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��■ �.:• s �. __ ._ . __ <br /> :�� ---- ���----- ^-- �.\ -.._.— ' <br /> . • , � v � ,:,....^' r . <br /> � ., :^ � __ _ <br /> �, . � � ' 92-145669 <br /> _�,..: ,��.�:,� <br /> ��.,s.,.,.:a._ <br /> �` - �-' • peduda Ihwt Lender reyuire.r. 71w inrurance cuRicr providin�the inrurunce�rhull be chusen by Borruwer�ubkct to l.cndcrh <br /> " ��� � iy+provul which shull not be unrcasanubly withhcld. If Ncxmwer fuils to muintuin rnvcmgc dexc�i6ed above,Lender <br /> --_,,__s�� Len.ierh aption,al►taln coveroge to pnNecl Lender R rightc in Ihe Pmpeny in ttccatdur�ce wilh p�ragrnph 7. <br /> --��,;• _. All inxu�anee polkies pnd renewul�xtwll!+e occeptable to I..ender uncl�hall inclu�k u stundArd mongage clt�uae. Lender <br /> - •�� =- --"��°', � Khall havc Ihe right ta h�ld Ihe policies ancl renewals. If Lcnder requimK,Barrowcr�hull promp�ly give to l.endcr oll�eipts <br /> �� ��,a� of paid premiums und rcnewul naices. In thc cvem uf lo�ti.B��rmwer xhull Qivc prompt naice tn ihe insurwice c�rrkr and <br /> :� t;s�? � l.ender. Leuder may mnke proof'of lacs ii'nd made promptly by Borrowcr. <br /> �• _-_-___�-_-- UnlecR l.ender and Barrower dhenvisc n�rec io w�iling,in�urunec pruce��fr�h�ll he upplied to re,toru�fon or rcpair af <br /> �;�.+ thcProp�rty dnmaged, if Ihe restorution ur repair is crnnomicully Icatiiblc uad l.enderk sci:urity i�+ nw le„e�x;J. If thc � <br /> � _:..; re�toralion ar npair is not economically fengible or l.endrr: ucurily wauld be Icsxened, �he insuatnce proceeds shall be <br /> �'�`u"" applied to the sum� secumd by Ihia Se�urity laslrument, whether ur ncx then due,wi�h any eace+� p�id�o Borrower. If — <br /> a�""d!�{°���. o .. �.., <br /> �.;.,� Barmwer ab•rixlons the Property,or duey not answer wi�bin :�ll Juys u naticr from I.ender thm the in�:umnce carrier haw <br /> �,�,�,,� d.��,;� K affercd to�c1Ue u rlufm. �hen Lcndcr muy callcc�Ihc in+uruncc procccdti. Lender muy u�c�he praeeds to repair or re�tore -- <br /> �.,;��,�e},:,,:,p -• thc Property or to pay sum�secured by this Securily Inxmiment.whether or not then due. The 30-dsiy periad will begin when � <br /> • the no�ire is givcn. <br /> ' ' �' Unlekc Lender and Borrower otherwi�agree in wrhing. uny upplicatian of praceeds to principul tihall not ex�end ar f�- <br /> - ' �, ' "��'�' 1 po.r�pone the due dute of Ux:manthly puyment,mfemed�o in purographti I and 2 or change the umount of the puyments. If �_ <br /> -�.,.�;a,��'� . � under pu�ugruph 21 �he Propeny ia ncquired by LenJer, Barmwer:right to any inaumnce policies nnd pr«:eed� resulting <br /> �•-�•• K. from domuge�o the Prapeny prior to�he ocquisition r.hull paxx to Lender�o the extent of the sums vecured by this Sei:uriry = <br />- -' "'���'` Ins�n�ment immediately prior to the acyuisition. - - <br /> r k,. � •' 6, pecopancy� Preservatlon. Maintenance pnd ProlecNon o�the Properly: Borrower's l.oan Applkatlon; �-- <br /> . ��,��",; —�-::: <br /> !=-e.•:��.-"'� � l.e a s e d o W a B a rr a w e r x h o l l o c c u p y,e s t a b l i x h.u n d u s r�h e R r o p e A y a x B o r r ow e r's princi pal tesidence wilhin sixty duyg after <br /> � -- ;- •-•--° the execu�ian ui�hi,Secu�i�y Instrument und shall continue to aceupy the PrupeAy as Born►wer�principal�esidence for at =r�= <br /> = � � ' Ieatit one ycur nfter �he dute of accup:u�cy. unlexs Lender o�herwi+e ugrees in writing, which con�ent shall not be -�.. <br /> "'° �''S��',� unrea�onubly withheld,or unle�s ex�enuating circumx�ancew eaist which ure beyond Borrower;control. Barower shull not _ <br /> �� "�-� ��� decln�y,dumvge or impuir the Propeny,allow Ihe Pn�pcAy�o detcriurate.or commit waste on Iha Propeny. Borrower shall �- <br /> M;' "" • br in defuuU if any forYeiture uctian ar prareeding,whethe�civil or criminal,i�begun thAt in Lender's good fuith judgment �' <br />.e;��, n�� '` - could result in fa�iei�ure of the Propeny ur a�henvise materinlly impuir the lien creuted by �his Security lnstrument or <br />��'"�" "'`T" ` � Lender�security interest. Borrower muy cum such u defuult and rcins�u�e,n+provided in purugrnph I R,by causing the uction -� <br /> -�''� or praceeding lo be dixmitirxd wilh u ruling that,in Lcnder�good fui�h determination,precludes fodeiwre af the Borrower's �__ <br /> "'��' � • � imcrest in�he Pmpetty or other materinl impAirtnent of the lien creuted by this Secunty Instrument or Lender:s security — <br /> 'K��:; . � <br /> ° - - � intcrest. Barrower shull nlsa be in defauU if Barrower, during the lonn npplication praesr, gave muierially folse or �__ <br />--- — . ° � inaccurate infortnution or statemcntti to I.ender(or fuiled ta pravide l.ender with any muterial informution)inconnectian wi�h <br /> ---_�; ° ��= the loun evidenced by the Nwe, including, but not limited to, repre�;entutiong conceming BorrawerV� occupuncy of the _ . <br />- �i •�"�''�y~^-••'��- • Pro�xrty uti a principal nesidence. If�his Security Imtrument iti an u leu.,eiwld,Borrower shull comply with a0 the provisions — <br /> .-�� `"""'�"'a'�'�"—� of the leose. If Bortower acyuirc,tee utle to the Piopeny,ihe icuschnld w�ihr i'cn iiti�,haii not tnerga unlcss Lcnder agrees =_- <br /> - s:''�.'f.� �" ta lhe merger in writing. ---- <br /> . . ; �k��� 7. Protection ot Leoder's Righ4g in the Property. If Born�wer faik to perform the covenunts und ugreements <br /> � �''" rontained in this Security Imtrument, or them ix u legal proceeding that muy signiGcantly uffect I.ender'ti rights in the <br /> � Property lsuch uw a proceeding in bankruptcy, probute,for condemnution or forfeiwre or to enforce laws or regulutions),then _ <br /> ' � •, Lender may da und pay for whutever is nece,sury�o protect�he vulue oF the Propeny And Lender's rights in the Pmperty. <br /> ��''• , . ';� I.ender's actiuns muy include paying uny wmx xecureJ by a lien which has priority over this 5ecuriry Instniment,nppewing - <br />__ • , ,� in coun,puying mawnable uttomeys'fee�und entering an the RvpeAy to malce repairs. Although Lender may take action <br /> - •� � ` under thiz parugraph 7,Lender doe�not have to do u►. — <br /> - -,' •�� �� _' Any amountr disbuned by Lendcr undcr this p:u�agruph 7+hull bec��me udditiunul debt of B�.nower secured by this �___ <br /> - � • � Sccurity In�irument. Unlcx�Borcower und Lendcr uFree to othcr tcrniti ui'p:�yment,�hc+e amounts shull bcur interest from the <br />-.`•��'' " date of disbunement ut the Note rutc smd rhull hr poyublc,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Bormwer reyuesting �.� <br /> payment. — <br />=-� `., o-,•;� < . . 8. MurtgaRe Insurance. If Lender reyuircd martEagr insurunco u�u condition uf muking the loun secured by this <br /> Security Instrument,Bortower,hall puy thc premiums rcyuired to maimuin the mortguge inxurnnce in effect. If,for uny <br />° F � ; •�� . �� reason, the mortgoge insurunce coveroge reyuircd by Lender luptie.r �x ceuses ti� he in effecl, l3orrower shull puy the � <br />-••�a'�, � prcmiums required to ubtuin coverug� tiub.�amiully eyuivulent to the monguge in+urunce previuu�ly in effec�, ut u cost 6„ <br /> • ' xubstantiully equivulent to thc cotit to Borcowcr of thr mongnge in+urunce prcviously in rffeet,from un ahernute mortgage __ <br /> ` •• insurer upproved by Lender. If xubx�antinlly cyuivulent m��rtga�e insurance coveruge i+not ava�luble,Borrower shall pay to a,,v,_ <br /> Lender euch month a sum equul u�onr-twelfth of thr yeurly mortgage insurance premium beinF paici by Borrower when Ihe <br />= " insurunce coveruge lopsed or ceuscJ to lx in et7ec�. Lender will uccepi,u�e und retain thrse p•rymcnls us u luss reserve in lieu �`' <br /> _ - • �r�.: of mortguge insurance. Loxz rc+crvc paymcntti muy no longer he reyuimd,at the option of LenJer, if mortguge insurance <br /> . ' ° covernge lin the umount and fnr Ihc�naci ihat Lcnder reyuiresl provideJ by sm intiurrr upproveJ by Lrnder again becomes <br /> ' _ . a uvuiluble and is obtaincd.Borrower,hull puy the prcmium+rcyuired w maintain mongage intiurumc in effeci,or�o provide A <br /> . loss retierve,until the requircmenl f'nr murtga�c inrurunr�ends in uccordunce with uny wriuen ugmement t+etween Borrower L= <br /> and Lender or upplicablr law. <br /> 9. Inapection. Lendcr or i�ti aEcnt muy mukr rcuxunaMr rmrir. uExm unJ im�xctions ui'the 1'ropeny. Lrnder tih•rll <br /> ' give Bormwer notice ul th�time oti or prior lo un in��xrliixt s(►�cifyinN rca+unable rvu,r t'or thr imFxrtion. � ' <br /> „ •� 10. Coademnation. 'The pra:ccds ol'any uwurd or claim tor Jamagr.,direct nr romcyucntiul. in connection with uny <br /> Sinyek Fumfly-•Funnle Mae�FhddM Nar l'NIFI1N�t I�tiTRUMkNT-•UmForm l'uvenrnt. 9199 ��s�¢r?��Jn/v+ersJ � �� <br /> '� : �icat la►re Bmloron r • <br /> . ' Tu�MAer Y.dl 1-HOOM1.Ibl79:1.^.YA{HI&T91•1131 <br /> F <br /> � ... ;.''- „_.. .�' .. .._. . .. � � . . '.:.cY ��: .:4 -.�.•it. -w.'.�r� . . .. . _. <br /> ' <br /> , 1 ' <br /> .. � <br /> ?lL ... _�.. ___ _ - . __ <br />