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<br /> 92—ioss�7 �=-�-_- :-
<br /> � "` �Y° 17.Tne�sfK o1 th�Pro a� B�ndicid Int�n�t In Borrow�r.It a or any p.h ol th• P�opwtyr or
<br /> ' � �.. . � G � . . . p•�, -�- - _
<br /> �ny Mw�tt in M b told a V�nsiwnd(a M�b�nM1aW int�r«1 In 8orroww is ald a tnnsf�nd�nd Bor►owa I�not�naWnl
<br /> .. . ,. p�ton)wUhout Lmd�r'�prlor wdlNn eons�nt,L�nd�r m�y�d q�optlon, ►puk�ktxn�dlat�p�ym�nt In PoI ol�A surtu ucu►�d by
<br /> • �"-.—��`� thls S�aurNy Imtrummt.Howcv�r,thU opUon�M�M oot b�axaoUi�d by Undu R iaarolN 1�prohibNd by t�d�al ww��ot th�
<br /> ° ..�.*��� � d�U of thls 8�aurqy In�trum�nt. — -
<br /> ° H L�da�x�rdsM ihls optbn. Lwid�r�haY qb� Baroww noUa d �oc�i�Uon. Th�notle� �h�M provld� � p�rlod of
<br /> . not Nss th�n 30 d�ys kom lh�d�t�th�notla I�dMNa�d a m�Y�d wNhin whbh Baroww nw�l p�y aM�um�ucund by
<br /> r �_ � lhls 8�curNy Instrum�nt. If 8arow�r i�Ns to p�y IhN� sum�prlor to tha �xpl►�Uon of Ihb p�rlod. l�ndw m�y Invak� my
<br /> nm�dlos pamUt�d by thlr S�curtly Instrum�nt w8hout IuAh�r ootic�w dwn�nd on BorrowK.
<br /> " . 18.Bono�w�r's iiipht to Rdnst�t�.II BoROwK mNts art�ln aondillons, BoROww�h�u h�v� Ih� �ipht ro hw�
<br /> ° - onforoar+wnt of ihls Socudly Instrumont dlscontlnued at any Ume pdor to the e�rHa o}: (�) S daye(er aueh other pedod ss ��.__�.� __ _-_
<br /> appMc�bM Vw m�y tp�ofly la nln�Ut�m�nl) bMon sal� ot th� RoDaly punwnt to u►y pow�r o1 wN contalned In thls
<br /> •= S�cwity In�trum�nt; a(b) entry of�Judpmmt �niordnp thl�8�wrlty Imhum�nt.Thoa oonditlont an th�t Bortow�r: (�) p�ys �_-
<br />'g� � ^ ' L�ndw d wms which Ihon woutd b�du�unMr thb S�cwqy Instrum�nt md ths Not� u If no�ccNwation h�d occurt�d; (b)
<br /> arw any ddwR o1 any oth�r covm�nt or pr�nmh: (0) p�Ys aN �xp�ws Inwmd In �nfadrs�ti�h S�airfty In�trum�nt.
<br /> ' Includk�p, bul not WnM�d to,rw�ombN�tlom�ys'f�n; �nd(cq uka� suah �oUon�s Lendw m�y rw�onably nqutn to�ssun
<br /> th�t th�Nan o1 thla 3swrlty Instrummt, Lsndw's dpht� In ihe Prop�rty�nd BoROwer's obQp�tion to pay th� sumt ��au�d
<br /> � by thls 3�ourity In�frum�nt ehal enntinue unoh�np�d. Upon relneUtament by Borrowa, thla 3�eurity Inetrument �nd th� —
<br /> oWlp�dons ssowed hKeby sh�ll r�in luly�ffeotive�s N no �ocN�Uon had ocaumd. Howwr, ihls dpht to nlnst�l�thall
<br /> not�ppy In th�uu ot�caNxatlon undK pragnph 17. —.
<br /> � 18. Sslo of Not�; Ch�np� of Lwn Sorvic�t. The Note or. a p.rta� interest In the Note noye�her wnh
<br /> this 3acudty Inshum�nt)rr�y be sold on� or moro am�s wqhoul pdor notice to BortowK.A wla m�y resuU In�ch�np� In ths --
<br /> enUry (Imown aa ths •Loan Servlcer') th�t croA�ets moMhy paymenb due undar the Noto and thls ;3ecwky fnatrumcnt. There -- - -
<br /> uso m�y bs ane a mor�chany�s o1 ths loan Swvia r �nrNat�d t• �sate of th�Not�.It th�r�is +�ah�npe oi ths La�n �,�-
<br /> ' 8arvlr.a►,Borrawer wiq bs given wAtten noUce o1 th�ch�npe u� aceordai�ce wNh pu..gaph i ebove �nd appliaable I�w. The
<br /> notla wIY sht�th�n�ms�nd �ddrt�s of iM n�rv Lan 3w�er and th��ddros� to whloh paym�nts should b�nwd�. Tho �, ;' ---—�-
<br /> „ , " notlos wW dao canttln my oth�r Infomwxon nquind by�ppucabN law.
<br /> • 20. Hazardou� 8ubat�nc�t.Bortower shaA not oause or p�tNt th�p►eaence, ua�, dlaposal, starape, or rele�se of �• •.":s�°
<br /> , � �ny Hu�rdous 3ubsGmces on or in ths Propsrty. Bwrower shap not do, na allow�nyon�alae to do, �nylhinp dfecUnp the k".- ��"�`
<br /> " PropKty that Is In vioktlon of any EnvironmmW L�w. Th�precedk�q two eenteneQS �hqA not appy to ths prosence, uea. ' - ,,..-_
<br /> � or atomp� on th�PmpMy ol srrNN qu�ntHia ot Hwrdau� Subslu�c�s thd u�yenenNy naoynfzed to b� �ppropritl� to -="-""-y�
<br /> !;�,��""�:,
<br /> � ,. nomwl rosldenWl u�es�nd ta mdnt�nmcs of th�Properly. � -
<br /> BoROwK�haY prompdy yivs Lander wrllten nolles ot any InveadpaUon, cWm, danand, lawsufl or other acGon by�ny .;y—.--
<br /> • �� yovemmentd or ropuUtory�gmcy or prNate p�rty involvinq tha Prop�rty�nd my Hazudous Substuice or EnvkonmmW Law of 'r . . ,
<br /> whloh Bortower h�e actual knowledpa. If Barow�r la�ms,a in notifled by �ny qovemmenitl or tegu�tory authorily, that�ny �'�
<br /> _ removal a other rwnedlNbn o1 any H�zedous 3ubatanca alUotinp PropeAy le neu�suy, Bortow�r �h�ll prompdy t�ke�II ,�
<br /> • n�wssuy rem�did�ctions in oecorduics wilh Envkonmenul Uw. �,, . .
<br /> �p
<br /> As uaed in ihb panyraph 20, 'H�zudoue 3ubat�neea'are thoae subatancea deflned aa toxlo or h�zardous aubatanc�s by �����
<br /> Envlronm«►id L�w �nd tha bqowlnp subaUncea: yeedine, ke►oaene, alher flammable or toxlc petroleum producis, toxin
<br /> peaUcid�.s and heiWcldes,voI�UN sohrw►ta, molaials eontalninp a�bostos a famwWahyda, and ndloactive materials. As uaed M
<br /> panyraph 20, 'Envkonmenlal Lew' means fedaral lawi�nd lawa of tha jWladetion wharo tM Property le bosted Ihst rNata to : ' •,".;.y.'��
<br /> . ' hwllh, at�ty or�nvkonmanW protectlon. ,
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrower and Lender tuHhar covwwnt and�pree�s IoNowa: ��� ?�
<br /> 21.Aaaoleratlon; Romodioo. Lando� ahall givo notlao ta Borrowar prior to accoloration ; ,
<br /> followlnp eorrowor's bro�ah of any covanant or a�roomont in this Socurtty Instrumont (but not ; . .
<br /> prlor to accolaration undar paraqr�ph 17 unloas applicablo I�w provld�s oth�rwlso). Tho notico 4 �-.�=„_: -
<br /> shall opocliy: (a) tha dotault; (b) tho action raquirad to cura tho dohult; (c) a data� not Ioss than � _ -
<br /> , 30 days hom tho dato tho notico Is yiwn to Borrowor, by which tho dafault must b� cu►od; and �•��-'=y
<br /> •• (d)that failuro to cura tho dofault on or bofora tha dato�pociiiod in tha notico may rasult in "`�����
<br /> �ccdoratlon M th� sums socund by thia Soourity Instrumont and aalo of tho Proporty. Tha notica .';f'
<br /> �� ohdl furthor IMorm Borrowor of tho �I�M to �olnstato �ftor accolaration and th� ri�ht to brinp a , ' . .
<br /> court �ctlon to as���t tho nonwxi4tonc� of a dotault or any othor dofonsa of 8orrowo� to ';;:Y-:
<br /> accol�ration and salo. If tho dafauit Is not curod on or bofora tho d�to apociflod In tho notica� l ,�,►����,.
<br /> Londor at Ita optlon may roqulre Immodiato payment in full of all oums socurad by thia Sacurity ' °'"'�1"
<br />. � ., InstrumoM wkhout fu�thor domand And may invok� tha power of sal� and any oth�r remodlos � t��:".•
<br /> � pormittad by applicablo law. I.�nd�r �haM bo antitlod to colloct all axpan�os incurrad In purauing
<br /> th� romedios providad In thls par�praph 21, Includin�, but not Iimitad to� roaaona6�lo attornoys'
<br /> �' fo�s and costs of titla ovid�nca.
<br /> I If tho powar of salo is Invokod, Truatoe �hall record o notico of dofauk in oach county in
<br /> whlch any part of tho Propa�ty i� locatad and ahall mail coplea of such notico in tho mannor
<br /> prascribed by applicablo law to 8orrowar and to the othe�parsons prescribed by applfcablo law.
<br /> Aitor tho timo raqulrod by applicablo law, Truatoa ahall give public notico of ealo to tho porsons
<br /> and in tho t�annar prascribed by applicablo law. Trustoa. without domand on Borrowar� shall sall
<br /> tha Property at public auction to tha higlwst biddor at tlw time and placa and undor tho torms
<br /> • dosignated In tho notica of sale {n ono or more parcels and in any ordar Trustov datormino�.
<br /> Trustoo moy postpono salo of all or any parcel of tho Proparty by public announcqmont at tho
<br /> tfmo and placo of any proviouoly schadulod salo. Landar or its dasfyneo may purchaQO tho
<br /> Proporly �t any salo.
<br /> Upon racofpt of paymont of the prica bfd, Truatoo shwll dolivar to the purchasor Truatoo's
<br /> doad convoying tho Proporty. The recftale in tho Trusteo's deed shall bo pr{ma facle ovldencQ of
<br /> � tho truth of tha atatomonts mado tnerefn. Trustee shaii appry ino proc�as of inv spio in ino
<br /> followfng ordar: (a) to all coats and oxpensos of exercising tho powor of ealo. and tha Qalo.
<br /> � {neludln� tho paymont of tha Trustaa's foos actualty fncu�red, not to oxcead chree
<br /> 96 of tha principal amount of tho noto at
<br /> I tha timo of the doclaratton of dofault, and �easonablo attornay'� faos as pormittad by law; (b)
<br /> i to all sums socurod by this Socurity Instrumont; and (c) any oxcass to tho par�on or
<br /> � p�rsons lapally ontitlad to R.
<br /> L�� .'. l f(
<br /> F1316.LM6(10/'91) P.1Qr 1 nf 5 �
<br /> �
<br /> Y olun�M '
<br /> 7�
<br />