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<br /> .— -- cundemnaticx�ar i�thcr tokMg ot'uny p+ut�f�h�P�'I�ny��r f�x canvcyancc in licu uf r��icmnuii�+n,ure I�reby wsi�n¢d wW
<br /> rhull be puid ro Lcnder.
<br /> ln �he event oi'a taul taking of thc Prapcny. �he p�Bn��wer' In he ev nt of n��hial mkin�a�f ihchiPropehY in
<br /> Ing�rument.whcthcr or nat�hen due.with uny uxceKS puid
<br /> which Ihc fuir market vWue of Ihe Property immediu�cly heforc�hc taking i�+cquul I���x g�eu�cr�hun Ihe omount of�he xumr
<br /> � necurcd by this Secudry Inxtn�ment immcdiutely hciare the tuk�ng,unle+�Borrnw�� wiJ L.cndtir u�herwi+�c ugrcc in wriiing.
<br /> ------�-� 1he xums r,ecured by thix Sccurity Inslrument shull Im rcduccd by �he umuunt oi'thc pr�xrcd�muUiplied by the following
<br /> :�' ---- fractiun: lu)the totul omaunt of�he�umK�ccurcd immediutely bcli►m�he Iakin�•divided by Ib1 thr fui�murket volue uf Ihe
<br /> -�-=•�� propcny immedintcly hefare �Itc laking. Any hulunce �hall hc paiJ tu Horrowcr. In�hc cvent of n purtiul �aking of�he
<br /> ��'�I�i propeAy in which�he fuir market vuluc of ihe F'raperty immcJiairly txfi�rc ihc �al.ing i.Ics, than thr am�,um uf�he sumx �
<br /> r,ecurcd immcdiutrly before �he tukiog. unlesx Bormwcr und Lcndc� othcrwi.c agrec in writing or unlesti upplicublc law
<br /> �-_�; atherwihe pmvlde,,�he pnxee�4 rhall he upplied ta the tium.�ecumd by�his Srcurity Inxuumem whethe�or nnt thc suma ure
<br /> ��,,;� then due.
<br /> �f�he Propeny ia ubandoned by Bar*ower,or if.ufier natice by Lender�o Borrower �hut the cunJemnor offer��a mukc
<br /> i� � un awurQ or+�:Ille u claim for dumuges.Borrower fuils to re+pcx�d w l.ender wilhin 30 duys after the dute the notice iw given,
<br /> *M��:��'-° �" � Lender iti uuthorized�o collcc�and upply�hc procceds.ut its uption,either�o rca�oru�ion ar repuir oP�h�Property or to Ihe
<br /> --��:•s-:
<br /> -- '^'''- � aumx xecured by this Security Inxtn�ment,whether or not then ue.
<br /> � ��'" � Unlesx Lender and Bonuwer otherwi.e ugnee fn �vriting,uny upplicution of pracedx to prinripul �hull not extend or
<br /> '�`�'�'��!!'=�� postpone�he duc dote of th�manthly puyments rcferrcd to in purngruphx I und 2 or rhAnge the umount of+uch puymen��.
<br /> �� 11. Borrower Not Relewsed; ForbeArnnce By l.ender Not a Waiver. Bx�eminn ot the time for pnymem or `
<br /> "' �• F'�-"= madificatiun of amoniza�ion ot'the sums�ecured by ihis Se�urity Inwtrument gn►med by Lender to uny tiuceesxar m imerest
<br /> Jn.�
<br /> of Borno�ver shall not �'�'+►�e�o m�es�se �h�: ��°bi�uY°f�hc °ngmul Bormwer ar B�rmwcr� tiuccessarn �n intcrest.L.endcr
<br /> °"""'��`� sholl na be required�a commence proceedingx ugainsl uny�uccer�sor in interexl u�rcf'u�e to extend �ime for payment o�
<br /> � - -- ••""� otherwise modify uiuortil.ntion of the sums secured hy�hiw Security Instrumen[by�asan of any demand mude by the originnl f
<br /> :� ` �;�� Borrower or Borrower s successon in intem+t. Any forbearnnce by Lender in exercisinb uny right or rcmedy tihull not 6e u
<br /> '"��:i�. . ,.., waivcr of or preclude thc exercise of uny right ar remcdy.
<br /> --- :�,tid.�►a.�a::� . 12. Successora and Ass(gns Bound;Joint and Several l.iwbility;Casi�ners. The covenunt�und ugrecmenty of this
<br /> -•��"'`=T � ` ' Security Instrument sh�ll bind nnd henetit Ihe succesror:;und ux�ign.r•of Lender a�d 8�►rrowcr.+ubject to the provision.of
<br /> - _� .�•. �., .,.
<br /> purugraph 17.Borrowerx coven�ntx und uFreementx rh�+ll be joint und tieverul.Any Borrower wha co-.iFnz�his Sewrity
<br /> ,.:;, � Ins�n�ment bul does not execute the Nate: (u1 ix ra-xigning this Securiry Im�rument only �o martguge,grrnt und convey Ihut _
<br /> rx, ", ., e
<br /> - _ � �� 'h • '�;- ,,. ; Borrower w in�crent in thc Property under the tetms oF�hin Security Instrument: (bl is nat perwnully abliguted to pay the sums -
<br /> �, :d,, �� , secured by this Security Instrumem;und Icl ugrecs�hut Lendar nnd uny rnher Bcxrower may ugme to extend,modify,fortiear _
<br /> — ,:.�;:;,; or mnke any accommalutionti with regnrd to thr �cmi�of�hi.r• Security Instrument ar Ihe Nole withaut thul Borcower's _
<br /> consent.
<br /> � �`` 13. L�►an Chary�es. If'the Inan secured by �bis 5ecuriry Imtrumem is +ubject to n law which ,ets maximum loun
<br /> `�;u::;a��ai:,n'.,, charRes,ond that luw is finully interpreted xa►hat the imere.t or other loan churges rollected or to be collected in cannection
<br /> `` "''�� " with the loun exceed the permitted iim�+..+i�u: t++)any sach loan charge sha!!!x reduced hy the umnunt necessurv to reduce
<br /> :•_� '.,•;:��ir
<br /> the churge to the permiucd limit:und Ib)uny sums ulreudy rollected from Burrower which exceeded pennitted limi�s will be
<br />-- � refunded to Barrowcr. Lender mny chootic to mukc�his rcfund by reducing�he principal ovred undcr the Notr or by muking a _
<br />�.:��: ° • I direct payment to Borrower. If a rcfund mJuces principal, the reduction will t+e�rea�ed as a partiul pmpayment without uny -
<br />�-`�� . � , . � prepayment churge under�hc Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrowcr pmvidcd for in�hix Securi�y Imtrumem tihull hc given by delivering it ar by
<br /> ",�. .. ^ muiling i�by fint rluss muil unl�..applicuhlc law reyuir�.u�e ot'unother me�hod.The notice shall he Jirec�ed to the Property _
<br /> � n'•�^N•�=�J+.,� ' Address or uny othcr udJres,Borrowcr Jer;ignates by noticc�o Lcndcr. Any notice�o Lcnder tihnll be given by fint clusti
<br /> j"�� ' mnil to Lender's i�ddre+s stuted hrrein or uny alher uddre�s LenJer dc.i�nute+by notice to Bormwer. Any notice provided for
<br /> `� in this Security Instrument +hull Ix decmed io huve Ixrn Fivrn lu Rorrower or Lender when given us pravided in �hi�
<br /> . . ,....
<br />-_-,:'�` pnrugmph.
<br /> �=`:`��� � , `� . 15. Guverning Low: Severability. This Sccurity Inslrument �hull bc govcrned by federul I•rw and Ihe luw of the
<br /> =�° �•` • " jurisdiction in wbich the Pmpeny is IocuteJ. In thr�ven�ihat uny provi+ian or clause of�hi.Scrurily Ins�rument or 1he Note
<br /> -�� "���=•��-a• °, canflicls with up,licuble luw.such conflic�shall nut uffect oilx�r provitii�ms ot'this Security Instrument or the Note which cun
<br /> ""���d�+.;�••� he given eff�ect wilhou��he conflirting pn►vision. Ti�this enJ ihe prnvisinn�ot'this Security Imtrument und the Note ure
<br />._.7•:.�
<br />,,:_��� �•• declured�a be scvcruble.
<br /> - 16. Etorrower's Cupy. BoROwcr.hall Ix given unc ronl'ormrd rupy of�hc Nrne and of'this Security Instrument. _
<br /> �;„„_�•• . 17. 'Ibansfer of the 1'�operty ar a Beneficiul lnterest in Borrowcr. If all or any pan��f�he Pmpeny or uny interest in _
<br />__;��,,,�t.=:; ��. ' � it is sold or trun+fcrred lor if u tx:ncliciul inlcrc,t in Borrowcr i. snld or Uamfcrrcd und Burmwcr is not u nowrul personl
<br /> •�r--�: • without Lendcr's pri��r w�itten conscnt. Lrnder may.al i�c uMion,rcyuire immediate payment in i'ull of ull sumz+ecured by
<br />--5�,�, " thiti Sccurity Instrumem. Hawrvrr.this op�ion,hull no�Ix excrciscd by Lcnder ii'rxcrci+e iz pn�hibileJ by federnt luw ati of -
<br />-�. .: .... thc dute oF thix Security In+trument.
<br />= ���� s�'aw;.Y::•. •:�•,i; If Lender excreise+thix option,LenJrr shull givc Horrowrr notire af ucccicratiun. Thr notice.hull pr�widc u period of _
<br /> �'� ._ " , � , not Ir.ti Ihun 30 Juys frwn the date�hr notice iti drlivercd or mailed within�vhich H��m�wer mu.t pay all.uim.ecured by�hix
<br />= - ; .. Securily Inrlrumcn�. If Borrower faik �o pay Ihr,r sum.prior ro Ih� rxriralion al'thix pericxl. Lrnckr muy invo6e uny
<br />-��'��' ' rem�dies Exnnitted by�hi+Securiq�Intitnimcnt withoul l'urth�r notirr ur dem:�nd i►n Borrciwcr. _
<br /> � �� • IS. Borrower's Ri�ht to Iteinstulc. II' Hu�ruwcr m�e�� rcrluin conditiun+. B��rro�v�r +hi�ll huvc thr right t�� huvc
<br /> � ' enforcemenl ot'thiti Securiry Inslrumcnt Ji.rominurJ:u an�•timr priur 1��Ihr carlirr ut: l:U S Ju}•.lur.urh nther perind as
<br /> . ' � Smglc l,�md,v-•Fmnle�lucrFnvldic�fuc l'\IFOR�I I\�'I'Nl'�th:\'I'..Uudurni l'u�.num, 9P1D iPu�;i'a,4 AIAl.1�'V =
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