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2 0110352� <br />5. A copy of the Notice of Trustee's Sale was served on: <br />Joel Shafer <br />66 Ponderosa Drive <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br />Joel Shafer, President <br />Shafer Properties, LLC <br />1004�' Diers Avenue, Suite 210 <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br />Mr. John H. Truell, counsel for Mr. Shafer <br />Truell, Murray & Maser, P.C. <br />22 O�ard Avenue <br />P.O. Vox 452 <br />Grand Island, Nebraska. 68802 <br />by certified mail, return receipt requested prepaid, on March 29, 2011. <br />6. Substitute Trustee conducted the sale of the real property at public auction on <br />May 2, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. in the lower level of the Ha11 County Courthouse in <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. Substitute Trustee accepted the <br />bid of the Beneficiary, Mid City Bank Inc. in the amount of One Million, Two <br />Hundred Thousand, and 00/100 Dollars ($1,200,000.00) as the highest bid upon <br />said real estate. Grantor has complied with the requirements of Nebraska Sta.tutes <br />§ 76-1001 through 76-1008 in the exercise of the sale of the real property <br />described therein at Trustee's Sale held on May 2, 2011. <br />This Deed shall operate to convey to the Grantee the Substitute Trustee's title and all <br />right, title, interest and claim of the Trustor, their successors in interest, and all persons claiming <br />by, through or under it, in and to the above described real property, including a11 such right, title, <br />interest and claim in and to such property acquired by the Trustor or its successors in interest <br />subsequent to the execution of the Deed of Trust. <br />This Deed is subject to a11 taxes, easements, restrictions and/or covenants of record, <br />which the Substitute Trustee is not entitled to convey pursua.nt to Nebraska Statute § 76-1010(2). <br />Rana A. Scarlett-Johnson, Substitute Trustee <br />By: � l��� <br />Rana A. Scarlett-Johnson <br />Gettrnan & Mills LLP <br />10250 Regency Circle, Suite 350 <br />Omaha, Nebraska 68114 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />