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� w; ��•r.�y s'ly;3n1%%f�'f=�`." • .; ;� .#t..`,., c�x'r.�• ., ,i° i.'�' , �� <br /> i, . . ' d . .. �• .�I�.°j��b�;�IX.S'. -1 . �l;K���.�. " • � . 1 r1� '�� 1 <br /> : • !1�.'!"- �.y�ih.. 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FundrlaTMxM�nd ItNUt�no�.3ubl�cttosppllaebte Ipw or to e written waiver by Le�der,8o►rower shell pay tn Lendor . . ��,�,,, <br /> • � onthsdsymonMrylmt�llmenbolprinaip�lsndlMare�ta►epayableundarthoNote,untllth�Notelspaldinfull,asum�he�eln �,��,�;•'-=�,e�,��.._ <br /> � "Funds"�equel to one-twelfth ot the yee�ty texes end oeassiments which mey attain prloriry over thfs Oeed of Trust,and .,.: '�.;�:::.;,,;; <br /> �� �roundronaonthePtopeAy.11eny.plusone-twei(thol yearlypremluminstellmentstorhezerd�naurence,plusone-twelNho( --- �=:.==�--�„�� <br /> yea�ly premlum Inst�llments lor�aRp�0e i�wrance,if sny,all ae reaeonably estlmated Initlally and Irom time to time by �,•4,,.i�.R,��_.__• �� <br /> L�nder o�Ihs b�els of e+is�afm�nb snd bllb and reaeoneble eadmetes thereol. �•. ;�.� +�'' <br /> The Funds ah�ll bs hold in an fnsptutlon the d�poalts or accounte o1 which are fnsured or yueranteed,by a Federal or stete ,,u�•�;; <br /> i�ti����°.�'-��.. <br /> epsncy(Inoludinp L�nder if L�ndsr is such en institudon►.Lender ahall apply the funds to pey aaid texes,aeaessme�te, ,�.,�;:�.. <br /> � � Insuance premlums a�d pround rents.Lender may�ot cherpelor eo holdfn_p end epplytnA the Funda,analyzinp said account �=!�-w�:--:-,_...,u_._ <br /> � ' orve�Ilyfnpandcomplll�p�aldasaea�mentsandbllla unlessLenderpaysBorrowerintereatontheFundsandapplicablelew n .,y: _;��i�:c�-;_:_ <br /> " pe rmlts Lenderto make such e char�e.Borrower and�.ender mey epreein writ►ng atthe time ul executlon of thfs peed o1 Trust . ..__. : . <br /> thet intereet on the Funds shsll be paid to Bor�ower,end unlesa auch a �eement ia mede or a pIfcelbe law requires auch , <br /> fMerest to bepe id,Lender shall not be required to pey Bonower any intereat or earninge on the Funda.l.ender ahell qive to � , _ <br /> � Bo►rower,wlthout cher4e,an ennual accountfng ot the Funds ahowing credite and de6lts to the Funds and 4he purpoae for _ <br /> � which each debitto theFunds wes made.The Funds ere pledped as additlanal security lor Ihe suma secured by this Deed of _...._ <br /> Truet. ���� <br /> If the emount of the funde held by Lender,topether with the tuture manihly inetellments ot Funds payeble prlor to Ihe due _ <br /> - datea at taxas,assessments,tnsuranco premiuma and pround rents,ahall nxceed!ho amount roquired to pey aeid taxes, _ _ ___ <br /> aaeea�ments,ineurenae premiums ond graund rent�es the�tall due,such excess ahall be,at Borrower's optlon,either ,,, . _ > <br /> ,, promptly repaid to 8onowsr or credited to Borrower on mon hty inatellments ol Funda.If the amount ol the Funds held by � <br /> LenderahallnotboauNicienttopeyfexes,essessmenM,lnsurancepremlumsandgroundrentsastheylalldue.8or�awerahell _ _ <br /> pay to Lender anY amount neceseary to meke up the deflciency withfn 30 deys trom the dete notice Is mailed�y Lender to .;t r�� <br /> Borrower requesUnp peyment thereof. . ___ <br /> U p on pe yment in lull of all euma secured by thls Deedof Trus�Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by 4 �.�-- <br /> ' I.ender.lf under porag�aph 18 hereolihe ProperN Is so l d ar t he Property is o t h er w f s e a c q u l r e d b y L e n d e r,L e n d e r s h a l l a p u l y, . <br /> no leter then immedletely priorto the eale of the property or fta ec uisitfon by Lender,and Funda held by Lender at the timeof .. <br /> applicetion aa a credit apalnst the sums socur e d by t h is D e a d o l�rual .__ <br /> 3. AppUaation o1 P�rn►�nb.Unless app l ice b le lew prov i des o t herwi se,a l l p a y m e n t e re c e i v e d b y L e n d e r u n der Ihe Note ' r.- <br /> and paragrepha 1 end 2hereof shell be appiied by Lender fl�at in payment ol amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under '�•;s- <br /> pareBraph 2 herooi,than to Interesf peyablv on the Note,then to the principal of the Note,and then to interest and principal on �,.N,��;�,_ <br /> eny Future Advancea. '"'':`•'�'��� <br /> 1. Chu�a;U�m.Borrowers shall pay ell texes,asaessme�ta and other charges,fines and fmpositlons attributablo to the • •�'��°-_ <br /> Property which mey ettein eprlorlhr ovsr this Deed of Trust,and leasehold payments or ground rents,it any,in the menner - '°.� <br /> • provlded under peragreph 2 he�eo�or,If not pald In such manner,by Bo�rower making eymen�when due,directly to Ihe `,1�, <br /> ayee thereof.Borrower ehell promptly lumlah to Lender all notices o1 emounta due u�r thls peregraph,and fn the event ` _ , ,.' � <br /> _.._ _ _ ����wwr shaN meke peymeni dlrecNy, Borrower shell promptly turnlah to Lender recelpta evidencing such P�y not�bu ° ---_��I� ' <br /> Botrower ehell romptly dlscharge any lien which hes pnonry over thia Deed oi Trunt,piu�i�i,that 8orrawer shatt ,,,,�.,,. ° -_ <br /> requlredtodiecRaryeany auchllensolongas8arowerahellegreelnwrldnglolhepaymentottheobugatio�securedbyauch f, � L <br /> Ilen In e menner eccepteble to Lender,or shell In yaod lalth conte�t such lien by,or defend enforcement of auch Ilen in,le9al f. • � <br /> proceedfnya whlch operate to p�event the enfacement of the Hen or fo►feiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br /> B. H��rd In�uanc�.Borrower shall keep Ihe ImprovemeMS now exfating or hereeRer erected on the Property Inaured ��, �, <br /> egeinet loee by Ii�e,hezerds included wlthin the term"extended coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may requlre � , , <br /> and In such emounts and tor auch perioda as Lender mey require:provided,that Lender shell not require that the amount of •�•• <br /> such coverape exceed thet amount of coverege required to pey the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. , �,* <br /> This inaurance cerrfer providfng the fnsurance ahall be chosen by Borrower aub�ect to approval by Lender;provided,lhat <br /> such approval ehall not be unreasonebly withheld.All premiums on insurance policiea shell be paid in the manner provided , ' � <br /> u�der peraqraph 2 hereof or,If not paid in auch manner,by Borrower makinq payment,when due,directly to the fnsurance � <br /> cerrier. � <br /> All Inaurance pollcies and renewals thereof shell be in form acceptable to I.ender and shell include a stenderd mortgage <br /> clause in lavor of and fn lorm eccepteble to Lender.Lender ahell have the ri(�ht to hold Ihe policiea and renewals thereo(,end <br /> Borrowe�shallpromp tlylurnlshtoLe��theeventollosa.8orrower <br /> ahall giveprompt noticeto the Insurance cerrler and Lender.Lender mey meke proot of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. � <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise epree In writing,fnsurance proceeda shall be applied to restoratlon or repafr of the <br /> Property demeped provided such restoratfon or repair Is economically feasible and the security qf Ihis Deea o1 Trust ia not <br /> thereby impalred.If auch reatoratlon or repalr Is not economlcelly feasible or il the securlty o1 ihis Deed of Trust would be <br /> Impaired,the Insurance proceeds shell be applled to the aums secured by this Deed ol Trust,wlth the excess.if any,pald to <br /> Borrower.II the Properly ia ebandoned by Borrower,or If Borrower falls to respond to Lender wfthfn 30 deys from the date • <br /> notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the Insurence carrier oNers to settle a cleim for insurance benelfts,Lender is <br /> authorized to collect and apply the Insurence proceeds at Lender's optfon elther to restoratiun or repeu ot the Property or to , <br /> • the sums secured by thla need of Trus� <br /> � Unleas Lender end Borrower otherwlse egree in wrlting,eny such applicatfon o1 praceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> poatpone the due date ot the monthly Inetellments reterred to in pnragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount ot such <br /> inatellments.II under paragraph 18 hereol the Property Is acquired by Lender,all rfght.title end interest of Borrower in and to , <br /> any Insurence policles and in end tothe proceedsthereol resulting(rom damage to the Propeny prior to the sale or acyuisition <br /> ahell pasa to Lender to the extent o1 the sums secured by thls Deed of Truat immedfetely pnor to such sale or acquisitfon. <br /> � • 8. Pnt�rwllon�nd IlAdnt�n�ne�ol Prop�rty:L�a��holds;Condominlu�m;Plann�d Unll Dov�lopm�Ms.Borrower shell <br /> keep the Property In gaod repair end ahell not commit waste or permlt Impef rment of deterloratlon ol the Property end shall <br /> comply with the provislons ol any lease It thfs Deed of Ttust is on a leasehold.If thla Deed ol Trust fs on a unit In a condomin�um <br /> or a planned unit development,Borrower ahall pe�torm ell ol Borrower's obHgatlons under the declaratlon or covenants <br /> creatlng or governing the condominium or plenned unft development.Ihe by-laws end regulatfons ot the condominfum or <br /> planned unfl devetopment,end constituent documents.If a condomfnium or plenned unit development nder fs excuted by <br /> Borrower and recorded together with this Deed of Trust,lhe covenants end egreements ot such r�der shall be incorporated <br /> into and ahall amend and supplement the covenanls and agreements of this 6eed of Trust as d the rlder were a peN hereof. <br /> 7. P�ot�ctbn o1 L�nd�r'�S�curity.It Borrower leils to perform the covenants and agreements contained In thls Deed of <br /> Trust,or If any ectfon or proceeding fs commenced with melerfally eHects lender's�nlereat in the Properly,including but not <br /> Ifmited to,eminent domain,fnaolvency,codo enlorcement,or arrangementa or proceedings�nvolwng a benkrupt or decedent, <br /> then Lender at Lender's optlon,upon notice to Borrower,may make such nppearances,disburse such suma end lake such <br /> actlonaslsneces8arytoprotectLender'slnterest,includfng,butnotlimftedto,disbursementofreasonableattorney'sfeesend <br /> entry upon the Propertyto make repeirs.II Lender requlred mortgage insurance as e conditlon ol rnaking the loan secured by <br /> 1 the Deed of Truat,Borrower ahall pay the premfums reqwred to mAlntam suci�msurance in eNect untd such tlme as the <br /> requlrementforsuchinsurenceterminatesinaccordancewith8orrower'sandLender'swrrttenagreementorapplicalbeinw <br /> Borrower shall pay the emount of all mortgege insurance pormiums in the manner provfded under paragraph 2 hereof. <br /> � .Any amounts dfsburaed by Lender p�Uf8�81�Ttow�h�S Peae �aph 70,�w�iHhl Q�t�o@ptnfppt8�0^ihwh w'rm.enf wvmwnf.�uclt <br /> ' IfICBDteone88 oi ov�rtiwoi beGiiio�Dji ii��5 v'ov�...�..........•�......�=•'•'n�'=-•- --- _ _ _ _ <br /> emounts ahall be peyable upon notice from Lender to 8orrower requestmg payment he�eot,xnd shell bear interest Irom Inp <br /> I date of dlaburaement at the rate payable Iram hme to time on outstanding pnnc�pal u nder the Note unless payment ol interest <br /> at such rate would be contrary to appllcebte lew, in whlch event such Umounts shall bear interesl at the h�ghest rate <br /> permfsalbleunderappllcebtelaw Nothingcontainedinthispnregraph7shallrequl�eLandertofncura�yexpenseorlekeAny <br /> acnon hereunder. <br /> I e. Intp�cdon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasnnnbl�tintnes upon nnd inspections ol the Property.prov�Aed <br /> ; that Lender shell gfve Borrower noGce pnortoany such�nspect�on spec�tymg reasonabiecausethereto�e related to Lende�'s <br /> Interest in the Property. <br /> - , ' . ,,� <br /> � <br />