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<br /> � :�-• " ,�� .•� � .� ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRU6T
<br /> :.g ., ,_ s. �2_ �.OS70J
<br /> ������a,� � tHUSTOFi FiEJ10TH188EFORE 810NIN0;
<br /> �.:,...,. � �• � '
<br /> ����;._rs�saer�ci_ „ .
<br /> r��,` • �-�,-
<br /> �=�����`� Trwtor unde�tand�th�l th�doaument th�t Tru�tor U ebout to sxsaute Is a D�ed of Trud�nd nM a mortp�po aod thait th�powu
<br /> .;...:-. .�, .,.
<br /> •�*�!��•t��+�*�. � oltal�provid�d br In th�ONd of Tru�t provldu�ubMand�lly dlliennt riphb and oblip�Uon�to T�wtor than�mortq�p�In IM w�nt
<br /> ,.; � ,,�'�� ' 01�d�G�ult or brach ol obllp�tlon under the Deed ol Trwt,inaludlnp,but not Ilmited to,the lmd�r'�rlpht to hw�th�Prop�rty sold _
<br /> �-'�..`�`- ' by th�Tru�t� withaul�ny�udlal�l proeNdlnp.Trustor npre�enq end/��a nq th�t I��gknowladpem�nt was�xoaubd by __
<br /> •� •"' • '� � s Truator bdor�th��x�outlon of ih�DNd ol Troq. ,'-�� . - '��+�
<br /> b. �.�..` _� =7° .�� � • .�. � �� _- .,�
<br /> ,rY...V, i,`w,�t��' �•�a'.v
<br /> _ � (Char1 es E. Humi s dYwMtor Husband -� �
<br /> ._ . -^ . ,.�"�,��1�`�-0��- =-
<br />�,�, �, � .�,,,,;f . (Ed1 th E. Humi ston firuaa► Wi fe —
<br /> ,� � •�. ���1•�•��,�
<br /> '�•�� '' � ' DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES �" -
<br /> � • THIS DEED OF TRUST,i�mede a4 of the 24th �y o� �une ,19 92 by and emonp
<br /> �__ � u.._1_� a casa.w C u..���+nn N��chnnrl and Wif
<br />.'�`f� � .:,_rt,,,,.,,� ff19 7fUYt0/� l�nd►'�ec n nn� -L�i� n: • � - -- -.
<br /> '�'' ^ ��'�°�'.°�� 3007 Westside St., Grand Island. NE 66803 �
<br /> •,g�• � . •,; . who�maltinp addreu Is (herein"Trustor;'whether one or mon), _____„_
<br /> ',.'�;..: _ ____'.T'_ ��°...-- ...
<br /> ~ � `'�",'± � the Truotee, Five Points 0�..1. A Nehnaebn !`nnnnratiAn � —
<br /> `;t'.
<br /> ..,�.����_�l:�tv..;;>e
<br />�'s�• �•,;i;;;,r:�� � Y 1�A7 �ranA ic F 6R807 herein"Truotw",end �
<br />• , ;� ;�, whoae melNnp addren ia�P_.0,.-BO 1811d,�1 ( 1
<br />�� � .�. .. • � .,:;;' the Boneliclary. Five Points Bank - ' -
<br />; �;^.,, d.�._,:_
<br /> � 0_ Bnx 1507_ Crand Island_ NF �AQn� `T�''�"'"`'
<br />�:. i'. . ^ .._ whosa mswlllnp eddrew Is_- - � -------- - (hereln"Lender"►.
<br /> � ,:; _
<br />� ,�,,,,,�., • Charles E. Humi ston and ��--``�-
<br /> •� FOR VAIUABLE CON3IDERATION,inaludin� Lender'e exlenslon of credit Identifled hereln to
<br />`' ' Edith E Numistan� hushand and wi fe__ (hereln"eorrower",whether one or more)end the trust hereln created, F'�_�
<br /><� the �ecelpt oi wh�h le hereby acknowledped,Truetor hereby irrevocebly graMS,tranafere,conveys and asaipns to Truetee,IN ��,,
<br />�� TRUST,WITH POWER OF 3ALE,for the 6ene8t and seou►ly of Lender,under and aubjeat to the terms end condNlons hweinetWr�t �.�_-._
<br /> ,-= . . . .. forth.the red property,deacnbed as foilowo: -°
<br /> �.�._.o,�: _
<br /> ' � The East Fifty-Three (59) Feet of Lot Two (2) and the West Four (4) Feet of Lot Three
<br /> ., • ��� (3) , in B1ock Two i2). in Westerhoff's First Subdivision in the City of Grand Island. _� -
<br /> ° `� . Nebraska.
<br /> � . Topether wllh all bufldinps,Improvaments,ffxlures,streets,alleys,pessayeweys,easementa,rlphta,privileyes end appune- �,,•�:;�,�„-,a.;
<br /> „ nences located Ihereon or In enywise perteininq thereto,and the rents,fssues and proNts,reverelons and remelndera thereol,and _ -_�_
<br /> auch persanal properry thef is elteched to the Improvements so as to constitute a Ilxture,includlnp,but not Ilmited to,heatinp and �,_,,,;.�;__
<br /> coolinp equlpment;end to�ether wlth the homeetead or marital Interests,If any,whkh intereats are hereby released and welved;all __
<br /> ' of whlCh.Includinp replecements and addltions thereto,ia hereby declered to be a parl ol the real o4tato aaCUred by the Ifon of lhlo -•J`��`��
<br /> DYed of Truat and all of the forepoinp belny relerred to herein es the"Properlyr". • •
<br /> • ' " This Deed ot Tru�l ahell secure(a)the peyment of the principal sum and intereet evldenced by a promissory note or aredit , •
<br /> epreementdeted June 24 1992 __,hav�nq a matur�ty date ol �uly 1. 1997 , �u���3�
<br /> •• ' in the oripinal princfpel amou�t of$ >>- a03_02 ,and any and all modillcatlons,extensions and renewals �'�...k^i'.:"�'��
<br />� thereof or thereto and any and all luture advancea and readvances to Borrower(a any ol them fl more than one)hereunder o �
<br /> r pursuant to one a rnore promiseory note4 or credit aereementa(hereln called"Note"1;(b)the payment o1 other suma advanced by �M,�_,
<br /> y� � lender to protecl the eecurlly ol the Note;(c)the pe�lormence of all covenaMS end agreements ol Trusror aet lorth herein;and(d)all „ �^°��
<br /> present and luture indabtedneas and obH�ationa of Borrower(or any of them il more than one)to Lender whether direct,indl�ect, '� � ��_'.
<br />_� ebsolute ar Condngenl and whether arlsinp by note,yuarAnty,overdraft or otherwfae.The Note,this Deed ol Tivat and any end aU � -
<br />� • other docuents that aecure the Note or otherwfae exacuted In connectlon therewlth,includinp wlthout Ifmitatlon yuarantees,eecurUy
<br /> � •• apreemente and essiynments o1 leases end rents,ehall be ralerred to herefn as the "loen Inatruments". �-��=T�'"--
<br /> t r.,.r,+b,:-iF.:�...
<br /> ° Trustor covenanta and agreeE with Lender as follows: . �'�`•� '�'=`•
<br /> ,-=.�ra�r�;'-,;.,�:.-
<br /> • „ t, Paym�ntol Ind�bt�dn�u.All Indebtedness socured hereby shall be pa�d when due. '
<br /> �' � 2. T111�.Truotor IS the owner ol the Property,hes ihe rfght and authoriry to tonvey the Property.and warrents that the Ilen •
<br /> created hereby le a tirat and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Ifens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor fn writing and
<br />� ' � delivered to Lender before execution ol this Deed ol Truat,and the executlon and delfvery of thfa Deed of Truat does�ot violate any j
<br /> contraCt or other oblipetion to which Truator Is subject. �
<br /> 3. TaxN,Au�sfm�nb.To pay betore dellnquency a��texes,special assesaments and all olher charqea aflalnst the Property f
<br /> now or hereaker levled.
<br /> 4. Inaurene��To keep the Property insured agelnst demage by fire,hazards included wllhln the term"extended coverape",end �'
<br /> such other hezards a9 Lender may requlre,in amounts and wdh compan�es acceptable to Lender,nam�ny Lander US Un addrt�onel
<br /> � ' � nomed fnaured,wltF►loss payable to the Lender In case of loss under such poliaes. the Le�der is authonzed to ed�us�.Collect and
<br /> compromfse,all claima thereunder end shall have the option of applyfng all or part of the�nsurance proceeds(i)to any Indebtedness �
<br /> • � aecured hereby end In such order as Lender may determine.(iq to the Trustor to be used tor the repafr or restoratfon of the PropeAy
<br /> or(ifq lor eny other purppse or object setlsfectory to Lender w�thout aHect�ng the Ifen ollhls Deed ol Truet 1or the full amount seCUred
<br /> hereby belore such peyment ever took place.Any epplication of proceed�to indebtedness ahall not extend or poatpone the due ,
<br /> date of e�y payments under the Note,or cure any deteult thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> __��...�....w... T...e�...eMoll ne..�.�I un�ur In aurh mannwr aa 1 wndwr mav dwAiOnAf9 Sl1flIC1A0� -
<br /> -� �— �. C�47oM.VyVii i�iii�oi�voi a�....��.........., ..................�..�.- _'..__ ... _-- - ' -- -- -- . ..
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as thay become due one or more of the foltow�ng ��)au taxes.�ssessments and other charges ogamst
<br /> • the Property,(ii�ihe premlums on the property Insurance required hereunder,and ��u) the promwms on any mortyape�nsurenCe
<br /> rpulred by Lender.
<br /> 8. MaMbmnc�,R�p�ln�nd Comptl�nc�with L�w�. Trustor shall keep the Properly fn pood condition and repalr;shall
<br /> � promptly repair,or replace eny improvement which may be damaged or deatroyed: shall not commft ar permit any waste or
<br /> • deterloration of the Property:shall not remOVe.demolfsh or substantially alter eny of Ihe�mprovements on the Property:shall not
<br /> commft,auNer or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property m�foletion of any law,ord�nance,or regulatlon,and shall pay and
<br /> promptly dltcharpe at Truator's cost and expenso all Ifens,encumbrances and charyes lened,imposed or assessed agnmat Ihe
<br /> Properly or any pert Ihereof.
<br /> 7. EmlMnt Domdn.lender is hereby asafpned ell con►pensatlon,awards,damapes and other payments or reliel(here�naRer
<br /> ' � "Praceeda")In cannectlon wlth Condemnatlon or other takfnfl ol the Properly or part thereol,or for conveyance fn liau ol condemna-
<br /> � � Uon.Lender ahall be entftled at Ils opt�on to comrnence,appear fn and prosecute�n its own nnme any action or praceedfngs,and
<br /> ehell also be enutled to moke any comprom�se or settlement In Connoctlon wuh such tak�nq Or demaqe.ln the ewnt any portlon of ' ,
<br /> Mc�6�i��a��n�.�nwn n«�o w •
<br /> O/ri/NMwW 4NACo�wc�Tiuu��d S�a�y�A�W.��t.an l�nco�n N�b�u• ,
<br /> . .� _
<br />