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<br /> � ISDa��o'���'e �r Recordng Oatn)
<br /> . itW Case 4�l0. � �r
<br /> �' sm�e af�e�r��a DEE@ 06� 3RUST a2�-�a3z2��- � ,
<br /> �,}• o �-
<br /> 7H6�0�OF 7RU5f('SecuritY InstrumenY'y is made on Qdober 154in 1986 --
<br /> : The uustor is Sh.�s.vn O. �anUoman ae�cf'�eri !�.�eftgleman Husband and Vilife �$,� 4 T�eomaw�"Z• �
<br /> �ank of Commerae Trust an�Savinaa Associa4ton. (°Tn,scee7. _
<br /> The trusteo is�#r,g°•,�: .
<br /> , .r�' ' Tfca`k,en�cclarY ta'�fie Qv rl � Nattonai�ank a 6rrana9 Q�land --
<br /> w{ti+��i�orguniral end exi.�^ting under the laws of The Unitod State�of Atnerice �and whosa address is .
<br /> , `''° . 3tt41F�st'F[�. Ste�aet Grand tatan N�8H801 ("�d��. `
<br /> � Born►•N�avres•f.�:der ttu3 prfndPaf sum oi Fi.�Ntae Thausand One Mundrod end 00/1mt! �-:
<br /> '. �,.,. DoQa�s N.S.S 59100.00 1.Th[s d�i ts evtdencad bY S�wer's note ---.
<br /> " s9tQ�.Y the same date as this Secufiry Instrumertt ('Nate'), vrirF:h Provides tor montMy P��•"� the full�ebL H noi patd ' . —
<br /> p�pi�due And payalote on NovembeP 1 2026 ' .Ttiis Security fnstrument.securFS to Lender.(ay th°repuaYment
<br /> '�i t�e deat,�ced hy the Note,with Interest.srtd e�r�:'s'�.�.e�t�sians and modificaitians oi the Pia?s; (b�th0 paymtxit ot
<br /> ' ; a.E ather suara..wititi Fnterest. advanced undr� r.aaraqraPb 8 to �rotecl.�1�sec�ri4y oi this 8eeucftgt:;±��taox end (c)lhe .
<br /> . Patormance a'19artnvte�s cavenarts end rt�ta�r�ents und�this Securiry ir�r�ument and the[�tots��r'�i3•purpose, Borrower _�',' �,:
<br />" � and cortve!4§ to Truste'e 'in trust. witb power of 's�e, tha ta�.kaev�,g dast.."�,a�= prop°rty located In ":'.:r. ,: ii�.:'
<br /> � iaevqcabry 9�an�s :. . , , �,r
<br /> r�r}• Count�l;Nebtasic�: , __�
<br /> �.�.::
<br /> i�.:49ne�i}, in Btoc9c Ten (ta), In fi. t3.Clark's Adc�ition 4�the City�ct��rand lul�nd, Hall Caunty, . ,_ --
<br /> �F.��'a°y,� , ' • �- .
<br /> _.:y,.; _
<br /> r. _ . ' . , � .
<br /> ,-�;,�' • . . __.
<br /> . Grrmd tstand, . , � •:-
<br /> • ,,.ivhtcn has the adaracs o9�22 �to�h Ctohiaa St isfr��? �c�ry1
<br /> ���,in��braska 6�iQ01 l'ProPe�Y Address'): 4_
<br /> . f5tate) CZIO coaol .
<br /> . ' TO(�?HER WiTH eA tha improvementa now or hercmltt��erected mrc•+rie propertp. Eri•all ea�t�mts. ePWRena�rzni.and �
<br /> • '"'��•. . ti�dures nov+er h�a paA of the pro�!y. M rep(aec�r:�nts and adittlt�:^a shaA rrie.ccveled ffy 7�;ia SecuritY(nsUumeit Ail
<br /> , ;';;� ."'.: 01 the toregoing fs retecred to In this Setwc�C'I�strument es tho'PropeKy.''• �� _.
<br /> ; � �>, �,- ,. —
<br /> � BORROYdER CaVENMITS thaf 9ortawc.�r is(awtuDY setted o!the �frua her�iy;a:c�:�eyed and haa tha dgnt to grant and
<br /> . . � �aomey the PropeitY end ttva�C Ghe PropeAy is unencunbered. except tor alarmDrarta�;. af record. Borrower wertar�t.s and wiA �
<br /> • deten0 generalty the titlo to 8:e?roperry a9ainsl ati ctalms end aemands,s��e�t ta any enCUmbrances o!tecord. ..:-
<br /> � " THi9 SECURPIY INSfRI�IAENT con'�b"vi�s unHortn covenarits tor R�slianal uso end non�uniform covenants vriti� United
<br /> �� variations by judsdicUon to consUtute a un(fortn securiry instrument covenin,7 Taal proF�l/. • .
<br /> ° Bor�awer and Lenda eovenan4 und ayee as toIlov�s:
<br /> . UNIFdRM COVENAMS. °
<br /> . 1.Payenan4 oi Princlpai� tnteroa4 and t�ate Chargo.Borrarre sha0 p�y when due the prindpal of.and bteres� -
<br /> on,the debt evldenxed by the Note and late charges Que unde�the Note. -
<br /> ,_ ; 2. Mor�thiy PaymeM o1 Tsxes� Inaurance� pnd Ott�or Cfiiugea BoRawer shall tnctude tn eech monthy
<br /> ': , payment•together wflh ihe principal and inir.rest a9 set torth�Icasehoid payments archarr,,�d a� � tha'PropeAy. end(�
<br /> •• � 8ssessments tari6d or to be levled agaUist the Praperiy. (b) Sro '
<br /> prerre�ums tor Insurance requUed under Paragraph 4. In any ysar In�vh�ch the Lender must DaY a mortgage insurance premlum to
<br /> �• ' . tha Secretery of Housing and Urhan Oeveiopment('3scretary').or in�ny year in whtch such premium wauid hava been requ'ue4
<br /> H Lender stilf he{d the Socurity Insbument, eacb monlhJy payment shall also tnciudo either. (i) n sum tor the ennua/ rtwrtgage•
<br /> . insurartce premium to be paid by L.ende►to the 3eeretary.a► n e montBty charge In3tead of n mortgage insurance prea.tum H
<br /> this Securftyr InsWment is hed by the Seeretary. in a reasonabte amount to be detetmined by the Seuetscf�• ExceP1 for the _
<br /> ' monthly charge by the Secretary. these dems are ca��ed 'Escroiv Items' and the sums paid to Lertder ¢:e uilted 'Escrow
<br /> • •.�.. �
<br /> ' ' Funds.'
<br /> .[_��_.______._ �_._..... ....... Fhge t ot5
<br /> . r�.a.unu t�r�� _
<br />. " � 9610.5 ..
<br /> _ �. +' • LL ' � • � • \ •• '.• - , , . .
<br /> E�_. ._i._ ....... t... .. � . . . � ' . . ' _ . .. . . . . . . . _ �. ... . . . _ � . . ._ � .. . . - �
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