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<br /> ' , . . ^� THIS A8SK3NMENT,mnde this 26th �y of _ June 19 92 , � . .
<br /> y .,
<br /> � by Don G. Alexander and Nyla L. Alexander, huaband end wife
<br /> ' ••� 530 Raveawood Court Grand Ieland. Nebraeka 68801
<br /> _ . _ ---�,,
<br /> ,.. � residlnp at a hevinp an ot(ice et � -
<br /> F� " (herein called"AssiOnor"),to Fi�s7ier Bank,Nadonal Associallon,Omeha,Nebraoka _ ��i�� �, ��,:-
<br /> ' ita p�incipal oitice at Omaha Nebraeka(herein oslled"As�ipnee"). •
<br /> ^ WITNE3SETH: -
<br /> �, , �_- -
<br /> FOR VALUE RECEIVEO,Assignor hereby granta,transtera and assigns b the Assignee all ot the right,tiUe and .-___
<br /> ' interestofAssipnorinandtoenyendatlleasesandothertenanciesnoworhereattermadeonorwithrespectbtherealesfate `
<br /> � located in Hall County, Nebraska and more paAicula�ly described `-
<br /> in 3chedule A he�eof.which real esfete ahall be referredto hareinatier ea"Premises",including,but nct Ilmited to that cerfeln � ,�� -_ __
<br /> I.easeorthosece�tainLeases,withmodiflcations,iteny,descrfbedlnScheduleBhereof,coverfngthePremisea;togetherwith ��,�=�
<br /> (1)any end all extensions or�enewels thereof,(2)eny an d a l l gueran t e e s o f t he L e s e e's o b l i g ationa under an y thereof and _ _
<br /> � u n d e r a n y a n d a l l e x t e n a i o n a o r r e n e w e l s o f a n y t h e r e o f,and(3)eM rents,issues,proflts,�evenues,deposits,eamest money -,-' ---
<br /> paymenta,righls and beneflta now or hereatter arfsing trom euch lease and tenancies or f or t he use an d occupancy o f t h e .
<br /> Premfses,and any and all extansions and renewals thereot Said leases and tenancies or other use of the Premises together • `�
<br /> wilh an�r and all guerantees,modfficerions,extensions,and renewalsthereof shell be sometimes hereineite�refened toas the __
<br /> . ••Lease'o�"Leases": -
<br /> - - r-a-r.,:-
<br /> ) �', --
<br /> ::---=-
<br /> ONE: Payment and performance of each and every debt,lfebility end obligallon of every type and descrip�� __
<br /> ' ' which Assignor mey now or anylime hereaiter owe to Asaignee,including,but not Iimited to,the indeb�edness a As�l _
<br /> secured by that certain moA�age or deed of Wst made by the Assognor to the Assignee dated ,19 . -
<br /> � endrecordedortoberecordedetorpriortotherecordingofthfaAsslgnmen�orenyothermoR�apeordeedoftrusthereafte► �-,�.T-_•_
<br /> ------� ° covering�ewno���enyaa�ofine�rem�s8s,(whalhersuchdebk��$b����Y.�����'tlonnowexistsorishereaftercreatedor � _
<br /> � ; � incurred and whether U fs or may be dl�ect or fndirect,due or to become due,ebsolute or contlngent,p�imary or secondary, - __
<br /> liquidated or unliqufdated,or joint,several, or jolnt end several,all auch debts,IiabllfUes and obli�edona beln�hereln
<br /> � cdlecdvety referred to sometlmes as the"Oblipatbns'�;and _
<br /> �[C2�+
<br /> .�,..-
<br /> ' TWO: Performence and discherge of each and every ob!igation, covenant and agreement of Asaipnor "
<br /> ' contained herefn o►in any auch mortgape or deed of trust or any note or bond aecured thereby,or In eny obli�ation or any .,_:___ _
<br /> � securin�document yiven In connection with any of the Oblfyetions secured hereby. , � :� :;
<br /> LEASE: �:..•-��__----
<br /> .�:-
<br /> •r,�
<br /> 1. To faithiully abide by,pe�form and discherge each and every obligatfon,covenant and agreement of the Lease ;�,�=r•;�
<br /> by Lessor to be performed,to give prompt notice to theAssignee of any notice of default on the peN of Assipnorwith respectto . .
<br /> the Lease received from Lessee or gua�antor.together with an accurateand complete copy of eny such notice;at the sote cost .r-.._
<br /> and expense of Assignor,to eniorce or secu�e the pertormance of each and every obligetlon,covenant,conditlon and .
<br /> � agreement of the Lease bythe Lessee to be pe�tormed;notto modlyor in eny wey elter the terms ot the Lease;not to terminate � _
<br /> � the term of the Lease and not to eccept a surrender of the rents thereunder or to waive,excuse,condone or In any manner � , r., ��'`
<br /> �• release or discharge the Lessee thereunder from the obligetfons,covenants,conditions and agreementa by the Lessee to be ► �°
<br /> performed,including the obllgetlon to pay the�ental called for thereunder in the manner and at the place and time speciNed , _�
<br /> thereln,and Assignor does by these presents expressly release,reNnquish a�d surrender unto the Asslgnee all Assignor's �
<br /> right,power and authority to modfy or in any way alter the terms or provisions of the Lease,or to terminatetheterm or accept a
<br /> surrender thereol,and any attempt on 1he part ot the Assignor to exercise any such right without the written authoriy and
<br /> � consent of the Assignee thereto being flrst had end obtoined shall constitute a Default of the terms hereof,ea defined r
<br /> . hereinaiter,entftlfnp the Assignee to declare all sums secured hereby immedlately due and peyable.
<br /> 2. At Assignor's sole cost end expense to appea�In and defend any actfon or proceeding arising under,growfng
<br /> out of or in eny manne�connected with the Lease or the obligations,duties or Ilabilities af Lessor, Lessee or guarantor
<br /> thereunder,and to pay all costs and expenses of the Assignee,including attorney's fees in a reasonaWe sum,in any such
<br /> acNon or proceeding In wh�h the Assignee may eppear.
<br /> 3. That should Assignor tail to make any payment or to do any act as herein provided,then the Assignee,but
<br /> wfthout obligation so to do and without notice to or demand on Asslgnor,and without releasing Assignor from any obligatfon
<br /> hereot,may meke or do the seme in such manner and to such extent es the Aasignee may deem necessery to protect the
<br /> securfry hereot, including speciffcally,without limiting its general powers, the right to appear in and defend any actlon or
<br /> proceeding purporting to AileCt the security hereof or the rights or powers of the Assignee,and also the right but�ot the duty to
<br /> � perform and dfscherge each and every obtigatlon, covenant and agreement ot Lessor fn the Lease contained;and fn
<br /> exercising any such powers to pay necessery costs and expenses,employ counsel and incur and pay reasonable ettorney's 1
<br /> � fees.
<br /> 4. 1'o pay immediately upon domend all sums expended by the Assignee under the authority hereof,together wNh
<br /> interest thoreon at the highest rete set forth fn any of the Obligations secured hereby,and the same ahall be edded to the
<br /> Obligations end shall be secured hereby and by the said mortgage or deed ot trust
<br /> 5. Thal Assignor wfll nottranster or convey tu the Lessee the fee tftle to the demised Premises,or any partthereof,
<br /> unless the Lesseeassumea In wrlting and agrees to pay the debt sacured hereby in accordance with the terms,covenants and
<br /> conditfons of the said note or bond secured by seid mortgage or deed of trust
<br /> ,� �.,,, ,.�. ,
<br /> I
<br /> � , .
<br /> � •
<br />