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20110339�, <br />6. APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER. In the event of a default, Lender shall be ent(tled, without notice, without bond, and without <br />regard to the adequacy of the col(ateral securing the Obtigations to the appointment of a receiver for the Premises. The recelver <br />shall have, in addition to el{ the rights and powers Customarily given to and exercised by a receiver, all the rights and powers <br />granted to Lender under the Security Instrument and thfs Assignment. <br />7. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Lessor irrevocably authorizes Lender as Lessor's attomey-in-fact coupled with an interest, at Lender's <br />option, upon taking possesslon of the Premises to lease or re-lease the Premises or any part thereof, to cancel and modify Leases, <br />evict tenants, bring or defend any suits tn connectian wlth the possesslon of the Premises in the name of either party, make repairs as <br />Lender deems appropriate and perform such othar acts in connection with the management and operation of the Premises as Lender <br />may deem proper. The recetpt by Lender of any Rents under this Assignmeni after instftutlon of fareclosure proceedings under Yhe <br />Security Instrument shall not cure any defau�t or affect such proceedings or sale which may be held as a result of such proceedings. <br />8. BENEFICIAL INTEREST. Lender shall not tre obligated to perform or discharge any obligation, dury or Ilability under the Leases <br />by reason af this Assignment. Lessor hereby agrees to indemnity Lender and to hold Lender harmless from any and all Ilablifty, <br />loss or damage which Lender may incur under the Leases by reason of this Assignment and trom any and aU clalms and demands <br />whatsoever whioh may be asserted against Lender by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on Lender's part to perform <br />or discharge any of the terms or agreements contatned in the �eases. Shoutd Lender (ncur any liabll(ry, loss or damage under the <br />Leases or under or by reason of this Ass(gnment, or in the defense of any such claims or demands, the amount of such toss, <br />Incfuding any costs and expenses to the extent permitted by applicable lauv, shall be secured by the Securlty tnstrument. Lessor <br />agrees to reimburse Lender immedtately upon demand for any such costs, and upon faiture of Lessor to do so, Lender may <br />accelerate and declare due all sums owed to Lender under any of the ObUgatlons. <br />S. NOTICE TO TENANTS. A written demand by Lender to the tenants under the Leases for the payment of Rents or written notice <br />of any default claimed by Lender under the Leases shall be sufficient notice to the tenants to make future payments of Rents <br />directiy to Lender and ta cure any default under the leases withaut the necessity of further consent by Lessor. Lessor hereby <br />�eleases the tenanis from any Ifabiliry for any Rents paid to Lender or any action taken by the tenants at the direction of Lender after <br />such written notice has been glven. <br />10. INDEP�NDENT RtGHTS. This Assignment and the powers and rights granted ere separate and independeni from any ' <br />obligatfon contained in the Security Instrument and may be enforced without regard to whether Lender instRutes foreclosure <br />proceedings under the Security Instrument. Thfs Asstgnment is in addidon to the Securiry Insirument and ehall nat affect, diminlsh <br />or impair the Secur(ty Instrument. Howevar, the rights and authoHty granted in this Assignment may be exercised in conJunction <br />with the Security instrument. <br />11. MODIFICATION AND WAIVER. The modification or walver of any of Lessor's oblfgations or Lender`s rights under this <br />Assignment must be oprttalned in a wrlting signad by Lender. Lender may parform any of Lessor's obligations or delay or fail to <br />exercise any of fts rights without c�using a waiver of those obligabong or rights. A wafver on one occasfon shall not constitute a <br />waiver on any other occasion. Lessor's abUgations urtder thls Asslgnment shall no! be affected if Lender amends, compromises, <br />exchanges, faiis to exarcise, impairs o� releases any uf the obligations belonging to any Lessor or third party or any of its rights <br />against any Lessor, third party or cottateral. <br />12. NOTICES. F�ccept as othetwiae required by law, any notice or other communication to be provided under this Assignment shall <br />be in writing and sent to tha partias at the addresses indicated in this Assignment or such oiher address as the partles may <br />designate in writing from time to time. <br />13. SEVERABtLITY. Whenever possible, each provision of thls Assignment shall be interpreted so as to be valid and effective <br />under applicable state law. If any p�ovision of this Assignment violates the law or is unenforoeable, the rest of the Assignment shail <br />remain vatid. <br />14. COLLECTION COS7S. To the extent permitted by law, Lessor agress to pay Lender's reasonable fees and oosts, includ(ng, <br />but not timited to, fees and costs of attorneys and other agents (including without Iimitation paralegals, cierks and consultants) <br />whether or not any attomey is an employee of Lender, which are incurred by Lender in collecting any amount due or enforcing <br />any right or remedy under this Asstgnment, all wheHier or not suft is brought and includirtg, but not Ilmfied to, fees and coets <br />incuned on appeai, in Bankruptcy, and for post Judgment CollecUon actions. <br />15. MISCEI,LAPIEOUS. <br />a. A default by Lessor under the terms of any of the Leases which wouid entiUe the tenant thereunder to cancel or terminate <br />such Lease shail be deemed a defauft under this Assignment and under the Otrligatfons and Securiry lnstrument so long as, <br />in Lender's opinion, such defauit resuits in the impairment of Lender's securfty. <br />b. A violation by Lessor of any of the covenants, representaUons or prov}sions contained in thls Assignment shall be <br />deemed a default under the terms of the Note and Secu�ity instrument. <br />a. This Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the beneflt of Lessor and Lender and thelr respective successors, <br />assigns, trustees, receivers, administrators, personal representat(ves, legatees, and devtsees, <br />d. This Assignment shall be govemed by the laws of the state indicated ln the address of the Premises. Unless applicable law <br />provides otherwise, Less�r consents to the Jurisdiction of any court selected 6y Lender in fts sole discretion located in the <br />state Indicated in Lender's address in the event of any legal proceeding under this Assignment. <br />e. Ail referencea to Lessar in this Assignment shall include all persons signing below. If there (s more than one I�essor, their <br />oblfgaUons shail be joint and several. This Assignment represents tfie complete and integrated understending between <br />Lessor and Lender pertaining to the terms hereof. <br />16. JURY TRIAL WAIVER. LENDER AND LESSOR HEREBY WANE ANY RIGHT TO 7RIAL 8Y JURY IN ANY ClVIL ACTION <br />ARiSiNG 8UT QF, OR BASED UPQPI, THIS ASSIGNMENT. <br />17. ADDITIOPIAL TERINS. <br />L.ESSQR ACKNOWLED(3ES THAT LESSOR HAS R�AD, UNpERSTANDS, AND AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />OF THIS ASSIGNMENT. <br />DATED� 02, 2ot1 <br />ESSO : p ,� � LESSOR: <br />'�/ `IJ <br />Jef �y . Ikzle <br />IESSOR: <���✓�'l. V LESSOR: <br />Leslie T. Dale <br />LESSOR: <br />LESSOR: <br />cca128p2 (3/01) Page 2 of 3 <br />