• .�. � °Z_ . � � y . .� ' '�t�, ; `ti, • : • . . . �
<br />. . � . ' r� . •--=� �b-' -- °F . - . ' . ' �, .o . :r• - :`' .
<br /> . . Fi� - �' .. < . '.. ' F�r.. • � ' . � ` _ ' . ` . "�:•�i�a?�,�,t:� �- .
<br /> �.` �," `{�C,� '_�:� • {. , � . .
<br /> .; " " U , tr . � _a� � . � `_ � ' ` • :� ' . . " s"
<br /> ... ' � ...U°C � �F `� �f � ' � .._ .�.._._...�.��_.._...�..._.� ..__._._.__...c_._.._...__..�._k,..�_.W ' ..�J:s�
<br /> ��_._._ - �1 ._�ir:x_. - - �t ��
<br /> . . ` . . .,.:...,r.S7�f°'.--
<br /> . - � �s- ��►a7- . ., . :-..�.�:y���
<br /> 'f�t3BTEiIIt PlCfEI aiL tf�ia�mvements na�v or hereaftrr e�xed on the pmperty.aad all easements.spPurtenanses.and �__- `_`�':r."*�`��'
<br /> . fixturea uow or heieaftar a �Sart c�the �pecty. All replacemcuts and additions shall alsa be oove� by this SecurIty • ',, ' '';=�-°'"
<br /> �. e P� 9 :;�:�.�
<br /> ' Tn�att.R►11 of thc fuiv:gaiug i�s:feered to in this Saurity Insnvmeat as the'Pcoperty.' .. � . �.'��L .:_
<br /> ,. B�iRitOFlER CO'Vic.Pi.�.�t'I'S r�at Borrower[s lawfullyr seised of the estate�ereby wnveyred aad has the tight tn graat and . ,_..- •-.r�+„ _�
<br /> coavey the Prog�ray and thnc ttie Pstaperty is unearumbered.except for encumbraaces of nacord. Borrower watzants aad n�Ul =_- _`r-'�';;='•�
<br /> � d�f.a,d ge�rtilly the atle trn dw�'r:gerty agaigst all claims and demaauds.siabject to any ensvmbrances of�ecord. - :�. ...: ::„::�.:;::.:::;. .:
<br /> ill ��
<br />�' T�IIS SECURtTY�1.ST��Id��'£si�i'T wmbmes unifomi covcnanta for national uss and non-nnifosra cov�aaats cvith limited _==?��r�.�a:�ra��:•±�
<br /> ' ii8TI3t167',S bj►JIIItS�iCI�QB GD CHifIIHZa�',:a uuifosm sec�uity instrument coverivg real pmgerty. . • �' . -•��.. '�'�p� .'"�`'
<br /> UAiIFOItA�S CO'V�t+i:4.�!►T�.L'�a;snwet and I.eBder coveaant aad agiee as follows: :°:�.��,:-�,;,`�-�--�;;��:
<br /> 1. f�y�etii of Fi•iu��tu�ar�Iu�� I�►^�gsymeat nnd a,ate C�ar�es.Borrower shall PTO�►P�Y PaY whar due the ':-T�. �='����=,.,,
<br /> .` -•� e - � . � -r,r;:.
<br /> � P�cipai of and intemst aa tits dc�t evideuoe�by she Note and aay Prepayment aad late charges due�mder t�e Note. 4. �. �� ,
<br /> .ti Z.��s far Ta�a��a��rmuoe. Stibject to appltcable law or to a arritten waiver by Lender. Sarrower shall pay w ��:�:��q.,,,,,,�,-�
<br /> Lea�.r an tbe day maati�Iy A�ac�aze due ander the PIate,until�he Note is paid in full,a sum('F�ds')far:(a)YearlY t� ��p.
<br /> aad assess�nts which mmr attutn�riazity over this Secuiity r., ,ment as a lien an the Progerty;@)Yeaily leasehald paymenis � -- _ _=
<br /> or gra�md rents on the Fm�a��;i°.a�r;(c)YearlY ha�ard or Property insurance gmmiums;(d)Year1Y flood ins�uance premiums, E_�=�-� ---
<br /> if any; (e)Year1Y mn�e in�ce pnminms,if anY;and(�anY sums PaYable 6y Bormwu to L�euder, in a.crordance wIth -- -- ---
<br /> the provisiong of pma�pb 8,."an liw of the payment of murtgage insurance premiums.These itPms az+e call�d'Fscmw Items.' ���-- -
<br /> Leader may, at any timu, ca3}uct aad hold Fun�s in an amount not ta exceed the maximum amotmt a la¢der for a fe�eially � --• - ,��._..�.-,�
<br /> retated mnrt�e luan muy n:quir� for Borrower's escxaw acaoant uuder the federal Real Fstate Settlemeni pmced�ns Aet of ���T�-'-'��;;
<br /> 1974 as amenct,�t fmm time tn�t�e, 12 IIF.S_C.Secxion 21s01 et seqr.("RESPA'),imless aaoti�er law that applies w the LGUnd3 ��'-=—=
<br /> = sets a tesses�ni. If s�. Lauder may.aa any cime,collect and�ut�F�ds in an amoum not to exrx�d tPte tesser a�uut. �`�"'�"'�-�.
<br /> y�aQee r,�ay estian�ue the ammurt of r�s d�:e on t6e basis of cwrceat data and�zsonable esumates of exp�diuu�s of fuNte '�� --�P'� ' S °�
<br /> .. ��uxow Items or athersis;s in$cooni�aa�e�i;h applis�}�Ye taw. •p���_
<br />' 3 =..
<br /> T7ie Fands shuU be 6mt+I ia aa ��ion whc�depashs aae e�suied by a federal ag�scy, msuu*n�r;�y, az cat�y .°-�-�;:•
<br /> �— (iaciudffig Lender,if Leader su.���tion)ar in a�r FedezaP I�ome Loan Ban1c.Leader�1 apply the Fm�ds to pay t�e -
<br />` ;, .,-,,__
<br /> - EQCmv+ItEms.Lender may naC charge Ber.uwer for ho2ding and ag�:yimg ihe Funds,annually�Lyzing tHe�:aow accouat.or
<br /> verifying the Escmw It�.uutu�s Leader gays Bormwer iatertst on the Funds aad applicable!aw permits L�r:d�a W make such .�!
<br /> a charge.Howe�rer,L�nd�r nsttg reqniie Borrower to pay a one-time c�arge for an iudependeat ieal estate t�L:porttng seivice ;: ,,:
<br /> :';sr� used by Ix� in cennactinn�vitb du5 F.aan, �mtess applicable Ia-� provides otherwise. lIII1� an a�ecment is ma$s oz �� .,'. " =_
<br /> �:;;v�� agpiicab3c 1�.^a�r,{er�ess inte�to�Se ga�,�nder shall not be ce4�r'to gay Bflrrower a�r i�t or eamings on the F�. 't„ ;�;�
<br /> F�^�;K�; B otrower�c�%. -�m�xy a�Cee i a writi�.:L o w e v e r,t b a t i n t�e s c�1 b e p a i d o a t h e F S m d s. II a u��r s�a l l gi v e t o B o r r+�w r,�, ��'"�i, __i
<br /> i I�r� 7��t ,.,.
<br /> y,. wituau3 cLarge, an a�m�cl m�untffig of:i:e PL�s,�nxsing cre�irs aad debits to tha Funds amd Lhe gv�..�i`�r wluch earl� :{f .�• -_
<br /> � '• �bit w the Fnnds was mad�The F�ds ase p?Qd�eci:�s a�tional secauity€or all svrs secured iry this Sewt3��T"�srument. ( ; _.
<br /> E I�r` r-. S . a:.;, . i�j t -
<br /> .,.Ld,Y,�s If t he Fnn d s ho l d by Y.�s i d e r e x c ce d t he�noun�;�e n m i tt e d to be h e Y d by a p F.u�I e l a w.L�2 r s��s�s t o B o r m w e r _
<br /> .�.:
<br />:��;;�1+.� f or t h e exaess Fan d s in aeco�d a n c�e w i t h��e n q u i r e�t s o f a p p l i c a b l e l a w.I f t h s a m o t m i o f t i r��u n d s h e°.��j•L e�d e r a t an y . :i -
<br />:;�;;;;;f t�o is not s�ffiaamt w pzy tlta Escrom Items when due,L�n,dez may so notify Eo�wer in writing,and,in�-r-'..a r�e Bormwer ,,,
<br /> s�nll pay w Lender tLn amwut necessary to make up the defcienc.y.Bormwer sCall maI�e up the deflcieasg; ;�no�ore than �;, - ` `�.`,�;='
<br /> , tvielve m�ontbly paymenu;,at C�.mder's sole discretion. =K�-_ � �
<br /> UPon Dayanent in futl af all s�a secured by tLis Sec�iry Insmimenb I.e�%shall promptiy refund to Borrawer aay =:� - -
<br /> ..:• Funds beld by I.andoz.If,nndar paragraph 21.Lender s6all acqaire or selt the PropersY,I.�da�:.�zlor to the acquisiaon an�e � : . ;�
<br /> '' of the Pioperty,shsill apply aay Fuads held by Lender at the time af.acquisition or sale as a Are�:2 agaiaat the sums se��G:� _., ��`'��' � . -.,.
<br /> •, � 3.ApplIt��tt�ma o Paystenfs.Unless aggl9cable law rovides ctScc�aswise.ai�risr;�-�eats received b L,eudr���der t� �'a�c�.�_�ez�•.r ,:
<br /> P Y p��P �ai.,��'=z�r ,��r�,.
<br /> �� �: -- -
<br /> • 1 and 2 shall be s�ppllo3:f�� to anY P�PaYmeni�arges due und�she Note: :m�rsv�.d,w amounts pay a b le�ler paragraP h 2; �:r,,.-�;�;
<br /> � ,to intemsY due; o+utL�to p�cigal due;and last. any late c�c �`�-�
<br /> _ � f= w �arges due under the Note. ����;T,° -
<br /> , y, `-_ --
<br /> %�: , 4.Ch�g�;;Ucros.anrnower shall pay aU taxes.assessments.charges.fines aad imga�irinus atin'6utable to the Pmperty , f":' {,
<br /> -...35'� ;�'���,
<br /> �:; :�., whIch may att�m priarit�a�cr this Secarity Instrument, and leauhold payments or g�ound�,if any. Boirower shall PaY .�>.;:i;�;-, ;,`"�:, `',^..� ''-
<br /> : thcse obflgatIons in tLa mnnr Vr provided la pazagraph 2,or if not paid in that manuer.Borrower shaU pay them on time directly =�-� ,.,ti�;„ �-; ,
<br /> r,> .� J i., � _ :
<br /> ;_ i' ta tlte pesson owad pyra�n�.�onower shaU pmmpdy ftu�iah to Leader all notices of amounts to be paid under th9s paragraph. '�;�►� � . -�a�
<br /> � If Botrower makr�tizrs�p�yments dir�y,Boaower shall pr�mptly famish to Lxndea nceipt�cerir3encing the payments. �`�"''�°'�`� �",!`�. '.�_
<br /> �; Bo�rs�rx F.tr:�9 promptly dischazg�m;,llen whic]�han priority aver this Security Inst�u�.���rotess Borrower:(a)a�in ���,�;5�.. .. ��,�::
<br /> ;� writlng to ttre pay��t of tUo obllgation sec�ed hy the lien in a m�nmer aoceptable to Y,aider,(b)contssta in good faith the llen ;---
<br /> ? by.or dtfends ag�intt�essfarcement of the lien in, ir.�al proceed3ngs ahich in the Lender s opinioa og��tr.to prevent the �
<br /> _ .j t �,'r�.
<br /> � enforcement of t�e liw;ar.(e)sec�re.s from the holdet of the llen an apeeemeat satisfastory to Lender suhaa�iu�ing the lien to -� :
<br /> this Securiry Ia�dcnm:at, Ii Lender d�iaes that any part of the Fmpeity is subject to a lien whic.h may aitain priori�t�ver � �
<br /> • :.54 �" � �t4"s:' -
<br /> :��;;;�. thia Secuiiry Uts�s�I.�:der��Q.ivr.Banower a nofloe identifyfag the liea.Borro�ver Ehhaif satisfy the lien or talce�or 4k,.��.. ,.
<br /> t
<br />=%;�`�'.`� tuom of tlte acaions ses CuflL�!�'�ve�+tttsia�10 days of the giving of notice. - „�'tc -
<br /> .'".�; ; ... .. ,. -- _
<br /> ,,��':"
<br /> , ram 3o2a s�so � :it ��,
<br /> f►- i.���!cay� i��.
<br /> �� �;, �..4� •---_
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