. .- a. .. ` . . . 5�� . a . . . . , a • .t� - ..
<br /> S- .. • �. � v .-. . � . _ � _ : t u . ' '. . .
<br />, 9�- ��,�,� �
<br /> Borrower shali promptly give Lender written natice of any investigation, claim, cteman� arwsuit�0:r other action by any ,,
<br /> governmental or negulatory a�ency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmenta! Lav�
<br /> of�vhich Borrower has 2ctu21 knowEed;e. If Borrower leams, or is notified by:u►y govemmental or regulatory authority. that
<br /> , any remoeal or other rem9dia4ion of any Hazaniaus Substance affectin�the Property is a�sary,Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> aJl aecessary cemedial actions in accordartce with Enviranmental Law.
<br />. As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances" are those substances defned as toxic or har,�rdaus substarrces by
<br /> , Envirorurtental La�v and th: follo�ving substances: gasoline, kerosene. other flammable or toxic peiroleum products. toxic
<br />. pesticides and herbicid�s,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or forn�aldehyde,and radioacuve msterials.As us�d in
<br /> this paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> � • relate to health,safety or environmeatal protection.
<br /> : �. NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further cov�nant and agree as follo�vs:
<br /> '-�� 21.Aoceleration;Rem�d[es. l.euder shall give natice to Boaower prior to acceleration folloaing Borro�ver's breach
<br />��� of any oo�e8ani oe s�t�eat 3a 66is �ity Instr�rtne�t (but c�ot prFar ta atcel�ratton �rr Rarasrapl� 17 t�n1e�
<br /> appiIcable ia�r prnr[des oiherwise).'Y'Ge notice si$all spacify: (a)the defaalt; (b)the action required to cure tRe defauSt;
<br /> (c)a date,noi less than 3Q days from We date the notice is given to Borro�ver,by whtch WP defuult must be cvred;and
<br /> Q�t6at failure to care the default on op bPfore fhe date s�zcif'fed[n the aotice aaay resatt in acceieration of the s� _
<br /> . secored by ti�is Se�urity Instra�meut aad sale of the Property.The notice shaD fusther infarm Borra�ver of the ri.�h1 to =_
<br /> : relnstate aflep aoceleration and the rfUht to bria�a court action to assert the non-e�stence of a defanit or a� Qih�r
<br /> alefeose oF�¢�rosr•er to aoceleration aad sa[a If We defan(t is aoi curet�on or before We date spedFed in t�e aotice,
<br /> &.ender,at �s aftion, �aay require i�ediate payment in foD of all saoas secvred by thLs Sacurity Instrumant we4hout
<br /> C�ther derr.and and ma��Fn4oke the power of satP and any oihes reme�i�s germitted hy applicable law.I.ender s'ha11 be .--
<br /> j;,- entitled to a^_i�ct atl expa-r�s iacarred in pursuing the remedie��rovided in¢fsis paragraph 21,induding,but nnt tiunited
<br />:;;;�% to,reamuEi�l�attomeys'fees and costs of dtle evideute.
<br />'>:'�;hf If the �iver of sale is is►voked,Treutee shall record a ne¢ice of defaa�J3 in each county in whfcd�any p� af the
<br />:;��'? ProPerh'ts foca€ed and shsU mail capfes of sacb no2tce in the manmer pr�scr'hed by •ppficab!e�w to Bnrronea as►d to
<br />;�j;�1`,: t6e other pe�so pc�ciibed by appIIcable law.Aftea�the time re9uired by a��rur�ble la�a,TnLS��e s.�all gia. publlc nodce
<br /> ns
<br />!;%r'�- �f sale to the peisons and�s We manuer prescribed by appl@rable law.Tnzst3e�.wit6out demaad on�rea�er,stiaU sell
<br /> �<t"'' t�ie Property at publlc ansiFon to the I4Idhest bIdder at the time asu!glate�u�der the terrns de�3gnate�in the aotice of
<br />: s';
<br />`,'"'` sale in one or mom paroels and tu uIIy or�der Trastee de2er�3�'�custee urssy pastpone sate of all or aay parcel af tlte
<br />,,..,.:_,�:
<br /> �--r Prop�ty by public annonnr.emeni aic tilr_time and pl�ce of aQy �-�3�� s�:eduted sate. Lender or its design�ms►y
<br />_:;����. �wrhase td�e L'�o�erty at as►y sate. — _
<br /> `: '- � Upon rEeeipi of�w-r�rat of the prIce bid, Trustee shall deliver a•� �ijrr�nrchaser Trastce's d�coavey�ng We _
<br /> (t?�operty.'�fte r�cit�!s im ti�e Trustee's drxd shall be prima Pacte evid��m�t�e trut6 of the statemcLzs made thsacin.
<br /> _ Trustee sh2tR,r.�.-�Iy th2�.���ceeds of the sate in Eh�foliotiviug ord�:!a)to aIl c�sts and expenses of exercisiag the po�.tvs of
<br /> sale,aad th��9e,intiudi�the pay�r�,t of the Trastee's fecg a�y tacurred,not ta exoeed ���50.pa p� � 4'0
<br /> • of the prindpal amaunt e��.ie note�a tihr time of the d�claration of defanli.�d reasa�bfir attomeys'fe�us pcc�sb�l�
<br /> by law;N)to all sums�arr�by tY�Ser�rity Inst�vmeat;xnd(c)any ex�es Ire t�e p2tse�or pessofls E�aUy entit[ed to
<br /> tt.
<br /> 2Z, iteconveyance. ��{�ee ga���.of ail sums secvred by this Securir. rrusavmer�. t�:r�er shs�I. r-��st Tmstee to
<br />`��,'� reconvey the Property and �aii sum���ihis Security Inst�umeci and all r.�:�,��vide,rir,b�ebt secuse��' �}• this S�ssity
<br /> ss� Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shalt�:er,v�;the Property witbd;�t.��•arr..aty aIICi��»�soat ch:.r�;.tia the person er persons ie�—�,:]y
<br />' entitled to it.3uch person vr p�rsons shaiL pay any recc��tion cc��•
<br /> 23.Sohstidrte Tru,�tee. Lender,at its option. �w 5nm timz:,�tim:ms*al4c Ysustee and appoint a�a:+�aessor wstee to
<br /> __—.f any Tntstee appointed hereunder by an instrument recne+�in the county in w�id"r.riris Securiry Instrument is a^��..,�rded.WiWont
<br /> jonnveyance of the Property. the successor ttustee shall succeed to all the title.�ower and duties conferrod upon Trustee hetein
<br /> = and by applic�ble law.
<br /> 1A.Reqnesi tor Notices.Borrower requests that copies of the norices of default and sale 6e sent to Borrower's address
<br /> �� wl�ich is the Propetty Address.
<br /> � + 2�.Ridets to this Secar3ty Instnrment.If one or more riders aze executeci by Borrocver and recorded together with this
<br /> t Security Tnsmimenf,the caa�._nants and agreements of each sucb rider shall be incc�rorated into and shall amend and supplement
<br /> � the covenanis and agreem�sta of this Security Instrument ns if the rider(s)were a�n of this Security Instniment.
<br /> ? [Check applicabte boxles))
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Comlominium Rider �1�i Famity Rider
<br /> []Graduated Paymect €tider 0 Fi�c,red 13nit Devetopment[tider C]Biweekty Paym�;n�ider -
<br /> 0 Balloon Rider ❑'rwe�e Improveraent Rider [�Second Home Ri,�:s
<br /> �V.A.Rider �Other(s)[speciF}�;
<br /> 6t
<br /> BY SIGNING BELfTI�%.Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covc:.ants contained in this Security Instrument tuid
<br />,`;is. � in any rider(s)exec�ted b�•aono�ver anif rc,corded with it.
<br />:'('�` �� �t►tC55e5: .
<br /> � �►..L. (Seal)
<br /> R.gCl3ARD L HALL •Bosox•er
<br /> . t�3) =
<br /> . RA K BALL -Borrower =_
<br /> (Seal) (Seal) -
<br /> -&irrowcr •Sorrouer �
<br /> . STATE OF PIEBRASdiA. County ss: !
<br /> . The foregoing instrument�vas acknnwledged before me ehis 20 day of SEPTHt�ER • 1996 • -
<br /> � Witness my harE�anA aotFUial seal at GRAND IgLpND� NEg ' said Counry.the�a or d. �
<br /> . . ���� _
<br />� � My Commission E p� � ��L N011biY•Siate o1 Ne9ri�11 =
<br /> ja.du!g!�tt�Il lENBACK ., .. �:�
<br />. • � My Ca�m.E�D 5eG 20.1,59 . _
<br /> • ve�n a o+a Fotm 3028 8l90 -�
<br />:'��: '�� . . . :.: `' -.: _' ' . .
<br /> ., , ...
<br /> . . . . . - . . . `� � • . . ... , �� .,�
<br /> . .
<br /> .. . .. , . . ._
<br /> , ., . ... ;, :.: ,. ,,, ..
<br /> :. :�
<br /> . :�.. . •.-. ,�.:. �
<br />