� ,�y i 5 � �,r.mn. f • �., •�• �,... u "e .Ul � M/Y• _f . ` . , i ' •'Ki�°�i s�:�..w. .
<br /> .yl�`N_i . � t i�rr . � 'C.. :•.l .' �. ; .. .� i �. '' w,c � y,; _ , , .i•,J;`° ��. ... .,.;.�_—�--��m ��- .� .�
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<br /> ,� �,05641 ��:«��-_ .
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<br /> b. Xs��pn'o�hersby covenente and werrants to the Aseipnse that(a) Asslpnor has not executed any prior
<br /> (b)Aselanor has not
<br /> ' a�sipnmsM of ths Lea�s or ot fts�ipht,titls and!nb►ed Ihe�eki or the rentals to accrue thereunder, ti:�;�=-----
<br /> � „
<br /> � porformed a�y act or sxscuted eny inatrument which mlpht prevent the M�Ipnes irom operaNnp under any ot tFie terma end :��,�.,�,��,;,,,,�,_ —
<br /> condltion�hereof,orwhlchwouldllmittheAssipneelnsuchope�atlon;(c)Auipru�rhasnotacceptodreMundertheL.easefor ►«�«����--�;;'; .�Y.
<br /> ; anype�lod aub�qu ent to the cunent psriod for which rent has elroady bscoma due and psyable;(d)there is no detault now _ . .:,;.;=_.:,�-
<br /> i„ �� ' ° exiiUnp underth�Lsa�e,and(s)Aasipnor hae nat executed or qrented eny modi�catlon oremendmant whatever of the l.ease . ��.-;•.�.�-s-.
<br /> �ith�►onlly ar in w�itinp excpi ai a�t forth In 8ch�dul�B,and that th�Le�ee ia in full tac��nd dlsat. ,°:�..,.�>;::�;��i;.;"„-;
<br /> " 9. IT IS MUTUALLY AaREED WITH HESPECT TO EACN LEA3E THAT: �,1��'+!����;�.',',�,.
<br /> � � � 1. Asaipneeherebyqrantspermi�tontoAsal�nortocoAectupon,butnotprlortoacc►ual,allrenta,issues,deposite • �
<br /> ' end prollbhom 1he sald Pramisesend to retafn,and use enyenjoy the aeme,but reserve9fhs�iphtb revoke such permiaaion
<br /> atany tlme,wNhorwithoutcauee,by noticei�w�ldnp toA� saignorbycartilledmail=enttotheaddresshereinaiterpreacribedfor
<br /> sendinp notices.ln any event,aucf�permtaslon to Assipnor shall be aubmad�ally revoked upon defeult,by Aaslpnor in the �
<br /> paymentofany oftheObNpationsaecuredherebyorinthepe�tormanc�ofanyobllgatfon,covertantepreemenihe►ein,insaid {�
<br /> ' monpa e or desd of trust,In the Leaae or in any of the Obli�etlons secured he�eby,or in any securinp document given in �
<br /> connec�on therewith,(atl of wh�h will be teferred to herein as"Default").In the event that the Asslpnee ahould revoke auch
<br /> rmisalonoratlertheoccurrenceofaDefault,lheAssipnee,mayatitsopdon,aAernodflcatlontoAsaignor,byceniffedmail.to
<br /> �e address hereinaiter prescribed for sending nodces,direct any or aN o1 the tenants af the Premises to pey to Assipnee,its . �;;-�;;��.:.
<br /> ape�ts or ita attomeys, auch reMe, issues,profits,revenuea,deposits, riphta and t�eneflts ea may now be due or ahall ,��_�.
<br /> � hereinaRer become due.and Aasipnee may collectthe same.TheafNdavit or wrilten statementof an of�cer,a�enR o�attomey
<br /> ofAssfpneestatinpthettherehaabeene0efauRshallconsNtuteconclueiveevidencethereol,andany tenenttootherpersona
<br /> •� la autho�ized and di�ected to rely fhereon.The Asstanor fuhher ayrees,that In the event thepermis�lon to use end retain the � . `�'��
<br /> rente,income,iseues,deposits and proHts,should be termi�eted or upon the occurance of a Deieult,ta immedlately tum over
<br /> toAsaipnee.atthedmeand inthemannerrequestedby Assipnee,allaecuritydepositsorothermoniesdepositedbylesaees : • '��, , __ '
<br /> of the Prami�es in accordenco with the provfalons of the Lea�es. • � -_ —°
<br /> r --
<br /> " 2. Notwfthslandinp the provisions of paragreph 1 hereinabove,upon or at any dme atter a Delault,as de�ned ' '''�s4�
<br /> �..•
<br /> herefnabove,lheAsalonee,stitsoption,may decleueallOblipatlonssecwedherebyimmediateiydueandpeyable,andmay.at T
<br /> ita option,without no7ce,and if any such ObNgatio�s be secured by deed of huat Irrespecdve of whether a declaratlon ot �
<br /> " detault under said deed of truet has been delivered to Trustee thereunder,exercise ell nphts and remedies confained in said . .,�.�.�,t�
<br /> mort�a�eor deed oi t�ustend without regerd forthe edequecy of securiry for the 0blipetions hereby secured,either fn peraon "�
<br /> or by a�ent with or without brinpinp any acdon or proceedinp,or by e recelver to be appolnted by e court.enter upon,take
<br /> possession of, mena�e end ope�ate said Premisea or any part thereof,meke,enbrce,modfy,and accept the sunender ol � , � �;��
<br /> Leases,obteln and evict tenants,ilx or modily rente,and do any acts wh�h the Assigneedeema prope�to protect the security `
<br /> -_ - -- - hereof,and eltherwith or without iaki�g possession nP ti�a?renlaes,ir►Iis own nars�s,scsatar or oltsen�lsscQllecl as�s!rece4ve � - - . j .
<br /> all�enb,iasuesandprofite,including thosepastdueandunpaid,anyapplytheseme,lesscostandexpe�sesofoperedonand �
<br /> � • . collecdon,includinp,but not Nmited to,peymenta for wages and payrdl taxes,compensation of managing agent and other ' . � �
<br /> mana�ement costa and expenses,real estete taxes and essesaments, water,sewer,and similar charyes,inaurance and � �,
<br /> worker's compeneatlon premiums,ground renta,customary real esiste commission,and reasoneble attomey's teesand couA E . .. .
<br /> costs,upon eny Obligetions secured hereby,and in such arderas the Assignee mey determine.The ente�ing upon and taking , '�;
<br /> possession ot the P�emfses,the collecUon of such rents,issues and pro8ts and the applicadon thereoi as aforesaid,shell not
<br /> cureorwaiveanydefaultorwalve,modfiy,oraHectnoticeofdefaultunderseidmortgageordeedoitruatorinvelidateany act
<br /> donepursuanttosuchnodce.AssfgnorherebyreteasesanyandallclaimswhichithasormighthaveagainstAsaigneearising ; ?�
<br /> out of such collectfon,management operadon and maintenence,exceptiny the IiabfHty of Assfpnee to eccount for emounta � ���.--
<br /> cotlected and exponded by it � , . - _
<br /> 1 3. The Asaignee shall not be obligated to perform or discharge, nor does it hereby undeAake tope�torm or
<br /> dischar�e,any oblipadon,duty or 8ability under the Lease,or under or by�eason of this Assiqnment Aasipnor shell and does
<br /> hereby aqree to indemniiythe Assignee a�ainat and hold tt harmless from any end all Ifability,loss or damege whfch it mey or
<br /> mi�ht incur under the Lease or under or by reason of thls Assignment and of end hom any and all claima and demand � -
<br /> whatsoever which may lseasserted agai�st It by reason of any alleged obligation or undertaking on its partto pertonn or in the � •
<br /> dlacharge of any of the terms,covenanb,or agreements contafned In the Lease;should the Assi�nee incur any such liabiliry, ,
<br /> losa or dama�e under the Lease or unde�or by reason ol this Assignment, or in the defense agefnst any auch claims or
<br /> demands,the amount thereot,Including costs,expenses and reasonable attomey's fees,together with interest thereon at the ,
<br /> highest rate set foRh in any ot the Obligatlons secured hereby,shall be secured hereby end by the said moAyage or deed o1
<br /> trust,and Asaignor shell reimb�use the Assignee therefor immediately upon demand,and upon the failureof Assignor soto do
<br /> dte Assfgnee may declare all ObHgationa secured hereby immediatefy due a�d payable.
<br /> 1. Until the Obllgatlons secured hereby shell have been paid i�1ull,Assignor covenanb and agrees to keep leased
<br /> at a good and suHicient rentel the Premises and upon demend to transfer and assign to the Aasignee any and all subsequent
<br /> 1 Leases upon all or any part ot such Premises upon the same or substanllally the same terms and conditions as are herein
<br /> contained,and to make,execute,and deNver to the Assignee,upon demand,any and all instrumenisthat may be necessary or
<br /> � desirable therelar, but the terms and provlaions ot this Assignment shall apply to any such subsequent Lease a Leases
<br /> � whether or not so assiyned and transferred. _
<br /> � 2. Asalgnor shall,upon request of Assignee,turnish It a complete lisl as of the date of the request of all Leases and
<br /> , other tenencies of the Premfses in such reasonable detafl as may be requested by Asslgnee.Further,{f requested,Assignor
<br /> shall deliver to Assfgnee executed or cerlified copies of all Leases a�d other written agreements,correspondence,and
<br /> memaranda between Assignor and Leasees and other tenants setting forth the contractual anangements between them.Such
<br /> I requesis may be made at any reasonable time.
<br /> ,��---- -.._�t__ ...�
<br /> .. . ....---•- -�_..__.:_.._ _.._......
<br /> 3. ThefaMUreloUStany aQBC1I1CL6a863unoerjcinxiuivonvrow,aiiaunviinvanuawvio��w�..�a������o�...^oT.•.�..
<br /> �eneral essi�nment of rents end leases provfded for herefn.
<br /> 4. Upon the peyment in full of all ObUgatfons secured hereby, as evidenced by the recording or tfling of an
<br /> instrument ot setfsfaction or lull release of said mortgage or deed ot trust,unless there shall have been recorded another
<br /> moRgage or deed ottrust in lavor of the AssiAnee covering the whole or any part of the leased Premises,this Assignment shall
<br /> become null and void and o1 no ettec�
<br /> �
<br /> � Gc,670 •,�x5 ?�
<br /> x n
<br />