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� __._-- <br /> --- �- ...- .. .►y,r - • <br /> .�'1'..�....,1-v..�....�r---_.._.-.� . - ^R^+� '� +wrie�- — <br /> �� lhk . <br /> ...� . .. t�L'"s �ii.a4. . .. .. <br /> ,�� . . '� r .`,�.' ------= <br /> �i_�p .�.. - _ -��=� 92- 10ss�.3 <br /> - -- -_--- �pplicoblo Iaw m�►y ipecify for rcinstatcmenl)bcPorc�ala of�he Propeny pursuent to ony powcr af aAfo cantained in thir <br /> . Secudty Instrumen�;or(b)entry oP a judgmant cnPorcing this Secudty Inatrument. Thace conditia��aro that Horrower (A) <br /> p�yn L,ender �II sums whlch Ihcn K�ould be duc under thia Security Inaln�ment euul lho Notc as ii rw acccleralfon hAd <br /> accurr¢d;(b)curea any defaul�of ony a�her covenantx or agrcemenla;(c)paya all expenxes incur�d in enforcing lhia Securi�y <br /> Inurument, includiaQ. but not Umited to,rcasonablc pttorncys' feea; and (d) takex auch ac�fon As Lender may n:uw�wbly <br /> =� '���`�rT=�� ;,� � requfre tu assurc tlwt�ho lien of�hia Security Mslrumcnt,Lender's righlK fn�he Property und Bam�werk c►bUg�tion tu pyy Ihe <br /> ---' eums securod by IMa Security Instrument ahAll cantinuo unchanged. Upa� reinsto�ement I�y Hnrrower, �hix Security <br /> ------� Ins�rumcnt pnd thc obligotiana iecurcd hercby Rhall rcmain fuily effectfve as if no occderA�ion hw!accurrcd. However,�his <br /> � ?"T� ���' ri�At lo roinstau shul!nm epply in the ca,�uf accelerutiun under piu�graph 17. <br /> � '� 19. Sple ot Note;Cl�nae af I.o�Servker. 71�c Nwa or a parlial intercst in Ihe Natc(�ogc�her with thi�Scxurlty u <br /> ,���!� Instrument)may be sold one or mare timea without prior aotice to Borrower. A sale muy result in u chunge in the entity <br /> " '; (knawn as the"Loan Servicer")lhat collects monthiy pAyments due undor the Note pnd thiR Security Instrument. There vlso <br /> ���r`f� may be one ar more changes of the Loan Servicer unrclated to u sule of the Note. If there ls a change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> __�r.___:'� Borrower will be given wdtten notice of Ihe change in nccardunce with psuagrnph 14 abave and applicable law. The notice <br /> �;;,T�����.„, will sWte the name und uddrcss of the new Loan Servicer and 1he address to which payments should be mude. The nolice will <br /> �`'�'='�'-""a' alco conwin any other information requircd by npplicable taw. <br /> =�:�-���;'} ?AI. Haa�rdous SuMlwacea Borrower ehall not cause or permit the prer,ence.usc,disposal,storage.or releuse of uny <br /> �_r�^%�. - Huzardoua Subatances on or fn ihe Properiy. Borrawer shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecUng the <br /> _— _.•� PropeRy that ia in violulion of uny Environmenwl Law. The preceding two sentences shall not upply to the prexence,use,or <br /> y�M��,���5� storage on the Property of small quantities of Hsizardous Subsiunces thal ure generally recognized ta be appropriate to nom�al <br /> residentisl uses and to maintenance of the Properly. <br /> .____�_ __= Borrower ahall prompUy give Lender written notice of any investigution.claim.demond,lawsuit or other action by any <br /> —.- �-�-��-���-� govemmental or ragulatary ngency or pdvate pnrty involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental <br /> ;:�:���;�^.�;�±�;` y y ovemmentul or re uluto <br /> :ti�� L nw of which Bamwer has nctual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notitied b an g 8 �Y <br /> '�'•�;�:��; authority,that any removul or other remediation of any Haz�rdous Substunce uffecNng the Pr ope r ty i s n e c e asury, B o r ro w e r _ <br /> L.�4����::..4�-�: -.�_�i shall promptly u�ke all necessary remediul ac�ions in uccardunce wi�h Emlronmental Luw. <br /> -- � ,;,.,;:,,-`,.,_ ,,. As used in this parugrnph 20,"Hazardous Substunces"are those substpnces def ned us toxic or hazurdaus substances by <br /> � •-'�;•� ���'����'� Environmsntul Law and the followin� substances: gasoline,kerosene,ather flammable or�oxic peuoleum products,toxic - <br /> ��' �1�'�"� ''�' pes�icides and herbicidea.volotile solvents.materials contuinin�arbestos or formaldehyde,und radioactive muteriuls. As <br /> � �+�� used in this ara h 20."Environmental Luw"means federal laws und laws of the jurisdiction where�ho Property is lacated - <br /> '�.. �,;;� .�:: <br /> - "`� that relAre to het►I�t�h safery or cnvironmentAl protection. <br /> -::.i4°'.`^�.:,a:.:•t+f:: <br /> � • NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer und Lender further covenant and ugree a�follows: <br /> �•�?'�'t-�'�� •;•� 21. Accekration;Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to ucceleration tollowing Borrower's - <br /> ` � ��+��"',p • ^ breach oP any covenAnt ar agreement in this Security InsMument Ibul not prior to accelerAtion under paragraph 17 <br /> - �.,,ry,, , unless opplicable Inw provides otherwise). The�Mice shall speciiy: (a)the dePault;(b)Ihe Action required to cure the <br /> `'���:-:.���.� <br /> = `—.-,fi�,. :_;-,�;= dei auii;fc 3 s datP,noi lrss lhas 3Q da ys frosss the date tht notke W givPO to which the default must be <br /> ="�'° • cured;and ld)that fa8ure to cure the defuult on or before the dAte apeclfied in the notice may result in accelerntion of <br /> _,.���=` ;.;, � the sums secured by Ihis Secu�tty Inslrument and sale ot the Property. The notke shall further inform Borrower oP <br />-'"`�'� ��s^::1r`;;': , ' the right to reinstate aiter acceleratiop and the right to b�in�a cnurt action to s►ssert the non-exlstence oP a dePault or <br /> T�=� � '.;�,r�;• �� � any other defense of Borr�wer to acceleralion and sale. IP the deiault is not cured on or before the date speciBed in <br /> ;n.�, , , the notice.Lender at ils aption may require immedlule payment in full of all sumg secured by this Security Instrument <br /> -r:a��. , . . without iurthe� demend and mpy imoke the power oP sale and any other remedies permitted by appUcable law. <br /> -- • � Lender shall be entitled to collect all expensec incurred in purguin�the remedles provlded in this pnragrapb 21. <br /> ---�s� ' • �� including.but not limited to.reusonable altorneys'iees and roWs oP Iide evidence. <br />'-;.�+..� • � . � � IP tbe power of sale is invoked.7rustee ghall record a notice of dePauU in each cuunty in which any pArt oP the _ <br />