. .. i.•� Ur ��.. ` �- ' F . , � �t. . . s � t �- - 4 :. � , c . , ...-. . � .
<br /> •s �4-�.
<br /> - . - .' _ :t a, _ -- .
<br />. . � �`� �V3�ii�i [•
<br /> �ender may, at any time, co4ect and hold amounts for Esaow items(n an aggreg�te emcunt rtr.�to �ed the maximum -
<br /> � emount that may be reqv!red tor Borro�rer's escrow accoum under the Real Esmte�sCJarr.�rt Prva�Gur.r•a 0�of 1974, 12 U.S.C. g-
<br /> �Efi01 et seJc.,and imptemantIng reguiations. 24 CFR Pari 35U0. as they may 6e emend2d frcm tima t�lime ('RES}'A�, exeepi =
<br /> thal Ne cushian or reserve pemiltted by (iESPA for unanticipated disbursqnen� or �isbur.�cm�� Cs:aro tha Borm�ver's E�
<br /> . payments aze avalabfe in the eccount msay not be based on amounts due tar U:e mortgago Ensumnan�r��riurre. �'`
<br /> f1 tha emauMs hetd�y lender tor Escrow Items exceed the amounts pertn;tteQ to 60 4�eld�j 5i�f1L L..�nder shall eceounl �
<br />, to BoROwer for the excess tunds es requUed by RESPA(t the amounts ot tursds hs3d Gy:.ender at enyP,tisne are not sufficient to ��
<br /> pay the Escrow ttems v,rhen du�LEnder may notityl the Borrovrer and requi2$�rto�.rer tc make ug thr�shetU2ge as pemiitted by r'
<br /> RESPA -
<br /> The Escrow Funds are ptedged as add:iioo2l securfry tor ali sums secured lsy tPJs Securit�� Snstnmrant, If 8orrower tenders �
<br /> to Lender ihe fuU paynent oi a;!sach suau, BoROwers eccourt sha�9 Ge cre�ted r+�iis�-�b�ianr.e r��ainistg ta aN insta�lment �.'>
<br /> Rems (a). @), and (c) and astiy martgaga Insuranc2 pre�um instaJtment thet Lender has nat h�5coma eGlt�,qtted to pay to the F`
<br /> . 5ecrehary.and Lender sha0 prarttDt[y refund any excess funds to Borrovrer.Irtmed�ty prtar tc a fcr�ciasuat.sale of the Praperry �-
<br /> ' ar its acqulsition by leredes.Borrowr.r's eccouni shai!be credited with any ba:ance rc.maining tcr alT:n.staS',msnts tor items(a). (b).
<br /> and(c). ��.
<br /> 3.Appltca4ion of Paymenfs.au Paymencs��a�aa��ns���a sr+e��be aF�sa�f:anc4r as tosows: �
<br /> , � FirSt,to the moRgage insurance prem!um to 6e pald by LenQer to the 3ecrEfarj flr 4a tte mqnthh�aharge 6y lhe Secretary _
<br /> instead oi the monthry moRgage insusance premium: ��
<br /> ' != Secortd. to any tax� sgecfal asses.ments, leasehoid payments or cround rEnts. az:d fd�, ',tqod and other ha2ard F�
<br /> . i; (nsurttnce preririr:rfi as req�:.'ri:: --
<br /> y.
<br /> Thitl}r trx i/Ftt�.+,.st due t:etdet the No1Q
<br /> � FQUYtCT tr^�tiic�on�lha ptlndpJ ot tAe(Vote:and ---
<br /> ' f,•.. -
<br /> �iftE�,trr"Icua rh,arges dii�.under the Note. °-
<br /> �f�' 4. Fi�, tfl� and Othar F4azare! Insuranaa eorrower shun.tnsure a�l hnprc��eruaroa� on.ttrr��,:�ra;,.N+^zmer =_
<br /> .:;.:a:
<br /> ' `'+�` now in exister,e�r-_r�r subsequentty ereated. against any hazards, casueftles. a.ad ca►ifmqentA2s. t�ch►dlhg.t�tro :ar whfch Lender 4
<br /> ; ;'�°, requtres(nswrasrsa !=n;s insasance sh.tl be m3;ntalned fn the smounts enC tcr tfi¢p3riods t�nt lanr�r rnrr7+�:,s. Borrov�er sha11 ��
<br /> • t atso insure a7 ici,�tavemeMs�r the Froperry,wfiether naw in mdstance cr sub3equet�Ay eracte�k Eg9ir►�f�s by ftoods to the -
<br /> �. extent required by the Sea�e�rry.M insurance sha7 be canfed with companies approve@ tn�L�+drtc The insurance paficiea end e
<br /> : Y,; arty renewats sh2il be heid by Lender and sha7lnctude toss paynhte ciau3es in f3uer nt,and T a t.aa.�c�7able to,Lendet. F
<br /> '��� In the �vczri'. oi Ioss, Bomovrer shaD g,�vo Lender immediate nolice by ma7. Lender mny:rnan�qrtrJ � loss H not made =
<br /> ;, .�•_..
<br /> ` promptty by �i�nawer. Eacti InsurAnce company concemed Is hereby authot�ed enr��lrected ta rr�atce pc�pnertt for such loss
<br /> ..� ';' drecUy to Lers�w:Lnstead of to BorrowEr and to Lender J�4itty. AU or eny FarE o! t�rr inttuton�praceedc may be e{r}�6ed 6y
<br /> - Cr�er,st iis aptton. etth�s (a�to the reductton ot Me t,drdmu'u..n�s undn.r t`.e Nat,�.artd:Inta Security fnstrumem.��41r,:_any. _
<br /> �.yquent a•rr.��ts app[iEd in the order in Para�aph 3,�asr6�lh�-ta prepeycnertt o4 p�inqi�t��or(b�io the rrstora8ori a�na�of
<br /> ,'�i:;h. the damagsd �"�cupeRy. My app9caUon of the pruceads t¢�i?:s princypot crnti nat e:�tend or p,c3tpan� ti�e due dat0 of ths �.
<br /> �' manth. s which are reterted to tn t�, h 2,.or chnn � th��lneunt. ct�such �
<br /> 'Y PaY�' '��P 4 Dalfm�4s. f�:+l excess lnsurance
<br /> � ` roceeds ov�'an amount re �od to ' � �-
<br /> .E• F 8v PaY e0 e�rw^�.�dmg indr�tadness�rtdrar tT^e Nota�u�if�ifiis Security Inslsument sha:7-+�e pa[d
<br /> to tAe eniity teg�;ty�titIed tfiereto. _
<br /> � ln the euerrt of foraGosura of thfs Securfty Instrument or other tmn�3fer n! fillu�tte 1he Properiy that extIt►���Snes ths °
<br /> � �•'.� Indebte�ess,elL right,titte and Interest o1 Bo�ower tn and to tnouranr.o Gali�les m farce st►a8 pass to tRe�.u:qfiaser.
<br /> ' =!
<br /> 5. Occu�aacy. Pnservil2ion. N9aE�tenance aa�d Pradt+Ntl¢�n o�J.Bh� Propflrty, �o�rower's L.oar� —
<br /> Appliptton; Leasehotd3.Banower shell accupy,estabExh, end:use the A��rt�.a4��Bomawer's prinapal raldertce withR
<br /> �'.� sixty days after 4Rfe exeeut',en o1 ths Secudty Instrumeot(or rrdltita si�.ty ct3yt� 01 a latet sr�or hansler af the Property)ar�i shall
<br /> cont�ue to c.a•r.;qy ths Property as Borrower's pdncipat �aurilanae far.et(as..tl.one year ufter the dafe o! occupartcy,un� -
<br /> � lender deCeRrlcsras that requkama�t wAI causo undi;a hsr�ship tar F?om:,wer.crt uniass extenuating ckcumsta�eces exlst WAich ere .
<br /> `� �) , baynnd BoRawee's co�rtrol Bwrawer sha,7 notst`� Lendar ot smf e�:T3nuating cirummtances. Borrower•shaA nat comrnit waste or '� •
<br /> .:I; "
<br /> } , destray. damage or sunst�nt'nRy chang�the Properiy or�:fuw th� Flrporp� to CntedntuNi. reesonabie weu end tear axcepted. —,
<br /> •. �. Lender may inspeet tha Pro�rry H tho PropeRy is vacant or eburtdonvA or tic�loam,W la default Lead2r may take�eas�nabie �
<br /> .' '� � acUon to protect end preserve such vacant oc�andoned PropoY�/,�omwer shall aiso 6a 1n deiautt tf Borrower,durtng the loan
<br /> : :1':;'
<br /> ;;3 appAcatton procass,gavo nutc�lally tatse ar ir�,n:urate InfortnnQan or�statsm�ntn to Lendec (or ta,7ed to pravtde lertder w(ih any
<br /> , , rttatertal hrfom�i�r►?t�connecton wtth the Gax�c: evtdenced 4y ihq Noto�fncluding,•bxt n��t Urnited to,representations conceming
<br /> Borrower's occupency o1 tho Property as a principal re�ldonr,e. H•tht� Securit�j.fitstnamnm is on a IeaaehotA, Borewer shaU
<br /> cempty wfth the pmYlsion3 01 the leu;,e. If 8orrower acquUea tao t[flu ta thn Pr�psr�y,Itt��IeasehoJd and tee tiUe J.sslt nat be
<br /> , metged unless Lender egre:s to tha merger in writing.
<br /> 6. CanrlQOacna'tton. Tha proceeds of arry award er cfatm far damngay,dUect ar consequential,in conrt¢cUon wftt�any °
<br /> c�ndemnatcn c.��ther taWng oi any par!of fhe Propmty,or fat conueyanae in pl�ce ot conderttinaUon, are hereby asstgned artd _
<br /> • �t+�.fb bo patd to Leader to Ute eMenf o?tho tuD amourn of thn fndobtedner�.s that retr,:vias unpatd under the Note and th3s
<br /> • 5ecuriry InsVumenL lender s.hui eppty such proceeds to tha reduafian of thv fndebtedness urtder the Note and this Security
<br /> : . tnstrument, Hrst to eny ddinquent errtounts app8ed in the ortlar prau`ded ln•Paragraph 3. and then to prepayment ot pr(ncipal. _
<br /> , My i+pp6catiun af tha procceds to the princ;pal shall not e�:tand ar•Caantono the due date o}the mor�tiily payments, whtch are =
<br />' � tetetred to 4f Patagrap!►2, or chanQe tho amount of such paymnntn.My excess praceeds over an amount tecrytred to pay a11 =
<br /> outstand�ng IndebteQne3s unc!_r lho Notv and ihls Security�nuhumant shaU be pald to the entiry tegalty entiIIed thereto. —
<br /> 7. Charge� 4o BorPOwor and Pra4QC4dan m?r �antldr's Righ4a in thca Property. Borrower shaD pay all
<br /> , govemmental or munictpal charges, fiees end imposN�na thtit•tu� rnt�ino;��ded in Parsgraph 2. Borrawer shaU pay theso �-
<br /> , ob3igations on Ume d;reet►yr to the entiry which is owed the pnym�oG If taAzin�•to�ay woutd adversely aftect Lender's interest 1n �'
<br /> the Praperty,upon Lend:r's roquest Borrov�u shaD prompL�tumlph�'a Lender receipta ovtdencing lhese payments.
<br /> If Bortovrer fail�to �Y.�r Uese payments or the pnymarrtp ntquired by ParapmpU�2,ur faits to perfortn any oih�r covenants �
<br /> and agreements cantatned�ihis Security Instrumerrt,or thore is a tegal prCnoedt7�Utht rnay stgntRcantry aNect lender'a rtghts i� �'
<br /> the PropeRy(�ueh as a proceeding In baniwptey,tor condamnutinn ar to anfpreo►aNAS or�egutaUons),then Lender may do and -
<br /> pay what�ier�s necessary to protect tha vatuo oi tho PraparPj and Lendar's �phta in the Properiy,irtdu�ng payment o}ttvices, =
<br /> hardrd insurance and oth�r items mentbned in Paragmph 2. -
<br /> ' F
<br /> __. FSBt3.LM0(9/96) P�ct 2•�t 5 E..
<br /> F
<br /> f:
<br />- F/:
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<br />_ . - . .. -- , . .. .- . - .1. - . .. . , . . '. . .. .. � -• �-
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