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<br /> U " �►•" • •• peri�Mh Ihal l.c�xlcr�equirc�. Thc insnriuka cnrrlcr prnvidfnµIhu in�,uruncc�h,►11 Ix ch��Kn I�y H��rr�►wcr�uhJrct lo I.cni�rk
<br /> �� �' , ;, upprov�d whirh�hull iNN ix unrcuMN►ul►�y wNblkld. If H�Nrawcr G•�ilr 1��nu�inluin covrru��r�k��riilkd�dw►v�,lAO�kr muy,ul
<br /> �.`.�� s� IAro�kr1 a�i��n,�AHOb�cuvcru�tc lo pn�icci I,cndrrk rigb�r,in�hc I'n►xny in ercuafimc�wHh�uuugrupb 7.
<br /> .,' i/:4*-:�i� All invurunrc��►Ilcicx and�cnewulr�rhull Ix urce�►iuMc�u Leni��r t�nd�hnll Inrinde n nUmdand m��rlgn�t��elouhe. I.ei��k�
<br /> ,��'.' °°r`• •` Khull huve Ille�ight lu huld Iho�dicler+uul re�wwulx. II'I.eudcr nquitex,Ouiruwrr�hull pruiuplly�ive In I.euder ull reeciplti
<br /> . °. ,��- nl'pul�i preniiumti uiKl rcnewul cmi�rr. lu Ui�evrm ul'I���r,Hnrrowc�ahull{�ivr �n�umpt n�nicc�u�he invurunce curricr und -
<br /> �'r-:�k��;��w�•' I.en�k�. I.vikkr muy nmke pr�w�f ol'Imv il'nnt mudc pnnnptly by linrrnwer.
<br /> �- �' .,'�";��"� l lnle�r�.eiNter�axl Ii��ROwrr iNikrwiw ugree in w�llinµ.imurunce pr�xerJti rhull Ix upplird�o re�turu�ion��r rcp�iir of r __�_
<br /> -,'„6,,, �.��..=:t Iho �'� rly dumuged, if Ilw n�luruliun ur repuir ia e�:onamir�dly Icu�fhlu und I.atticr+ �ecurhy i+ n�N Irs�encd. If Ihe --
<br /> .. ;3; .� . . rexl��ru�on or repuir iK nut econumirnlly fca.ihle or l.endcrk securi�y w�xdd Ik te�ucned. �Ix. inxurunce pn+ceeJs xhull be
<br /> _ u�liod to U�c swna�cuRd hy �hi+Sccur{�y In��rument, wh�thcr ur n�H�hen duc, wiih +my exrexx puid k� acirmwe�. li'
<br /> --'� . • . �. Burmwer ulwnduns �hc Propehy,ar d�xx nut unawer wiihin ill duys u natice 1'n�m l,ender�hot the bxurunco cGrrier hux
<br /> `°�� .., . offered Ic►se�Uc u claim,�hen Lendrr muy cnllccl lbe in.rurunce pnxecds, Lender muy use Ihc p�ocecdv to repuir or restore
<br /> �'�=��'�° � Ihe Pir�peny ar lo puy sums secured hy�his Securi�y Inx�rwnem.whethe�ar not�hen due. The 3t1-day�xricxl will begin when
<br /> ,.•" �hc noticc is given. _.-- --
<br />=_- '� Unic�.v�Lender und Borrowcr rnh�nvisc agrce in wrUing, imy npplicu�ion�f prcxcedx w principid shull not ez�end ar
<br /> pastpune the due dute of the momhly puymen�rc rrfem:d to in purugruphs I und 2 ar cbunge�he umount oP the puymen�s. IF
<br /> . �� under purogrnph'!I Ihe Propeny is acyuired hy Lender. Bamnwer�righi�o any insurunce p��liciec und praceeds resulling �
<br /> _ _ � . ' ," Gom damuge ta Ilte 1'ro�ny prior to the ncquisition shall pass ta l.ender to the extenl af the xunts xecured hy�his Securi�y _
<br /> - - - _ - Ins�rumem immedii�tely prior t��he acyuisi�iun.
<br /> _ �, • 6. Occupancy� Preservalfan� MplolenAnce und Protectian aP Ihe Properly; Bo��ower's l.oan Applicallon; _
<br />`',s' , l.euseholds. Bom►wer shull occupy,eslablixh,und use Ihe PropeAy ns Sonawer'�principnl rexidence wUNin sixty duys�f�er
<br />. - the execution of thix Security Ins�rumem+u�d shull cantinue to occupy ihe Prupeny us Burmwer'.v principul Msidence for ut �
<br />_ , ,� leas� one yenr ufter �he du�e of occupancy, unleas Lender ath�rwise ugreex in writing, whinc �on+em shall nrn be ' � `
<br /> • ,,, unreasanably wi�hheld,or unlexs exlenualing circums�unces ezisl which ut�heyond RoROwer�rnnl�ol. Rcxmwer shnll not �.�. ``
<br /> 4 deslroy,dumuge or imp+�ir d�c Pm�xrry,ullow ihc Nnryx:Ny lo deteriixu�c,ur rumn�il wu��c an ihe Pro�xny. l3orrower shuU ��,,.�,�__.
<br /> • ; be in defuult if uny forfeUurc uc�ion u�proceeding,whelher civil o�criminal,is begun�hat in Lencier ti gcx+d fuilh judgment �"�_
<br /> � • could result In forfeiture of Ihe Property or rnhcrwise muteriully impulr �he lien c�u�ed by �his Securi�y Instrument nr
<br /> • � .� " . Lencie�.l•secu�lty interest. Rom►wer muy cure such a�defuul�und rein,i+de,uti pravided in pu�ug�uph 18,by cuusing the uc�ion t���,��:�
<br />- or procceding�o tx�dinmisxed wiih u nding ihu�,in I.�ndcr's gacxl li�ilh delcrniinulion,prccludex li►rf�iiurc al'�h�Bnrrower� �'"'�" " '°
<br /> �N�.:(fN.�.-..-..._
<br />- a`' . , intcrest in�hu Pro�xny ur ulUcr nunc�i�d impuirnicn� �►f ihc licn crraleJ by ibis Securiry hi�lrumcnl or I.cndcr� securiry , «. •-�-="
<br /> �• ° � interest Borrower shull ulso Ix in defuuU if Borrower, Juring U�e Ic►un upplicu�iun prncezs, guve miucriully fulxe or ,y f�'��-
<br /> � ' s o l.ender or Fuiled to mvide Lender wi�h un mu�eriul infixmu�ionl in canneclion wiih �"�,' ��---
<br /> ,. inaccumte informaiion or cta�ement t ( p y :-1-__
<br />- ° �hc loan evidenced hy the No�e, including, but not limiled lo, representu�ions conceming Borrowera occupancy of the ��:�v
<br /> � .: �.�.: _ Property as n prfncipul residence. If ihis Securily Inswment is an u Icusehold,Norrower shull romply wilh all�he proviaivas ���='*°°.`-
<br /> t,�;:.�— of�he ieuse. if Surmwer ncquires icc iiflc iu iBn Pnqxiiy,ii�n lcuycl�ulJ u��d ti�faa tiil��huii not tncrge antess Lendcr rg�ccs ��` `''
<br /> � `y � lo Ihe merger in writing. '�.::.``'j��;`-
<br /> 7. Prntectiun oP I.ender's Rights in the Properly. If Sormwcr i'uils to�x�i'�inn thc covenunts unJ ugreemeniti
<br /> , comained fn thix Securfty In.tn�ment, or Ihen: is s� Icgul prcxeeding Ihn1 muy signil'Kw�lly ufi'ccl Lenderti rights in �hc
<br /> ;� Pmpehy(xuch us u prikreding in hunkruptcy,prohutc,ti�r aHxlrmnsuion ur liirfri�ure�r lo rnli�rcc luwx o�regululionx),Ihen _. ,, . ;�_
<br /> Lencler muy Jo und puy liir wh+devcr i�nrreswiry lo prutcc� Ihc vad�w of�hc I'in��rty nnd Lrndrr; ri�lu.in Iho Pn��xny. . .,• ,.
<br /> � Lender!s uctiony muy include payfng uny,ums serured by u lien which bn�priori�y over ihi,S�ruri�y Im�rumrnl,up�karing _ _�
<br /> ' .. In ccwn,pnying reusonahle uuomcy�'Icex ond cmcring im�hr Pm�xny�a mukr repuir�. Ahh�wgh Lr�ulcr muy�uk�uc�ion :_*,;� .•*�'-
<br /> .. under thix pnrugripb 7.Lendrr d��c+ni�t h+wc�o d�►+o. „ '� , ___
<br /> Any umounts di,Nuncd hy I.rnd��un�kr�hix p+v���niph 7.hidl ixwumc uddi�iuie�d drht ol�Rurr��wcr�crurcJ by Ihi+ ` --
<br /> -- Securily Instrument. Unlc»Borruwrr und l.endcr ugrec�o ulhrr tcrni+oi'paymcn�,thr,c umuunh�hall Ikur in�rnst t'rom�lie • " :•A,• _
<br /> ° dule of di�hunement at Ilie Note ru�e uml�ludl lx puyi�hl�.wi�h in�crosl.iqwn noticc I'nan Lrixlrr��i Borniwcr Ryuczling -_
<br /> „ pnyrnent. _ '�_�.�• —
<br /> _ !i. 111orlgugc Insuruncc. If I.cndcr rcquiicJ muiltiapc iu��u•iuirc u� +�run�lili�m ul'muling Ihc loan+ecurcd by Ihi� :�: ��,.:v-_
<br /> ' Sccurily ImU•unknl. Iturruwrr •hnU puy ihr prcmimn. rr��uirrd i�i nuiimnin Uir mu���:u�r in.uawcr in rl'Icrl. If. liir�my �
<br /> ..�.�, ' ��
<br /> Ru�on, Ihe morlgugc imurunrc ruvr�:��!r r.quirrd by LenJ�•r I;�p�e+ ur cr:�.e� lo Ix in cllrrl, liurru�arl ,h�dl ptry Ihc , ...,, --
<br /> ,� premiums requircJ to obtuin cuvcrugc suh,u�miully ripiiwdcnt to Ihr mor�gugc in.in:mr� prcvio��.ly in ct'frrl, ut u coN --_�
<br /> � ,ub��ur�i�dly�ti�uivulrn� �u�he cn,� �o I;orrowrr of ihr murig:i�r in.urimce �►revi�►u,ly in el'I�ccl.I'rom un:dlern:uc murt�uge ' -
<br /> .�a insurer u�►rovrd by Lrndcr. 11',uh.lnnliully ri�ui��denl murl�u�c i+��ur:ukr cuvrrap� i.n��t:wailc�hlr.B��n�uwcr�hul�puy i�► �-: �-r.:;;,_ `-•
<br />_ • Lcndcre�ich mimih u sum cyuul tu uue-iwell'�h of ihr yc;uly muuEugc in,ur+nur pnmiwn Ixing puiJ by 13oROwcr when ihc � `:..'.`:.�.�r:
<br /> insurunr�coveruge I��psed or cra.ed lo Ix in rl'frcl. L�ndrr�vill uccrpt.u,c und ret:�in th�.c paymrnt�u.u lu.s n�servc m liru i �,.�=E_
<br /> , � . ,, of monguge insunince. L��ss rrr•rrve raymcm+miiy nu longer he �•e��uimd.iU Ihc u�nion af l.rndcr, il'mun�uge ins�a,mre � "��'
<br /> ° caveruge(in�h�mnoun�nnJ fi�r�hr periud�hm l.cndcr requirr,)pmvidrJ liy un in.w•rr;�ppro�.�l hy l.cnder i�gnin tx:rame� .
<br />_ . uvaihd�le�md ix�iBtuincd.Hurri��vrr.hs�ll puy�hc prrmi�mu required t��mainl+iin mun�uge in.ur+mrr in rt'1'ccl.or lo pnwidc�i
<br /> ' loss mserv¢,unlil Ihe nyuiremrnl tiir mu�iga��imu��lu�rr rnd�in i�econlnncc a•ilh nny ariuen:��.rremrm Ixiween liurniwir � .
<br /> . _ uml Lendc��ir uppliruhlc Ia�w.
<br /> 9. Inspcclion. Lendrr ur itti u�enl muy m+i{,e rca�xonahk rnlrie+u�wn mid im�xc�iun.uf�hc tku�xny. Lcnder,ha0 ;
<br />. give Norri�wrr nolicr n111ic lim�of'��r priur tu un in��xrtiun,�xril�•ing rra�wu�Me r:w,r liir Ihe in,�xrlion. �
<br /> . 111. l'ondcnlnuNon. 'I'hc pnx�.J���I'uny+�a•arJ ur cl,ii�u Ih� il:un:�g..,diirrl ur�un,rquenli;d.in runncrliun with�uty .
<br /> • Sm�1c I�umdY-•Funnk MuciF'ratdk 111uc 1iNIF11RM lf►ti'I'RI�11M:'�1'•-limluim Cu�rnam. Y�VII ���,��,�.1.ja p��r��
<br /> ��r.n I.r,b�w.�nn�n Fmm.Ix ■ .
<br /> - 1'u��n4t�'oll 11��15:W!U�.0 l7 YA1 u1U�79411'll
<br /> . �
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