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The Obli ations <br />described above are aiso sacured by a mortgage or deed of trust to lender on the real property described in Schedule A�the °Secu�fty <br />InstrumenY�. The foregoing Assignment is intended to be specffic, perfected, and choate upon the recording of the Security <br />Instrument as provided by applicabls state iaw. <br />2. COVENANTS OF LESSOR. Lessor covenartts and agrees that Lessor wili: <br />a observe and perform all the obiigatians imposed upon the landlord under the Leases; <br />b. refrain ftom d(scounUng any future Rents or exeauting any future assignment of the Leases or collect <br />any Rents in advance without the wrritten consent of Lender; <br />c. perform all necessary steps to maintain the security of the Leases for the benefit of Lender including, ff requested, the periodic <br />submission to Lender of reports and accounting infomnation relating to the receipt of Rent payments; <br />d. refrain from modifying or terminating any of the leases without the written consent of Lender; <br />e. execute and deliver, at the request of Lender, any assurances and assignments with respect to the Leases as Lender may <br />periodicaily require; and <br />f. comply with all applicable federal, state and locat laws and regulations concerning the Premises, including but not Iimfted to <br />all environmental laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and ali zoning and building laws. <br />3. REPRESENTATIONS OF IESSOR. Lessor represents and warrants to Lender that: <br />a. the tenants under the Leases are current fn all Rent payments and are not in default under the terms of any of the Leases; <br />b. each of the Leases are vaiid and enforceable according to fts terms, and there are no claims or defenses presenUy e�stlng <br />which could be asserted by any tenant under the Leases agalnst Lessor or any assignee of Lessor; <br />c. no Rents or securiry deposits under any of the Leases have previously been assigned by Lessor to any party other than <br />Lender; <br />d. Lessor has not accepted, and will not accept, Rent in excess of one month in advance under any of the Leases; <br />e. Lessor has the power and authority to execute thls Assignment; and <br />f. Lessor has not performed any act or executed any instrument which might prevent Lender from collecting Re�ts and taking <br />any other action under this Assignment. <br />4. LESSOR MAY RECEIVE RENTS. <br />cca126.uff <br />As long as there is no defauR under the Obligations described above, the Security Instrument securing the Obligadons, or this <br />Assignment, Lender grants Lessor a revoeable Ucense to collect ail Rents from the Leases when due and to use such proceeds <br />in Lessor's business operatlons. However, Lender may at any time require L.essor to deposit all Rents iMO an account <br />maintained by Lessor or Lender at Lender's institution. <br />5. DEFAULT AND RHMEDIES. <br />Upon default in the payment of, or in the performance of, any of the Obligations, Lender may at its option take possession of the <br />Premises, wtthout becomtng a mortgagee in possession and have, hold, manage, lease and operate the Premises on terms and <br />for a period of time that L.ender deems proper. Lender may praceed to cotlect and receive all Rents, and Lender shatl have full <br />pawer periodicalty to make alterations, renovations, repafrs or replacements to the Premises as Lender may deem proper. <br />Lender may apply all Rents, in Lender's sole discretion, taking and retaining possession of the Premises and the management <br />and aperation of the Premises. Lender may keep the Premises properly insured and may discharge any taxes, charges, claims, <br />assessments and other liens which may accrue. 1'he expense and cost of these acGons may be paid from the Rents received <br />and any unpaid amounts shail be added to the principat of the Obligaitons. These amounts, together wfth other costs, shall <br />become part of the i�debtedness secured by the Security instrument and for which this Assignment is gfven. �� ' <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />� <br />1. ASSIGNMENT. In consideration of the loan of ftnanciai accommodation evidenced by the promissory note or agreement <br />described above and alt other present and future evidences of indebtedness, obligations, agreements, instruments, guarantfes or <br />otherwise of Bonower or Lessor (whether Incurred for the same or different purposes than the promissory note or agreement <br />descrlbed above� and all renewais, extensions, amendments, madifica�ons, replacements or substitutions to any of the furegoing, <br />(collscUvely the ObligaUons°) Lessor, identified above, absolutely assigns to ��„i,,,, Rwn� and Trusf C'om�ap� <br />