- � .P ` . . � ; ' . � , tr° ' - � ` �... ' .- ��+'� .:•}T.i....S.::u1r..j1�'ic�..: � �`. ." � �` # :'--
<br /> . . . � .. � __./SL+.:-�....:.:..��...:+u. �'��h� ` ;. ...
<br /> � .c � ..� k.._2— .a.
<br /> 9� .������+ - �=�;���.�
<br /> ,ub�ta�ti:illy equt�alent mungage in,uranrr r�,vrr.ige i�nnt.availabte. Borruwer.hall �ay tc,Lr� ,r, a�am eytwl to : ._:�Ys; ; .::---
<br /> . une-t�velkh of thc yrarl} murtgaee in.ur.inre premium hring Qsid by Bnrrower��•hen the in�ur.uicr����:.^��1�k�su�j nr ce�ased to y+K_ . ; : .`,,,.., -�.�
<br /> be in effeit. �nd�r uill accept. use and rctain th�Me pa}ment+a, a lo>.� re�enr in liou uf m�rtg�,r ln,urt��.Y=. I.cm> reurve � . . , _
<br /> .f� �
<br /> paymtm.may au longcr be teyuind.at thc uption uf Lendcr, rt murtgage�nsuranrr cavcr:�ge tin th;art►uunt•.���fnr thr period �� �
<br /> that Lender reyuire,i pro�•ided t+} an in�urer approved by lxnder again bccume-y avuilabl�JRt�b UhtiARai. Bc�rnn�•.r,h.dl pay _ . ,. .'.•.r
<br />^ the pmmiums r c quired to m:iintain morteage insurancc m rtfctit.nr ti,pro�•ide a lu,..rL�er�c.untd thc rv.�t►irc��at fi�r mortgage ��;`. ,`�:;��...T�.��t��
<br /> insuranc{en�ls in acattd:u►re�+iih any wnttcn agreement bet��een Borrower un d L.en dc:r�u a p p i ir.s�li•i.;u. ,:,r� ,
<br /> 9.I�e.�+pect[on. I.�nder ar it+agent ma� m:ike rc:uonable entric�u{x�n and m,�utium ot th: Pcup�rn�. Le�de.r,halt�ive , . '�.�s6 t�:. °
<br /> " Bornm��iiotice ac the time of ur priur tu an�n.p�tition�perifying rea+anahi�cau+e for the in,pecuun• , ...�' ,; _.
<br /> � � 10. CondcmrwtIun. Thc pri�rc�ti1���f am JN'Afd ur rlatm for damagey. d�r�rt or:omryu-:nti:�4. in cc�nnertinn «ith any �
<br /> wndrmnatron ur tuher tak►og ul an� pan uf tfic Pmp:nq.�,r fur runceycnre in licu.�f cundemrc,uu�e+.are ht-rc'�� .r�+i�neit anJ •• • ��`:�� � ;�� -:
<br /> �4 , f:
<br />` • shall be paid to L.endec � � ' �"
<br /> in[he<<�ent of a tots!taking uf�hr Propert}.thz prureedn,hall be appli��i to thc�umti.ecurcd h� thi•.S..�nt+,�Instrument. ,' ,,_ � �,::':.. .,--`
<br /> - � whether ur nut then due. �tith an} r���• p:ud tu Bi��ruu�er. In the e�•em of a par��al t:ihin� �,f tiee Propert" in �vh►rh the f:�ir —_- - _ _
<br /> market ��alue uf thc Propen� immediatel� hek�re the tsking i��yuai tu��t grcater tttun the:unaunt u#'tlu�cam��c:cs�r�d by thi+ - r+
<br /> Security irutrument immediately befisrr the taking.unle,+Burrou�er and l.c:nder uthc:n�•i�e egs+.�:in writing. tGe+um� serured by , , ; '�
<br />• [his Serurity Instrument shall be rcxiucnl b}• [he amizunt ot' [he procceds multipii�i b� the Folla«•ing fira:sinn: ta) the wtal ,.�`� ; t _ . _
<br />' amaunt of the sums aecurai immediatel}� before the taking, di�idai by lb) [he fair m:uket value of the Pzap:rty.in�mediately ,
<br />,. before the taking. Any balance ,hall be paid te� Surro�cer. !n the e�•ent of a par�.ial taking of ttcc Pmpert�+ in�;�hich the fair "'�` r�'=-F_-:---��_` ,
<br /> market value of the Pmperry immediately hefore the laking is less than the amoanl of the surn��a�sred imme�dia9Gh�before the �' �
<br /> takina. unless Borrow•er and Lertder othenvi>e agree in writing or unless applicaBle 1aw other�-i�e pm�•id�.�. the pmceeds shall . �,
<br /> be applied to the sams seeured by this 5ecuriry Insuument wheiher or not the sumr are then due. � __�_�,---�
<br /> ' If the Propercy�is abandoncai by Bnrso,s•er. ur if,aftcr nutice by lxnder to&�rrow�er th�t th:c�nnJemm►r utii.�r,tu make an ��s-��==_�k:,,
<br /> a��ard or settle a claim for dacnage.. Bnrrow�er fails to respond to Lender a•ithin 3Q da}+ after the date the n��iice i,gi�'en. _,��.�:�.;�+ -•��
<br /> - Lender i.authorized to cullect and apply[he proceeds.at its option,either to resturati�n or repair of the Pm�erty uc to the sums ���. :.���
<br /> ,ecured by this Security Instrument.�vhether or not then due. � ' �` �
<br /> Unless Lender �rtd Borrower otherwise :s�ree ►n writing. any applicatian of proceeds to principal tih111 not extend or ��:�x
<br /> r postpone the due da1�r,f the monthly payments refefred to in par�►graphs l and 2��r ch:anae the amuunt of such ps:yment+. � ,�; t r r"��':
<br /> '°� 11.Borraccc-�'�rr�Reteased;Forbearaace By Lender t�at a Vdaiver.&xteasion of the tirta:f<�r payrn:�l ar modifcration :.�:.-,��;,�,�:s';��:�
<br /> '�� ,, r,.,;,,,
<br /> of amr�rtizatian of�s sums secvred by this Scxurity Instmment granted by l.ender tu an� +ucc�sar in interest af Borro�ver shall _
<br /> � ' not operate to releaSe the liabiliry of the original Bormuer or Borrower's successurs in intFrest. Lender�tt�1�1 nnt be required to ' -i�•:; . � • �'�`...,�'
<br /> ��.0
<br /> � ' commence pmceedings against any successor�n interest or nfeL�to extend time for paprt�:�t o:othenxise mncii'ty amorti7ation .-�.;�,;��_
<br /> of the sums secuded by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mude by the angina.l H��rm�ran or Bormwer's _ ',._,�____��.
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by Leuder in exercising any right or reittedy shall not be a waivr.r at or preclude the __ _ _
<br /> • exercise of any right or remedy. l� ��f�
<br /> ..'.•,-r: 12. Successors and Assigns Bouud;Joint aad Several Liabil[ty; Co-signeas. The crn•�Q.nts a�d �ments of this �, -r�::-�, s:.
<br /> � Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and a�signs of [xnder and Sarro���er, subjac: tn the provisions of r.> � • -'�� _
<br /> pardgraph 17. Bormwer's mvenants and agreements shall be joint and sevecal- Any Borm��•er �•hn or€�gns this Security w�'�•;� ::.�_ � ..
<br /> • Instrument but do��.not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing [his Securiry Instrument only to rnart�e, g�ant and eonvey that '-4N;�;:>;;y:� :tY,s.`e ��
<br /> l"�� .
<br /> � Borrower's interest.�n��:..°Property un der t he t--m�o f t his Sec u ri ty [n s t r.;s n c��t: (b) i s n o t p e r s o n�:l l y o h l i gs s�e r.i to p a y the sums ,,. ,.•{r�.;•
<br /> secured by this Seuirn;, Instrument:and(c)a��that Lender and any oti�:er Borrower may agrce tu extr.�;i,modify,forbear or -.. ,;:r: ;;;���'�,�.,.
<br /> make srry accomma:`:.iuns a�ci;r.r��:�-d to the x�-u of thi�Security Inscruinc:nt or the Not��vithaut[hat Barrm«r's consent. �� :" :�,;s�,;,.41i,;�r:: -
<br />_- �'`'`��.� t,3. 3.oan Charges.If the Ir_;�secured by this Securi�z, tr,.strument is subject ta a law w�ic�setR mox.i�r►um loan charges. i�;;�;;' , �,,. ., .
<br />;�-.,2.. � : i1'..,.�,
<br /> , a^:ci d�v: law is finally interpret��i:� that the interest or o.he-tuan charges collected or to be c�alltxKtr� in a:mnecdon with the , , .
<br /> � '•��� loan oxceed the permitted limus,t'.�:.'n:la)any s�ch loan charge shall be reduced by th:amr�unt Ro�eresary tu reduce the charge ; .};
<br /> to the permitted limit:and(b)anY sums alre�} :ollected from Borrower which exceeded pemnittctid limits.n�U be refunded tp . .; ,
<br /> ' Borsower. lxnder may chnose to make this re;und by raducing the prineipui owed undeT the I�ot�ui by making a direct �� ;
<br /> ' : payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction �v�tl be treated as a pa.�tia! prc:�a}:'neM w�d►au� anY �:�°��;:., -
<br /> ' prepayment charge under the Note. • � `4 f
<br /> '. 14.Notices.Any notice ta Borro�ver provided for in this Security In!srument shall b:givea bp de7iv��ng it ar�bg mai6ng . ,,,��.;�'� ..
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of anather methad. The noiice shall be direc.txt tn tht+Pm�..stv. Address ,;z:;;y��y�a�..
<br /> � • or any other address Borrower desigaates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sl�l be g+� b}� fitst c?;x::s mail to �: " ".:.
<br /> � � Lender's address stzted herein or any other aZ�ess L.ender designates by natice ta Borroui7. Acrp nrnic�Arovidea�for in this ,' ��r .��.'-"�
<br /> Securiry Instrument s;�all be deemed to have bes�given to Borrower or Lender when given as pm�•ide�d�n th�s�paragraph. ..��..._�. .. -_---
<br /> L•S.Govesning Ls►w; See�e�abillty. This Securiry Lr.�tniment shull bc govertwd by fedeml 1<<�v afid the 1aw of the •. �,�,� '��
<br /> . ' jurisr�i:•�ion in which the Prop�:: �j.lacated. In the ever.���y any provision or clause of�js Sec�riiy In�tnim.nt ar tfie Note - ;�'i`�x�;:,Y:�w�y-�;_;
<br /> ,' conflicts with applie�le law.s;:::�nflict sh::.i Rot affect other provisians of this Secunty l�suum:�t nr dop 1`4ote wfiich can be . �.�';�,,,,.:�,�' .:.`;_
<br /> � given effect witharu:!1e conflicung provis±cr�. �c chis end the provisions of this Security-I1�sttuauan•nnr3 tha Nate are declared ,_., ,c.�:•• � .
<br /> to be severable. � �-.. . .:.�,
<br />' 16.Bosower's Copy.Borrower shai:b��-��xn one conformed copy nf the Noie and of th;s Serurity irtaxtument. .. ,ti �
<br /> 17.Tiansfer ot the Propestv or a Be^z::cial[nterest in Borrower.If all or any�r.ua of th�Prapatp nnany interest in it -;;•;�, . --
<br /> is sold or tmns ferr e d(or i f a ber��::.s 1 in te r e s t i n B o r ro w�e r is sol d ur tranbferred and BasmK�er is nat a nas�uul person)withont " 'sr�;,
<br /> • Lender's prior writcen consent �u:der mz•a. at its optinn, require immediate pa}•men: �n Pu1� nF a�1 s�urr+ securcd by this ,_ ,�; —
<br /> � • Security Insuument.However,this option sli;�l.t .r.ot be exercised by I.endar if exercise is prohibilc+i by f:de��.la�w as of the date , .�A.,,:_
<br /> '' of this Security Ic�r�mes�t. '` � .
<br /> • [r Len�er e�ux:ises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.Th.m�tic+�=hil1 prm ide a period of not 4�.��� __
<br /> � � l�:�diun 30 days from the date c�:e notice is delivered or mailed within which Borr�wer m�st prsy a11 s�un��secured by this `' ��;_ _
<br /> . Sc�+iciey'Instrument.If Bortower fuils to pay these sums prior to the expinttion of this p�:riu.i,Lera:ea m3.�•irnvbc;any remedies �,_`
<br /> permitted by this Security Instn::��ent without further notice or demand on•Borrower. �
<br /> 18. Borru�ccc's EUght to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain �canditions, Bnr�wer sh,ill h�.��e dts right to have •�..�
<br /> • . , enforcement of t1ts.5ecurity Instrume�st di:u.rt�nued at any time prior tn the earlies of: (al 5 dayi+ (�r sL�:i�.other period as _ �';��'k�`��
<br /> . appli�ole law r.�:.s specify for n��r�w'e.:sai�.r �:efara sale of the Propecty pursuant w ruty tp�v;cr of �::v.rontained in this �•t� ;' '��;��FiJ��df.`
<br /> � Sen�nc: Instrument:o:(b►entry��i'a;•��^r:.r.c enforcin this Securit ln�t►ument.Tltese��:���niition,aee ttrax Bnrrower.(a)pays ! .'���•• .
<br /> � Lendr:r sll sums which then w�,;uJd be due i.c.��er this S�urity Inst ment and the Nat�ay it tua :u.cci;-s�tian I��d accurred: (b) S��i�.� .
<br /> Mri T�l��-
<br /> � cuh.ss aay dcfault vf any other a:venants or a�reements: (c)pays all exrenses incurred in e*.�funang ttrig S�ti��.nty Instrument. •tt4:' •;-....:�- � __''`
<br /> including.bu1 nut li:nited to, reasonable attorne}s' foes:and Id)takes such action ay Lender may rcas��n�kdp suquire to assure . -,.,.•,�;.;...,
<br /> � thet the lien of this Security lnstrument. L.en�er's rights in the Property und Borrovrer's obli�acian ic,p�3y�ttus:sums secured by , a �-.
<br /> '•' this Security Instrument shall wntinue unchanged. Upon reinswtem�:nt by Borrovrer. this Secunt�� Iresr.rument artd the �• � __
<br /> � abligations secvred hereby shall remain fully effective av�f no acceleratin�hud occurred. Hc�y:e•er.ttiis n�;'rr�to reinstate shall F:N_�Y.:--u
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17• r �`'�""'- _
<br /> � 19. 5ale of Note; Chsinge of Loan Servicer. The Note or a parsticd interest in thc Nc� �tug�tu:r with this Security L�-�-� � � �- ----
<br /> h n .�+i%oq�p�c?ur-• �—
<br /> � IRStrument)may be sold one nr more times withovt priar notice to BorroawT. A sale may result in ra�:Pc�:rra:io�the entity(known . . . . .
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Natu and this Security ln�ttt�frr.r�.71u:rr alsn may be one .. ...;:..:,,�z,..
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If then:is a ch;�nge nf the Loor�S:rr►cer. Borrower will be •:`y�,_��,,{ :
<br /> • given written aotice of the chanoe in accordance with paragraph 14�bove und upplicable law.Tlv:ro:rtice wi7!state the name und �?�+-�%�'r^�� _
<br /> ' address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to«hich payments s huul d be made. The ro:aice wiil alsa contain any other �.,_��,�,� ..—
<br /> informatios required b��appli�:.�ble law. '
<br /> 2p. Ha�nrdous Substances. Barrourer shall not cause or pennit Qtc presence, use, diapuail, yt:r�,�x, or release of any , . ;...�.
<br /> • � Hazardaus Substances on or in the Property• Bnrruaer �hall not du, nnr alluv. ar►yor�+: c��e tc� de�. :rrj�hing affecting the � •
<br /> _ _ Propeny that is in violation of any Environmrntal Law. The preceding twa sentence5 sh�ll ru�n aF��y tu�1r�: presence. use, or +�'�`�4'�' .
<br /> =- --�-_
<br /> - --- storage on the Properiy of small quant�ucti oi iiarardnu�; Sub.tam�w ti�ci at��cr�e�'��y r:,cc��.;�cd cc::x: a�:ropr-:ste to nerm�! - ---�-t=-----
<br /> residenlial use�and to maintenance of the Propert}�. "-��"" �'t"-�-��
<br /> v�o j��o . " fotm 3028 9l90 . .
<br /> � • ��
<br /> .._ _' � i , . . ..� . '. . . � . 'ti �il�.�i. -�t, - ��Sl:' �•- . .... ' ' ,., r
<br /> :.�. . , . . ., - t. i� � . l�. S pp . . .t:� . . .
<br /> . �� 'l. . I t ��+11�.. _ . _ ,
<br /> �y Y �.
<br /> .. . - . _. . • i" .. . . . _. - _. � . . ' '` _. �.�U'�� � _ � � , ,.�V:�. •� � . ... . .. . ... . . . .. - .
<br />