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I • � 1 ctm�u'a1r.+ncim.,,.i ,����. _ ..' t'�.. ..,... •��: ��__.."'_,r�,J <br /> A..w - •� ._. <br /> .��� - .i , ..... .'+-"'�M1Mr•,9tYrC�� •` . � � _.. <br /> .,� �;�,��,, . <br /> F , � w�:r.�- <br /> . .�•��'° - �w .,�� -- -- - -- - . <br /> �. 92—loss�s <br /> ��. :� �� � <br /> "'r"'"�'��'�°"' 1. PYyment ot Principal,Inkr�l and Late Clu��e. Borrower�hull puy when due Uu principal af.und intcr�st on, <br /> �` �'a' `�'�� Ihe debt evidenced by�he Ndo and late chtuges due under�he Nate. -- <br /> —�, .F.;°r <br /> �,� 2. Monthly psyments ot 7lixer,lnwroece�nd Otber C ea Borrower shall include ln eorh monthly payment, <br /> a��.:A,• L��,r�sM1 �ogether with�he princip�l and intercst as set fbrth ln the Nc►te�smy la�e chargeg,an instullmem of any(a)twces ond <br /> '.'..�`���l� �pecid asseasmenta levied or to be levled ag�lnst Ihe Pmperty,(bl IcasehOld paymenta ar�raund rent�on thc Prc+peAy.ond <br /> .1 ° � ' (c)prcmiums for insurance reyuired by Pivagraph 4. <br /> ,� ��, , � � psch monthly inst�llment far itema (a), (b)and(c)shall eyua!one-�welf�h oi the annuAl omoumK. us reusonably <br /> ' a...y,t... eatinWed by l.ender, plus an umount suff'Mient to maintnin un Additionul baloncc of not more Ihan one-six�h oP thc <br /> , �-",-` ;. ; estimalod nmounts. 1'he full nnnupl amount for each icem nhall be a�cumulutrd by L...�ute�within a period ending one �_ -_ ___-- - <br /> ' M�.�.',�����:,�', monlh bef�rc su►item wauld become delinquent. Lender shall hold the wmounts collected in tNSt to pny item�(u).lbl ond <br /> .�°`"''"�����.. ' (c)before they become delinquent. <br />�-�=__�,;�.�w:i.• � If at any time the tatal of 1ho payments hcld by Lender For items(u),lb)ond(c),togclher with�he future monthly <br />!���� . • ^ • payments far auch itema payable ta l.ender prlor to the due dutex of such items, exceedx by more �han one•sixth the <br />� �'�� csdrnoted amount of puyments required to pay such items when duc. wid if payments an the Notc ure current,then Lender <br />�. . � . ' = ,_ ehell either rofand the excess over ane•sixth of the estimated payments or credit the excess aver one-xixth af the estimated <br /> '•�•�'=~ � pa te to su uent ments b Bortowcr,ut the o tion of Barrawer. If the�otal of thc payments mude by Borrower �_ <br />�` ._ . Y�� �1 PaY Y P <br />���,4_., �� tor itcm(a),(b),or(c)is insufticicnt to pay the item when due,then Bortowcr shall p•ry to Lender any emounl necessury ta <br /> moice up the deficiency on or before the date�he item becames due. <br /> As used in�his Security Instrument,"Secretary"meuns�he Secretary of Housing ond Urbon Development r.r his or her � <br /> �� • designee. In any year in which the Lender must pay a mongage insurance premium to the Secretary,ench monihly payment - <br /> w shall uiso include ei�her. (i1 an installment of the annuul mortgage insurnnce prcmium to be paid by Lender to the <br /> ;.:�:'�:,ss.��s�.�.__. Secntuy,nr(ii) a monlhly chnrge instcad of a martgage fn�urun�:r premium if thiy Security Insuument is held by the F°- <br />• ' � -' ` Secretary. Each monthly installment of the mortgege insurance premium shall be in an amount sufficient to accumulate the �,�,_: <br /> r°�, - •� K full annual mortguge inaurance pcemium with L.ender one maoth pdor to the date ibe full nnnual mortgage insurance '��° - <br /> �<' ^' "n°'� r , premium is due to the Secretary;or if this Security Instrument is held by the Secretury,each monthly charge shall be in An � <br />���� ' ��. runount equal to one-twelfth of one-half percent of the oulstunding principul balance due on the Note. �.� <br /> � If 8orrower tenders to l.ender the full payment of ull sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument, Borrowerk account <br />+�' , ' sha116e credited with tha balunce remaining for All instnllments for items(a),(bl and (c) nnd uny martgage insurnnce <br />`�' ' • . premium installment lhat Lender hes not become obligaced to pay io the Secretary,and Lender shall promptly refund uny __ _ <br />�. : �';�,.;;, excess funds to Barrower. Immediately prior to a foreclosure sule of the Propeny or itx acquisition by I.ender,Borrower's �;�._:��� ' <br />? ;.�� ,,.:�,; account shall be credited with any balunce mmaining for all installments far items(a),(b)und(c). �.,,. ,.. _ <br />� 3. Ap�licallon of Paymenls. All payments under Paragraphs 1 ond 2 whall be applicd by Lender as follows: � �^� '- <br /> (�g�Z ta�he moR gage msurnnce premium to be puid by Lendcr lo the Secretury or ta Ihe moMhly charge by the - <br />�'" � Secre instea d o f t he mont h ly mongage insu r u n c e p rc m w m; "�'-=-` <br /> ';:,,.� . ,. �._=� <br /> w- �a ,to any taxes,special nssessments,leasehold payrnents a ground rent�,end fire,flood and other hazard �� <br />�' � insurnnce pnemiums,asrequired; <br />].,-; , ..s..=.,.s•. �,to inten.'a�due under the Note: <br /> EQ,jl g�,to amortizntion of thc principal oi ihe Note: �_ <br /> .. " ��.,• p�{,to late charges due under the Nate. •��-•--���=~ <br /> 1 4. Fire�Flood and Olher Hazard lnsurance. Borrower tihull insure ull impravements on the Properly,whether now ��.=:. <br /> � in eaistence or subsequenNy erected.ugainst any h�xurds,cusuAlties,and cantingencies,including fire,for which Lender . <br /> ° •�� •�� requlres inaurance. Pe :•'����; <br /> This insurance shull he muimained in the nmounts and for the riods�hnt Lender requines. Borcower `.,:•�:_ •,� <br /> , . shall also insure all improvements on the Property,whether now in exiuence or subsequently erected,ngainst loss by Ooods <br /> • � to tiie extent required by ihe Secretary. All insurunce shull be carried with compunie�aPproved by Lender. The insurance <br /> Y .. .. • policies and any renewals shull be held by Lender and shall include (cns puyuble clauses in fuvor of, and in u form =—:=..v. <br /> , accepteble to,l.ender. ��'•s"`�-"�� <br /> !. In the event of loss, Borrower xhull give Lender immediute ncxice hy muil. Lender rnuy make proof of loss i f not �-+-���-= <br /> • . made promptly by Borrawer. Euch insurunce compuny concemed i�hereby authorized and directed to make puyment for �•��,r,;- <br /> � " such loss directly to Lender,inste�d of to Borrower und tu L�nder jointly. All or uny part af the insurance proceeds muy be "r�r��.- <br /> � app8ed by Lender,at its oplion,eilher(u)to the reduction of the indeMedne„undcr the Note und this Secunty Insln�menl, ` <br /> . � ,. first ta any delinc�uent umounts upplied in the arder in Purugrn�h 3,nnd �hen ta prepuyment of principal,or(b) to �he _ _ <br /> � � � restaration or repuir of the dam�ged property. Any applicution ot�he proceeds to the principul shnll not extend or postpone i-_�-4:R�,:_;, <br /> , " • •:•''�� the due date of the monthly payments which:ue refermd to in Para�:raph 2,ar chungc the arnount af such payments. Any :.. <br /> �'��'�� excess insurunce praceeds over un nmount required to pay ull ou�ctsu�ding indehtednexs under�he Nate and this Securiry ��;.••• .�,r.�_ <br />;• � •- Inswment shull be paid io the entity Iegnlly enuded thercto. � <br /> ' In the event of foreclosure of this Security Instrument or nthcr Irunsfer af title to thc Pmpetty thnt extinguishes the .,�:__-_- <br />�� - indebtedness,uU right,tille und intere+t of Borrower in und to in�urance��licies in forcr�h•rll patis to the purchaser. y a�;�""�- <br /> • • S. Occupancy. Preservatlon. Maintenance and Prote�tiun oi the Property; ' pp `�i��'�� <br /> Borrower s I.oan A Ikation; ��.•_ .•� - <br />' � ' Leaseholds. Borrower shull occu e,tubli�h,:uid u.e�he I'm rt u� Bortower. rinci .�I residence within rixt du s �� "`�'� <br />, PY. Fx Y p P' Y Y a�:�t�u,-.-.-- <br /> after the ezerution of this S��urity Insirumeot und,hnll condnuc tu�krupy thc Pro{xny a+ Borrower z principul residence -;. , i-_`,�'`^___ <br /> for a�Icast one ye�after the dutc of cxcupancy,unlcx�the 5ecretary dc�cmiinc�thi�r�yu�rcmcnt will causc undue hurdship �,�}j��,��;.;�s� <br /> • ' for 8orrawer, or unles+extenuating circum�tuncrs exi�l whirh arr beyond Burruw�r.amlre�l. Bormwer shull notify . _ <br /> � , r. � Lenden uf uny extenuu�ing rircum�tunrr�. Borrower shall not commil or Je+truy,dumuge or sub�tsmtiully change • • <br /> ° the Property or ullow the Pnipeny to Jeteriorrte,reu�onublc weur:mJ Icur exreplcJ. Lcndcr may insp«t lhc Property if the � <br /> � Property is vucant or ahandoned or the loan i�in JefauU. Lcndrr ma�•luke rnii+onublr aclian�a pmtrrl und prcurve such <br /> vacatN or ubandoned Propcny. Borrower.hall ul.a tx• in dclaull it'BnrruNCr.du�ing thc lu•rn upplicatian prcxex.,guvr <br /> mntcriully fultie or inacrurute inl'unu•rtiu�► ur +tutemrm. tn Lcnd�r lor faileJ to pnwiJc l.ender �vith uny muterial <br /> �� infortnntion) in cunnection with�hr lu:ut rvidrnceJ hy thc Nutr, in�luJin�,hul not limitrd tu.reprc.entationti conceming <br /> Borrower;occupuncy of the Pnrpeny a.u prinripal rc.iJrnre. It ihi.tierurity In.�n�mrn�i.�,n u Iruarhold.Bortower shall . <br /> cornply with the provrniun�of the Icuu. If Burrnwrr a�cyuire• fre tidc w th�{'r�,�xny.Ihc Ir:urholJ and tre�idc.hull nu� � <br /> . be merged unle»L�ndcr ugrcr.ti�the m�rticr in��nting. <br /> � . 6. Cha�es tu Borrow�er�nd Protection uP Lcndcr's Ri�hls in Ihr Propert�. BanoHer,hall pay all gavrmmrntnl ' <br /> or municipal rharge�, tinr�•rnJ im�x��itiun�that arr nu� inrluJrJ in Par:��,raph �. Nurm��rr�hall pay Ih��r ahligutium un <br /> time directly ro thc entity which i� uw�cd ihc paymrnl. U�failmc ti�pay �n�ulJ .�dvcnrly affcr� LcnJrr� imrre.l in �hc i <br /> � , ' Praperty,upon Lendcr�n:yur,t HurruWrr,hall prumptl� fumi.h tu l.rixlcr rcrriph rviJrnring�hr,c pa�mcnt.. <br /> If Borrowcr f•rih lu mukr Ihe.c paymr��h ur Ihr pa�akrn.r�yuirrd h� P.�ra�:raph 3, or 1'ail. t���xrtimn um uthrr <br /> covenunt�:md agrtcmrnt� containcd in thi.tirturity In�mmient.ur thcrc i�a Ir�;al pnxcrding tha�muy.iEnitir:mtly at�tcr� <br /> _ �' �P.�,i,.�t�ph�.in�Fk Pn�rxn�� iwrh a+ u nnkcrJin►�in hanArupk�.li�r�undrmaalion ar tu cnlarrc lu��.ur rcEulatiun.l. <br /> — - -- - then l.ender may do andpuy��hate�er i.ncrc•,an tu prut�tillhr�ulucul'Ihr Ro�xn� und l.rndrr�r�Eht:m the t'n��xn). <br /> . includinK p�ynknl uf taac�.har.uJ m,uran«:mJ uthcr�Irm.ntrnti�►ncJ u�I'aragraph 2. <br /> ` Any omount.Ji.hur�cJ hv LrnJer unJer�hi, 1*.ua�:raph.hall t►r.umr an :�Jdiuunal drM a(Ni�rn�urr anJ t+e+rrur�J <br /> by �hi�5ecunty Imwment. 7'hr.c :�muunl, ,hall hrar mtrrc,t trum ihr da�r al Ji.hunrmrnt.:u Ihr Not�rwr.�nd ut the <br /> optiun uf Lender.�hall ix immcdiutrl�Jue and p:i�aMe. <br /> 7. CundemnAth�n. Thr pnxrrJ.ui am•a��atd�rr f.�r J.uua};r..dmrt ur ran.ryurnh.� cnnnccuun a ilh:�m <br /> , rondemnuliun ur��thrr�al.mF��f am pan uf�hc Ru�xn�.ur��►r rum.�an.•r m pl:�rr uf run.irnuiatiun.�n h�rrh� :i..i�ncJ <br /> nnd.hall tx puid tu Lrndrr lu thr r��►m ul�hc lull amuunl ut Ihr m�1cMr�lnc..dw�rcmam. unpa�d uiidrr the Nulc;md thi. <br /> - 5�wurity In,trumrnt. Lrn.frr,hall apply wrh pnk•rrd.l��the rc.fur�iun ut thr uidrMrJnr,.unJrr Ihc Nutr anJ thi.tirruniy <br /> IntitrumcN. tir.t t�i uny�lrlmyuenl amaunl� uppl�rd in Ih� nrJrr �u���i�1eJ m P.uat:r.iph t, :mJ �hcn �u prrpa�mrnt �d' <br /> pnmipul. Any applir:�nun ol' ihr pnxreJ. tu tl�r ���►.�r�i .h:dl n�N r�IrnJ ur �x�.l{w�nr Ih�� dur Ja�r ��I thc manlhh <br /> �i.,r,:,i�r,,;�.� � <br /> . <br /> , <br /> �, _ <br /> . _ <br />