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' 1 M 4 x�r c l N b y L e n d�r o f t h o f o n pofn p ri phb,t o pether wlth intereat Ihereon at the deteult rate pcovided In the Note,whlch shell be <br /> - �::'..•.:.�� ,. add�d lo th�Ind�btodrwu s�aurod hvoby. L�nder�hall not Ineur ony Il�bilpy bocou�e.o f anyl h lny I t m ay d o o r o m i t t o d o <br /> . �: .. <br /> .��:,'..;•,•'.. �r , � h�nunder. <br /> �• ••°�i . 9. Has�rdow M�tKlat�.Trusto�thall keep the Properly lo compllance wlth all appUcable law4,ordinaneee and repulatione <br /> .�-����>��•'�-.� N. rdstinp W Indu�ql�l hyplene or environmental protection(collectively reterred to hereln as"Envlronmental Lewe").Truator ehall �� <br /> �'�`'���,�ec.�'�`•`Y�� kesp the Property Irae from all eub�tencos deemad lo be hezardous or toxia u�der eny Environmentel Lews(collactively raferred to <br /> ���"�=��:'.�k'+•.�. h�rMn a�"H�zerdous Matoriph"►.T�uator hareby warrents and represents to Lender thet there are no Hezerdous Materialo on or _. <br /> �•••"•-•= '� und4r th�Praperly.Truetor hereby eyraes to Indemnlry and hold harmlees Lender,it�directora,oNicera,employeei and apente,and <br /> ;;�'r��.•....:� <br /> -�x..f....�_-..,:�i1.�.'.� �ny�ucceuors to Lender'e Intereef.lrom and apeinst any end all alalmt,damapea,losses and Uabllltfes erisinp in conneadon with -�-� <br /> °=;=1-_'-� ;`��'' m9 prewncs,usa,dl�posel or Irannpo�l ol any Hazardouc Materlals on,undor,trom or about Ihw Propery. THE FOREOOINO ��<<- <br /> ��;;�ti-���� ,. WARRANTIE8 AND REPRESENTATION3,AND TRUSTOR'S OBL1dATI0N8 PUHSUANT TO THE FOREOOINfi INOEMNITY,SHALL __ <br /> °"°�`'��'.�'. r:���.' SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF TH13 DHED OF THUST. <br /> �-,�._.��_-•;,, •^ 10. Awlpnm�nt ol R�nb.Truator hereby aalpne to Lender the rents,Iasuas and profite ol the Prope►ry;provided that Trustor �_ <br /> —M �hell,unGl tha xourrence ot an Event of Delault hereunder,heve the right to collect and reteln such renta,iseues and protits ae they ___ <br /> �:.��i...��'�'3 become due end payable.Upon the ocourrence o1 an Event ot Defeult,Lender mey,either in person or byepent,wilh or wlthout <br /> "r�; bdn�inq eny acdon or proceeding,or by a recelver eppointed by e cauA e�d wlthout reperd to the adequeey of Na eecurily,enter <br /> �� — '� r."•��o upon and take po�sesalon of ihe Property,or eny part thereof,in its own name or in the neme ot the Trualee,and do any acfa which It _, <br /> � deeme necesaary or deaireble to preaerve the velue,merketability o�rentebllity ol the Property,or any part thereolor interast lherein, <br /> °��'�� ' . � ' � Increaae the Income therelrom or protect the security horeof and,with or without teking posseaslon of the Properly,eue lar a <br /> •:�Z,° " "� olhenNlae aollect the►enta,taeuea and protRa thereot,Includlny thoee pest dua and unpaid,and epply the same,le�e coste and <br /> �u�_, �,�,.r. �•� � • expen�es of oporation end collectlon Including ettorneys'fees,upon any Indebtedness aeaured hereby,ell In auch order as Lender _ — <br /> ----- may determine.The enterinp upon and Wkin�pos�eaefon ol the Property,the collection of auch renta,ieaues and proflts and the <br /> �-- •�:�;��-� epplicatfon thereol ae aloreaeld,ahall not cure or waive eny default or notice oi default hereunder or fnvaAdaa any ect done In <br /> -°�, ° `t, response to such default or purauant to euch noHce of delault and,notwlthstendiny the continuance In poaseasion of the Properly or <br /> - ='� ��� lhe oolleation,racelpt end applicetion af rents,iasuea or proflts,and Truetee and Lender shell be entitled lo ezercfee every riQht <br /> - `°i'��''� '�"-.=""" pravidsd!ar In nny o!the Loen Inetrumente or by lew upon ocaurrence of eny Event o(Deleult,includinp wilhout Ilmitatlon tha Nyht <br /> ".'j� to exercl�e the power of sele.Further,Lender's rlghta end remedles under thfs parapraph ahatl be cumulative w11h,and in no way e <br /> � � Ilmitatlon on,Lender's riphta and rernedles under any essignment of leases and rents recorded ayeinst the Property.Lender,Truotee <br /> ,::�;;� <br /> _,._, � and Ihe recelver ahall be Uebte to account only for those rents actually recelved. <br /> ..0 11, Ev�nb ol ONw14 The tollowing shall conetltute an Event ol Default under thia Deed ol7rust <br /> � , (a) Feilure to pey any Inetellment of princlpal or fntereat ot any other sum secured hereby when due; ��- <br /> ` � (b) A breach of or default under any provislon contalned in the Note,ihls Oeed ol True�any of the Loen Instrument�,or any r <br /> - � � ^ other Iien or encumbrence upon the�roperty; ��� <br /> -- (c) A wrlt of executfon or attechment ar eny sfmilar procesa shall be entered eyainst Trustor whlch�hall become e llen on <br /> Ihe Property or eny portion thereol or Intetest therein; <br /> �� (d) There shell be flled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrowar an actlon under any present or tuture tederel,atete or other <br /> i���. � stetute,lew or repulatlon relaQny to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other rellef for debtors;or there shall beappofnted any truatee, F.,,,� <br /> ' � • recelver or Ilquidetor of Trustor or Borrower or of all or any parl of the Property,or the renls,Issues or profitt thereol,or Trustor _ <br /> � ' or 8orrower ahall make any generel assignment lor the benefd ot creditora: !'_"— <br /> �� (e) The sale,tranafer,lease,aeaignment,conveyance or turther encumbrance of all or any pert ol or any intereat In the <br /> � . PropeAy, elther volunterily a Involunterlly, without the expreas wrllten conaent of Lender; provfded that Trustor ahell be <br /> permilted to execute a lease of the Property that doas not contaln an optfon to purchese end the term olwhkh does not excoed � <br /> - . ., one year, �'- <br /> (� Abandonment oi the Property;or I.:, , <br /> �f. '� � (p)If Truttor is not en Indlvidual,the faeuence,sele,trana(er,asaipnment conveyance or encumbrance of more than a toml <br /> ' � f • ot percent of(11 e Corporatlon)Its issued and outatanding atock or p18 pertnership)a totel of percent ot �,_°__ <br /> ' parMerahip Interests during the perfod thla Oeed ol Trust remalna a Ilen on the Properry. �� <br /> " � 12. R�m�dN�;Acc�t�r�Uon Upon D�I�ult In the event ot any Event of Delault Lender mey,without notice excapt as requlred by ��`, <br /> � law,declare ell Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the eame shell thereupon becorne due and payable <br /> ' • �� • wfthout any presentmeM,demand, protest or notice ot any kind.Thereafler Lender may: �... <br /> - � � (a) Demand thet Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shall therearier cause Trustor's �- <br />