.;� ���i ..� anrj;; .a i � .�..�. .:r;,.� .;;;t.�r .,� �; t�.r:,,:�.,,i.,,., _ . ..: . . .. - �... .. . -i;t' � .
<br /> � t�. • .- r. ��� i4.:!'NC..a1 ,rr ' -i', d�s�° ';W� j�i ::7�� �r'�. ..u.�.1.�.:}.'�,'Y'.�'��
<br /> �f .rs�''�.. �f,�.,�,i� .�� �..t.�i►�.:�:�:,.,�, . ,� tf :. . ��;�a► i ih`,�''�� � '� `��, . . . ,.-�'�� --- �,
<br /> �� �� �� .a.y iic •:�.:�. � , , .
<br /> I� i• • "��M�...c:i.• 1` �� �1 L '.r►_.M4 .,.t�.yM1�� I 'j.��..: .. _ _ ..........
<br /> !. , . ��:,y� ... - --
<br /> ` ..i • �__ .._—_
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<br /> . . 92-- loss4o . .��.:__-
<br /> �. �
<br /> ; . ---
<br /> , � .,
<br /> " �, CondwnnaUon.The proceede ot any oward a claim lor dema�es,dlrect or consequenlisl,In connectfon wlth eny
<br /> ° condemnatitln or olhertekfnp atths Prop�Ay,or paNthareof,ur lor conv�yenc�in Il�u ol cond�mn�llon.�,e henby o�sipn�d
<br /> ° ,.� -•.�.. �nd shdl be p�id to LendK. �
<br /> , . '� . " In the event o1 a totel takinp of the Properry,ths procseds stwll be applied to the sums wcured by thie Ooed of Trust,with
<br /> ° the exceu,(i any,pald ta Borrowar.In the event o1 a partial taMinp ot the PropeAy,unlese Borrower end Lende�otherwise
<br /> ' � epresinwriNn�,therefhallbsappIledtothe�um�securedbylhia0widolTruets�chpropoAfonolthe roceedfasi�equelto
<br /> �
<br /> � ' ' thetproportionwhlahtheamountottheaumssecuredbythiaDeedolTruatimmedlatelyprlortothedeeottakinpbearstothe --
<br /> fair m�rkd vNus ol ths props�ty Immsdi�tsly prlor to the daW of takinp,with tha balance of the p►aaede peid to 8orrowsr. ='
<br /> �� � - If the P�opsrty i�ebandoned by Borrower,or If,aft�r notice by Lender to Borrower that Ihs co�demnor oHers to make an
<br /> award or setde a clalm tor demepea,8orrower Mlla to reapcmd ro Lender wlthin 30 deyd a8er the dete such noUce i�mallsd. � _ . ,._,�,_
<br /> Lender Is�ulhorized to collect and epply th�prxeads,at Land�r'�optlon,ollhor to ro�toratfon or��pai►ol the Properly w to
<br /> • , the sums iecured by this Oeed of Trust
<br /> Unless Lendsr end Borrower othe►wiseapree in writin�,eny euch applicetlon o1 proceeds to principal ehell not extend or �_`-�-
<br /> " poatpone th�due d�ts of tho monthly fnstalimenb nfarrod to i�peraflraph�1 and 2 heraaf or chenpe the omount ol such
<br />�' ' in�tallments. '
<br /> 10.BaROw�►Nol RN�d.Extenslon of the time forpayment or modifiaatlon of amorlization of the sums aecured by this
<br /> peed of Trua!yranted by Lender to any iucceaeor In interest of Borrowe►ehall not operate to release,In any manner,the —
<br /> IiebililyottheorlpinalBorrowerendBo►►ower'saucceasorsinteres4LenderahallnotberequfredtocommenceproceedMgs =___
<br /> •- apein�t auch succeasor or refuee to extend dme for peyment or othe►wlee modiy amoAizatfon of Ihe sums secured by Ihis
<br /> Or,ed o1 Truat by reason ot eny demand mede by the oripinal Borrower and Borrower's eucce�aoro In inleres� ��„
<br /> 71.Forbwr�nc�by L�ndK Nol a W�IvK.Any forbearance by Lender In exeraising any ripht or remedy hereunder,or �-�-;-.__
<br /> otherwlae allo�ded by eppNcable lew,shell not be e waiver ot or preclude the exerciae ot any auch right or remedy.The
<br /> �� � procurementotineuranceofthepaymentoltexesorotherQenaorchargeabyLende��hallnotboeweiverollender'sriphtto
<br /> accelerute the n�aturlty ot the indebtednoss 3ocured by thia Daed of Tnret . .�• •_ �_
<br /> 17.R�m�dNs Cumuldi�u All romediea provlded in thia Deed of Trust are dlsti�ct and cumuletive to any other right or
<br /> � remedy under thls Daed o}Truat or allorded by law ar aqulty,and may be exerciaed concurrently, independendy or ` �-;��
<br /> -, succetaively. ��r :t� ..
<br /> ,.�:.�.-
<br /> 13.Succ�sson and Aulans Bound;dolnt and S���wl Uablllty;Caption�. The covenanta and eg�eements herein �'?
<br /> � conteined aha11 bind,end the riqhts hereunder ahell inure to,the reapective euccessors and eaelpnsof Lender and 8orrower. � + „�,};_+:s
<br /> � aubject to the proviafona o1 paragraph 17 hereol.All covenenta and agreements of Borrower ehall be jolnt and several.The I
<br /> ceptlons and headfnpa of the parayraphs ol thls Deed of Trust ere for convenlence only and are not to be used lo interpret or • • -
<br /> define the proviaiona hereof. ,•~, �'` r-
<br /> •• �4. Notk�.Exceptlor eny notice required under appIlceble law to begiven in another manne�,(a)any nqtice to Borrower ., --
<br /> provided for In this Deed ot Truat ahell be yiven by ma1Nng such notice byceAllied meil addressed ta 8orrower at the Property . . �"
<br /> Addresa or at auch other addresa ea 8orrower may designate by notice to Lende�as provided hereln,and(b)any notfce to �
<br /> lenderahall be yiven by certified mell,remrn receiptrequeated,to Lender's addresa stated hereln orto such other address as . �
<br /> Le�der mey designate by notfce to Bor►ower es provlded herefn.Any not�e provided for in this Oaedoi Truat ahall be deemed �
<br /> to have been given to Borrower or Lender when�iven in the manner designeted herein. ` ,
<br /> 16. UnHom�Dwd o1 TwsN,Gov�minp L�w;S�veablNt�r.The form o1 deed of trust combinee uniform covenants for
<br /> national use end non-u�itorm covenante wNh Iimlted varletlons by jurladiction to conatitute a u�llorm securiy inatrument
<br /> __ -_-_` eouerinp reut!p►�+r1y.Thia Oeed of Truat shall be governed by the law of the�urlsdictlon In which Ihe PropeAy ts located.In � , ' ;
<br /> 1he event that any provlsion or clause ot this Deed of Trus1 or the Note confliats with appliceble law,such confllct ehall not i ����tY�i
<br /> eNectolher provislona of thls Deed ot Trust or the Note whlch can begiven eHeat wNhout the conNicllnp provisions,and to this `�_�
<br /> end the provisione of the Deed o�Trust and the Note are declered to be severable. �
<br /> ' 16. Bonow�r'�Copy.Bo�rower shell be lurnishad a conformed copy of the Note a�d of thl�Deed of Trust at the time of ( ,�
<br /> execuGon or aRer recordetion hereof. � f
<br /> 17. Trand�r ol lh�P�op��iy;/usumpUon.If all or eny peN o1 the property or en Intereat thereln is sold or trensferred by ` °'
<br /> Borrower wlthout Lende�'s prior written canse�t,excludinp(a)the creation ol e lien or encumbrence eubord{nete to this Desd . .
<br /> ol Trust,(b)the creation ol a purchese money security Intereat for household eppliances,(c)a transler by devise deacent or by � � =4�'
<br /> operatlonollawuponthedeafhofe�ofnttenantor(d►theyrantofanyleaseholdlnterestoflF►reeyearaorlessnotcontafninpan y �
<br /> option to purchase,Lender may,e!Lender's opifon,declareall the aumasecured by lhls Deed of Truat to be fmmediately due . ``'�.
<br /> end payable.Lender shall have welved such option to accelerate if,prior to the sale or trensler,Lender and the person to ; +
<br /> wham the Property la to be sold or tranaferred reach e9reement In wnting thet the credlt of auch person is setiaiactory to ,
<br /> lender and thet the intereet peyable on the sums secured by thla Oeed olTrust ahell be af auch rateas Lender ahall requeat.lf ••
<br /> Lender has waived the optlon to accelerete provided In this paragraph 17, and il Borrowers auccessor fn interest has
<br /> executed e wrltten assumptfon agreement accepted in wrltMiy by Lender,Lender shell release Borrower Irom all ob8qatlons -
<br /> under thls Deed o1 Trust and the Note. '
<br /> If Lender exerclees auch opffon to eccelerete.Lender sholl mail Bo�rower notice ot acceleratlon in accordance wfth
<br /> pa�aqraph 14 hereof.3uch notfce ahall provfde e perlod of not less than 30 days from the dete the noUce ia mailed withln whlch
<br /> Bo�rower mey pay the suma declared due.If Borrower fefls to pay such sums prlor to the expiratlon of auch perlod,Lender ; �
<br /> may,wlthout lurther notice or demond on Borrower,invoke any remedles permltted by paragraph 18 heraol. ; .
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bonow�r and L�nd��fwth�r cov�n�nt and ayrM as lollows: i �
<br /> 18. Accd�rdbn;RNn�dN�.Except ea provfded In paregraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach ol any covenant or _
<br /> eg�eement of 8orrower in thls Deed of Trust,includfng the covenants to pay when due any suma3ecured by thls Deed of Trust, � �
<br /> Lender p►Ior to ecceleratlon shall meil notice to Borroweres provfded in paragraph 14 hereot specf�ing:(1)tne breech:(2►the
<br /> actlon requlrAd to cure such breach;(3)a date,not less than 30 days f rom the date the notice ia mal ed to Borrowe�,by which
<br /> euch breach muat be cured;and(4)thet fellure to cure such breach on or before the date specliied In the notice may result In
<br /> � acceleratlan o1 the suma aecured by thfs Deed of Truatend sale of the Properly.The notice s�iall fu rther fnlorm 8orrower ol the
<br /> � rlght to reinafate eker acceleratlon end the rlpht to bring a coun action to assert the non-existence of a de�ault or any other
<br /> ' deienee of Borrower to acceleration and aale.If the breach ia not cured on or before the dato spec illed in Ihe nolice,Lender at
<br /> Lender's optlon may declare ell of the sums secured by this Deed of Tnist to be fmmedlataly due and peyable wlthout further
<br /> demand and may Invoke the power ol sele end any other remedfes permitted by opplfceble law.Lender shell be entftled to
<br /> � collect all reasoneble costs and expenses fncurred In pursulny the remedies provlded fn the parayreph 18,mcludinp,but not
<br /> � Ilmited to,reaaoneble ettorney's fees.
<br /> If the power ol8ale Is fnvoked.7rustee shell record a notice ol delault in each county in which the Property or some part
<br /> ' thereol fs located and shall mail copfes of such notice in the manner prescnbed by applicable law to B�rrower and to the other
<br /> � peraons prescrfbed by appllceble law.ARer the lapse of such time as may be requ�red by appiicable law.Trustee shall give
<br /> ; publlc notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by appllceble law.Trustee,w�thout demand on Borrower,
<br /> � ahall sell the Property at publfc euction to Ihe highest bfdderat the lime and place and under thete►madesignated in the notice
<br /> � of sale in ane or more percels and�n such order as T�ustee may determine.Trustee may postpane sale of All or any parcel ol
<br /> ; the Property by publlc onnouncement at the tlme and place of any previoualy scheduled sale Lender or Lender's des�gnee
<br /> j may purchese the Property at any sale.
<br /> � Uponreceiptolpaymentoftheprfcebfd,TruateeshalldelwertothepurchaserTrustee'sdeedconveylng thePropertysold
<br /> The recltels In theTrustee's deed shall be prima lacle evidence of the troth olthe statements made therein Trustee shall apply
<br /> the proCeeds of the sele In the following order:(a)to all reasonable costsand expenses ot the sale,inCluding,but not limfted to,
<br /> IfU8TC98t@@801f10IRIVftlliUin '- - — 'ioviu�o �vaaaaiaN�wv,�voov��ouooiw7��ofa:o'voo�vwS:S�S:'n:uo�:�.v�::. ..
<br /> (b)to all sums secured by thls Deed of Trust;and(c)I�e excess,fl qny,to Ihe person or persons IepAlly enfitled thereto
<br /> 19. Borrow�r's Rlpht to RNml�t�.Notwlthstanding Lender's aaceleratlon of the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust.
<br /> Borrower shall have the rfght to have any proceedfngsbegun by Lenderlo enforce the Deed of Trustd�scontmued at any time
<br /> prior to the earllerto occur ot(1)Ihe flNh day before the sale ol the Property pursuant to the power of sele contafned in the[leed
<br /> of Truat(ii)entry ol a�ud�ment enlorcing this Deed ol Trust il:(a►Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due
<br /> under this Deed of Truat,the Note and notes secunng Future Advances,il any,had no acceleralion occured:lb)Borrower
<br /> � curea all breaches of eny olher covenanta or agreements of Borrower contamed in this Deed of Trust.(c)Borrower paya nli
<br /> � i reasonableexpenaes I icurred by Lender and Trustee enlorcing the covenants and agreementsol Borrower conto�ned in th�s
<br /> Deed ot Trustand In en�orclnq Lender's end Trustde's remed�ee aspronded in paregraph 10 hereol,includmg,but not I�m�ted
<br /> ' to,reasonable attorney's tees;and(d)Horrower takessuchacfion as Lender mey reasonably req uue to assure thatthe hen ot
<br /> � this tleed ol Trust,Lernler'a interest fn the Property a�d 9orrower's obligat�on to pny th�sums secureA ny th�s Oeed ol7rust
<br /> i shall continue unfmpelred.Upon suCh peyment end cure by Borrower,th�s Deed ot Trust�nd thr obhgnuons secured hereby
<br /> Ishell remaln In full 1MCe and eHect ea II no acceleraUOn had occurred
<br /> � �
<br /> � ,
<br />