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`:�F� . r��`. :�;::z ; <br /> . � �� . ._......��. <br /> �_ , _ ; , <br /> `�-��:. . ._. �05633 <br /> ----:�.���;,�.:� 92 - <br /> — condemnutinn ix a-�hcr loking�f su►y pun af the Pr�penY.ut for cunvcyunce in licu uf cuiulcmnaiiW�,arc iKreby utixi��d amd <br /> -- — ehall be puid to Lcndcr. <br /> In the cvcnt of'u IatAI laking aP thc Propeny.thc procccdr �hull be upplicd to thc nums nt'cur�d by IhiK S�wu�ity — <br /> — — Instrumenl,whe�hcr cx not Ihen duc,wiih uny excesx puid�o Borrower. In Ihe event of u�wniid laking i�f thr F'ro�xrty in <br /> —�� :� which the fui�markrl valuc uP thc Property immcdlutcly lxfore Ihc takin�t ix cyuul to���grruicr than thc um�wn��f the�umv <br /> �ccurcd by�hi�Secu�iiy Inntrument iim�xdlulcly hetcxc thc�u�Inµ,unle+�Borrowcr und l.cndcr�Nhcrwi�c ugnc fn wrf�ing, <br /> - -- �—°°�� tl�e sumx r�ecurcd hy Ihl� Sccur{ty In�lrument nhull tx rcdurrd hy thc um�►uni ai�Ilx pr�w�ed.r multiplicd by ihe fi�llowing <br /> � ,����,.,� fruclion: lu1 Ihe tMul anH►unl uf Ihc pum�+�cumd imnicdinicly hefuR liK lukinµ.Jivi�kd hy Ib)�hc 1'uir murka value of�hc <br /> ' �—-- __� P,u�ny im�iudiutrty t+cfnrc�hr Inking. Any huluncc *hall tx puiJ tu �uRUwcr. In�bc rvcm ut'n puniul tukfng of d�c <br /> .:�_ <br /> Prt.perty in which�Ix fair murkct vuluc of Ihc Pr�q►crly immcdiutrly Ixfurc�IK �uking i� Irv+�thun Ihc amoum of t c,u�n. ` <br /> - g�=� nccurcd immcdlu�cly Iwfuro �hr Iukfng, unlc+� p��rrowcr und Lendcr �►thcrwir,� ugrcc in w�i�ing or unlc.r uppUcublc low <br /> -- — °_ .�, u�hcnvirr pruvid�x.ihc pnxccdx�hull tk upplird tu�iu�umr+.�cured by thix ticruriry In�trumcn�whcUx:r nr no��hc+�ums ure <br /> �`.^�'►� Ihcn duc. <br /> ------- �' If du f'ropchy iw uhunduned by Bnrn�wc�.��r it'.uf�cr notice by l.cndcr to BoROwcr�hu�thc cundcmnnr nfferx to muke <br /> �=�*�'�'�`�"'` � on uwunl ur+cule u claim fitt Jumugc.,8arn�wcr fuily to m�(xmJ to Lendrr within 3l1 duyw uficr thc du�e ihe nutice ix given, <br /> _^°�_�,an���� <br /> ____,_�._•.=e,_. : i Lrnd�r f,uulhorized�n cnll�ct und upply�he pnxeedw,nt itti oMion.ritlmr to rcxtorution or repair af�he Prnpeny or tu� _ <br /> -'��"`"� ' xumK securcd by t6ix Security Im�rument,whethe�ar nat then due. <br /> �,;��,,,,,k;,l,;=-�� Uo1�+Y Leneicr und Bortowcr i►thenvi�c ugree in wrilfn�.any upplicutian iif prcxeedx ui principal �hnll not extcnd or <br /> � �; poxlponc�he duc dute uf the monthly paymcmw referred ta in paru�mph� I und 2 or chnngc thr umoum of xuch puymenls. <br /> �i�'h�`� ''� . Il. Borrow�r Not Reteased: Forbea�nce By Lender Nnt a Walver. Extenxinn �f �he timc for payment or <br /> °-°�`.Y��•. modiflcAdo�of amortizoticx�of�he r:umx+ecured by lhix Secudly Instrument grun�ed by Lender to uny succexsor in imerest <br /> _�,„.,.�,.h„�::,�`�� of Borrowcr shall not opernte to rclease the liubility of Ihc original Barower or Barrawer's tiuccc+u►n in intere4t. Lender <br /> -�;,. �shall not I+c n�quired�a commence proceedings aguins� uny tiuccesxar in intere��or mfuse to ea�end�ime fur puyment or <br /> -� _ �-�:����'�,`.�` � � oiherwise madffy omoni�ntian of the sum+secumd by tl�is Security Intitrumem by reuaon oP nny demund made by�he nriginul = <br /> �`�ii�., ... ..�. gorroweror Burrowerg succesw�s in interes�. Any forbeumnce by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy xhull not be u <br /> <<:a>;.�.�..�t�j;. _. <br /> ' �::.4.r:,,.. ,.� waiver of or prec lude the exercise af uny righ�or remedy. <br /> ��" ' l2. Successers and Asslgns Bound;,loint And Several Llability;Caslgaers. The covenunts und ugreementti of thi. <br /> -- �����'`�°'"•,�x'�� ! Security Instniment +hull Wnd And benefit the succexcors and a�signs of Lender nnd Borcower,�ubject to ihe pmvisiam of <br />-_-- , purugrnph 17.Borrower s covenunts and ugreementx.bull be jaint und�eveml. Any BoROwe�who ca-signs this Security <br /> " Instrumem but does not execute the Note: (a1 i�co-�igning this Security Instrument only to monguge,grant und wnvey that <br /> � �"7' " Borrowe�'s interest in the Property under the temis of Ihis Sccu�lly Ingtrumenr, (b)is not penonully abli�uted�o puy the sum+ <br />_ }, �:-.':�H?t,�-r* . .. <br />_ -__�'i,,,�,. ,. secured by this Securiry Instniment;and(c1 agrees thut Lender und any other Borrower muy ugree to extend,m«lify,for ur <br /> -``��"� '''" '°": or make any uccammodations with regurd to the temi+of thix Security Instrument or the Nate withoW thnt Borrowerti _ <br /> . _ :;: ,:• ':...;k.. conscnt. — <br /> -- � ��:��° • 13. I.OAR CIIYf�N.4. If the loan secured by this Securi�y Ins�rument is ,ubject to u luw which sets mnximum lovn <br /> ��%���^��?��'==•- chor�ec,ond that luw is finully interpreled so thut the interesl or other lo;u�chnrges collected or to he collected in cnnnection <br /> � �' ;,x.t';��'.�• with�he luun exceed�he pertnitted limi�s,then: (u)uny such loan chorge shali be reduced by�ha auiuu��i i��e�sary'to rducc <br /> ��' <br />:'�e.�' � � �. , , the churgc to the permitted limir und Ib1 uny sum�Already colk�ted i'rom Batrower which exceedcd permiued limits will t� <br /> rcfunded to Borrower. Lendcr muy choose to muke thix�iund by reducing the principnl owed under�he Nate or by making u <br /> "'�'�'"�''�"��.��� direc�puyment to Borrawer. If u refund reduces principul,the reductian will t+e Ireuted us u punial prepuyment witiwut Lny <br /> :��-• . . . , <br />"='!?-� •>>���a�.r -����' I prepayment churge under the Note. <br />��� �:'. � :.r�.,:x_ i l4. Notkes. Any notice to Butrower provided for in thiti Securiry Instrument xhull be given by delivering it or by <br /> �,+�y}.� <br />�;>��` ;..:;,,,„• ,.,:_i,,� � mailing it by fin�clawr mAil unless upplicuble luw n:yuimti use of unu�hrr mcihod.The notice shuil t+e dir�wted ro the Proprny ` <br /> _;_�� ��•�'�'*' '��'�:`�?+• . I Address or any ahe�address Burrower de.ignates by notice la L.ender. Any nolice to Lender shull be given by finl class <br />_,:;,,���.•,,,,�' .. ;.•,; I mail to l.ender's nddrezs slaled herrin or uny otlx�r uddrex+Lender desiKnute�by nwice to Borrower. Any niNicc provideJ for — <br /> ,-_--��r�...:�,•r�++'•r«r'. in this Securily Instrument shall be decmed to huvc Ncen �iven to Bnrruwer or LenJer when given ns pmvided in thix - <br /> �� '��- � •F P�B��. <br /> �°- 1S, Governln�Law: Severabillly. Thi. Security Intitrumcnt �hull hc �;ovemed by federul law and tbc luw of the <br />-�,:� .,,:r, .. <br /> ..N�� , ,;.:;,., . � juriulictian in which thc Propeny i,loc:�tcd. In thc event thut uny provisi�in ar cluu�c of thix Serurity Ins�niment ur�he Note <br />`a'"�" � • conflicts with upplicublc luw,tiuch contlirt tihull not uffect ather pruvi�iom of thi�Security Imin�ment or the Nute which cun _ <br /> ,.. ,� . '.•�,��'•'`.,. � _. <br />-- ���r'; '' �' be given effect withoul the contliclinE pruvision. Ta �hix end the pravi.ion. oi�hi.Securiry Imtrumrm und the Nwe are _ <br />-'`.; •,;,•`;� .�. ;•� �.� declured m Ix severable. <br /> °: �:�.;;. .,. . <br />._Y,�`� , 16. Borrower's Copy. B�►rrower shull t+e givcn one coninnnrd ropy of�he Nwr und�►f this Security Inslrument. _. <br /> ���� ^ 17.'IYAasfer otthe Propertv nr a Beneflrlul Interest in Borrower. If ull or uny p:ut ot'thc Property or any interest in <br /> -c-r.t�. • it is.old o�Irzuitiierred l�r if u henrtirial interest in B��rmwcr i�+oIJ ur�run.rfcrrcd and Bomiwcr ix nol a nuwral pernon) <br />_�,`=� ' � .� wilhout l.ender ti prior writtcn cnn.em.LenJcr muy.ut i�+op�inn,rcquirr immediu[c paymcnt in full of ull.umx xecured by = <br /> +:r+',`'°"� °�o,. �his Security Intiwment. However,thi.optior�.hull n�H he exerciticd by Lrnd.r if rxcni�r i�pmhibiteJ by fedcrnl luw us of <br /> "'��"�-�`�"'•; the dute uf this Securiry In.trument. <br />`:r":� '.�` .�` II'l.endcr c:xercixe��his option.Lcndrr�hull Rivr pom�wcr nutir�ut'urrelcr•r�i��n. Thc ni�ticc+hall proviJe+��ricxl of <br />-- � �-e - not leti�thun 3D Juy.from the d•rtc thr mnicc i,delivereJ ur rnaileJ�vithin�vhich BoROwrr mu.t p:iy ull+umr.rrureJ hy�hix <br /> . . � , Scwuriry Insaurnent. II' Bnrrower tiiil+ t��puy Ihru wm. prii�r li� thr expiratiun i,f Ihi. prri�xi. Lrndcr muy invnke uny <br /> remedic.ExrmitleJ hy Ihi,Srrurity In+tnmxnl withuW 1'unh�r notice��r JemunJ un Bittrower. <br /> ' 0 18. Borroxer's RiRhl to Reinxtute. !f Bi�rn�wrr m�cl. cch�in runJiliun.. Born�wcr �hull have Ihr right to huvr <br /> _ " enforcemenl ol' Ihis Serunly In+trument Jixantinu�J at any �imr priur ta thc r:irlirr ul: �:u 5 da�.lur,urh��thcr�xri�xl a. <br /> ' , ' timflc hrmd�••Funnlr�tYe�Freddk�fuc C\I6'/IR\f IVtiTRI'\IF.\T •I'nd�mn t'u�.n.nh 9/11D I�MII'�"j��I�/AlQBI <br /> �\�- � <br /> .. • � .. <br /> _. .,: <br /> n °.�' , <br />- —.__ . " 'M__-• - . <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> . 1 <br /> r <br /> �, .J.. _. . — . .. .. _.1 . <br />