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<br /> a men��ma no lon er Be required.ut the option of Lender,if man�age insurance coverage h'n r�he amount nnd for the periad µ _- -
<br /> PY Y 8
<br /> that Lender tequires)pm4 ided by nn insurer a,pproved by Lender again becomes availablc and is obtained.Borrowet shall pay ' -=Y_-`
<br /> �..---.
<br /> the przmiums required to mainwi�martga�c insuranoe in effect.or to provide a loss reserve.�sntil the requirement far mortpge .___�_,._
<br /> insurance ends in accordaace�vit4�any written agrcement between Borrower and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 'l, 9. [tispection. Lecsder ar its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall give ' � •
<br />�.' Sotruwer noticc at tt�titne of os prinr to an in.s�ection s�ecifying reasonable rause for the inspettion. �..�_.;:�-�
<br /> 10. Cattd�mt»tion. The procee�s of any award or claim for damages. direct or mnsequential. im m�nection�vith any ��_
<br /> candemnation or other talcing of any Part of the Pruperty.or for conveyance in lieu of rnndemnation, are hereby assigned and ��;_
<br /> �--~_
<br /> � sltali be pa'sd to Lender. HF�
<br /> In thc e�eat of a tota!taking of the Property.the procceds shafl ise applied to the swns suured by this Security Insuvment. ���,.
<br /> whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair =_-�
<br /> market value of the Properry immediazely bzfore the taking is equal to or gceater than the amount of the sums secured by this _
<br /> Security Insirument imtrsediately before the taking,unless Borrower at►d Ixnder othenuise agree in writin8.the sums secured by �___-
<br /> this Security Insnum�nt �hap be reduced by the amount af the praceeds muttiplied by the following fraction: (a)the tatal { ___
<br /> amoant of the syms secured immediatety before the taking,divided by (b) the fair macket value of the Property imcnediatetY `_ -
<br /> before the taking. A�y balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of tI:•e Properry in wfuch the fair �_�
<br /> market valu�of the Property immediately bcfore the taking is less than the amount of the sums sesured immediately 6efore the ��-.'_
<br /> ..��—
<br /> taScing.unless Borrower ar�l.endu otherwise agree in writing or unless applirable law otherwise provides. the proceeds �. -,.,;T,r--
<br /> be applie�to the sums secured by this Se�tr�tY Insuument whether or rtot the sums are then due. _
<br /> ' ' I{the property is abandoned by Borrawer.ar if,after noticx by Le�tder to Borrower that the wndemnor offers to make an �•��:='.
<br /> a�ward or�tUe a claim far damflges. Borrower fails to respoad to Lender within 30 days after the date the norice is given. —
<br /> � I.ender is a�thorized to callect and agpty the proceeds,at its aption,either w restoration or ree�sai,:of the Property or to the sums �'__ ":�:°_
<br /> secured by this Security Insuumenc.e{it�hes or not then due. _
<br /> Untess Lender and 8orraveer e:herwise agree in writing, any application of ptoceeds co principal shall rtot extend ar
<br /> postpone the due da3e af the mn�th[y payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the autount of�a payments.
<br /> 11.Borrower Noi�.�_�'�tw.-�earance By Lender Not m Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modi.HcaUion
<br /> �, 1: of amorti�ation of the sums secure�n3-r3is Security Instrument gram:�d by Lender to any s�ssor in interest of Boira�v�e�iiall
<br /> noi opeiate to releas$the IiebiIity of+a�uriginal Borrower or B�c�er's sucoessors ia'i�s�t Lender shall not be ceqcux+s�to _ _
<br /> commence proceedings r�;ns�any:�'��ssor in iutecnst or refusY w extend tia�e C�r payme�t or otherwise madify amortitauon ..._,
<br /> � �TT;��,.-.,
<br /> ' of the sums sec�re�by t�-5s Se�cufiiy Instrumert �5 �son of any demand e�de by the origina! Borrivaer or Boaower s
<br /> successprs in interest.�..�.�+forbeazance by Lender i�exercising any right or iemedy sliaU not be a waive:��f or preclude the
<br /> exen�is�nE�y right os remedy. . --_---
<br /> ;, 1�.,��tssoas su�Asstgas Fi���d;Joint aad 3everaE L,i�billtyt �ignees. Th�cravenants and agraemeat�cc tius `---
<br /> - Sacurity lnswmenII s�aii bind an3 benef t the successors and s�+si�ns of Lender and Sor_u�aer. subject to the pmvi.�.�as of -
<br /> ;�� psragiaph 17. Borro�s covenants and a�reements shall be joint and se�w'al. My �orrower aho co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but does nat execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security tnsuvment only to mortgage,grant end convey that
<br /> : BorrowePs interest in the Property��fier the terms of this Securir.y Instrumeat;(b)is not petsonally obligated to pay fbr:sum9 -�- -
<br /> ' �i secured isy this Seruriry Instrumen�:�3(c)a�rees that L.ender arn�3ny other BorroNer may e�;ree to extend.modify.f�uL�r or
<br /> make afiy a..coipmod�tions with regar+d to the terms of this Security Instr�ment or the Note without that Borrower's cor��u. ___
<br /> �.; 13.Loan Chs��If the loan se.cured by this Security Instniment is subject to a law which sets rna�cimum loan ci�arges, -
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges oollected or to be coUected in connection with the �_
<br /> �� loan exceed the pea�mitted Ilmiu,then:(a)any such loan charg��ai1 be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce tt�,�u�at8e �:
<br /> to the parmitted limit;and(bi any sums already collected frarrn 13ti�rower whicfi eaceedcd�.-mitted limits will be r�t"�r�u..^ed to __
<br /> Bnrrower. Ixnder may choose to make tt�is re5;,rn�by reQuci�g the principal owe� aw,�a the Note or by making ��imci
<br /> paymenq to Borrower. If a refund reduces pr.ma�:�l, the reduction will �re �rcated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> ;: pregsyment charge under the Note.
<br /> � . 14.Notlo�v.My nodoe to Borrower provided for in this Security I�stra�r�ss shall I�e�iven by delivering it or by mailang =_.
<br /> it by first class mail unless applic��i:�aw requims use of anothea methad.'f'�.�e;.otice�!};ilJ:(r.e direded to the Properry l�ddress
<br /> or any other addness B�rrower d�r�tes bY nnr�ce to Leadr�. :�ny notis��rs� ixcalrr �rJ:f. be given by fi�st cla�:r�.ail to T .
<br /> ?` t`: Ixnder's address slz�3!l;,:rein or ar►y other addr�;_$�nder d�es�rates by n�;�mv:fo Borrower. Any notice Qrovided fur in ihls
<br /> i:...�.� -
<br />..�;:'.,.� Secarity Instrument s�:Ii 6e deemod to have bee�.�.vr��to Borsower or Len���u�hen given as provided in rdnis paragaph.
<br /> ���; �; 15.Govea�ning L�w; SevernDilIty. This Secvrity Instr,ur.ent shall be govemed by federal law and•the l��� of the
<br /> ; , jurisdiction in whicb the Property is located. In the event thar au! provision or clause of this Secvrity Instrument ar�tS;�Note
<br /> �_t� �S��. � oontlicts with applicable law,such conflict sha11 not affect other provisions of this Secwity Instrument or the Note whirdc can be
<br /> ����; .�i given effect without U:e conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of rr,�s Security Instrunnent and th�Note are declared _
<br /> � �,�:�,
<br /> ."�?;:: to be severable. —
<br /> � �t'` lb.Borro�ver's�'e�y.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of it,e Note and of this Security li.r�trament. �P =�-
<br /> � '�}i Fosm 3Lt�fb 9190
<br /> �:.�i �-st�ea:.;t p i�i��°,
<br /> �, � ��_.
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