<br /> �� � � . ., < ��:�':�` ' ' � . . C_ .. . : _
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<br /> ' c4� , .�. . .• . . . _ _ . .f Y> Yc �,4. .t . ' .�. `"�.'�"R'.o..�_�.2.2.,...�P._'"'�___, ,. ..
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> .. . ..- ,... � .. .. _ :i °f .. .
<br /> .. -- :t'.�... _ -_ _ - _ __�.""��� � --�_'.�.�.-.,4� _ — -.-. ..
<br /> . . t r: � ' • ' S '31����.:k`, .4.. , .�.�.r_. •� .�� - � _ -M--�= ���.:..�. ,a�
<br /> ._.a._, .�._.. ,_.....��,�.��.,_..'...'_'_.,_.�-_.-�.."__....i.i....._x.._�_n.�.�t_.....,f.--..._ 1_c.` _..._ _.._.`�...__--.._....— .f . ` �_ .__
<br /> '(�l^ �.: �""
<br />.. � ��r .1'.S� _
<br /> . � . ".tn'n ."Ii':'7il:[W.�:'�-�=-
<br /> .. 's`' r�'::.�e>'`-
<br /> ��r� '..5:. .�y. ��� ,.C�1•-_ _
<br /> _ -1 ��,. . ..,
<br /> ���' �.��� t t :��a--z�4 .� .
<br /> . ,ar �.
<br /> If tbs nn�otmts held by Leader far Estxow Ise�as eic�i�a amnunts p�tmitted Eo be held by RFSPA. Leader ' `�ry�F_,_ "�`%r.��:;•j:M1'; �
<br /> 0
<br /> s�all zcsouat to So:rower for the excess fimds as mquir�d i�g itFS���,. If tHe amovnts of funds held lsy Ltndct at anY �_. _. ,;!; `'•� ', '. _
<br /> , -�.;.. -,,.,:"; �,
<br /> _ time aze uot snfficien!to pay ttt��..�a Items etheu dae, �dest tuit�'aotif]+the Borrowet artd tequim Borrovrer to t --. � :. .. . -
<br /> maL•e ap thQ shorta„e as permitted by RESPA. �i;;�';:;,%f,��.;:�<L;:�:
<br /> The Fscrow Funds are pledged as addirinnal s�uir� for a1t sums secuied by this S�curity Insaamenc. If :,,:,:-.;,;>w •.
<br /> � ' �.;ti.r:::::--'.
<br /> - Bornnwer tenders to Iendca ths full paymeat o€all sucb samv,Bnr�'er s woount shall be ctedited with th�6alance ,.,;;'c '' . -
<br /> ram a i n in$f 0 I a]]i oatallttt�nt u�(3).(b D,aad(c)aud a�J atanga�se�A-r.�c�p;emium;,�raau�ee�thai l.eader has J . °��_. �- . '
<br /> ,��?�'��. :.: :�:..
<br /> , a o t b e a o m f:o b H g a r r� to p a y to th�SacieiarY. and Leader shnl! pn:�►t;a •�fimd an}r excess fursLa to Svirovrer. 'A,,��,z,•.•. ;•.�. :.. _
<br /> Ymm.ediately prior to a foteelasur s�1e of thc PcCT�ertY�r its acqaisitinn 8ry L e a d er, B ortovJ e r's a c c o w¢t s A a l l b e w '��i' } ' `
<br /> lS , .
<br /> credited with aay balanse remaiai�g fot all tns2a3imentu fot ate�ia1,(b),�d(�)• ���,. �` �_= �----
<br /> -�-;=..T..,.TM-�._
<br /> 3.A�pdi�n of Pfayut�.All paymen�u upder�par.�gr���1 aad 2 sL�13 be applie�Uy I.ender as folltrvm: ,.-, .-=_.rr�,;�_,--. _
<br /> ,. t,o be d I�u Leader to the Secretaiy or tQ tlte mo�thiy chuge by tk�e �_;.-=,�.,•-"`�'�`-
<br /> - I t to th...�artgage insa�rauc�p�emiuut Irri _ -.� ____.�,
<br /> Secretary instead of the ma�hiy mortgage ia��r�ce gr�nitun+ ::=""y�""-
<br /> �� S e o o n d•t o a a y t a x e s,s p�c i a l a s s�,l e e s�&o ld p a p m�uts or g r oBn.d reats,and ftte,fta�+��o��:x ha�cd .. ' "'"""�`�""�
<br /> � a�l�Lr
<br /> , �B�.I��r��i'�l�"a�^'� _-J.'s�1YN�. •'�:.
<br /> < ird.tO iIltCICSt dUC llIIdC[E�I81�ImtE; ' ,. , .,._-.A',�,:. .. .• "`
<br /> �i�to amoitiratioa of t�s privcigal�f.�Nota;�nd �,�-�.�_---.-
<br /> Fi_,fth_,to late ch2�es due under the Noi�. :�.�r- -, ..r.;��.--
<br /> 4.FYre.FYwcc'!s�:d OLker�.�r+d E�uc��tura+i�er sball�aii izepzavem�nts on the Fx�sr�v,whether •F�„°
<br /> ball �Eti.. °r�,;t4��:�-;�.`��?�.
<br /> na��in existence or snbseqneadY erecxed•a8ai��y h�arda�casual�s,aJCd contingeacies,includimg�,for whish 1 ;�;:'^;�:.__.�-
<br /> •., ::.�..; �,, .
<br /> �dr��quires insorans;�. This i�tsrar�noc s�nl�bs m[unteined in the �r n� f�Ieth�P�°o 5�t� � ...
<br /> ran
<br /> m,quires. Bcirawer shall aLyo�alt impr�:emente on the Pmpeny, _
<br /> ecected,a�ainse Ias2 bl►floads to the en�teat�quima�by the Sec:eta�y.All insurauce sball be caaied wtth oa�[� ., .
<br /> ' approved by IRrdar.The insutanc�palicies�tntk�tuYv reaewala shall be held by Ixnder and ehall inclu�ir��::'� • ,;'.I�. _--
<br />_ ��,� c l a�es in favor of,and in a fo�uoogpiable tQ,;L�er. �O��O S S��k f' r<„�,r:i:� 4�:I� •
<br /> :� In ths event of loss,Boracwez sha12�i*ie I.ender immediate notice b Y m a i l.L e a d e r ma y m a k e p r o o ,,.,,s . . :��.. ,.,'.
<br />^��� made promptly tcy Barrowrr.FacI�insuancs oompany coactmed is t�emby suthori�d and dire�ed to nake pay�! ' t',.`.�-'
<br /> ,'.� azt oY the insnra�ae '`"
<br /> for sur,h loss di�� to Lender. in.,���f.,ta B.omnwcx aad to Lender jointly. All or any p ':� ,
<br /> ,� praceeds maY be uyrrlied by im aptLza�either(a)to ths roductioa of the indebtedues�uud�u�x Note and . . .. �:° ., ::_
<br /> .,•�� tius Serauiry Ins�s,fi�t w aay doYin4Qent scceunta appflod in th:osder ia patagraph 3.and thc��^rcFaYme� `.."'� `�' '.' �d.
<br /> agr ,.:K.�...,.
<br /> p�►Y aPPliption of the�sezds to th. ': _•.•;,i
<br /> :'��,�� of prm�cipal, or (b)Eo the nswr�tdon ar repanr of the dw��agcd ittopy�ey c �.
<br /> prinsipal shall aot extend or pos�pone dta dne dau o f t h�•�caS S�S y�}�J���v 2 t s r.8 a s e r e f e r r e d t o�p a.�g r a ph 2,ar .�:;;
<br /> :" ;: cd�ange the amount of sach paymenta.A�►er.�ess in�umace pz�reeds oti3r aa�ar�3 required to pay�Z�uts� � �.
<br /> ,. ", in�.►ebtedaess under ths Nou and tbla Sew�J twuu�eni sball be paid to�c�tity�lzgattY eatidtd�_- •�:::-:. ..�.
<br /> ` ' In the event of foteclar�:of thin S�r3y Ins�ument or other uaasf�r of titie w the PmpertY�2�:�ngoisti�s :-
<br />;••:,��;r thE indebudness. all righ� ti�io and intorest of Eormwer in and to insuraace poltc�es ia fo�e s�all pass to u t .,,�f.:� .. ,:..,
<br /> :�,r�..,,, pnrchaser. ;�`� `. _
<br /> r �:5-�=•'__;-�
<br /> �..,'!'',`�: S.Ocxu�acy.P�vut��+INtaintnnu�see and Ftateetion of the Prnptrty:T�m�wer's Losn ApDitcatioa+ -- _ _� ----
<br /> �i I.casehnld9. Borrowrr stiuU�scuPD.eatab3ia�n,and nse the Propert3+as Bnczawer's rc~,..xclpal residence withia aixry ` �� .�
<br /> �.� daYs after the enecntioa of tbifl Seaur�.nl 3s�rameat(or witi�in sixtY days af a later:�..or uansfer of the PmPcrtY) . �r, ` V_
<br /> .�'`;,�:� and shall continue to oacupy 4ha Fiepertp as Borrower's priacipal:esidence for at 1'at�n one year after the date of � .{�,�:�._
<br /> �.. 1 , ��_
<br /> �P�Y.unless Lender determine�that re q u 9 rement w i ll cavse u n d u e b a r d s h i p f o r�.ro w e r,o r u n less exten u a d n g
<br /> ``.'� circumstanoxi e�cist ahich ate hey4nd Boaower's consrol. Bozrower shall noti.� i�eader of any eutennatin� — � y-
<br />, ,.;.r,.,., , _� .
<br /> .�•...� cimumstanc�s.Borrow�r�bsill not r,ommtt waste or destroy.damage or suDr�antially change the Praperty or allow� ` .�;�
<br />!,;�;;�'` Property to dete�.r,uo,terasnnnble wtar and t�excepted.Lender may in..^�ect the Froperty if the Property is v� --�T— `_^
<br /> .,; ,.� c�r abu2dona�ar cis+e loun is in default. Lea�ier may take c�asonable action to prote� and ptrser+re such var��:a —:;::�,�,.--,-- T-�;:�,�.
<br /> •�;�_� :ti..� .� -
<br /> ;,.., * ^��l[
<br /> �,��;:'ri „ .;: ...��R�„_-
<br /> ..}, ..,. .':�:�:�
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<br /> :.��r J�l � ---- --
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