, or replace any Improvement whlch may be damagad or duelruyi+d, yh;dl nol �:omm►t or permit any waste or
<br /> � deterloretlon ol the Properly;ahell not remove,demol�eh or substent�oliy a�1er any�il u�������pruvemantN an the Property:shall not
<br /> Commlt,BuHer or permlta ny ect to be done In or upon Ihu Propurty m vwi��Uun ul+ury i��w,uiA�nnnca,u�ra�ulc�uon, und shall pay and
<br /> ' promptly diacharge et Truator's cost end expenne all liens,encumbrpncee nnd chu�yu��nviad,imUu�ud or pB9ees�d agafnat the
<br /> � Properly or eny pert thoreol.
<br /> 7. Emin�nl Domdn. lender 18 hereby aselyned all compensaUan,n�v�uita.d.�mapux��nd ulhn�pt►ymontsur reHet(hereinafler
<br /> � "Proceeds")In connectb�wuh condemnation ar other takiny ol thd Property u�pnr�u�nroo�.ur Iur�unvnyance m 1 ieu ot condemna-
<br /> tlon.Lender Shell be entltled at Ile Optlon t0 cummence,nppuar 1n+�nd p�uwu��m+m�ts��w���uunu�u�Y��Ct�on or proceeding8.and
<br /> ahall also be entlqed to meke any comprom�so or aettlement in connucuon w�tn!�urh U�K�ng ur danwyu.,l��th@ ovent pny portlon of �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> NBC 31671NonprKWtw�1 W�UIRw 10�69 '
<br /> O19WN�Iw��1B�nkotComm�ic�Tmtt�nOS�r�nylASar��l.un l��uin NWro►• �
<br /> . J�
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