f `�ri1 � l'j�L�.� n��;r ., •'� �` 11j'�%'� .Tr.... . .;'c'.Sti:(� r�r..�'�:`i.: �. 7'�._w���.�
<br /> u d �, . ' „ , �.-_. - _ -
<br /> ��iif � � �`
<br /> .v...e..w-�h.�,4:t..a.`�+,. . - - ' .
<br /> . .�f'—
<br /> � �.�3.�r_'.
<br /> . • '•, -�;� � _____._. -
<br /> ..�.r�eG�l�.�••.,l.:;i �r:' r. . .
<br /> -- .i�������� "="` +.. '
<br /> 92-1oss7� �.�-__
<br /> � o s ,, . . .• 8orrow�r nry aura woh a d�lwq �nd tNn�U,�s provld�d M pua�nph 19, by cawlnp ths �dlon a procs�d(np ta b�
<br /> „ E "' • � dlsmbs�d wNb�n�Nnp th�t�In l�ndK's pood Wlh d�lxmindlon�PnaWda tottMWr�of th�BarowK's Intu�st In 1M R'opWty a
<br /> � �� , , othK m�t�l�►wnt of th�M�n awt�d by Ihls S�outlly I�rorum�nt a lm�Mr'� s�cuNfy fntwat. Barow�r �hc'�o b�
<br /> � • In d�hwk N Barow�r�duiN�p th�loan�ppNo�Uon proau�Wr� n+�t�Wy IN��a Inaoaunt� Inlomatlon a st�tNn�nU to L�nd�r -
<br /> . q�,� ..- (or hY�d to prorkM L�nd�r wRh�ny mNMid Infom�Uon)In conn�aUon wqh th� Iwn �vld�nad by Ih�NoU, Indudlnp, but
<br /> }` not Nmlt�d to� nP►M�ntaUon� aonwmk�0 9orroww'� ocauP�naY M th� Prap�rty u � pdnatp�l rMld�na�. 11 1hU S�eurHy —
<br /> f���'�'�� Inatnimmt b on � N�a�hold. BorrowW�MM con�ly wqh u ih�provblan�ot th� INS�. If 8onow�r�cquk�s fM tfW to th�
<br /> ' ° Prop�ty,th�bas�hold�nd th�Iw Wa�h�N not m�ry�unNas L�nd�r�gnM to th�n�pu in w�itlnp.
<br /> • , 7. Prot�atlon of 1.�nd��'� Rlphb In th�Prop�rty. 11 eorrow� lau� to paiam th�covmrnt��nd�9nan�nts
<br /> . ., cantdn�d N thla S�ourlry Imtrum�nt, a th�n I�a Mpd procMdn�Ih�t m�y slpnfllantry dt�ct L�nd�r's dqhq In th�FropM1Y
<br /> - _ _ (such���procwdk�9 In b�nkruptcY.Prob�h.la cond�nnstfon a forl�ltun o►to enforce Nw�a�pul�tlons)� th�n L�nder m�y �� -°_ ^- ;
<br /> . do�nd p�y 1or wh�Uvw Is n�s�y to protwt Ih�v�lw o1 th�PropMty 1u1d Lendar's �Iphts In th�Proprrty. L�nd�r'a �ctfons
<br /> � rMy Indud�p�yln0 any sums wcund by a Y�n whlah h�s pdodry ov�►thls 8�ourltyy In�hum�nt. �ppwinp N court, WY�O
<br /> r;� � nnonahM�riamys'fNa �nd mtMlnp on th� Propwry to m�k�np�ks. Aqhouph L�nd�r m�y tak��cdon und�r thb pwpraph
<br />�.�,s � ,, 7. L�nd� do�s not h�w to do �o. _
<br /> My �mounb dl�bun�d by L�nd�r undw p�raynph 7 shul b�oom� +�dditlond d�bt o1 BortowK a�cund by thls �_
<br /> . � ' � .. S�awity Instrument. Unl�as BortowK and Lend�► �prN to other twms of p�ymmt, thssa�mounta sh�N bsiu Intereat 1►om
<br /> .� ..
<br /> the dd�of dbbwsan�nt d th�Not�n�h �nd shW b�p�y�bl�,wilh Int�t. upon notla lrom UndR to Bortow�r nquestlnp �'� y,
<br /> 4
<br /> ,�. - w8 Nlort��p� Inwranc�. II L�ndK nqulad moAp�y� In�utinaa n a condldon of m�Wnp th� lo�n �ecur�d by thls —
<br /> S�wrNy Insqumant, Bortowar sh�N p�y the prwnlums nquk�d to m�kiuln th�moAp+ipe lowrance In sffect.fl,for�ny re�eon,the
<br /> mort�y�Insu►ance cov�ay�requked by Lendsr I�psee a ce�se�to bs In alteet, 8onowK shdl p+�y the premlums requk�d to =
<br /> .. . ._�_' . obWn oov�rape wbst�nWNy eqdv�Mnt to th�mortpnp� Insurana provlouey In eHed. at� cost eubstanHaUy equNtl�nt lo the
<br /> cori to Bortower o1 th� morty�p�Nsu�c� prwlowly In elf�ct, irom �n Ntam�te mortp�qe Inaure► approved by L�nda. II -�_ ----
<br /> ��_:.:�_
<br /> � � � substantWy pulvd�nt moh�p�Insunmw aov�ap�I+not awR�bl�, Bortow�r�hap pay to Undor s�ah month a�um equd to �"°._
<br /> "� onrtwaHth oi ths yMry mortp�ps Mou�anao prwNum bolnp pald Ey Borrower when ths Meuranee covempe leps�d a eassd to -°
<br /> �� „ pe In efl�ot. Lender wUl�ecept, u:��nd M�k�th�se p�yments�a �bss naerva N Ueu of mohy�ps Inwrancs. Loas rsserve •' ,
<br /> . paym�nta m�y no lonper bs nquYtid.�t the aptlon ot LendK,R morly�p�Inwranc�covenps (In ths vnount and tw ths paiod -�:��:.: - :'�
<br /> • that Lender nqulres)provlded by an Insurer �pprov e d by Len d w a y Y n becomes�vallebN and Ia obtrned. BoROwa ahdl pay ��
<br /> the premlums nqukM to m�Ntah moRy�y�Insu►ancs In affsct, or to provlde ■loas narve,untN the roqulranant br mortq�pe ..,,�:.._
<br /> � Inwrance enda In accord�nc�wNh�ny wrlttan ayre�m�nt betwean Barower and L�nder or�ppica6le tew. :`.:�-�-,-��w.-�
<br /> " ,• 9. I��p�atlon. Lander or its+�penl m�y m�ke rwaon�ble�ndke upon �nd Inspecdons of tM Property. Lenda sh�l phre .l.�••�.Rr M1`;_
<br /> � , Barower notlw tl the Ums ot or pdor to�n InspsoUon ap�cflylnp rwtonabte causs lor the Inap�oUon. �
<br /> • � 10. COnd�mn�tlon.Th� prooseds of any awud a ol�lm for dam�ysa, dkeet a conaequenUU,In conn�ctlon wNh my ' ' '�-
<br /> , . � conda�maUon or otha Wdnp of any put of Ih�Propaty, or tor conveyu�o�In N�u of condannatlon. on h�nby nslpned�nd . .
<br /> sh�q b�paid to L�nd�►. i,':;�t�`?i�.
<br /> �� ' In th� event of • toLl t�klnp ol tho Property, the proc�eds shaN be �ppAed to tM suma secured by thls 3ecurity "'•"�'"�`� �
<br /> t kln . . �:
<br /> , Inabum«►t,whsther or not then dus, wlth �ny �xceas pald to Bortower. In the ewnt of ■partlal Uklnp ot th�P►opaiy In _ �-,�y4•�•��
<br /> . --_ - whleh ths hlr rtwkat wlus of the P►apaty Nnm�dlataly bafae tno uklny ie equd to o�qr�tw ihm ih�+unount ui iho rums ` "i.`.
<br /> T aacur�d by thla 3ecurfly Inewment Immed4tely baforo the qklnp, unbaa Bortower�nd Lend�r othavrlae ayna In wrtUnp, the �"
<br /> 1 �,���.. --�: -- ��
<br /> ;•'_.�� �M'$WF..IK ,_
<br /> i'�� a7�'.�1
<br /> aums aewued by ihls 3ecur�y Insbument nh�ll be reduced by tha unount of the proc�eda multlpWed by the 1oNowlny hactlon: ,N��,, -+�r,-;.s
<br /> � (�)the toUl unount of the auma secured immedl�tsly bafon the taWng, dlvlded by (b) lhe hk msrk�t v�lu� of the PropKly Y '� �� �°''��
<br /> C°. •�.,�.� . ��.
<br /> , , knmadl�tely bMon th� f�klnp. My bwnce ehW bo pdd to Borrawar.In 1h� evant ol� putlol taking ot lha Propsity In wl�lch �w,, fi ��,. .
<br /> .�.:ye.. .;
<br /> , - � the isk markal valu�of tha PrapeAy Imm�dlatey beforo the t�klny Ia leaa thm th��mount of the wms secured fmmedl�tey . �, •�,
<br /> � �� before th� Wdnp, unleas Bortower and Lendx otherwlae ayros In w�itlny or unleaa rppNuble I�w otha�wlae provldts, the • •�- -
<br /> • procseds sh�N be applled to th�sums saeurod by thl�3ecurlty Instnxnent whether or not lhe eums are then due. y�
<br /> If tho P►operty Is ab�ndoned by 8onower, or H, atter notice by Lender to 8onowar Ihat the condemnor oHero to make an ,
<br /> �• „ � �� � awud w �etUs a d�lm for damapes, 8orroww lalls to respond to Lende� wflhln 30 d�ya �iter the date th� notice la yNen,
<br /> " Lender la authoriz�d to coNect �nd appty the proceeda, at Ita optlon, �flher to restontlon a►apatr of th� Property a to I -
<br /> th�wms s�ared by thls 3eewfty InsWment,whather or not tha� dw, , .�•?��Y
<br /> Unteea L�nder md BoROwer otherwlae �yree In writlny, any�pplludon ot proceeda to pdnclpd ahall not sxlend or . - -
<br /> � postpone the due dtl�of Ihe monthly payments relened to In paragnpha 1 and 2 or ehsnpe the amount o1 such paym�nta. �-�-- _
<br /> 11. 8orrow�r Not Retoaod; Fab��ranco By I.ondar Not a W�Ivor. �nenaion ot the ttma br payment or "�`i�
<br /> modlflcatlon o1 amorUz�Uon of the auma aeeured by thla Secunlyy Inetrument qrantad by Londer to any auccesaa In Interast I ,y�,,��;�;;-.
<br /> ot Borrower shW not operate to�eleaae tha YabWtyr ot lhe orfylnal Bortower or Bortowor'e euccesson M k�terest. Lender ahall � . . .,...
<br /> not be raquked to commence proeeedlnOs �palnst �ny auccessor in Interest a rotuae to exlend Ume for payment w otharwlae
<br /> modUy�moAlz�tlon ot ths aums eecured by thla Securily InaWment by reason of uiy demand made by the oriqlnal -�
<br /> � � Bortower or Borrower'a aucceaeora M Inte►eat. My lorbearance by Unda►In Qxwclalnq any �lyht or r�dy ahap not be a , ..
<br /> � ' w�b�r oi or preclude the exerdse of eny rlpht or remedy. � '��'"'�'
<br /> � 12. 8uccosson and A�slges Bound; Jolnt and Savaral Uablllty; �Co-slpnan. me coven.nts and � •
<br /> eyreementa o1 thls SecurNy InaWment eh�ll bind and beneTd the succeseore and asalgns of Lender and Borrowar.subject to the ; . �
<br /> provlslona of par�graph 17. BoROwer'a covmanta and apreementa ehaN be Jdnt and aeve►al. My Bortower who co•algna Ihls
<br /> � 3ecurily InsWmant but do�s not execute the Note: (o)Is co-stgning Ihis Security Inehument only to mortysye,gnnt and convay
<br /> that BoROwe►'a Intereat In the Property under lhe term�01 thla Security InatiumenL' (b)Is not persanaly obNg�ted to p�y the
<br /> 1 suma secured by tMs SecurHy InaWment; and(c)egreea that Lender and any other Bortower may agree to exlend,modly.
<br /> torbear or rtwke any accommodatfans wNh repard to the tertns ot thls Secu�ity Metrument or the Note wllhoul that Bortowx's
<br /> : consent.
<br /> ( 13. Loan Ch�►ges. II Ihe loan secured by thls Secu�iry Inalrument Is sub�ect to � law whlch sets rtwxknum loan ,
<br /> charyes, and ihet law Is NnaMy Interpreled so that the Interest or other loen charyes collected or to he collected In connecUon
<br /> wflh the tan wcceed the permltted Ilmlls,then: (a) eny such loen chazge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> � the chuge to the pem�ltted Ilmit: and (b)any sums akeady cdlected from Bortawer whlch ezceeded pertnlpod Ilmlta wlll
<br /> � be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make ihfs refund by reducing the princlpal owed under the Note or by
<br /> • I mekl�q a dlrect payment to Borrower. II e retund reduces p�Ncipel, the reductlon wll ba trealad �s a pahlal prepayment
<br /> wlthout any prepaymmt chuge under the Note.
<br /> 14. NOtiCYS.My notics to Bortower provlded lor In thls Secwity Inatrument ahall be glven by delNering ft or by maAing It
<br /> by flrat class mell unlQSS appllcable lew requlres use ol e�other mHhod. The notice shdl be dlrected to the Propeity Addreas
<br /> or �nv other �ddresa Bortower deslgn�tes by notice to Lender. My notice to lender shall be glven by tlrat class maN to
<br /> Lender a sddrese eteted hereln or s�y other eddress Lender desigmtes by notice to 6oROwer. any nonce prov�aec ior m
<br /> thls Secutily Inalrument sheq be deemed to have bew�glven to Borrower or Lender when glven es provfded In thls pangreph.
<br /> 1b. aovorning l.aw; Sovorabillty.Thls Security Instrument ahNl be govemed by federN 4w and the I�w o1 the
<br /> �urlsdlcUon In whlch the Prope�ty Is located. In ihe e�+ent that any provlslon or clsuse ol thls Security Instrument or tne
<br /> NoM eonlllcts wlth �pplfuble I�w. auch conOlcl ah�ll nol effect olher provfslona ol thls Seeurity InaUument or the Note whlch
<br /> can be yhon �flect wflhout Ih� eonlllctlnq provlslo�. To thls rad th� provlslons o}thls Security Inalnimant ond the Noto arQ
<br /> d�Wred to be aevenble.
<br /> . 18. Bo�rowor's Copy. Bonower shall be glven one conformed cupy ot the Note a�d ol thls Security Instrument.
<br /> ! �� r �!�
<br /> � F1316.LM�3 110/911 Pap�� 1 ad S '' 'l"�•
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br /> � ' ,� �u�i�f �
<br />