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20110�524 <br />;� �.,�' 9eo�ton Three a die�anc� of �,723.65 feet to the Northwest Claviug Corner of s�ld �on T�vo; t�ence hi 89° <br />5S' �1" E upan auvd glong the ATorith line of the Nor� Qnarfer of �d Sed3oa T�o st d�ace of 718.6y. <br />fieet to s�t on the SoIIthwester� lt�ight of 'QVay Ya1ne of YJS� �3ghway #11; thettce u�pan �nd �lang the <br />Sotttl��p'e�terlq �t of W�q Lin$ of' IIS Si�h��y �pxl fvr the £ol�or�o�g Sf� (1� Described Gom�ess �121° �8' <br />OZ" E a d9�tanee Of ZS1..67 feet; tlience S 3'�° 4Z' S8" E a d�tauc+� Of 70133 fee� thearre S 4U° 09' 0�° � a <br />d�ance o£ 300.69 £e�t; tl�e�ce S 38° 43' 30t' � a diletamce oY 701.�6 fea� thence 6 32° 45' 36° � a diet�nce of <br />600.62 fie� tUeace 8 39° 41B' 4�1" �: a�nce of 341.93 feet to a po9nt on tlte Sou�h Line of f.he Norti� Helf of <br />e�td S�tton'l�vo; theace N 90° 00� OQ" W.ppoa end along the $oufh L�ae of t#e North �lf of eaid 6eCtlon <br />Two a dist�nce of Z'/Z8.05 feet ta the �D'at Qa�tEsr COrne�r oY s�id Beci�On 'PvvO; fltence 3 89° 42' 55" �V Rpon <br />and along the 6autL Line of the Northeast Quartsr of safd SeptPon Three a dlstamrt� of 1070.93 feet to s poffi� <br />an trie ��ly �tig�t of'9V'ay Y�ine of the �allerton Canat;^tiience apon �nd e�ong f,he EasEerrq Bfght of Way <br />T9r+n, of the Ful[et�ton Canal for tLe foIIo�pu9ng Fvt�r (� CawESe9: N 33° 3T x7" E a d�a,nce of 193�29 fee� <br />t�enee 1� Z° 42' O�" 'PV ��Ce of 14�016 fe� theIIee 1V' ZO° �!.' S4" 'VY ��tauac� of 557Zi fee� themce N <br />38° 00' �8" W a d�stanc� aY 50395 feet tlo the actual pof,�t of beginning <br />�'arcel 2: The Soutb�we�t $aaxter (I�W1/� of Sec�lon fo�v {4j Towasbip 7ren {�o) �vorc�, ��nge �v�ne �9� wes� <br />of the 6th P.m ��ll County, Nebrasks E7CCEFTIl�TG � certain tt�ct there&om as recorded it� Wasranty <br />Dee�l �n Book D, page 433, also EXCEPTIlVG a certain irad thecefi�om as r�arded in 'QG'arr�nty be�i 9n <br />]3ook D, p�ge 434 <br />Parcel 3: �4 tra�� of l�utli eompri9vug st part af the Southwest Q�rker o� 'the Sout�least Qu�rter (S�'V1/4 <br />SE1/4j of Seetfon Th�rtg Two (32) Tow�eh�ip Eleven (11) No�th, Yd�nge 1�1�ine (9) �Vest of the 6th p� �$II <br />Cou�, Nebraska, �nd more particulsarIp descrlbed as ioIIowe: <br />Beginnfng et ���nE on the sont� �ne of sa3d 9o�hwest Qaart$r of the 6outl�esst +Qn�rter (9�Vyl4 SE114), <br />ea3d po3� b� I�Yve aad Efght� S9�t HnadredtLs (5.�1�j feet asst of the sout��VVat cormer of eafd Soatbwest <br />t,�rter uf the filout�esst (�n�rter ($'Wi/4 6�i/4� �d poffi�C also b�ing on fhe eayterl� rT�ht of �ray line of the <br />St. Jaseph �rancL of the �mtqYe PadSe Ba�Iroad Cpmpaay, safd easterig ra�ltosd right oY way l�te betu� $fiy <br />(50.� feet �et of (me�sarecl perpendic�l�r to) the centerline of tbe eslsl3ng riafflraat� �trac� f�uce runmlag <br />e�eterly, �lo� �ud tapon the sot�th 19ne of s�d Sout�w� QFUartet af the Sontheast $uaste�l' (S'�V1/4 S�1/A� a <br />distance of Sevea �tmdred �vernty �13ue aud �'wo �Yaadredths (�9.02) feet� thence detlecting left 91° 44' 49'• <br />and rannfng aartherly, Pa,r�llel wif� eatd e�ste�rly r�firaad right of wey IQne, � df�t�nce of S�x Htimdred Three <br />�uud 3e�ve�q 3e�van Hmrdre�d�tl�s (603.7'1� fee� thence deIIect3ng left �° 15� 11" and ranuing westerly, parsllel <br />wit�c the so�th L1ue of safa sonthw�t Qnerter of the southe�t Qn�r (IS'�V7Ua s1�JU�, a a�ist�nce af seven <br />�(wudred 'rwemiy N�Uoe am�t �wo �faudredths (7�9.OZ) fe�t tiv � paint on s�i8 e�ter[y r�itro�d rf�ht of vv�� <br />�ue, s�a l� b�ng i+�y (so.o) � e�st oF {�snurea pa�eha�c�r �o� �e e��r�ne o� ea�d e�tng <br />raflroad tracI� thence deflecting left 91° 44' 49" and r�mn9ng so�herly, along and upon sai�Y eastsrly r�tiro�d <br />rf�ht of wrap ]fne�, s� di�ai�nce of S�r Htitndre�l Three tn8 Seve�q 9�ven Hondredtbs (603.77} feet fo the poPnt of <br />beginntng <br />