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jt �C � .., .. . . - : �.� , _,, ,..,, .. .� �..�._._ :�- ^ .. <br /> .1 . �f..�f �-^. __ <br /> .:F <br /> "•'';�a`'.. , ��:u.. � - y -_. <br /> �o����'i��r= - . _ • Y . _- <br /> ,� ..�""... — . . __—. <br /> • a rrr....� _ _._ -___ <br /> . . �r=,.r_--------- <br /> ��.� ._ _ _,.. 92_ -- /o��a� <br /> E���:��:r.;�.- : -.. <br /> _ ,. �,, { <br /> ' ..�K-., c�N�dcnmu�ion ur��thcr wkln�uf uny pur�af Ilw Nio�xny,or 1�►r c�Nwcywk���II IIl`Q ll)CINNICIIIIIYIIINI.Ilf�IKICIIy pFA��11C1J Y111) <br /> �hwll hv puld lu t.en�lcr. <br /> ;=�k b� tho evcn� ��f u kdul Inkh�p uf Ibo Ihopc�ty. Ilw 11IKCl'lIM �hull lx Y�►�IIII'II (11 IIII` blllllq ACl'llfl'lI I1y IIIIV ticcurUy - <br /> ,� . Inxirun�m,whclhc�ur u�d�hcu duc, wllh any cacctix puh��o Ilur�uwrr. in�In cven�of+i puuiul m�U�p uf�hc Pru�w��y iu �+`•"_?n-:,,,,._ <br /> „r�.,:,°�: ` d�• � whicl�thc fwir murkc�vulac uf�hc Iko�xity inuncdiva+ly Iwfurr dM�nl�n�t iti cquul�u�n•pir�drr�hm�Ili��unuHnn ol �hc�umv <br /> Rccurcd by Ihiv Scrutily Imuuuicnl fu�uKdiulrly Ikline Ihc luMinti. �ndr.� liarr����rr�nid I.rnd��i•uUu•i«I�r uµicr iu wriUnµ. <br /> ' � ;• dw KuniK Mc�urJ liy Il�ix kr�nhy hiyuiunrn�r�hnll Ix icdurcd by dk �annoid nl Ihr �H�k�rcd. nwUiplicd hy Ilw I��Uowin� <br /> ° " '. fraclfnn: lnl tl�c���tul unuxm�ol'Ilic�umx xccund imuxdinlcly Ixii�re�I�r tuMln�t.dividcd l�y 11+1 dk I��ir nunkcl vuluc uf dic �..�.- <br /> --�—=_ +.,.,, ' Nmpeny immrdial�ly Ixlar dm �nl�i�ig. Auy hul+uice .b:dl Ix p��id tu li�►rrowrr. lu thr c�•cm ul',� piud�d a�kinit��1'�he `__ .�...iru�r,�-� <br /> •".'^ .. '� 1� � Praperty b whid�tlw fuir iuurkct vuluc of il�c Pru�ny i�uoicduncly Ixl'��rc dw �uking ix Ic,��hun Ibc umount��I'thc�umy - <br /> ,. _,..., xe�:ured immcdiulcly txfnrc �I�c Is�kh�R,uulc�v 8nrmwcr �uKl l.cndcr iHhcrwi+c +i�irr in w�rlin�t or uolc�v upplicuhlc luw <br /> — � . ��Iherwl�e p���viJex.Ilw prurced.r shuU lx upplird lu IIK�um��curcJ hy Ihis Sccurhy In��runicu�whclher ur not tlic xmux ure �;- ,�%�•-� <br />� '� . Il�en Juc. ' _ <br /> � If Iltc Pn�perly ix uh+MidiNied hy Borrowcr.ur if,uticr nuticc liy LruJcr iu liu�n�wcr Ih+il lhc condcnm�K uffcrx w nmkc .�„�.,,,�,..- <br /> �, ,�....�.,,.•,:-------_ <br /> ,,,,. • .�-= .. • an nwnn!or xelllc u clpim fi►r Jumngca,Borrowcr foflx tn rc��x►nd lu Lender wiihin 311 duyv ul'�cr ibc da�c Ibe no�ice ix g ven. , .-,,-..;�5. <br /> ;F= + ,=�. , Lender ix aulhnrizcd�n coUcc�und+�pply thc pnxccdx,,i� iix updon,cillwr ta rerlorn�i�m nr mp+iir of Ihc Pro�xny or lu Ihe k-°� <br /> � xwns rrcured By d�i�Sccmi�y lox�ruo�ro��wQcll�cr or nui ilirn dur. ��,,.,__..,�.�.z-- <br />� "' , . Unlex�Lcodrr und Ilur�owcr whenviu���!ree in wri�in�t. any +y�plicn�i�ai af pnxcrd,to princip,d .hnll nul exlenJ or � <br /> i. ; , poslpane the due duie uf Ihe n�untbly puyn�cnlg referred k�in purugr+�phx I und 2 ur cbunge�hc umuum ol'xucli puymems. �,�,�,,:�,-_ <br /> ��`"'• " • I1. Horrnwer Nat Refeaced= ForbearAnce I�y l.ender N�N n WAlrer. Ex�cmion of �he �bnc for u men� �,r �+��.i:'=^ <br /> P Y • .r'o--- <br /> ` .: mcxlilicutiun�►I'umudir.miixi of Ihe xumx securcd by Ih ix Securiiy b�sirumcnl��unlyd By Lrudci•Iu i�ny succexsur in lnteresl --__------ <br /> i�,� • • •,•.•=:• of Bomuwer+hull nal operu�e�o rcleuu:tlic li►ibflity uf�he ari�tinul NoROwer ur liorruwer:v surcessorx m in�crexl, l.enJer -=���� <br /> � . __ . shall iw� be reyuired tu commence prcxeedin�ts aguiatil uny successor in interest�ir reCusr to exlend Iime li►r puymenl��r 6`'"""�-` _ <br />� � � otherwise malify a�nnrtixulion of�he sums r,ecu�ed by this Security Inctrumem by r�asun ol wry demund maJe by�hc urigiuul _�._:._, <br />. . , , � Borrower ar Barrower 4 successors in inten:xl. Any forf►eurance by Lender in exerrisin�t uny ri�hi or rcmedy shull nw he u �,�_� <br /> � . wuiver of ur precludc U�r ex���:ixc uf imy righi or rcmcdy. -- � <br /> j ,: ,� • 12. Successors And As.gigoa Nuund;Jnint nnd Several l.IpbilNy;Co•SI�IICI'S. The cuvcnunts und ugrcemeniti uf Ihix �.+�.:;_,.�: <br /> Securily In�strument shull binJ unJ benefit Ihe tiuccessors and Asxigns uf Len�ler und Hura�wc�,�ubjec�1��Ihe provixiuna uf ����:. <br /> �' � •:,,��,j.�,\: pumgruph 17. Borrowerk cavenunts unJ ugreement� sludl lx joint and severul. Any Borrower who cn-tiignx this Securiry <br /> � ri�'1�F'�.•°'.-.. <br /> Inslrumenl but dces not execute the Note: (al ix co•signing this Security Insl�umem only w mong+ige.grunt unJ convey�hut Fq.'; }„r,; _ <br /> . „ s�:i�.=. Bonower's in�erecl in Il�e Propeny unJcr il�e�enns of this Sc�uri�y Ins�rumen�: Ib)ix mN perx��uully ublig�UCJ lu puy Ihe xumx '�,1�'•:�,: <br /> ° .. secumd by IhiR Serurily Inslrumenl;unJ(c)aRrcec lhut Lendcr nnd uny aher Borrowcr mny ugree w cx�end,m�xlify,l'orbenr ���',,'.':•,:���`�-� <br /> . , or muke any ucca�nmuJu�k�ux wilh regurd lo !bc �crnis uf this Sewriry Ins�rumem or Il�e Nwe willn�u� �ho� Borruwers �-�+�_°_ <br /> consenl. Q°�'�"�_:. <br /> :� ' ' 13. Loan Chargets. IT Ihe loun secured by this Secu�ily InR�rument i�:�ubject lo u luw whicl� sets maximum loun .. ... <br /> � v `' <br /> --� chssges,and lhut!sw is fine!!y#n1er�re1P!���Iho��he imere�t or other loun churgex c��llecled i��to be collerlcd iii connection �'�,��,t��., <br /> with the luun exceed the�xrmined limi�s,�hen: In)any xuch Io�in churge xhidl Ix:rcduced by Ute innount accexwiry lu rcduce ��L.:� ._ <br /> , �� � �he charge to the pemiiued linii�;uixl(b)uny sum�ulreuJy cullecled Gum B�xrower which exceeded pem�iued limits will be � x;i`- <br /> refundeJ ta Borrower. l.enJer muy ch�wxe to muke�his mfwid by redu��ing thc principul uwed under lhe Nole n�by making u �'r <br /> • • s 'n ci u l t h e m d u c�i u n w i l l be Ireuled as u uitial pre pu yment withuut uny �, � _ '� <br /> Jirec�puymem to Bi�m�wer. If a mfund reJu�c pn p , P �___.___e_. <br /> prepuymen�churge unJer�he N�+�r. _�_-°' <br /> . 14. Nutices. Any ixNicr lu liurrowcr pruvidrd li�r in Ihis Srcurily Intilrumrnl shull bc givcn by dclivcring it ur by `=�tc.�^ <br /> • .. muiling it by lirsl clusx muil uuless upplKnblc luw reyuires u,c uf unolhcr mcllxKl.Tl�c nulire shnll ix dircrlcd to Ihe Pmperly ,,,,�"=�==-..,.__ <br /> AdJress ur uny othcr uddress Horrower Jctiignme�hy noticc ai Lender. Any n.�licc �o Lendrr�hull he given by firsl clus� . <br /> •' : moil k�L.enJcr's ndJrcti,.rinlyd hrrrin or+�ny othrr addrcs�l.rndcr dcxi�nnlrs by nolic�lu B�xrowrr. Any nuticr proviJcd fi�r ' <br /> . in Ihis Sccurily InWnm�cm �h�dl Ix dremrd u� h�wr Ixrn �ivcn 1��liar�awcr �K Lendrr whrn �:ivcu ��s providcJ in Ihix 4 �,.�.---- <br /> � pun�grnpb. <br /> " IS. Guvernin�•t tie��crabilily. 'fhis Securiry In,�runKm shull �govcrnrJ hy federul luw nnJ Ihe luw of the ` - <br /> .. juriulkliim in which Ilic I'n+�xny ir IixnleJ. In Il�c evenl tl�al imy pruvi.i�a�ar rluu�r iif�hiti Srcurily Inslrunecnt or Ilie N��tc r . <br /> . cunllici.wi�h+yry+lirnl►Ic I�iw.�unc�onllicl.IiuU nut i�llcrl ulhcr piuvi�iuoti�►I'Ihi.tirruiily In,tinimcnl or Ihr No�c which ru�� <br /> be givrn cl'1'rc� withou��Ik contliclin�priwiriun. 9i�Ihis rnd Ihr �m�vhi��'Ihis S�rurity In��rununl •rnd tl�e N�Ne are ..:-.n,�.���-_ = - <br /> JeclureJ to lx.rvcrublr. -�_-_-- <br /> a•-.:.:__ :•r <br /> . � 16. dnrruwer's Copv. H�irn�a•er shidl he given une confornird r��py al'Ihe Nolr+md af�hi�Securiry Imlrument. �_�': <br /> � � ,�. 17. 7�ansfer of the P�upe�ty ur a iieneflriul Inlcrest In Ilorruwer. If ull�K uny pun of thc I'ra�xNy or ony inlcrext in ..'`-""'`- --- <br /> � it ix s�.ld or tr.msfrrnJ lur if u txneticial imen�t in [3am�wrr ix sold or�riro.IcircJ and Hum���•r� iti nu1 u nulurul �xrsunl t• .,.;'`.�-;� <br /> " � •� willwut LenJrr:prior wiillrn cun�ent.Lrnder mi�y.ot its uptiun.�ryuirc inmudi:�te payn�cnt in liill ul'idl�umx s�cureJ by _"�- <br /> � Ihir Sccurily Inwru�tiknl. Hu�ecver.U�is optiun�hull nu1 Ix cxenised by Lr�xkr if c�crrisr i�pr��l�ibilcd by Icdeml low us nf •''---.�.v <br /> the da�e uf Ihi.Sccuriry In.tnm�rm. 4 ..: ,-''".�'�`--°- <br /> ., " �i" II�I.CINIM l`RCRI�C�IIII�II�t11U11.Lcndrr xhsdl}�ivc li�►rrawrr n�►lir�ut'uccck rdi��o. 'I'h�nalirc�linll pr�widr���xri�xl ut� . ' . . . , <br /> ., uiN ic�s Ihun 10 d;�yz I'�um Ihr diUC Ihc nulirc i�d�liv�r�d ur m:iiled K�ilhin�vliirh liuuuacr mu�l�.rcwrJ by ihi� � , ..i <br /> �, Srcurily loxtrumen�. II'purruw•er fails Io p;ry �hc.e smn, priur lu the rxpinUiun af ihi. �kri�xl. L��xl�r muy invuke uny t . . <br /> i rcnKdics�xm�i�lrJ by tlii�S�KUrily In�.ttumrnl���ilhuut fuNhrr uo�icc ur JcmanJ un liurt����rr. , <br /> 1li. Bo��u+ver's Riuhl lo Rehtxlule. If liurcu��cr nucl�crnain n�nJili�,n., Rurro��cr •hull h+�vr Ihc ri�:ln lu h�rvc <br /> enl'unement ul'thi�Srrurily h�tilrwnrnl Ji.caiuinu�d ;il:ui� limr�xiur lu thrr:ulirr��I: Ii�l S da}��I��r�uch ullkr�xriid u� <br /> .. I Su�gk 1':umy--Faonk Muc.'FreJJk\Iw V\IFI IN�I 1\S 1'Rl�\1t:N 1' .l�ndu�m t'���euant. 4�Y0 �p���r�u)n�s�g�•�l . <br /> „ ; ' , 1. :���� ..� <br /> � . � I <br />� <br /> , <br /> � � <br /> . ,, <br /> . .�. <br />