_ )!5 . . . , .. : : . , . . , ._ .� ` ..
<br /> . Il/ . • . - ._ . ,,' ,. . - ..t . r�.
<br /> � Y. �ys '.. , � . ' I�- . , : -. . �`!�-'.
<br /> -l���°.itn;.4t�,�..t�CKfn:` . . . • .--- � _�.,..�_.__.._.._....�......�______x�:....__..,..._..�_ .�'....::_.'.'��K•', '�'tu�R,Y"S'�.�c,�� .-
<br />' �--,`�`�"t^``� .r.:
<br /> �.:- .� _-
<br /> .'s�:
<br />. U� �.'v,-.. . ,w, �.s.:•.
<br /> ��H4.S �6f ����� ! - —_
<br /> � .. ��...,',�,.,� ,' .
<br /> 9. FTS�,1mt.MS. Bcrrowar a�rees to mako afl p1lLnants on tha seuued debt whan dus. Untoss Barcowar and Lander agrse o�tarv�ise any �. ' -
<br /> pr►yRnsr.LS Lanf,'tr recet+res from Bonov�eraoF. or g� at'8 bER3fitv�fU ba aFplied flrst to any amounts Bartower owes on ths seciued debt . ' .r :-_-
<br /> ezciusiva a°'nG4tsst ar princtDal.seeantf� s���k��to_DNnef�}a{.It parUal preAayment ot tho seeured dahi oceurs for any raasan.ft wiU ` ` ,
<br /> na:rtQace cr e�tuse any selteduled payme untii L� �id.�ttiQ�s Da[d�fuil. � • , ��,`
<br /> - � r •i:::.� � 'a . � � �.�_•.-'� '—
<br /> 2.Ca�tn/3�Soi�v;t,�.Borrawer will paiy ���55�[���,�1 otl�ar charges attrihutabte to the ptopertY v+rhen duo and�viti detond Utfe ..
<br /> to th3 Dra�Ryo�3 in�t any ctatms w1►teh wauld impa Na en of�d�ad of trusK.Lender m�y require 6orrower 4o assiyn any rt�ts,claims or : � ��,��i,4�`
<br /> dafsmsa v►fi3cA P�rc�fivrer may have eg�inst partfes vrho suppty�a6or or matari2ts to imflzova or rte8irsiafn the properry.
<br /> . . �
<br /> 3.Lnnc�Br.t�mn�oP«ifi ke9p�9 proysrty fnstued undzr tenns acceptable to lB�sdece at Banowar's Eutpense end far Lender's 6arwftt.All . , � _
<br /> ina�ra.rra gafiGatr�st'.qH indude a stas�dard mai�ptqs dauae in faver of Lender.Lender w:'U Da nem:d as Iass payee or as the insured on any such - . ` --
<br /> inuut�a�,neo�arrf.A�a�tr.susaneo proeeeds may 68 II�y?ed. wiUiir►Lender's Qisstet[on.w eithsr thg rostoratton or ropair ot tha damaged proAercy ,'�.Y` • . ... .�
<br /> or to�tn cacacad'daG w if Lertdsr requiro�mortgcgo uuurence,Bonowar agreas to mairtcein such in5uraneo for as long as Lender requ'uee. . "'�:,�;,,�-�.-�:;;��
<br /> -.- 4.tT�r�tyr.�crnnvr Lri!!ke�Uis preg�rty in poo�eond'st'son an�maxo atl repairs reasonabty nacossary. r - .-. _.
<br /> • � b_E�arraca.Bcrrv��xr a3rees w pay all LendQra e�znses,includirtg reasortah�e attomays'tees.'rf Bortowar breaka any covenarKS in this Aeed ;: �-�,'-{;-�•-..':•,:: .:�•ti Y
<br /> o.'must�r in u•y a�EigaBon sacured by ths deed uf trusK. Bo��ar will pay thase amourna to Lender os provided in Covenant 9 of this deed a} �
<br /> truat. . .��•<'�_..:_,.;
<br /> ',.��..., ,..:�.,��=:.•'.a.k,�r.�>.:_
<br /> 1 6.P►im S�:F LtLS�tsts.Unless earrower ftrat obtains Lander'a written consaM.Borrower wi0 not matce or permit arry changes m a�r�priar __.:c��.,:,:�`'L.-e`-�'
<br /> eecutity irrtarrats.�8orrovier vn11 pertarm a4!of Bonowar's ob'igattons undor any pdor mortg2ga, dertd of trust or other seeutity agtoom2at '�=�'�"���sr°_
<br /> includtnq R.aaanvt's eovenama to make payanerrta wnen dua. . ''s���� ����
<br /> f l.Asd�ts't�ii�ns�nd Profho.Bortowar assisns to k.endor the rer.ts ansl pro�af iha properiY.Urdcx�8orrnwar and Lender have agreed :�;r����K—�-==ri ..._
<br /> - atf�trw,ce Ffz ws{titt�.Eorrower may collect and reYain the rents as long as 6onovr��n�t in degautt If C-�rrarrar dct3!au't5. Lender. Lendera :;,-;;��.=�..��:__
<br /> cflvrra,o-a caurt a(:{mintad receiver may taka posse�s�and managa th3 property a:�`a�4eci tha re�_An-�re�-'w^londer coitects shall 6e . ,.f;s;;{,�s�;��:.
<br /> • r�ed fir�t to lt4 caota af. manegin�the Propsrtq,�r,Crsdtng caurt costs and attome`K"s'Sresa,ccm�es�cr.3 t�re�i agsrtis.and any othar ;-., �x'='n• -�r:
<br /> �.; rtflcassery�Jatsd e:qx�n9sG_'fhe rem�rt:ng amouni ot rertts will theo apply to paymsrtts on ths seasred�nt�t as providad in Covenam 1. _ -
<br /> � 8.t,oaeeh�nldss Cimfumtnt�sns:WaYC'.act�f�AV¢.o�snrntn-Bortower agrees to compty witl►the pro�of any leasa if this deed of trusz is on �"`�s�',��'""'a*±4±�?°9,'°;.�
<br /> i a teaset�!d. 14 t,hEa dsed of trust is on a uni'!i�e canQom�ntum or a ptanned unk devetopmerti.&^.�*ortar:�++81 Perfum�atl of Bonowe{s duUes '�"�•.. , �
<br /> . ? iuider tno eovertartts,bydaws,or regu!s�rc�s�ef ths conQonimlum or ptanned unit developmern. {�'�;�,� �' �,�',;
<br /> n����`, �. .',
<br /> '' g.A�arrty ot L�rtdsr to P�arform tw Borra�rx.if nos:nwer tails to_p e r f orm eeY of Bartotiver's dutr�under tTra�Bd of Vus4 Lendsr may "' : �+;,,.
<br /> �irf�r:n tt�a det�s ar cause them to be perEarmed.L�3ar may s ig n eo n o w a r's n a m e a r p ay a ny a m c�a i t i f n e e e a s a ry f a r p e r f o rt n a n�.(f e n Y �!
<br /> cp�tzuctiara on ths property is discontinua3�r not ca-ie3.^n in a reasonaDle manner,Lender may do n`rsiavar is nacessary to protoct lsrtder's ; ;,,-;. �%a�:�,
<br /> sec�tiy frtti2czct in 4he proparty.ThLs rt�-�y imr-.�de echat�tn:�tha consVuction. �. ..,,
<br /> .; LaMor's tsiiraro to perfarm wiU oot ptedr�tte'iendor from axerdsing any of its oth2r Hghts undar tha lan o►this deed of trus�t. ,;;� E
<br /> , �l
<br /> Ar,l amo�Rsid by Lc3sdx-a to proteat i�.�defs se:.s,m,r irterest wUl Ee secured hy this dead of trust.Such amoums will be due an dsmand ;`;�;;�>' r•,_,r;,-�,u
<br /> :,���.. .
<br /> �. �nd w01 Uaer intarest ircrrn tisc:date of the payment�a:a7 p2id in full at the imerest rat3 m oftoct on the seaued dabt �t„.a� y�;
<br /> :yt e� .^�. < '
<br /> * :. ;".�,.:,,'.4�:<:�, )
<br /> 70.C�faidt and Aae�kra8an.It Borreuter faits to naue any paymertt whsn due or �:oeks any covenams under thta deed ot trust ar arry ,�•.�,..�J,rf���•. .- ti.
<br /> abiigaton sec�aod by tNs deed qf u�st�r ary aBee�gage or deed of trust,Lend�r may aecetorate the maturity of the secured debt and •`;• , s . :< ,.s ;
<br /> '� damard iinrmqdiote payment and may trt:,�a��i Q..sv�r of ssle and any otfier remedios pevmitied by applicabto law. (•.'�����"='�•';�' <•:
<br /> }�y,t. . 7:�y ,�
<br /> 1'0.Biq�rant t�r ilo`.�u ot D�ta�t.!t is n�.�ea�:a:F��that cop(es of the notices of defauit and eale De sent to eaeh porson who ia a party .,•;.!.• �.''�
<br /> ho2�.at�a@dt�GS ot m�+snch pess•:,as s3c��'+�:�Etein. ? ��y;: � =;.,
<br /> - ,..,f����ati.�
<br /> t2.P+o�mu a4 S.i�.[f thc!:r�:der(mrokes s�F�•ui��sg�a,the Trustee shail firat tecord fn the offica af the re�of Qeflda of each caunty ��, .�iu.�
<br /> , � wtierein tt.n ar,ut proyeerty�r some pan�(-..3.:�:.'�a����siai�sted a noUce oi defauft co�ning the into�mation re�uired b y taw.T he Truatee '' ' `��:�i��C�'�
<br /> rew, and w other . �'''"` ±
<br /> shail alsa muil•cogtas ot tha notice oP d-i.-�t ro 4he 8a:ower, to each person who fs a party he persons as proscribed by � 4..
<br /> �i�#, ,`3 .,. ...
<br /> epplieaDte fav�Not fess tfian one ma���i�r the 7rustee records tha nnttee of default,or two morrtt►s if tha trust ptoperty ks not fn any ,,�; , �; ..�. ,,� . �_
<br /> ie�aoc�orats�id•cinj�or villaga and is w^ed ir;�rp o eraUons eaRied on by th3 vustor,th0 Trusteo�h�,'1$(vo puDlic notiee oi sate to the persons f� �� � '
<br /> fdf '
<br /> � and i:�U:o rtnmrer preacclbed by eppaRca�lia;aw.�NSt89,without d�r�n0 on Borrowar,shall seil tPw�rog¢rty at pub►tc aucdon ta itae hf�st � ''�'� �:°• '�=
<br /> Ciddor.cP�rCquE�d Gy tne Parm Homestoas:z'-otectton Act,Trustea etull�cf{4�r th�propaRy in two sepursta aales as requUad by appunal�'o lsw. __ � : ��rt��
<br /> Trwtao rr.ay.�orsa e+;to ot all or asiy pzrcel ot the prngert�r by pub!iC arcauneem�::Frt tha time arr3 ptace ot un revlausly schsdulud�afe. t'��/��""''�
<br /> e r a _. ��•r�,�,-:.
<br />- . • Land�r ar ittt deatpr.ao may purchase ths proyerty a4 er.s�r s3te. -,�.%��7�,�� ••-�.
<br /> U;on�ecoip�oi paYme rR of the price bid.7.r,sstea s4�eD�alnmr to tha purchaser Truateo's deed convayirs�f th2 propsrty.Tha rocitiais corrtained tn '}°��? '�-
<br /> TtuoL30'a dnad shau be prtma tade evfdta�r.�z of the wth of tha statementa cantained ths�e!n.Trusoee shail appty the praeeeQs of ths aafe tn the � ': ;� •
<br /> fatinvAnQ a�ar. (e) to aU expensea at�ri�r+E sale, inctuding, but not limited to, reasana6to Trustves foas, reasonabte ettamsys fess uid t"-F'°��"!�?'"'-s"
<br /> relnatamneont toea;(�1 to ell stm�s sacu:�{bb ihla deed of trust,an0(ef thn batanee,tf a�y,to the p�a:�togatry entttted ta neehre h. 4'.�;t` '••+'.-�,r=-,_';;.,�
<br /> � �L..':�.';;;�':.�
<br /> � 13.Ea�JOau�.At Londar'a option,this deed of trust may be foredosed in the manne�provide by e.pp(icablo!aw for torectocure of moR9apes ,_,,;,� >�3 r<<'+�:.�.::�;;;;,.Z;;;;��,
<br /> .. ''. ca rQN propertY• �,��'`i:1'�_' _
<br /> t!„dts� Lender ma entor the prq�etty to ir px it it lsnder ives Bottower notice beforehand.The noUce must state tfie reacanaDta ��QS'�'"'`����•"""``=
<br /> cauua �Ir_nder'a inspectlon. � 9 , --,��,',r'�'!'.•'�i
<br /> `:�y.r'�.,::.' � �.,,. :: �_
<br /> ' 9E.Quu{�muEon.Borto�vor asslgrts b�L�du the oeeeds ot any ev a.rd or ctaim for dsmagea cc�+r�vaxm!whh s wndemnaU�n ct�e�tf�er ta�fr,g �j:,: ,•:.'`'. :'� °-�
<br /> oT ali�cr ar:�;art o!the�^operty.Such r,rnngeds wi I be appiied as proti�d in Covnnartt 1.Thia a:�.^.���:�ant is aut;ect to ths te.+^r�r•aff¢n ,J k � �'�':
<br /> ! � v ortae a ..�,.9.�:�,......
<br /> . � sCCUrirj egreement. •� •j,° - :;,�.,r. '
<br /> . .. ,y „�� jli;,�'°��
<br /> 1fA W�tw►.By exerGsinp any reme avaitable to lender,lender Qaes not Bive up axn/�e�hta to latur uss a� oL►r�r remedy.By not exercisinp ;,' i `''���r��`�-, -
<br /> I o.%z�r++��!•°''`� -
<br /> ero�.remedy upon Bo�ower's defautt,�endtrr does not wtfiw any�ight to tator caneiCer�emnt a Aefautt H it I�appens apain. � . :F��ibJ'�.;:
<br /> t:;.,
<br /> 1T. �Jdnt�nd S�v���y;Coaigpmm: Succ�uon �nd Aasi�s Brnad. Ail dutiea under M:s deed of mist ers joint and several.Any • 'i��, '�, ., a=-.'
<br /> Bnreower who co-aigru thia daod af tn�¢r. but does not co�stgn tt►e unQsrty� Cebt inswms�'l� �Wees so oNy to prant and convey that � ���• �.. .. '��'
<br /> Eum;vrot'a interost tn the property to tltiL'f'r*uatee under the terms of this Ceed o�trus�tn edditlan,aud".a Borrovrar aytaes that the Londer an0 ' � r''s�
<br /> enu.nther Bortower undar thia deed c@ tn:�ss may extenQ, madify or make any ot4�er change�in th�o om:ns of this deed of trust o�the cocuted ,�;=;::����'�
<br /> du6i wiihout ffiat Bonower'a eonsent e�d wlthout ro!eaaing that Eorrower from the terms ot tfiia dee9�?Uust. ,,�„ ,,,�•,,,,,,
<br /> � T!w QuUea and benofl4s o!this dund ct�ust sAall btnd and bonoFt tha suecoasora and aaai3ns of Londer and Bartornr_ ��-T-�""�
<br /> 1Et A10$c�.Unless othervvlae requ►ivd IQ�Icsw.arry noUce to Bonower shall be ghren Ey defiverlrtg it cr b�maii'up R Oy eertifted mafl adQretsed to I `� �` � '�`�� '� � - �
<br /> �
<br /> � Burcsvrer at ttie ptoperry adQreso ar mry��er eddreia that Boraowar hta pIvsn to lender.Bortower+arrYd give any nottce to Lendef by c�rtifled ¢����,,.�.t,.;. -
<br /> mad�to Lendefe addres�on pagn t rrt ti7e�Seed ot trus6 or to any oth3r aCfress whlch lsnder hac�eit-,,nated.Any ott�ar noUco to fuanaer shail
<br /> ' ho cent¢o LenQsr's addr�os c�td��age 1 of thtu dsed of trust. •�-�� s_�
<br /> As�noUca ehail Ea daa�nml:�rr f:��Levn g[van to�ortar�or or Lendor wtvin givon in�ti�a�r.�anner s�'sd aheve. ���- '�
<br /> ,r.:-
<br /> ' 1St qrwt�r of tlf�ptop�ly a s B�na�c�f 4ntx�st 4�tfn BoROwu.lf ali or any put ot Uw proFa�y er eny ir�2erea�:in it ia sold or vansfened �— ``'_—
<br /> w!thout Lcndera prlor written consartL• Londer may deman0 immedlote psyment of the ascurect dul:�. le�er may aiso Qemand immediats ��`�'-"�='�"�'"m„-
<br /> ' pnyxhnnt tf the Benower ia not a nattvat psrson aM a bene}icfal inisrest in the Borrowor ia col�L er transtcrted. However, Lender may rrot r�`�`��,����'�
<br /> domand paymcnt in tha a6ovo situaiimm ff it is prohibited Ey�edaral IAw ea of the date of thia dead af uvst. %� •f�,! • �
<br /> . ..v
<br /> 20.Raconv�yanc�.When the obiigation seeured by thls deod of Vust has baen paid and Lender hae no further obilgation to make advancea •� c; �F�`' "'`�`�`;�,�
<br /> end�r tha instruments or agreamenta sewrad by tAlo deod o!trust,the Trustee shalf upon mitten request by th3 Lender,reconvey the trust -- �. „ ., !�s.���+!?.
<br /> properry.The LonQttr chatl deliver to tha Banower,or to Bortowar'a successar In interest,the trust deed and tne note or other evidence of the ,. �.:ti,�q��.'•��'
<br /> oDi)goUon so eeUafied.Bonower sha11 Day any recordaUon eosts. •�•� �; Y=;.,�;�.•±
<br /> 21. Sucesssa Tnrstw. Lender, at Londer's optlon, ma remavo 7ru9teo end eppaint a suecoaaor trustee by flrst, mai0ng a capy of the �:• �`i�t,'�,.�c`,���*� --
<br /> '` 'h,g •. ;.._ 'ry .�,:�'. _..
<br /> y ��
<br /> 6
<br /> aabstituHan o4 trustao sa roquirod by appfica6te iaw,and tnen,by filing tha aubstitution ot trusteo for record in the offIce of tho rap(utc�04 deeda :�•�,;��;r+F�t�,..
<br /> of oaeA county in which the trust proparty, or some part thoraal,is ait�ated.The suecessar trustee,wRhout conveyanco of tho proForty,shall :.�, • ;� „
<br /> auccaed to ail tho power,dutle3,airtlwrity aadtitto oi tho Trustea named in the dead of trust end of any suecoaaor vuateo. � �`x��
<br /> .�.'4Ye....�yT-.y� .
<br /> _....._:�J.i u:a�: .
<br /> . ._ si!'v. .
<br /> .. �...��M°
<br /> ���M�� :1�7'SYiii�Y•0�".
<br /> Ipag�2oJ21 � . ,. ', �_
<br /> _.
<br /> CAT.YStSSV5TEM9.Rit..ST.CLOUD.MN 88301 1/�86�397•13411 FOiVB aCP-!dT(}NE 9A8/91 . � ' � .
<br /> — -'..__.._�--�--- -_.:��. ._�-'•E'•.
<br /> •� .• ' .. �" •
<br /> •_�.A.:'.l\�9°_-".T'�;1.t�:':i.—
<br /> ' - ',.
<br /> ,;�l .4<.�..�[��.5��\.•��.1' . '_' ' _ �. .� .. ` . .. ;i�t.� . � .. '
<br /> , ���';`: i��y� ,:�'- . - . ' .'. � . . . ' ! . • �'n, • . �' .. � -i' ` _ • . . _, :r.. . . ,a , .. � ' - .. .
<br />