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<br /> PAA7iES:This Oaed nf Trust is mada on__ ocTOBER 7__ 19A6 ,among ffie Gra+ntor, rae� *. n+asa.auY n�m B_
<br /> : . .. � t'easro}v�').� �`_'
<br /> whaso ras3denca�.:.zs is - �T-,+ , �-n3, "A�� _CourttY.Nebreska PTrustes'1.and ffie Benefr�.�1�. \C, !&''
<br /> � .mrnc.^r•r nn*T II¢CfY"TIITTRSN �8 COtpOTBLfOT OT9EP.L�
<br /> a`5���'�_'-.�nt __'_ ........�...,... ..�. - �
<br />��^��"f,�� and e7dSdn�Utfda�t�e L�tWS of ,,,� ••,••rre.n _--
<br /> �itnsRn, titi'.hase adtiress Rs ^i.s �°'��T.
<br />.,t,v.n���� f'LHrade�}. °°.-
<br /> :�>,�. _ a �.
<br /> C�'EYANCE Far va¢e csrxt3ve�,Borrower irrevoca6ly gra�sn3 canveys U�Tnutee,in trust,wfth powar of sa:s,th=resl property.dr►vhich
<br /> i��oaver ts Ir►wtuly seized,descn"�ed bstow and eU Cu3lCfngs.fiat�aes,and e�dsdng and funus improvameMS U►area.z�stl rights�f-wayl. �'_`
<br /> • casamessts. �ecits, issues. PraFiis. incame, tenemeMs, here�ments, priviteges and any eppurtenances thereurito 6a'r.�r.n8 tFUl Ce1lsd the _
<br /> '�'` ��Y��• i.nnwtn vcr.nwm ,N8Ct8Slte 95 gnti -
<br /> -". f��' Pt�jgPL�lTy pp}J„J.?�ab: '1614 47 D7tlTCT6N . _�
<br />� LCffi�A2DESCH(�tION: �� «'n QAsa.a�n Q -
<br />' •J,t�T EIC�ST i8) IN BLOCt{ 881lSt3 (7I ZN CHARLBS WAS2+�R'3 ADDITION TO TAE _-,-
<br /> �. � � � ��:
<br /> �=r�> .
<br /> A�;;r, �
<br /> .,���
<br /> locatad in AAT T County.Nabrasha. --
<br /> . • Vytti�BoROwer covenama and wartorrt�titto ta;Cfta Cro�er.y.�xsept tor
<br /> �, • �
<br /> SECUgED p91T:Thia deed of tiust securos to lznder repaymerit of the saaued debt and the perfarrt=+nra o!the eavanarrta ar►d spraam�
<br /> ccrdainsd In this deed of wst and in any othor dacumert inaorporauA Mreln.Secured deEi,as used tn tAta deed of uust,inc'.udea arry amour�ts
<br /> � 8a^ower owea to lenda undet ttus deed of tcust or under arry instrumertt se�aed by this dead of Lrust.and ait rtw���]ons,extetubns aM
<br /> emoiawats tMreaf.
<br /> �� Tha sec�me0 deht is evidenced Dy{Uot aD IriuVUmertts and apreomema saeured by thia deed of Vuat tind the dates thersay%
<br /> � A DR Ii., �1ARY Tti*^� At3^ SRCt1RtITY AdAfMMRi3T n1�TRif dCTABAIt 7. 1996
<br /> (�Fut�v AMnc�s:Th�a6ow amount is cec�uad oven.thouph atl or put o4 k msy not yst 6e advinced. Fut�s advancas are
<br /> cuMSmplated and wiU pe secured to tM same extent as ff mada on tho date this deed oi trust is exearte0.
<br /> :. ❑Revoivf�n:ie of aediL sgr�em.ani Qet64 ,with tr�itiaf mrwal tntesest rsta of S6.
<br /> ., tahe prb nt are�mCfoLed�wU bo caa�uoddt the samo ex�tertt as ff m de o�Qat�e th1�de d o�is�ecutedu�
<br /> ' '<`:
<br />. Yhe abovs a6liDatbnta dtv and paya�to on a�rnaRR Z, 1 q9�a —M not paid earller. _,
<br /> Ths tptaf unpaid 6a(meo gae�nsd Ry 4his deed of bruat at�rN one tlma shatl not exeeed a maximum prineipal ammmt of
<br /> . -- - _ ,,,,,. ea/,no Dofiaro(4�.70a_ai _ _ 1.Dfus iMer�sL F
<br /> �;.���; ptus ony a�rnunta d(et�uraad under the terma ot this aeed o!vust to pratect the seautty ot th3a deed of vust or to perforsn any ot tM =.
<br /> ��j�,i,���� oovonYrs�cor.tafned In th�s dead ot trust,with intcirest an such disbursemerrcs. _
<br /> . _:i�:);,• _
<br /> iti ❑Wei�Dt�Rat�:ihs interost�ate on the obilpation secured by t!� 9ieed of trust may vesy according to the tertns of that obligaJ�n.
<br /> ❑ A copy o}ths loan agroernarrt eontaiNng the taro unQer which the Interest rate may vary ia attache0 tn thta daed of bust anA �
<br /> ; ..p maQe e part hereol.
<br /> 1!Ii�'�t� A1dF�8S �COmmetCis) � nRC7c�iv*�!�**'+' AA a�'T � -- ❑ —
<br /> ;,ix���, pESIGNATlON OF HOIIAESTEAD _
<br /> ' �'':Jh�'',, purttr�i nv ths Farm Homostead ProtetCisn ac'.,deslpnstion of homestead ❑ ts auached to this dead of truat and mada a part hereo!
<br /> . • 0 lus baen�.etaimed;tl►�disctaimer is attad��3ns tStia d�na of vuat en4 made a pat lu�of. _
<br /> :�.�';� �23hlA111F.E3�:�9 Q9r�fl b�fh�w.Barraw�r e;;c�u�Lha CU.ms end cov�ar�co��rr t��a d�sd of trnst,k�u6tr��YJtaao an p�Z.aitd H _
<br /> 1rroir���,i ury��tfdl f�d fT�d by'Fi'7[StiY17�. � �
<br /> •`1��1`lS,��i� � ���� /� ��e� _
<br /> 7he torepoing ina�umert was acknowledged betore me on thls �'rq dr►y ot nc�BER� �QQ� =
<br /> by �
<br /> mami
<br /> C����p Ot INsne al CuDaaflm a Farb+eatYDl
<br /> oaro,�typ [
<br /> , �rx,wvv�.ag,sr,� e ¢� n balsaif of the corporatlon or partnershlp. _
<br /> ' My commission e r / �«�a�`���� =
<br /> _ ��� � R.,�,�,.aR °�/ �►�
<br />