.O . .j,` . . _ . ` . . . .....M1 � ;. . . . .�S � ` .�-F ' -,� ~ - . . ' . . t.. v�• ` •
<br />� ` � - _ .. � . _ . . . . � I - . . . ' . , . _ . . . _� � ' , • L 'V::.-: . , .
<br /> ' � . ' . . . ..- ,. . . . ° < _ . � . ' . .., . ._ � . e .ot r .• . � . �� _..
<br /> � , ...._... .w.,_.....���_'....� - .__ ._.�_-_��,.�_ �...... .. ..... . .. ....�..._,....._.._.._r.._`...__t'_-..�__.�L_� ' r � . .- _rM.3� -'.-
<br /> �� �.
<br /> .`•. � _ .<��..;..
<br /> . • ��+ ������ ' '' ` ` a _ . �_.
<br /> '- �, �
<br /> S. I�In�nid or Pro�rly 3�usance. �armwer shall keep the imptovements now eu,sting or hergafter erecte� on th� _ _
<br /> • Prapstriy ins�against loss by fir�, hazerds induded rrithin the tetm'extended coverage' and any other hamr�s. inslud'mg , ,: .y,`. ;... � �-.—
<br /> ' floads ar flooding.for tvhieh L�eadet requires insurrnce. Th3.�insursBCe&hall be main ained in the amouAts aAd fot tl�e periods . �„�,•._
<br /> � that Leader reqwlres. T4e insur��.nce carrIer pmvtd'nug the iusuraace sh�ll b�chosen by�arrov►+er plbjea to i.eader's appmval . ' � � -
<br /> : which a6a11 not b.urseasanabty wtthhetd. if Barrovter faIls to maintain�pverage descrl�ed above, I.ender may, at Leader's ��4R�-�—�—--;�,
<br />. optian,obtain wvera�e to�mtect Lendet's dgh�s fa the Progerty ia accuraance witD paragra��a 7. ' _;��,.�._�—
<br /> J;, All ins�uce golisles anii reaewals shall b��ceptabte to Lender and shall inciude a standard mortgage clause. Lendsr - _ - �-�� � ;
<br /> ` shall have t�:right to hold the�olittes and renewals.lf Ixndec tequires,Borrower shall pmmpSy give to Lender all zeceipis of -- ��
<br /> paid premiumv and re�evmi notices.In the eveat of toss.Borrower shatl give prompt notice to the insurance carrier aad I.eadea. � -`� '.� ,�;.s. �
<br /> Lrnder may malce proof of loss if aot made pmmpdy by BoTrovrer. � . - �}.�'��"�'-,.��.` `��
<br /> r . UAICTS LBII�f�BOTfO�'ICI Ot�P.11�It88 3gYfiC III WC1tIIIg�me�x�nnra pms�ds shaU bc appli�to�esto:ation or repair of th� fi::.;�.c�::�;�
<br /> ati °-,�.��.-
<br /> Property dama�ed,if the restot^.3lon oY tepair is economically feasible and Leader's se�urity is aot lesseaed.If the rest�sariaa or �����'����
<br /> repair is aot ecmnom'ssally feasible or Ieudcr's securiry would be tessened.thc insuraace pmceeds shail be appiled to th�sum� ----- _-_
<br /> . � savted by this Security In.,^ttu�ent, wuet6er or nat then due. wish any exoess paid co Borrower. If Borrower aDaudoas th: :.�,,,�" , --
<br /> Property,or doea noe answea witLin 30 daya a notice from Ixader that the insiaicanee carrier has offered to seuIe a claim,th� `r�
<br /> ��� � _--
<br /> Leuder may wllect 8�in�ur�se proceeds. Ixnder may use the pmceeds w repair or restore the Property or to pay sum3 �,��., ._
<br /> serured by this Securiry Iaguumeat,whether or not then cS�te.The 30-day period vn'116egin whea the notice is given. [�.:��"'''�.--s .--�
<br /> Unte� Leadee aad�airawer otherwise ag�ee in writing, any appliration of procads to principal shaU aot e��fl or
<br /> a ee ��.,,;..--._
<br /> postpone the due date of ths montbIy paycncats cefecre�to ia paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of the gaym�n.ts. If :��°.`,. -- �
<br /> uader paragt�pfa 21 th�Fcogerty is aequired by L.eader.Bomuwer's righc to any insurance pe�lIeies aad proc�ee�s nsulting from ',,�,�.� . � ;�:��z'.
<br /> .. damage to the Prope�y p�i�z to the acqufsttioa s6a11 pass to I.euder w the extent of the snms secored by this Serarity Insonrm�t . '': -� -
<br /> . immedtately prlo=to the acquisition. ����:"!`u'��'_
<br /> .. 6.Ooc�ansy,Ptesei�a4lacy RR�iffi�ace an�Prn3e�io�of ths Progrrty;Earr�v�cr's Low AppHratfore:Lc�^�hnlrl�. �::,.:_�- ---- _ —
<br /> Bomawer shall ocatgy.establish,and nse tL.�Property as Bomuvier's principal iesidear�wlthm sIxty days after the ex�utioxa of �,.-.
<br /> 0
<br /> � tLis Security In3nv�ent and shall oonnnue to aocapy the Property as�oirower's principal residence far 2t least one year aftt� �_ � o..����;:"�.
<br /> . the date of oo�ancy.unless Lender o�P�ai�ag�rees in writing.w�ich conswu shafl not be anmanmably watufaet�,or ant� `_. s�,
<br /> . , eateauating � exist ufi:.� � i�aad �orroaier's oontrol. Bomower shrill not drstroy. da�age or irag�E�t
<br /> • Prapusy, allow the Property to ��e,ar oommit waste on the d�mpeny. Barrawcr sha116e ia default if auy fcisfeisme � r�'. :;.
<br /> ,..,.., .;;:-�:.:
<br /> aalan or Pioo�din8,whQth�r ci��er cci�.-�aL.is beg�that tn I.r�dsr's good faith Judgment srould resvlt ia foifeil.t�of ttf: � ?
<br /> ' Properry or oth�vlsc materiaUy impair the Iis�erxated by this Secauiry Instinment or Le�der's set�uriry interest. Borrovres a�ay � "" ' . ��-:
<br /> - auc sucD a defav:i am3 telnstate.as pmvided'sn paragraph 18,by causing the actioa or prmceeding to be dismLssed with a niling ;'s '
<br />' .`.;�"' that, an Lender's �ad faitL determ�attan, preciwdes forfeituce of the Borroiver's Inter�t in ths P;agerty or other matr:ria �`s ' � '
<br /> .°',�,-` impairm�nt of th�U�n creats�Eri this Secueity Instrumeni or Leadar's sesurity inte�t..IIrsrcmer shall also hs m dzfa�]i if " +,'aa •,�. 'a
<br />.:� f:;: ° .;1�.. �r . �
<br /> _ ._.,. BoAOwer.dvr�n�the toan appli�oa pmcess,gave mateffially false or inaccurate informzEion or s7atements w IendPr(or fa�lsd
<br /> .. to pmvide I.e�der aitL airy maze�ial information)in eonnection with the loan evidenced by the Nctc.iactnding,b�aot limited =;�`:;'.�•
<br /> - w.ieP�oas eanceming Bormvra's occupaacy of the Pragerty as a principal residenee. If c9ia Sra�rity t++�,•,,�„�,:is am a ;.;�;:-�-'
<br /> leasrho2d, BomoGer shall comply with aU [he provisIoas of the lease. If Bo:rawer acqoir� fee titt� to the Prop�aty. tLs - ,.` �;; ;�
<br /> .� le�seho2d aad thz fee title shall aot merge witess Ler.der ag�ees to the merger in writing. :�:'"","`.
<br /> � 7.Prartection oi Leudtr's I3ig�2s tn the Prop�rty.If Bomnwer fails to pesform the oovenanm a�ud ageements coalai�ed in � `:"' -
<br /> �•' .; thia Securiry Ia�ent,or there is a legal proceeding aLat may sigaificantly affe�x LeudePs rip�ta aa the Pmperty(EUCb as a �'T
<br /> . pmceeding in b�rrkEUpuy,Pmbate,fo:condemnatloa ar forfeiauc o:to enforce laas or regulaKOCUS}�then I,eader may dp agd �:'°� `
<br /> :�s: �..
<br /> . pay for ahateves is aeccssary to protect the valne of the Property aad Lender's rights in the �i�,parry. I.endes's aexioa�may � '���w
<br /> .. , include Paying �Y s�s soc�ed hy a lien wtdch has p�Iority over thls Security r*+�,�,�r agpearing ia wmt. P3Y�8 [:..:`:"__=�.--m—=--:
<br /> . :,• reas�ab2e auoraesra'fees�d er�srtag on the Ftogerty w malre zepairs.AIthoagh I.endea may 4ake zction�mder tl�is p�agas�b ---- -- __, .
<br /> ; 7,I.en�er does Qas bave to do so. °— -
<br /> �. i� Any ama�cusbutsed by Leader ua�rr this paragraph 7 shall ir�ome addit�onal delst o3��rrower seaued by this —
<br /> ' ,;.;; Secarity Ins�s. 1'iJnless Bomowes aad Larr�.ix agree to other tetms af�-yment,these azunimtn s�nll bear interest from the _ '=
<br /> date of disbnrae�t at the Note rat�and slya;�b� payabt�, with int�sest, upon noflce from Lender[o Bosower req�ting F~, """'�
<br /> PaJ+ffient• �,�.
<br /> S.Ma�����.If Ltader tealu�ed�artgage ia3urmmce as a condition of maYing tho luan secured by this Sec�uity • �� �
<br /> . � '
<br /> ' lnstzument, Banr�a�s�all pay the premiu�required to maintain ti�.c»rtgage ms�ramoe in.¢ff:cx. If, for azry mason, the , •, _'� ..
<br /> • ,�.�:�; mon e insur��overe e b L�rr.r'r�1 ses or ceases to be iu effect,Boirower sLnit u the temiums to `I------y.=
<br /> 8a8 S � Y aP p Y P ��
<br /> _ obtaia coverage substandally equlvatent to iu'�mortgage in.curance previa�ly in effect.at a cosl sa@stantially equiva�ea3 to the ;��..
<br /> . cost to Bonower of the mortga;�insuraace prevtously in effect.from an altemate mon�age incnrc.�r appt+nved by Lea��. If �.:.' —
<br /> . j substant1a13y eqnivateat mortga�:�surance coverage is not available.Born7arer shall Iray�n E..�ndor e�h month a sum e��al ro `�—
<br /> , , on�tarelfth of the yc.�rly mortgage iasurnace premium being paid by Ba�m�ua��rhen the ms�ra�ae wver•c�e lapsed or a�sed to �—` " --- '
<br /> be In effect.Leu,�'ax mitl aocept,use and retaia ruese payments as a loss r�ve in lieu of mortgaga iu..zu�ce. Loss r�serve �
<br /> , Fortrt 31�28 9! n��`'
<br /> , I°`�..'f"'i.
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