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..��'M'�''�i:Nh�+'� .�/►a5►wNtM.�:r.�n....:����� '« .. '. ' _W�..�:. -- <br /> ' 'ry��l���tiriR:� ., ' .. <br /> • _�Z(IY��d���-.. ._. <br /> ��� ,,4 ._ 92_ ioss�a _.. <br /> — � ���..y.� -- <br /> -n--�--��� refertal tc► in puragraph 2, ur chu�gc the i+nxwnt af such pavments. Any exccs.r pr�Kealy ovcr un urn�wnt requirod to pay ull <br /> _�_,� autstanding indebtedn�esc under iho Nnte wid thic Sccu�fty InstNmem,dwll be p�id ta Ihe entity IeYally enliUed ihc�tu. <br /> ��, a. Fee�.l.eaier may rnllect feea and charQes authorized by the Sec►etury. <br /> �, �, <br /> �g;' ' � �� 9.Cwu�for Ac�celeratlon ot Dtbt. <br /> -- .� <br /> ,'���'�• ` (v) Defi�ult. l.ender may, c�cept as limited by regulutinns issued by the Sccretury in the cu�e uf payment defaults, __ <br /> 'i ;�,. require immediate payment in full uf�11 wums re�ured by thi�+Securfiy Imtn�mcm if: � <br /> � �`•�� ' (i)Borruwer defaults by failing lo pay in full uny mnnthly payment rcquirat by thix Security InstNmcnt prior w or <br /> �' . ;,R <br /> t�d•-+����= -�.•, an the due date ui the next manthly puynKnt,ur -- <br /> ��,-,�';,� , :' (ii) &►rrower defaulte by fa�linY. for u peri�xl of thiny dayr. ta perform uny alher abligatians rnnwined in this <br /> �.._�cv,.:, Security In�trument. <br /> �.�. �.• .�,: <br /> -:,Y.�� �. ,.T -- <br /> .k'._ ,."'ti t�� � —. <br /> _g«:��,�r,d'[„_,,., (b)Sole Without Credll Approvs�l. I.ender shall, if permitted by Applicublc law and with the priar upprovul af the <br /> �, ;^,�i '` ,- Secretury,require immediale puyment in full af ull sums secured by this Security Imtrument if: —__ <br /> �:�"•���.�-Ar•rz4•� • (i) All or part of the Properly, or a beneficial interect in u ttust owning ull or pan ��f the Propeny, is sold or <br /> � �^�"`"`'�;"�-•�' " otherwise transfemed(othe�thnn by devise ar deticenq by the&►rrower,und — <br /> °n�!,;,;�k�'"`�:� (ii) The Propeny is nat occupied by the purchucer or grontee a.s hi� or her principal residcnce, or the �__ <br /> `�r�'. i.. <br /> — M�r�7 � purchaser or gramee does so occupy thn Praperty but his or her credit has not been appravecl in accordence wl�h the <br /> __- _:6�`��`, " requirements nf the Sccrctary. — <br /> �. r�j� <br /> �w.�i a_inE3�.�!nY��il�s4L_ �••� <br /> ,� ' v (c)No Woiver. If circumctances a:sur thnt would pertnit l.enJer to require immedia�e puyment in full,but L.ender does <br /> '*� .. �«,_„� not require such paymen�c.l.ender dces nat weive its rights with respect to subsequent eveMs. ��. <br /> .:n���: ' '`:; :'•t ---.� <br /> �;��, ' (d) ReguletMns ot HUQ Secretary. In muny circumtitunces regulu�ionti issued by the Sccretnry will limit l.endcr's �a"� <br /> ;, ,� -�-"f rights in the case of payment defuuUs to require immedinte payment in full und foreclose iP nnt paid. This Security ��= - <br /> ;-VF�° : �f.' '.. �� ;� Instrument dces not authoriu accelerution or fareclosure if nd permitted by regulations af the Secretary. �_ <br /> �+;�.� � � � • (e)Martgage Not Insured.Borrower agrces that should this Security Instrumcnt und thc Note xccured thereby not be �z__ <br /> �<;�, eligible for insurnnce under the Nutionul Housing Act within 60 days from the dale hcrcof, Leixier may,ut its aption _ <br /> '''"�'�"' �"`"'`'�''�" ar�d natuithstandin^an thfn� in ara ra h Q, rP ����immediate vment in tull of all sums cecured by this Securfty <br /> , , -.?.,, e' Y o F S P 9 !�. <br /> � Instrument. A written slatement uf uny uutho�ized ugent of the Secretury duted subsequent to 60 dnys from the date _ <br /> " �'. , hercof,declining to insurc�his Sccurity Instrumcnt and the Note serured thereby, shull be dcemeJ conrluxive pra�t of =' <br /> �+, ' • , such ineligibility. NotwithstandinF the tirregning, this option muy ndt tx:exerci�:d by I.ender when the unavailal►ility <br /> '1'` � o ' of inrurunce is tiolely due ta l.ender's failure to�emit u mongage incurnnce premium to the Secretary. � <br /> . . �:° <br /> 10. Reinstatement. Borrowcr has u right tn bc rcinsta�cd if l.cixicr hus rcyuired immediute payment in full tKCUUSe of � <br /> . ' . Borrower's failure to puy un umcwnt Juc under the Notc or �his Sccuriry Instrumcnt. This ri�ht opplics evcn ufter foreclosure —'° <br />.' �,. � � procecdings are intitiwted. To rcins�utc thc Seruriry Instniment, Borrowcr shull tendrr in a lump tium ull umounts required to ���� <br /> � 't� bring Borrower's urcoum current including, to thc extent thcy vrc uhligation+ of Borrower u�der this Security Instrument, �-' <br /> - , '���� � � foreclusure custs und rensonablc unJ cuslomury attnrneys' 1'�c� und expenscr pr��perly us�ciAted with thc foreclosure ri;; <br /> • „ prcxeeding. Upon rcinztatement by &�rrower,thi,Sccurity Intitrumrn�anJ thc a6ligutiuns Ihut it ucures shnll remain in effeci <br /> •��'~ ``' as if Lender had not required imm�Kliute puyment in full. Huwcvcr. L.endcr is not rcyuired to permit rcinstutement if: (i) l.enJer ��'` <br /> ..�..,. <br /> � ' .. .. •;�•';;,: Nns uccepted reinstutement after the r��mmencemen� of foroclusure pr�xeeJing. within twa yeun immediaiely preceding the �r`.� <br /> ' . ' '���� commencement of u current ti,rcrlo�ure puxeeJing. (ii) rcinstutement will precluJe f��r�rb�sure on different grounds in the � <br /> �:.:-- <br /> . future,or liiil rcins�rtement will udversely affect thc prioriry of thc lien rrcutcd hy thix Security Instrument. 6?"�' <br /> • ' I 1.Borrower Not Released; Forbe�nince B�• I.ender Not a�Yaiver.Extemiun of thc time af payment nr maiifiratian of �-�' <br /> �� •. umurtiluti<m of the tiums�ecurcJ by this Sccurity In,trumrrn�runted hy l.cndcr tu any.ur�c�wr in intcreti��if&irrawcr shall �%T <br /> . , . not operate to releuse the liahiliry of tFx originul Borrowcr or B�irrowcr's+urcr+wr in intcre�t. Lcndcr�hull not he required ta <br /> ' commence pnxcedingx uguinst any tiurcestior in intcrcst or rct'u.r to ex�cnJ tiroc t'ur paymrm ur�nhcrwisc modify umortiaatiun <br /> ° af the sums sccured by this Scruriry Instrunwnt N}• reau�n ��f un�• dcmund mrJe by thc uriginul Burri�wer ur &►rruwcr'� <br /> •�•.; succcxsnrs in intcresl. Any furtkurunrc by Lcndcr in exerci+ing any ri�h��►r rrnkdy +hull ncu lx u waivcr of or prcclude the <br /> „ . . exrrciae M'uny ri�ht��r remcJy. � <br /> ; ��4RINE1 Ptqn 4 0l 8 . <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> • ' � <br /> . } <br /> ., — - - . . . , .....,��..,.. . .. '.. .. ....,..�. .. . . . <br /> � <br /> , � . <br /> � . <br /> .. <br /> � i <br /> ' 4 �k <br />