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....,.. . .. . ,. <br /> � , , , �� �.� s' ;.: �, ...._ .. ,: . ._.: .:�.� —! -- <br /> ,.s3' :��-,. ;'.,.jv,�,,,,,.:. .f''����,.:.m.�,,.�--^P-----�--.-+.�-` <br /> ...,.., <br /> .�.�� �.,.x.�,.R.. <br /> „ , .- �ry}�F:Yf: - �t.r,. - _._. <br /> . _. �'c'" , . • '_— <br /> y..�tc �s � - _ <br /> . ... -- - '':�a;.�� .. <br /> ' . ,, r_..`__ --. _ ._- <br /> . <br /> �'-�R.._,. <br /> ���.o�... _�.:w. 92_ �.oss�s <br /> ���-�:=-��� • — <br /> - L i'.f.+. j�.n:- • i . <br /> • """""�!`'` payments, which are teferrcd�a in Puragruph 2,or change the umuunt af+�uch puymentx. Any exce+. pr�xreJ��wcr an ____ <br /> '��"°-' ` pmoum eequired to pay all outwanding indebtcdne�s under the Note and this Secunty Inr�nimant ahall be pu�d�a the eniity °�=' <br /> -���'r'��� k�aliy entitled theieto. - <br /> :��L ^`.._"�' �� 8, Fees. L.ender muy collect fees und charQes authorized by the Secretary. <br /> ;?����-�''�'��M;� �'� 9. Grounda for Accekrallon oi Debt. <br /> � ^ ' (A)Defaull. l.ender may.cxccpt us limited by regulatians issucd by the Secrc�nry in thc cux of puyment dcfuults, -- <br /> •. , --��� ,,� �equire immedipte payment in full of all sumc secured by thix Security Instmmem if: <br /> .. <br /> � „�, ._,. .��_.... (i)Borrower defuuUs by foiling to puy in full a�y mon�hly puyment reyuired by this Securi�y Inxirument prfar ___ <br /> ..� , .. to ar on the due dete af the neat manthly paymcni,or ��. <br /> :,..�.�_• -----_-- --- <br /> � .W-t������'�� ° (ii)Borrower defuult�by failing.for a period of thiny days,�o pedorm uny wher obligu�ian�containcd in�hix <br /> ���V�X ° Secu�itv Inslrumenl. <br /> �,; • � Ib)Sde Wilhout Cndlt Approvpl. Lender shnll,if petmi�ted by applicublc luw and with the prior Approvul of the <br /> Seeretary,rcquire immediate puyment ii;full of all the sums necured by this SecuHry lorl�ument if: � <br /> �� ' � � (i)All or part of the Praperty,or u bene�cial interest in a trusl awning ull ar pun af�he Propeny, ix KoW o� <br />' • olherwir+e trunaferred lather thun by devisc or descent 1 by thc Harrowcr,�nd <br />�" � • • ' (ii)The Propeny is not accupied by the purchater or grontee uw his or her principal residence,or the purchaser e_ <br />�� " �� or gmt�tee doex so accupy the PropeAy but hix or her credit hu� not Ix•rn upproved in uccordonce <br />�: with the rcquiremen�v of the Secretary. <br />,��r �� ;' ' � � (c)No Waiver. If circumstunces occur that would pertnit Lender to require immediate puyment in full,bw Lender --� <br /> • — <br />�; � ,.••• �" ' daes not require such puyments,Lendcr dces not wuwe its dghls with mypect ta subseyuent eventh. � ` <br /> ..-,�.":,; <br /> � Id)ReQulations of HUD Secretary. In mony circums�unces reguluuonh issued by the Secre�ury wfll limit Lender's �_ �_ <br />„�� „ , dghts, io the case of puyment defaults, to reyuir� immediute pt+yment in full und fomclose i f not pai d. Th is <br /> .. . <br />��'• _ Security Instrument dces not authorize accelerution or foreclasure if na permitted by�gulations of the Secretary. ___ ___ <br /> s -` � le)MorlgAge Not Insured. Barmwer agmas thnt Khould this Securiry Ina�rument und tix notc tc�ut+ed thereby nat -�- - <br /> , . �„ be eligible for insurance under the National Houxing Act wi�hin from the ��� <br /> � dute hereof, Lender may,at itg option und notwithstanding unything in Furngruph 9,reyuire immediate payment in �^��n„� <br /> y full of all sums xecured by this Security Instrument. A w�itten swtement of uny uuthorizeJ ugenl of the Secre�ary e:-,=- <br /> dnted subsequent to ��-� , <br /> from�he date hereof,declining to insure this Security ,.•,:,�,..::_ , <br />• ` �- " Instrument wid the note secured thercby,shull be deemed conclusive prcxif oP such inetigibili�y. Nwwithsuu�dmg � <br /> the foregoing,this option muy not bc exercised by Lender when�he unuvuilability of insurnncc ia solely due to _____ °� <br /> - ` " Le�der's iailure to�emit v mortgage insurnnce premium to�he Secre�ury. _------ <br /> : �� � 10. Relnstatement. Bortower hati u right to be remstated if l.ender hus r+equired immediu�e pAyment in full because �_____ <br />, � of Borrowcr� f�ilune to pay an umount due under the�Notc or this Securi�y Instrument. Thig right upplics even after <br /> ' foreclosure proceedings are mstituted. To rcinxlate �he Secu�ity In��rumem, 8arrower shu0 tender in u lump�um all _ <br /> nmounts required to bnng Borrower's account cunent including,lo the extem they are obligutiom oP BoROwer under this <br /> =.__: . . . `. <br />� Securiry Instrumenl.foreclosure corts und reusonabie and cusiomury uii�n��Cy,'fee.and expcnsc�properly a::xociated►eith ----- -- <br /> ' the foreclosure proceeding. Upon rein�lutement by Borrawer,thix Security Instrument urnl the obligutians thut it secures �-�-°�i=�'''`` - <br /> shall remuin in effect us if Lender hud not re4uired immediutc puyment in full. However,Lender iti not required to�ertnit N ��"�•-- <br /> reinstatement if: (i)Lender hati accepted remsta�ement af'ter the cummencement of foreclosurc mceedin s wi�h�n two �.:�-�•-• <br /> P 8 , v":��,:�r�t�;x"-=- <br /> � years immediately preceding the commencement oF u current forecla,ure prcxeeding, lii) reins�utement w�ll preclude — <br /> � • �� �� fomclosure an different grounds in Ihe fulurr,or liii) reinmtntemem will udver.rly afi'ect the prioriry of the lien created by --=_____ <br /> . . tbic Securiry I��strument. t�: <br /> „� l l. Borrower Not Rekased; �orbearance by Lender Not u Wuiver. Ex�en�ion oF the time of payment or `��` __ <br /> • .';, . modificntion of umoniznlion of the wmx.erured by�his Securiry Instrument grunted by Lender to uny tiuccessor in inlerest '��• ���•:�: . � <br /> of Borrower shnll not operulc to mlcu.r the li:�biliry uf�he miginal Borrower or Borrower:succexxor m interctit. Lender �r'�y-�`'-+:::r „ <br /> � , , shull nol be reyuired to commrnce proceeding.ugum+�any xucres,or in intere�t or refuze�o extend time for ps�yment or � • -_ <br /> � otherwiw modify umortiiutian of the sums securcd My ihis Securi�y Iminimen�by rcutian ��f n�y demund made by the , <br /> „ original Bortower or BuRawer:succe,sor in interetit. Any forbeurunce by Lender in exercixing:my right or remedy xhull <.y���y,G__ <br /> • , not be n waiver oi or preclude the exerci.c of uny right ur rentcdy. r>. • - <br /> � . t2. Successors and As�l�ns Bound: Joint and 5everul l.iabllity:Co•tiiRnerc. Thc covenuntti and ugreements ot' • �=`�=,= <br /> � this Security Inslrument tihull bind und henefit Ihe.urce+.or�und aisi�!n,o(Lender unJ Burrower,,ubj�w�u�the provi.ions : _;—-_ � <br /> ' of Poragruph 9.b. Bonoa•er's rovenunt+ anJ ugrerments shall I+c joint und �everul. Any Borcower who co-s�gns thiti . •"�M-�_ <br /> : ,, Security In�trument hut du►�s not execute�he No�e: (al i.r��-�i�ning�his Srruri�y In.lrument o�ily to mortguge,grsuit und . -- <br /> , " convey thut Borrower ti intcre,t in the Pro�xrty unJrr the�ertm of�hi.Srcurity In+lrument;lbl i�not pcnonully oblig:�teJ to ":�'` <br /> pay thc xums secured by thi�Securiry In.trumrnt:an�1 Irl agrcrr�hat Lcndrr;uid;u�y othrr HaR��wcr muy ugree to ex�end. � . <br /> 4 , modify.forbeur or muke uny uccommixli�lian.�•ith mg,vJ to�hc�crni.uf thi�Srcuriry In�trumem or the Note wi�hou�ths�t ,._.:;;,_� <br /> ' Dorrowcr,cunticnt. V � �-•�':��� . <br /> . ,.:. <br /> ' `�•��'.' 13. Notices. Any noticc to Borrower providcd liir in�hiti Srcurit�/In+irum.m+hull Ix �iven b�/deliverin^it ur b�/ r� <br /> .. '1�� ! � J t ! " �'.. ��'`.`5',Yici`4". <br /> • � . muiling it by Cirst cluss m•ril unlcs. upplirublc law reyuirc.u.r uf;uiu�hcr mctMxl. Thc noticc zhull be Jirected ta thc ... . ' •.;�;•`-'- <br /> , �•. Property Addre.s or uny othrr uJdrry. Bi�rrowrr Jcsignutr�hy rn�tirc to Lcnd�r. Any nolirr to Lcndcr shall br givcn by <br /> '� " fint clu+s muil to Lendcr; uddr�+ti ,IU1eJ hercin �ir :w�• .�dJr�., l.rnJcr Jr�ignale. h�• noticr to Borcuwrr. Any notirr � <br /> provided for in�hix 5ecuri�y In.trwnrn�.hall Ix dcrmed�o havr Ixen givcn to Honu���cr ur Lrndcr wlxn givcn a�pruvided � <br /> in this paragraph. ' <br /> l4. GoverninR I.uw�: ticvcrubllih•. Thi. Serurily In+tninunt.hull t►��u�crnrd by I�rdrrul luu und Ihr law• of 1hr , <br /> } � jurixdicuon in which�hc I'ru�xrty is lix•:nrd. In Ihr rvcn� th:�� :m� proai,i��n ur.•lau.r�,f thi�Srrurity In.lrument or thr � <br /> Nnte contlicts with appliraMle Icn�•. ,urh runllirl,hull no� :dlrr���Uier pravi.i�,n,uf thi� tirrunty In,truinent ur thr N��t� <br /> which can ix eivcn rticct�vith�iut th�runllirtin�provi,ion. "li�thi.cnd thr pru�• ihi.Scruril�• Imtrumen�unJ thr . <br /> � �� Notc um declur�J w ix.rcrr:ihlc. <br /> „. 15. Borro�ver'ti l'op�. H„rro��•rr�h:ill Fk g��ru uur roid�,rmrJ rop�ul ihi.Srcuriiy In.trumrnt. . <br /> 16. Assi�nment of Renls. liorru�«r unronditiimally a.,i�:n,.md u•:u►�hr.�u Lrnd�r all thc rcnt.and n�rnur.ul'Utr <br /> ' propetly. Horrou•rr authoriir�Lrndrr or Lrnder'�aL�nh t�►rullert the rcnl�and«�rnur,and hcrrM•dirert.rarh trnam ut <br /> . lhC Propch)'lci pay Ihi rent,Ii� LcnJer ur Lrndcr'�:��enl.. Hu��c�rr.priu�'lu Lendcr'+nnliir tu H„rcu«rr„1 I�urru��rr'. <br /> � hrcach uf i+ny c�,vcnunl ar ugrermrnt in ihc tircurit� I n.trunum. H�,rruurr,h.�ll�•�dlrrl.m�l rrr�i�c.dl rrnt.anJ rc�•rnuc•ot <br /> ' thr Pn,prny�ti�r thr Ixnrtit„f LrnJ.r anil N„rru��cr. llu.a��i�mncm��t irin.cun,ti�ut«an:�h.olutr a.,iEnmrnt <br /> . and not an a�.iEnmrnt ti,r:idJiii�mal.crurny�ml;. <br /> II'Lrndcr g�vr.nulir�ul hn:�ch 1��B��tiu�t�►: (:U.�II renl��i��•��cd h� liutn���rr�h:dl tx hrld h� Hurru��er:�+tru�tir <br /> �..�� �. .�_., <br /> --- " — tiir henetit at Lendcr unly. 1��(K:Ir���ICU It�Illl`�Utll��CCI�rtU n� 1i�c:ii•imii♦ iu.i�u�ucni. ii�i i.iiiuii .uan ��. :�d'..�... :.: <br /> collert and m�rivr all af thr�h�I'r�,�e�m::uid ici r.irh Irnaoi��t Ihe I'r„p��n� .h:ill p.i� .�II rrnh dur:�nd wq�aid ti� <br /> I.endrr ur Lcndcr'ti ugrnt�m LcnJrr'.a rittrn�I��m:md Iu Ihc Icn.�nt. <br /> B��rmwrr ha� uut r�rcu�cd :ir» pnur a,.ipnmrnt of Uir iem. and h.�.n„� ,inJ ��III Ilt�l �kfl��Ylll .m� act that ��uuld <br /> i prcvrnt LenJcr frum r�rr�i.�ng il,ri�ht.undrr Ihi�1'.uarr:q,h I h <br />' , Lendei �hall nut Ik r�yuircJ tu riUer u�M�o.tal.r runtrul „t ur iu:wit.nn 1h.I'�i��xrt� Iklutr„r aftrr�:i�m�.n„nrr �,I <br />• hrcach�o Hurra��rr. Hu��«�r. I.rnd�r��r :� �udrci:dl� .ip�,nmlrJ rcrri�rr ma) J�� .�� ,U ,�m tun.• Iheir i• .�hi�.�ih. :\n) <br /> 8�1(llll':IIIVII�t� Il'lll��I1:III Il�tl CIIfC�tr\\:u«any dcl.wll ui �m,d��Lilr,u�� ulhrr ii�:hl�,r rrmcJ� nt l.cndrr I�hi� e.,itnu�rnl <br /> . of rent��,T 1hr I'ruExrl) �h:�ll tcnnm:ilr«hrn Ihr drl,l .r:wrd 1,� Ihr tircuril� In.umnrut i.p.u�l m t�dl. <br /> •��.,�, �.i,�•.�:,„ <br /> , �y � <br /> � i - <br />