. . ( .. `. . . � a F ' � - . N Y ` i- .. - ' ' .. ° . . �� , . ����. �y..�„�'*t�'>=..�c.�«"1�:�.
<br /> ,yi� ' � :�Z".:,..,...�.. � ' __ . . _,._�_...,_.__..._���W._...._..� �c.. x��r.,E �
<br />� - . : '.;_.;_�'_...��',- _
<br />- .._r i f.yF`,.:lF�"'r4 �
<br /> • .....:;XtReb;... -
<br /> ' 49. LENQ�A'5�Fittd}iY TO CC���CA OF.FEEUD LEf3AL ACT{�la5. Grarrior shall irrmedatefy pravtde LEnder wfth+�vrltten notica ot any actual er .� ,'`�;,� ..;;3 i%'�F:<•�-
<br /> A
<br /> ifirea2�md acUan.tyit.ar ather pr�oeadng afteq!rtg tAa Properry. Qrantor hewby appalirts Lendar ea hs ettemoy-in-fact to cormneruo.is�o�ven�In.snd ." .,;i:�.�`; -^�
<br /> cetan�such tcctlons,su[ta.at offi�r ioga�praccedrtgs End to oa�amiae er cail�a erry datm o�eor�trovcrcy , �ng Ularoto. t�nd..^r shall not do fl.as[m to ' � '`��`'t;'.r:.�;;�:�:•
<br /> tt
<br /> Qrarrtar farairy aetlan.�ar,rti�aP,�.emisalan or datay pert�ning ta th�aetians dasarX�b..^d in thfs or any�s rasulHng therofram N+�thing - "'< ;; 'cF1;,��F k�,�__.
<br /> . eomalned heretn wul pr�avem Lender from ealdng�he aalana desoni�Cd in Ws p�t�s¢ti It�ItS 07m n�Iro. ,.y . : n�t.,5•:'•'�,._-
<br /> �.,�il�r,�kz�'4•'�'
<br /> �+ 1!.lNOEI�BFt�AYillt�i. Lerder sha0 nm e:,aumo or bo cespana!Mo ta►ttt�perFomBnca uf arty of Cirnmota e�lig311ons►v�ih resRect to tho Rroperry undcr � � , :., '�+ 4
<br /> written rteAlco ot snd inderm: snd ho,d Len�r and its shatafto.�ra,dsractorn,oiRocxs. . ��t .� �:
<br /> ar�y ctra�rr�tances. C;rantor 6haU irto�cd�cty provtdo ldndaf wfi ' ' _�'!�`�`$'
<br /> er�teye2s and agoms hamte:.�hom a7 d3i�rm.d3rrgpes.QaDu'�es linclu�ng attom�y9'taos and fegal oxRansas).eauses a1 aetton.astiana suits and � .:;`+':5:' '�
<br /> x an
<br /> oiher ic�il praoee�ngs(e�mutativaly'GFaU��Dertaintn9 m tteo PcaBenY M�u6ng.�rt nat lim{tnd ta.thasu ir►voklnp Hazar�ous Matorlafs). Ciraninr.upan .:���,�. � < _
<br /> ..,•�,<<<,. .
<br /> tlie roquest ot Lan�r.shaD hiro io�f eounset ta defcx:d Lendnttrom sush Ctalrr�.and pay tha at:omsys fstts,logai e�ensas end athar costs incur►ed In •;;.E.:,.�1• .`;•..=,-
<br /> a►nneaCon tt�sr�vfth. In the aftemativa.Leneter shaA bo erttit�ed te employ fta awn legal coun:�l w dcffend sueh Clzlms at(3rantors aost. C3ramars� :,�..;�,�r'_�._
<br /> oh!�g3tian to indermity Landzr under this para�Ehatl survlve tho taminatlan,release ar bsedo;auo 01 r�h(s Deed of irust. � : ';s`s._, ,�. �
<br /> �-.�St,r-r�.
<br />.�� 16 TAXES AHD ASS�ii�lJTS. Qrdnto�st�tlpay atl ta�s ettd as:es�rrts rehting to Rroperty vfien dua asd'a�ly prav',d�t�s3.^r a�d� -------._:--- . ` -
<br /> af m at sarre. U a the�est o1 l.enr�r,Qrststar sha.7 depasit wfth Lender earl�rtnrtth ane-iwalflh(1/12)of tha c�stirrtated anrtua!in � ,•,,Y����•
<br /> O�Y� Po ar! � : . . �:,..:.,,;,,
<br />• prartium,taxers end assesureats penPfning to th� Rroparty. So tcng as thera is no dafa�ilt.thoso atnmmts shaD ba e�il.ad to thepayrt�nt ot� • , ..-
<br /> asse�rertts end insuranea as regrired on Lho Prapsny. tn the evenl of def^�t.Lender shall hava the rl�t at fts sale aprian.ro eppiy the furs�so heSd td'� �,c,.... .;�`:� ��t';; .,� ,.
<br /> PaY er►Y tax�s or�gainst lhe QOiiga'Jons. Any Umds appiiad rtny.at Leadefs opUon.ba apptied in revarse or�ar at the dus date thereot. - '-1='S�:`, :... �`
<br />,�-,� ;:��:.:�'.�::i`wy�;`�i;',.t`.°s.;<.
<br /> 1&IHSPEC7t8N QF PRCPFAIY B�OKS.R�OA08 A!!D REPi3AYS.Qtaniar shall a".o�+u Leru�r or itsa�ms to exartina and ins�ths Properiy , .` .;. �,,, ._. . -
<br /> and esatrine.inspec►and make arpies ot Cranto�s boois and reeords pertafning to Iha Properiy from Lrtrte to tine. Ciramor shaU provlde arty assistanos '•".:.;:,:`:;."�;':%�;:'.
<br /> ra '
<br /> m�pieta�al1 res�ts. Gra�n�r..haD�e fAa e�enae og ls fnQer��beneGd2f tn[eresi(n�l�eai�ar�d rezords permin�bi P/e�.}tr�pue.��d ' ,.,r i:�';�:��F�_`+,;«.�:�.__ _
<br /> S � •�r"�• ����,'S�..r.:�:
<br /> (iranta chail re in a tortn satisfastory to I�nder.sutfi fMar�t)nn as Lender maY cequest re�tdn8 Cirantofo finansla!condrt}or�ot ihe Properey. The Ee<...,.�4,��rf�.,,y��-_�,=T
<br /> 6 I �OA.
<br /> � IMomr�tion sha��te fw suah�rtods.sha➢reftect Qrarrtots recards si suct�Urte.at�sha'1 ba rendared eritn sueh�sqc�sncy as Lander rtay desi�ate. All i<�:�9(: ac��•'.`,` •,,�;„�.._
<br /> infam�tOn fumished k�C�or m Lender s�ba trua,aeauae and cart�teRe in aD ras�ts.End�ed by Grantflr fl Lender tequests. , �€:r s. ����;,,;Q.r,-
<br /> '`�St��ir`4L v�' `�r,.�'�r
<br /> .i !'Sa..r�.�� .
<br /> .���,,j<<...�.,�r:•j�'+ l�.e__.. •
<br /> 17.ESTOPPFl CEfiTIF[CATES.Wnnin ten(t0)days after anY requesl bY tander.Grantce sha9�ffver to Lendsr.or arty irr�ended Vansteree ot Len�s F S.,Xf .�. ' .
<br /> ����e�pe�to ihe Otl�Or�s,a slg�ed and adawaAe�stadement spedfy(n9(a)the cirtsmn6n9 ha3azioe on the ObGga�ons:ar�d(b)wlie�fer F.�F�e,�;.�,_;,;..iz
<br /> - �Po���Y�.�fenses.se2-ofts or caurttcrda`nG wNi cesper�to the�ns an4 d so.fha naWw of su�dai�rs.detenses.set-0ffs a ��!« y . � .'-:--�
<br /> ,,t,.,�_...�_=` - --
<br /> caurterdairts. Ciratimr will 6a oondusnrery tround bl►�fl�epresert�a�ih�Lend��r may m�e to the Urten�d transtsrea vrilh respsd to thesa matters in •.�..% �.a., �,;:' �:��
<br /> � tita euetri that Grarttar tals to provtda the request2d staterterrt in a tirrv�ly manner. . �- . ,�,
<br /> t< �i�� _
<br /> � l8. OffAULT. Grantar sha0 ba in defautt un�iit thls Deed of Trw�-1 arid the Trust�a's pomer shall beaane opetative in tha evsrri that Grantor.Barra+ver or .�.x�� "� �:�
<br /> " anY�araMar o1 the Ohllgatios�s: - .�� , ��� -rS. � .-
<br /> ; F.• •
<br /> • (a)fa9s to PaY anY�hligation to Lsnder vfien cfi�e; � •�,.
<br /> dh
<br /> (b) fa�7s to per(ortn airy O65g�ion or breaches am�warranry or covenant to lender carnained in th(s Oeed cf Tiust or arry other present or tuture . � '.`'. .+: , .
<br /> � ageertBm; :.,. , : . . .
<br /> b:.�", (c)d3s�oYs.to�s or�the Pro�erry in any rreterU[�a�t or subjects th�FmyenY to seiuQe.wrAiscml�.cr wndarmiation: _ .:,�:�"`
<br /> ' �._ ..}.
<br />. � (d�seel�to�n�.tertrttnata or oUierwiso furit Rs I'ialaTity un�r arry guaraaty to Lender, : , . ` :�:`: F'
<br /> ; n•��- •�.
<br /> � (e) d e s.b�tt c e s t e g a II Y rt�c o m p e t e m,i s 6.s s oNed or temifiated.Deoortss msalv�rA.rtei�s an assignrt�snt icr tha 6enefil oi eredto�s.T81�3 t0� : .R'a.: • i>'.
<br /> d e b t s a s t h a y b e o o m o�s.files a p e t i t ten urt�fie feder��.-�pU.y laws.h�an im�otumery petitlon tn tr�rtfaup+�r filed in whirh GratROr.8arsrmm �� ,��f�� ,;�,� � _
<br /> , ar anyr guarantor is nmfied.or has P�DQrtY tak2n under�ry�:fx cr process at taurt; ' •.;,:�.r�:',�. • .:
<br /> (� a�ws goods to be use�t.traisported a stered on the R:�pc�t�.the possesston.transporta►ion,or use of whid�.ts Negal• r .`
<br /> d
<br /> (9)���Y P�Y other i��,C�anror or Bosrawer to assu:�cr�mderml�arry C3hiigaUon withnut the written ctionsem oi Lender,a -. .'�'".'�,,, ; ,
<br /> (h) rduuses Lendar to deem itseif inseeura dua ta a si�iNcaz-�ded'ina tn ih9 v21ue of the Propeny:or if Lender,tn�od failh.far arry reasan.Ee6eves � ,,'�
<br /> : r .
<br /> ;' that the pras{,��ef payrtiert or p e s f am�artcs ts�a i r e d. �;� '
<br />`�S},;. °�'%�'''•1''': '� � :
<br /> ta RK3HT5 Q"r!'.&�HOfiR dN OffAULT. If Q�er3 as a default unefet Uils Deed of Tnisl,LsnGov shaU be entiU�f sa c.�r-.t�3se orte or noPe oi tho faU�rticrg ,-�. •
<br />';;�:�`� cvnedeswiihoutno�caerQamand(oxeopt.=rc�ulredBYlatvl. `.
<br /> , : �:.' -`:
<br /> .. � (a)to dadare the ODiigallona IrtQnemauaty due and payable tn fu0; �;-�'�.'d:%�';_
<br /> �, (b)to colleet ihe outstan�ng Ohligattons wfth ar without resorting to ja�da!prooess: •`�`f',�.,.�."
<br /> (e) to req�ire Grantu to delhrer artd make a�.�ilabie to lender anY personzJ P►aPaRY or Chattets const[mUn�ih..�Property ai a ptar�reasonahty k�
<br /> •f} comaniam to aramar end lender. �����.'--- -.
<br /> �i 5:.:�<<. '��'
<br /> ,�::j� (� to eriter upon arid tafce pasESSSton of t"a�Grcpeny wBhout apptying tcr v abtatning ihe eppotntrr�em����hrer and.at Liander's opt3an.to ;.,� -, _
<br /> appolrrt a re�iver wflhout hond.wiThout first 6rfnging suit an the Odi��aM withoN othetv�ist►rt�1c�Arry stamitory cortdrtions regart6n9 � �'":,_�;::
<br /> � • t'eaiNers.ft heing irrtended ci�t lender shall have ihts canUa�+.��t;'s te a�r�r.a reeeNer, , �
<br /> � �a)to emptoy a managing�t of tl�e Properry and tet the s�r�r��a in T�us:ee's own r�sr�.�is�h.�nartn o�Lender or In the narre of C�rantar.and - .,,.
<br />-- teceive the rents.Ineartss.irs�es arsd profrts o!ihe Properry a�r��'r�G•s:a:s.after payrnerr.�t'�neoass2rp eharges and o�enses.on aaourri of y,,��.-.
<br /> � „ ��'3�^s' -- -- ---=__
<br /> (fl to pay ay1�b any torm ar rtenner daemed e�eAem tsy Lendar to�r,n�tt�e sQauityr of ihts Qeed���irari er to am�any defaiilt alher than ' _.
<br /> ' paymtettl c:Mteast or pc(nc�21 on 1he�ions; ��,• �;--
<br /> . . (9)to toredosa ffifs Qeed csf?^.ust judc#aQy ar nonjudr�2lty emd to�reet ffie sale of the prapeny throu�exerdse ot the pawe►ot sate as referenced in -- ----.
<br /> para�aph 20 hereo!in ec�:��ianae wttt�appilca6le 4�w; ' ^'��
<br /> (h)to sosc:t Qrentor's Obllgations agatnst any artnunts awed Qrzntor bY Londe►inctudng,bu1 not Iimited to,moNes,instrumAnss,end deposit _ __
<br /> . aaamis r.�rKeined with Letber a any arremly exisling a fuhite effillato af lander;and ►'_-- -- ---
<br /> �� (i)to eze�qe�aU ather dgMs avaNabb to Under�u�dx any olher wr(tbn ag�irt a apptiraE{a law. ���:-..:r:--
<br /> I�endersr�s s�eum�iative and rtsy be exerctsed together.seDerately.and•r,�y ocdat. tn the everA that :2nder tnstitutes an aellon seeWng the �`�---__ .
<br /> '' ,�ravery ofi arry of the P+�nyby v�ay of a Dral�d�r�n��em�dY in an actlan�k+st Qr�tor.Cirarrtar walves tha posting of erry bond whkh -_ �"" ���
<br /> caAetwlse bo re4ulred. Lender aLsnders desigsee mayp�u�ase Ue Property at any sale. Pr.�yeds of anyr Trustas e sala heraunder shatl 6e �..._.- .�
<br /> Przt.to tfie oosts and e�enses oi exerdsln9 the are�01 salo and o1 Uro sa:a.lndudlrtg ths Frm�:t of the Trustees faes aetually inamed and not to } ����`
<br /> ng pc
<br /> exo0ed Uie arrourA whkh may he�ovided to►�n this Deed ol TrusL sacand,to p�zymem o}tt,e CiSiipu:+ans saaned hereby,thtrd,to tho paymem ot�'m!or � �;;�,�
<br /> � truat deeds.mortgages,a othe►L'enha(ders.and tha 6alance,if arry,to th�person or�ersons la,��r�-��1Qd the.a:. Thopm perty a am,l part ffiereal'rrgy �� •
<br /> be aoid tn one�el.or in such paroe►s.rta.nec ar orsler as Lender In tts sob d`ac�.an may elec�.e.d ass ar mx�s exerdsea of the power hercin�d v�+.�-�:�+. .
<br /> � sAa�rat exSng�cJ;.h or e�fiaust the pav►rar urdoss rim entfre prnpeAy Is sotd a the dxip�fon�ere�.'d i.�tu0.
<br /> :.5r.�-�, .
<br /> . •' y�, TRUSTEE'S EXERCISE OF POYYER Ci�?.LE ON OEFAUL�: If Lender elects to sell Cranr.��s?.r,'aresl in the .�. :;f�•�,�•:-�.
<br /> Proporlybyexcrclsoo}Uie werof �r�'P•��'•
<br /> ' � � :;-.,• •�. ..
<br /> •�r.uari.,,. -�
<br /> • • d�karein aameinad,Lsnder chail noUty UustFe in the manner then raqulred by law. ti;;:.�.,-;,,�:,x•: r=Y,=�:
<br /> � � i. :�;cn recelgt of such notke o4 Lender end ai U`.Q�acllon of lander.Trustee shall eauso to be��'�sd.puCtsi�d and deUverod sr'�naUcas ct�fia:.51 �a`.---+�'-�---—
<br /> and natkes of sak►as may thon ba requlred tr/Is�N:�.d by this Deod ot Tru�t.T►ustoe shail.oniy al the�aefi:n�(��:et gnd wftheui demend an Crittstls. ` ` , .. . ��
<br /> a(te�such tima as may thee be raquirsd by k.a�svt�.Ror recordatlan ot such notlw c9 datauti and�ier rac�at�6s�•ws'.np bean ghren as requi�ed t�yr r�r, ��F.{�,�fi ��;%�, ,
<br />' sell tt�e Pmperry al the Umo end plaoo 01 sate fa�d 4sy il fn s�rch notioe o}saie.efthar as wholo or in se�.arate tc:�c.r�ts ar items as Lendet��.:eem 5.,..;:,'�:`?��'�'��'�'"� W�:
<br /> m .and In cuch order as N rr�y datamino.at publ?a au�ce tn tho N�est 6ldder tar ca.h la I:�vl,`�1 rroney o?the Unfted 3ta1�s�Cayabio ffi ihe 4me ot '.�i„ �.'��•, ...
<br /> � :,�.�wma9 othonxise may then be raquUed by law. Trustee:h�IC cs:Gver to such purchasEr er�rud^os:ro ihoreof its�od and s�:r�:M dQOd or doeds '".'����`��,1�
<br /> �i e�nraying theproperty so sotd(an wilhout any eovenant er�=tss,r.'y.e�toss or irtplied. T��a•�itals in such deed ot any r.�:.3rs or facts shatl bo _,�.�a�s�,a:. � �;:'==
<br /> �. rar:dusivo prao!o}the trulhfidnsss theteot My persan.indudrtg wilhout Ilmftatlo�.Cirarrtor.T:_��a or Len6et.may purchaso ffi such eale. Teustae may :�;� ,�
<br /> in tho manner�xmrided by law postponn sale ot ell or any porUon of the Prapertp. • �.��:9. ,
<br /> _ _ .:�i.��'+.•'`"'�
<br /> 21, pEQUE9T FOA NOTICES: Gramor ret�es:s thaf a oopy of any notice ct d�'r•s.^f and a capy of arry natice ot sale hereunder he mailed to each person . ,...:,,,i:.::.,r_..
<br /> vmo Is a par.ry hereto a11ho addross ot such porson set fenh herein at the s�rr�tlme and in tAe samo rronnet requfred as though a se�vate request '�•+'+� • • rL�,.
<br /> ihoreaf had 6aan frled by each such porson. . :_`- : "�` .:
<br />. r1 -�. -
<br /> '_.�.�. '._ _-_—_
<br />. . >rl` .., . _
<br /> . f.
<br /> hE00TC Rar.390 Peg�3d6 . --.—•—_--- ' - '. . —
<br /> .. � � . ♦ . . � '' . J.• ' . _ ..����'i � . i . . ` Y �� .� . . . . - � ♦ � - _ .` . . . • • ' .
<br />