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1 1 <br />20��03�g4 <br />Z. Dissolution o�Marria�e. The parties were married on August 5, 2006, <br />in Hall County, NE, and there were �o children barn of this rnarriage and none are <br />expected. The marriage of the Plaintiff and Defendant is irretrievably broken and <br />�very reasonable effort tn effect a reconciliat%on has been made. The marriage <br />shou�d be dissolved. <br />3. Divisian of Marital Estate. During t�e marriage the parties have <br />acquired property and d�bts, and the Court shauld make an equitable clistribution <br />ofthe property and debts. <br />In cansidering the property division the court finds: <br />(a) Defendant daes rat claim I4 on Exhibit 1 as a marital debt. She <br />testified that it was a"personal loan I received from the bank to pay off all my <br />bills, clean my slate, pay a down payment on the house." She further testified that <br />part of this process included paying down any credit cards and that J9 and Jl0 <br />were same of the debts that were paid aff. The debts at J9 and Jl4 shauld be <br />included as marital debts. The debt Iisted at I4 should not be included as a marital <br />deb� <br />(b) The evidence s�iows that Plaintiff had app�o�mately $3,000 in <br />premarital debt for income t�xes and that this amount was charged on credit cards <br />and that this amount is included in the debt listed at J1-8. The evidence further <br />shor�vs that Defendant had approximately $3,020 in premarital debt and that this <br />amount is included in the martgage that was refinanced in October, 2007. This <br />debt is reflected in the highlighted amouats on Exhibit 7. Because each party had <br />z <br />Page„�_„_of 13 <br />