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, „ � <br />F+'yrr; bit "A" <br />201103524 <br />Parc� 1: A tract of land located � gart of GovernmenE Lot Two (2) aad part of the Sotrth �� <br />(81l2) of ihe Narth+�et Qa�rter (1V�1/4) of Steetiaa 1`6rea (S), '�owneliip 6isteen {i6} Y�artb, R�nge TPVel�ve <br />(12) West of �Che 61� P11VI., Ho�cvrard Co�rnL^�►, Nebr�sl� and more p�tcu�rl� deser�bed as fvIIor�vs: <br />Cam�msnts� at t6e North Qaarker (N ].i� carnex o� s�fd �lon T�rree (3�, sa4d poiut being the actnel pot�t <br />af beginntng; thence St 89° 47' 17" E ugun �nd �long the Nor�h llne oi s�id 8eetion Thre.e (3j a dist2uuca of <br />556.19 feeti to � pofnt on the rvest�rPq R�ghf of W�q I�e of #he Fqllertun Canai; tb�c�nce a�non and �[ong tt�e <br />westerly r�tght of way line of the �+'olEerton Csnal for t�e following 6tis (� bescril►ed Camse�: S 3� 00' 18" E <br />a d4stance of 895.37 fee� ti�ence 9 20° Sl' S4" L a dfetaince of 136.28 feeti; thencs S 2° 42' 0�" E a d�st�a,ce of <br />12QS.�3 feet; thence ��'J° 18' 34" W a d�stauce of 30.00 fioe� theiace S�° 42' 08" E a diecance of Z4�.00 feet; <br />thence S 33° 37" Z7" '9� a distance of �99.�2 feet to �. point on t�te suuf�t 1lne of fi�e Northe�st Q�reer af safd <br />3ect�an Thr�; thence 3 89° 42' S3" W upalt �n� alomg �Fhe 9outb 19�ne of the NdrEheast Qaarter. of �1d S�om <br />TL�ee, � d�st�mte of xX84.59 ifeet to �e temt+ar Qn�tfer (C 1!4) of Seation Three; tbence N 3° ai' QQ" E upon <br />and �ong the west line af tl�e 1V'orthe�t Qa�rtgr of ssid 3eci9on T�ree a dist�nce of 2511.9i feet to the point <br />of be�iaofng . � <br />A1+�D <br />A tr�ct of land lae�ted in part af Covernment Lot� 1 and 2�nd part of i3�e 8o�:h �slf (91/Z) of the Nart�e�ast <br />t2�� (NEL4) ai Seci�on Three (3). also p�rt of Ga�vernt�aent Lots�4 .9� 5 au�d p�urt af the Sonth Hglf (5112) <br />of the North�vest Quarts�r (NW1/4) of 3eetion Tw'o (2) �ll w�iithin TowneL�ip S�teen (1� North, Range Twelve <br />(i2) W�t of tlte 6tb P1Vi., gowa�t'd Coun'ty, Nebr�ska, and more partatcWarly 8�r,rl�ed as foIIows: <br />Cammeno9n� at the NortYh �a�rter (1�Ti/�) carner o�' safd S1ect�an �ltree� the�ara � S9° �T iT' E u�po�a and <br />along the l�oY°th Y.4ne of ti�e Nort�east t�a�rter of �aid Si�tion '��ree far a�fst�nce of 93I.67 feet, sa�td point <br />befhg on Yhe Tasterl;q ltig6t of Wa� Lfne af the �'u�lerton C�aal; satd po3raC also 6eing �fte ac�usl �nint of <br />be�inningi thence cont3n�ing 6 89° 47' 1y" E�oa and aloug the Noa�th LL�uo of tue No�tb+�st Qmarter of said <br />