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<br /> �� �_��=-- -��=:�� -- ; 92_soss73
<br /> � 4. Fire, Flood and Other Hazard Itwurance. Aorrawer sholl inzurc all imp���vcmentw�m�he Propcny,whether nnw In
<br /> "- cxistenco or subcoquently erected, aguinst any huzarda,cusualties,und cc�ntingcncicy,including lirc, fiir which lxndcr rc�yulrex
<br /> inRUrunce. Thia inxurance sh�ll bc muintainal in �hc umoun�s und for thc peri�xlg thut I.cndrr rcyufres. Bnrrnwcr xhall al�o
<br /> � insure all improvemenla on the Pr�►perty.whelher now in eaistencc or r�ubr�cqucnUy ercctc,�l, again�t loti�hy fl�Kl�t�the catent
<br /> _ ��r�xb� requiral by �he Secretary. All Insurance ahall he carricd with companie� upproveJ by L.eixler. The insuranrc p►liriex anJ any
<br /> _ - ...�,.v
<br /> _--' renewdr rhAll be held by Lender t�nd clwll include luYx payuble cluusea in favor i►f,und in u fi�rm ucccptuble�o,Le er.
<br /> ____ ��:�en� �
<br /> _.�_—�_ - -- ---
<br /> -� - In the eveN of losc,Bormwer shull givc L.ender immeJiate uutic� by nwil. I.ciul�r may makc pra►f of lo» il'ni+t mu e �_
<br /> --'! - promptly by Borrowcr. Euch insurnncc cam{+any rnnrerned ix hereby uuthorized uncl dire�ted to mukc payntcnt for such luss
<br /> —����.� directly to [.ender, insleud of to BoROwer wxi to Lender jaindy. AU ar uny part oP the insurance pracceds may be upplied by
<br /> .�,���;_': i.ender, at its option,either (al to the reduction of the indebtedness uoder the Note utx�this Securiry In.wment, first to uny
<br /> �'-°'• delinquent nmaunts upplied in the oMer in parag�ph 3,and thcn�o prepayment of principal,or Ib)�a the�exturution or repair
<br /> -~Yu����"�`�'' of the damaRecl PmpeRy. Aoy Appliwtion of the praceeds to the principAl �h�ll mu extenJ or pc►slp�me the duc Jatc uf the
<br /> 'n�aai�i�?O.
<br /> —������!=-�_� <� monthly payments which are rePened to in parngraph 2,or chunge tl�e+unuunt of such payments. Any excess insurunce pr�►ce��ds _
<br /> _ o;n�.�• :.:
<br /> -- �-�.a.��:a , over an iunount required to pay all outswnding indebtedness under the Note and Ihi�Security Instnin�ent shull be puid lu the
<br /> -------�.s:�,Y�:�° entity le�ally entitled�heret�.
<br /> �r�ciws.d-�ls..,,�t.
<br /> y�'��'`�^�"•--� In the event of foreclosure of this Securiry Instrument or other transfer of title to �he Property thut extinguishes the
<br /> _ _. _,�--�.,_..}, _
<br /> �'°"�`°"` ��� indebtedness,�II�ight,title wid interesl of Borrower in and ta insuram�palicies in forcc shall p�ss ta t e purc acer.
<br /> —__,� ��,.,,,� .
<br /> '_"_"�."'S?4�ra ,
<br /> � � � �� '� �` ' S. Occupancy, Preservatlon. Maintenwnce and Protection of the Pruperly, Ibrrower's l.oan ApplirAtion; --
<br /> �,vr;,ay,t� c. —
<br /> ='� ' �•..-: I.easeholds. Borcawer shall accupy, establish, and use Ihe Property as &�rrower's principal residence within six�y days af'ter
<br /> --°- �'�'�`�'�! xecution of this Securit Instrument ur.d shull continue to occupy the Praperty ns&�rrower's principul residence for nt IeASt
<br /> � the e Y
<br /> ����'`W'��'=K�. � one ear after the date of accupancy, unless the Secretary detenninex this requirement will cause uadue hardship for BoROwer,
<br /> =�ra=a:t,,:. ..,., Y
<br /> - �•+_'�r. - •• or unless eatenuating circumstances exist which nre beyand Borrower'c cantrol. Borcower shull notify I.endera of any
<br /> -- - •;?.,,„.;*
<br /> ''��i*`; extenuating circumstances. Bormwer shall not commit waste or destroy,damage or subs�anliully change the Property or ul ow
<br /> _;.���,;;;,t; ;� " the Property to deterforate, re�sonnble weur and tear excepted. Lender may inspect the Property if the Propeny is vucant or
<br /> t h��'�k,�!:,o. ubandoned or the Idnn is in defnult. l.ender may tuke reasonable action �o protect and preserve tiuch vucunt or abundoncd
<br /> ,���:
<br /> _ ;;, ••;,;;;� property. Borrower shall alsa be in default if Barrower,during the loun applicutiim pr�xess,gave matcrialty f�l,e ar incccuro�e
<br /> -" . .a-.: ;: . infarmation or statements to l.ender (or Pailed to provide l.ender with any material infonnatian) in c:onnection with �he loan
<br /> L��t�����:a�«.,.,__ evidenced by the Note, Including, but not limited to, representations conc�rning 8orrower's �xcupancy af the Property ns u
<br /> ._ ,�'�+�'j���° ' � principal residence. ti this Securily Instrument is on u Ieasehold, Borrawer shall comply with the pruvi�iu�u ui ii�c izuse. if
<br /> __ � •' ��:• �:% Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold and fee title shAll not be mcrged unless I.ender agree�to the merger in
<br /> �.� b�....
<br /> ~�� °. writing.
<br /> ::�;�; : . . ,
<br /> _-:�•, .
<br /> �,���E . • � • • ' 6. Charqes to Borrower and Protectlon aP Lender's Ri�hts In the Prnperty. Borrnwcr shull puy ull govcrnmental or -
<br /> _._,a,� ,' ., " municipal churges, fines and imposi�ions thnt ure not included in puragraph 2. Borrawer shall puy the�e oNligations on time k,
<br /> _,�-«;,y� .� direcdy to the entiry which is owed the payment. If failure to puy would adversely uffect Letxlcr's interest in the Prapeny,upon C
<br />_,_,,._�� �� '�:" Lender's request Bnrrower shull promptly furnish�o Lender receipts evidencing these payments.
<br /> .,•;.:: , ,. . . �.�, .
<br /> :��;��:� � .�� �� If&mower fails to makc thesc puyments i►r thc paymcnts reyuired by parAgruph 2,or feils to perli�rn�uny othcr cuvenunts
<br />��- f `�'�"�'' � and agreements cantuined in�his Serurity Instrununt.or therc ix u legul pr�xeeding that muy siknificuntly affect Lender's rights F�'
<br /> `�� . in the Property(such as a prixeuling in hunkruptcy. for c�mdemnation or�o enforce luws��r regulationsl, then I.Nnder muy do _
<br /> - � und puy whutever is necessnry to pro�ect Uie vulue uf thc Propeny und Lender's rights in thc Property, inrluding payment of
<br /> ��:.:'': ,.;:_r.:-,'.ytr taxes.haaard insurance und ather items mentioned in parugruph 2. -
<br /> -:,: .,:�,. ; 6.:�n.........- : ■�
<br /> :_,. ,. r
<br /> ::r,'�1:° � �� Any umountx disbuneJ by l.cnder under this purugr•rph +hidl l�rome on vdditionul dcht uP Borrower and tx+ecured by F
<br /> ��?• • • ti°•. , this Security Instrument.Th��+c um�►unts+hull beur interesi from the date c�f disbursemen[,at thc Nwe rate,uud at the option uf E-
<br /> _ � �,�_ ....L .
<br />_ • • ' ' l.ender,shull be immediutely due and payuble.
<br /> . _
<br /> , '� . •�• „ 7. Condemnation. The prcxeeds nf any uword ur rluim far dumuges, Jircrt ur runseyuenliul. in connection with Lny
<br /> � � c�mdemnation or other tuking of uny pan��f Ihe Propeny,ur tiir r�mveyance in plure of rondcmnution, ure hereby atitiigned und
<br /> ,t���'. yhull be paid to[.cndcr to the rxtem af the full umount��f Ihe inJebt��clncs,lhut remains unpnid undcr thc Note und this Security -
<br /> �•- Instrumcnt. Lender tihull apply surh prcx��ecis ta thr rcdurtion uf thr indrht�tilnc.+ undcr Ih�Notc :mJ this Security Instrumcnt. `
<br /> . ' first to uny dclinqucnt amounh applic�l in thc urdcr proviJcd in paragraph �. und �hcn to prcpayment nf prinripal. Any F
<br /> „ , upplicutiun af the pr�x�ti�iti to thr prinripal +hull n�n extrnd ur pu�t��nr thr Jur d:ur uf ihe in�mlhly paymrnts. whirh are �
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