. .. . .,� C, J \ `. . . � ' . . . . , ' ... . . � . ' � _ . ' ..
<br /> .. - ,. ' . - . . . . . .t e= .
<br /> �-' ._ — = -- -' -`- -
<br /> �-
<br /> �.:-�-,_�. - . . _ . -
<br /> , ., r � . . . • - � . • - _
<br /> .��. . . . . •`' • � 'Y� `± �f , � � n ' ` _._�.. ...._..`. � � � -_L..____?3`±�«_..�`` �' �` �` 4( i�"
<br /> - �:__.__�.......�..�...�._.. �'_'....._,__�._�t»��.�_.�. -.�.- .'—• . . . � '-
<br /> ,�.� . . _4�, ' �"`..��-
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<br /> t`
<br /> �, .. . ___ ._ _=,�pqp,'
<br /> /► . . �iw.-'�':._�_
<br /> tlV/s ���� . . E'^`• -�I��i ' :;�_
<br /> abandoned Property. Borrower shaU alst� be ia default if BoYmwes, dnring the loaa application pmcess. ga�+e .� ,�:f � -•. . -
<br />_ materiaily fatse ar inacc�mte information or statements to Lender(or failed tn pmvide Lender�vith any material , �—�--=�.- -� --
<br />— rnfarmation) in conaection with the taan eviclenc�t by the Nota, �cludi8g, hut aut l�itetl Yo. reP�tauuns � �. h _ .<<. --.
<br /> .n ,.
<br /> conoerning Bomower's aa�pancy of the Pmperty as a principal iesid�e. If tLis Sec�rity � ,**enr is on a �t •` . `
<br /> '� fee 6tla w tht PragErty.the ,.y�`-2-3: ": .-� -
<br /> leasehaId,Bosrower sLa11 oomply with the provisions of the lease.lf Barrower acqniies �F:� .�;= •' .
<br /> :� leasehotd aad fee title ahaIl nat be merg�unless I�er agr�es to thx mxrgar in writiag. �,`��"'�".,�:�'_`v' _
<br /> � f 6.Coademmatton.Tt�pmcxeds of an}r aarard or claim for damag�s,direct or c�nses�uential,iu cona�ctioa arith ��—.---_--- -� _ :
<br /> _ ..i rr.a"""��±��."°--;`�_—.
<br /> � any candemnadon oz osher taicing of auy part of the Pmperty, or for conveyance ia Flaoe of condemnatfon, aie
<br /> ., . .: � ,J.:.;
<br /> hereily assig�d aad shaU he paid to Lgndet w the ext�t of the fall amouat of ihe indeb2edness that temains unpaid ,.
<br />'a� nnder the No:e aad dils Seraiity Insuu�� l,ender shall a�ply suc�pmoeed�to the redncttoa of the indebteduess � .��;._.�=�--
<br /> s imder the Nate and th3s Security Ins�na, fust to any delinqnent amnants applied 'm the order pravi�i in � ��'��°-=°-_��
<br /> _,�._� _„---
<br /> �_ � paragraP�3,ana theu w pzepaymsat of grinci�al.Any application of the prncxeds to the prlacigal shall nat extcnd or �'�'. -,.`--__=��"-�=�-�;r:_
<br /> pnsipon�the dae date of the mo�h1Y Faymeats.�vtu�e ate nfeaed oo ia paragtaph 2,or shange•he amount of sach � �_ ��;.;�-
<br />•���i FaY��• �Y�P�aves an amount requi�i to Pay all omatanding iadebtedness under thc Now and thi� ���' ."�.�..`�_';-�-'.,
<br /> : Secnrity Instiramr�at st�aU be paid to the t�tity l�gally�ed therto. A ' .� .��.�;,;
<br /> ' 7. C�arg� to Bormw� and P�vi�cttaa oP Legder's t€i� in the Pm�2rty. Born?crer shall paY aU _. ��a�S',� i''
<br /> ;: govemmental or�al c6arg�s.5nes a�l i�as�+eus diat ae��i�nclndedl in paragraph 2. �rrwer shall pay .;;�, .�� � .�.
<br /> � ��e obligations on time dlrectly to the entity whi�h"ss��d t����n� If failu:e w wanld adveis�y r�'ect ,.�.f;�!� '"��. •
<br /> PaY {.,t,. ���< ,�; �.� . f.
<br /> �nder's i�t in t�: k'�operty. upon I�nder's �a� B�zroar�s shall promptly fnmish w LeaB�r �ts ,�j ��, . , 1*•": :`.;r
<br /> �` '� �, r . ._ ..
<br /> ' C4LQCIICItt�l'�E ji3�ffiII�- ' ���^ •�
<br /> ` If Bon��cz fm7s to ma;ce t�ese papa�ents or the Pay�ts rec�i.�e3 bY P�B�Ph 2.or fails�s petform a�►oiher . -. „. , ,___-
<br /> '. covenants and agreemeuts�^..�sained in ths 5ecnriry InsGrament,or there is a legal p�ing tltat may sigaiSc�atly .`� ' �' ."'; .,..''.�r
<br /> ,,r� �, �,:. .,,_�-
<br /> affect Lender's rights Is�t�P�vPerty+(such as a proceEdYng in baakiupuy. for condemnation or to enforce laivs or -��� „�:.., „ -_
<br /> ;,3{: regulatiuns),the� I.eader caay do and pay whatever is necessary w protest the value of the Property sud Lender's ,,...�,r ;,=; '�.n�_
<br /> ,�� rights in tLc L?ra�erty,it►cIuding pay��of taxes,hazaN insivaacs and other items mentioned�.paragragh 2. . ` � ,
<br /> ��'. An}r sffiara�s disburse+d by Lendec ander this paragrapb shall t►eaome an additional deh�cs�Borrower and 6e '}
<br /> ` s�cumd bY�,.�uuzity �..' �. �'. '}�"�
<br /> ,.> Instramen�These amouats shall bear inter�c.f,.rom the date of disbursem�.at the Note tate, �,� �
<br /> �� �d ai the c�a��of Lender,sball be immediately due a�3 payab2e. . '��� . �
<br /> .'`' Borrow u shall prnmptly dischar8e any lien whn:3a hag prioiuy over this Se�uity rn�,�t��ers�awer. .. `:•:�,.•.:,,•
<br /> i (a)agrees�e�riung w the pa3+ment oF the oDligatian seeuzed Irf�e tien in a m�anuwc aooe�ra�Ls tcs T..��, R+) �' �`. •�. �; !`�,�•.% .-�
<br /> cc�ntesta in gQOd faith the lien by, or defends agaiast enfo�mf the lica in le � w�ch in the -„.. . .•yr3"f'j�':;!'��,
<br /> ,� , g� ,`.� , :��.:= :.,���;;s;�:t::,=
<br /> i.ender's apinion operate w prevent the enforceme� of the lien; or (c) serures from the �sJt�er of the lien aa , •,�:,,q��=%���•� . .
<br /> agreement satisfactory to 3�der subordinating the liem w tbis 5ecuriry?�,r�M,d:� sf Lender det�mmes that any part • :, ,;_.. _
<br /> �.-
<br /> '�, of the Property is sab�ece ao�a iien alucd�may aitain priority over this SeauIty Ia�.:�nent,Lender may�ive Brsatmwer , 4'+,,,.�f. ,��-�°.;��,=,.-.
<br /> a notice identifying the lien. Bonawer s6aU satisfjr the llen or take oae or more of the actians set fortb aba�r�odtbin � ' ' >.�`_°,"��;_��' �
<br />-'.'��; 10 days of the glviag of not�ce. d �,;�.:,y::_
<br /> •�• 8.Fces.I.ender may collect fces and e�arges suthorized by tB�S�retary. --__:=-.�_._..
<br /> .:,:� " . 9.Gro�s for Accel�taa of Deb� ':;,.r�_-._.. ._°_:,
<br /> (a)D�Ian1�I.ender may.excepi as limited hy r�egalsiions issued by the Sa�etaty,in the case of payment ;�' ..
<br /> d°faults.require Immediate FaYment in flill of all sums scc:ued by tbis Saturity Insttumtnt if: - a�
<br /> ` �i)Boaower defaults by faiting to pay in fall any mo;,�uY Paymeat requirod bY this Se�itY Instrumtnt . , .. .` -.
<br /> �:�; � prior to or on the due date of the next monthly payment,or _cx���""�"`�."
<br /> :.;", (ii)Bosawer defaults by failing,for a peria�of thirty days,w perfurm any other obligations wntained _-,_ . •
<br /> � in this Securiry insort�.n+P*+t. �'�� ..,�.
<br /> (b)Sale Wit�aM Credit Approvsd. Lender si�aaU,if permitted by agpin�le law(iacluding Sectioa 341(d) `����"' : '�'-
<br /> � aM U .
<br /> ,:t�� of ct�:(3am-St. (�ermain Depository Institudons Asx of L��t. 12 U.S.C. 1701j?(da)aad witd�the piior ��' r:
<br /> ; ` "'•`a;t���.*:�. _
<br /> a{�r.+1a1 of the Secretary.tequire imm�iat�Paym�ul in fPT���Y all sum.s SeCUied by t}1:t:9 SeCUrity inatr�_m�.�t �:;t� i i�'r•,:j:• �-•--
<br /> ..�, ,.a�;t�i��l;�, ;;�
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