_: �i �- �;, �..� : . �{#y(4.�y. .; u� ._____
<br /> Y-M 1` ��fi����Y�7:G'T'�v1�1
<br /> ..� t.,�1. r� , . . • n'M�'�J . . , __ _ �R ��..��w�-�.�_.� ��+- �.��:^.a�...�-
<br /> � ��_Rl ��;�l f�L���y�. .
<br /> �� /
<br /> � � ,�����K.i n•Jf ;•�.��`.�' _ .
<br /> .. . �u . ' _a��-�-�.- --- - -
<br /> ' ;-��,ti��:a�� lniw�nc�pnmluma,p►ound ie►+is,and all otfwr chupes whetsoever IeWad upon or esseased,pleced or made ep�ln�t fhe Tn�at --—
<br /> :�E#'.�'if'�' prop�rly.Trwtor fuRlw►�yroas,upon wdfleo raqueat by BaneRcluy,fo promptty dellver ta Benallc/ary all recolpta lor the paymsnt of
<br /> tuoA charpo�. Tru�tor llk�wli��pre�a ro pay�II 1�xas,asasairn�r+fs and otMr chrrpei f�vbd upon a t�a+od,plac�d a r»ad�
<br /> ,��.;�� .�,"'; �pdrut,a m�a=w�d by,tNi OMd of Tiwt a t1N noadatbn lwr�ol. �_
<br /> ----.__�._— d, �pp�lo�tlpn M P�ynHnft.NI paymants rocalvod by 6w�Q11c1ary�u/a anY debt,pablllry a obllpadon owed ro Benel/clory by TiutAo►
<br /> --=���� ma ba pllod by Bona/Icl�ry to tlw paymonf ol th�Indebtadnes�a ro any auoh other dsbt Ilablllty a oWlp�►bn,!n any adsr a
<br /> _— . :�� : � manrt�r�applk�don whlch Bon�Nclary,ln!le absduta dlscndon,deems approp►late.Unlesa otherwlse alacted by B�nollciny,any
<br /> . , ��,, such paymant shuf be d�med�pplfad Nrsf to the peymenf o/any debf,IIaW!!ty a o6Apadon othpr than tha Noto. _ �
<br /> ���-�=.:; :+� 8. Char�e9;LJ�ns.Truab�wlll keop the Trusf Properry hea Irom eU l�ens end encumbrances whlch fn eny way m�y,M the/udgment ol �.�:: -
<br /> ::n,
<br /> �Ft�f�'�'� �� B cns N c lery,h a v e prlo►!y o w r,a I m p a l r t h a a e c u d ry o f,t h l t!�d o l T i u s t b u t T r u a t o r n o e d n o t d l p c h a�p e a n y such qen so lon p as
<br /> =�^�;.�,�.�-��r�� 0 Trusto�ahaH Agree,In wrltlng, to pey the obllgadon aecured by such Ilen in a manner eccepfeb/e to BeneNclary and ahallin good/Wlh r _
<br /> !'� contest sruch Ilan by app�opdat�lop a l proc�d lnys e l f o o d v e t o p r e v o n t t h p onfa cornenf ol t/w llan and the losa M any lntwost M a
<br /> �'��'�' pert of the Tiust Properly.
<br /> :._��:.:� ..�. _. .�� " i _
<br /> ��;�,,..�;:;:: 7. Hazard Insurance.7rustor shall keep the bulldings and otherlmprovements now exlsNng or hereafler erected on the Tiusl Property
<br /> �-.- �--��-
<br /> �•-•;;� �„ • lnsured b Insuranco carrlers saUs�actory to BeneNclary ayslnsf foss by Qre,hazerds lncluded/n the term"e�rtended coverege"end
<br /> �s`: �-"` . � such ofher hezards,casualdes end condnyencies as may be requlred by BeneNclery,in such amounts and fo►such perlads ea may ba
<br /> ,����,:;�,,,;�� •- - � requlred by BeneNclary. Tfw poflcy ol lnsurance shall be In lorm acceptable to BoneNciary,p�ovlde that Ihe same may not be �=T��
<br /> ;�'"�•�a�r���%^� . car+ce�►ed a modi�led without�Reen(1 b)deys prlor wrlften notice to BeneBclary,and ahell heve bss payable provlslons!n lavor ol end _.,x�,,-
<br /> �_..�:._._
<br /> . • ���.,., !n form acceptaWe fo Beneflc/ary.All premlums on lnaurence pollales shall be pald In the manner provided under paragreph 4 hereof - -
<br /> �,�, a,!1 not peld!n such manner, 6y Tiustor making peymenf at least fliteen(1B)days p►lor to fhe due dete,dlrectty to the Jnsurance
<br /> — •- carrler.BeneNclary shall heve fhe rlqht to hold the policles and renewals tdereof and Tiusto►shell piompdy lurnlsh to BeneNclary all -
<br /> ��,.,..,. _;�,: ienewal nodces and all pald premlum recelpts recelved by!t.In no event shell Bene�lclary or Tiustee 6e held responslble lor/eilure to ^ _
<br />_ " pay lnsurance premlums orlor any/oss or damage adsMg ouf ol a de/ect!n eny pollcy o►erising out ol eny/allure of any lnsurance _
<br /> - ....�p'r«v��,����" comparry to pay l�r any/oss or damage lnsured eyalnst or tor lallure by Tiusto�to eHect the Insurance reqWred hereunder.In the event _ __.
<br /> . . of foss,Trustor sAell glve prompt notke by meJl ro the lnsurance camfer and Beneliclary.Bene/Jclary mey make prool ol losa!I not !_°°__ _.
<br /> - , n'� - �. - made piompGy or/n proper loim by Truator.NI policles ot lnsurance end any and all relunds ol uneamed premlums are hereby o'u�--°°
<br />-:_:.���� , .. �=:_,?,_
<br /> �.y '. asslgned to BeneBclery as addltlonal securlty lor the payment of the lndebtedness.!n fhe event ol Benellclary's exerclse o/the power ��,-
<br /> �_��� �'`� =' ��'�x`- � n/sale contelned hereln,a ln the event of loreclosure,ell dght,tlde and Jnte►est ol Trusfor In and to any Insurance pollcy then in/orce -- •
<br /> •.�.;���k:,,:i; ......
<br /> shell pass ro the purchaser et fhe�rustee's sele or forecloaure sale.In case ol any loss,the Inau►ance proceeds may,et the opdon o/ .:;i,fi�,�_
<br /> " Bene/lclary,be applled by BeneNclary upon fhe Indebtedness,or any part thereo/,and/n such ader and amount as 8ene/lclary may ��`��-r
<br />-�-�•�� � determine;or seld Insurance proceeds,at the opdon ol Benepc/ary,mey elther be used!n replacing or restorinp the Tiust Property ��t,�,,:�
<br /> �' .. pardolly or rotally destroyed fo a condidon sads/actory to Beneflclary;or sald lnsurance proceeds,o�any portlon thereol,may be
<br /> �.��.
<br /> �,._..__..
<br />- � " released to Trustor.Unless BeneNclary end Trusror otherwlse agree Jn w�itlng,any such eppllcadon ol Insurance p�xeeds shsll not �.;:-.,
<br /> , � � ;�,„�;;� extend or postpone the due date ol the Note,or any lnstallmenfs celled lor thereln,or change the amount o/such lnstallments.ll the �_�
<br /> •��A , . �"'�..
<br /> • .:�.'s, • Tiust Property!s ecqulred by BeneNclary pursuant to the exerclse ol fhe power o/sale or other foreclosure,all dghf,Utle and/nterest ol ,,,.�;=:
<br /> :��..� �� • • ','a , 7iueta ln and to any/nsurance proceeds peyable as a resuR o/damage to Ihe Trust Property pdor to the sale or acqulsltlon shall pass ;
<br /> � to Benellclary and ahall be applled Brst fo fhe costs and expenses,lncludlnp attomey lees,lncunedln collecNnq such proceeds,then �n:-_�
<br /> -;.�° � .,1,,,-,, M ihe manner and in the order provlded hereln. .�'
<br /> :•,:`F, ,. 8. Preservadon and Ma/ntenance o/Tiust Prcperty.Trustor wlll keep the bulJdings and otherlmprovements now or heraalter erected on .���
<br /> - fhe Tiust Properry/n gootl repeir and condition end wil!not curnn�ii o�pem�t wasie,w!!t nat after tha da�lgn ar str�ctursl charecter �'-''
<br /> consdtuting any bullding now or hereslter erected on and consUtuting fhe Tiust Pioperry wll.houf the prlor wrltten consent o! ��..,:;:
<br /> ' . • ��.,,;.,' � BeneNclary,wl11 not do eny ect or thirtg whlch woufd unduly lmpalr or depreclate the value o/the Tiust PiopeHy and wlll not abandon �
<br />_ ��. the Tiust Properry. Trustor will not iemove eny llxtures consdlutlng fhe Tiust Property unless the same are lmmedletely replaced with �,;-_.
<br /> � dke p►operty subject to the Ilen and secudtylnterest ol thls Deed o�Trust and o/at least equal velue and utlllty.Trustor wlll comply wifh n.�. ::
<br /> � '. ,� all present and IuWre ordlnences,regulatlons and requlrements o!any governmental body whlch are appllcable to fhe Trust P�ope►ty � :_�,,
<br /> .�:• a n d t o I h e a c c u p a n c y a n d u s e th ereoL 1!fhls Deed ol Tiust Is on a unit In a condominlum or a planned unit developmenf,Tiustor shall .,,:s_---
<br /> � � „�� � pedorm all of Trustor's obl)gatlons under the declaratlons or covenan►s creatlng or governing the condominlum or Ihe planned unit -� ,
<br /> . development,the bylaws end regulations ol the condomfnium or planned unlf devefopment and the constltuent documents. —p. ,
<br /> � . 8. Inspecdon,Benellclary or IIS agenfs may,at a!/reasoneble tlmes,enter upon fhe Tiust Property lor the purpose ol Inspecdon.
<br /> „. .. Benellcla shell have no duty to make such fnspectlon and shall not be Nable to Trustor a fo any person In possesalon if!t makas or �`..
<br /> ry �,�_
<br /> � • � �. lalls to make eny such lnspecNon '°'�`-'"'
<br /> pFrx�s-�
<br /> _° , • " � 10. Protectlon o/Security.I/Tiustor lalls to perlorm any ol fhe covenents and egreemen►s contalned!n thls Deed ol Tiust,or li any actlon �._.��:_
<br />- •� • or proceeding fs commenced which does or may adversely aNect fhe T�ust Property or the lnterest of Trustor or Benellclary thereln a --
<br /> � ., the Hde of Trusror thereto,then BeneNclary,et!ls optlon,mey perlorm such convenants and agreements,meke such appearances, �F14-..
<br /> ' ' delend agelnst end Investlgefe such acUon or proceeding and take such other ecHon as Benellclery deems necessary ro profectlts ���_f�.-
<br /> , Interest lncluding, buf not Ilmlted to,dlsbursement of reasonable attomey lees and enfry upon fhe Trust Properry fo make iepelrs.My �..�._
<br /> �� . �ti:,::;.«-� amounts dlabursed hy Boneliclary pursuantro fhis paragraph i0,wifhlnterest fhereon,shell constifute Indebtedness ot Trusfor �:-,,;�
<br /> - a�-��• ° secured by fhis Deed ol Trust Unless Trusfor end Benelic�ary agree to other fe�ms ot payment,such amounts shall be payable upon �°---
<br /> �R:-,.
<br /> notice fiam Bene/lclary to Trusror requestJng payment thereo% and shall bear lnterest Irom the dale o/dlsbursement at the de/auR rete, �_
<br /> � �� !l any,aet forth!n fhe Note,or otherwlse at the hlghest rate permiftod by law.Nothing contalned in Ihls paragraph shall requ/re
<br /> � 8enel/clary to Incm any expense or take any action hereunder. Trostor Inevocably aufhorizes and ampowers Benefic/ary to enter upon �ti,;,_
<br /> �� ' ' the Trust Propery as Trustor's agent end,!n Tiustor's neme or othenvlse to peAorm any and all covenants end agreements to be -- -
<br /> perlormed by Trustor as hereln provided. Benellclery shall,at 1ts opt(on,be subrogated to any encumbiance,!len,claim or demand �_u,nti•
<br />" end to all dghts and secunties for the payment thereo/paid or discharged by Benelic(ary under fhe provisions hereo/and any such (°�:,�=:
<br /> , �,...;�i '� subrogatlon rlghts shall be addltional and cumulaUve secudry lor Ih(s Deed ol Trust.
<br /> ' 11. Condemnat(on.The proceeds o/sny ewerd or clalm/or damages,duect or consequentiel,in connection wifh any condemne6on or
<br /> ofher laking of the Trust Property,o►any pert thereol,or lor conveyance in 1(eu ol or In anticipahon of condemnatfon,a►e hereby
<br /> asslgned to end shall be paid to Beneliciary. Trustor wiN lile and p►osecute,(n good leith and wifh due dll�gence,its c/elm lor any such
<br /> ' ewa►d o►payment,and wIU ceuso the same to be callected and pald fo Benel(ciery,and,should it fail to do so,Trustor inevocably
<br /> � • authorites and empowers Beneliclary,!n the name ol Trustor or otherwise,to lile,prosecute,settle or compromise eny such claim and
<br /> ,�, to collect,recelpt/or and retaln the proceeds. ll fhe Trust Prope►ty�s abandoned by Trustor,or,alter notice by Beneliclary fo Truato►
<br /> � that the condemnor oHe�s to make an award or settle a clsim lor damages,Trustor fa�ls to respond to Beneliaary wlthin thl�ty(30)days
<br /> 4 elter the dete such notice is malled,Beneliclary!s authorized to colfect and eppiy fhe proceeds in the manner indicated herein. The �
<br /> •, � .. proceeds ot any eward orclaim may,alfer deduchng all reasonable costs and expenses,mcluding attorney lees.which may have �
<br /> been lncuned by Benel(claryln the colfec6on thereol,af fhe sole d�screbon o�Beneliclary,be released to Trustor,appl(ed to �
<br /> � ►esfo►aUon ol Tiust Properry,or appl�ed to the payment af th�/ndebtedness.Unless Benehciary and Trustor otherwise agree m wntmg, �
<br /> eny such appl(ce[fon o/proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due dete of the Note or the payment of any �
<br /> � lnstallments aalled fo►thereunder.
<br /> 12. Trusbr Not Released.Exter�sion of the fime/or paymenf or modil�cahon of any arnoAizatron of the Indebtedness granted by Beneficiary
<br /> ._ . � ._ __.._. _______._._._�....�r.....�.....ti..o....�....e.e�e�n.nln ocn in nnu mannnr lM I(AhiliN AI TIIIRMI AtlA TIIIS�O!S SIICCBSSO/5 Ifl �
<br /> _ _. - --- � w nnr����e��vr.��.���Q.00�..� ...................,.,...,......._..,._.____,..._.,..._...__...
<br /> (nterest.BeneNclary shall nof be required fo commence proceedmgs against such successor or reluse fo extend hme lo►payment a �
<br /> � othenv�se modily amortizatlon of the Indebfedness by reason of any demand made by Trustor and Trustor's successors
<br /> ' • in(nte►esf. �
<br /> . . 13. Ffnancial lnlamation.Upon request ol 8one6c�ary, Trustor wd►provide to Benel�ciary.w�th�n ninery(90)days o!the close ol each Irscal ;
<br /> ' " yea►ol Tiustor,the consolida�ed bafance sheet and stetement of eamings ol Tiusfo►and any and all guaranfors ol the Indebtedness
<br /> Secured hereby,il any,and wdf prowde and deliver to Heneliciary such o�her fmandal inlormanon and m such manner es Benefic�ary
<br /> � � may reasonaby request frorn time to hme. '
<br /> � 1�. F(nanclel Covenants.In addltfon to eny other linancral covenanls ol Trusto►made in eny ofher agreement,mshument or document.
<br /> � � Trustor shall comply wifh and shalf cause any and all guarantors of the Indebtedness secured heieby to comply wrth,or be�n
<br /> . compliance wdh. the fdlowinp hnanclal covenants•(Th�s pareyreph shall not appfy�f covenants and�eqwrements are not sef
<br /> loAh here�n.)
<br /> 15. Schedufe o/Leases.Within ten�f0)dt+ys aRer demand.Trustor shall lurnish to Benel�c�ery a schedule,ce►hl�ed to by irustor,sett+ng
<br /> � forth ell leases o/the Trusf Property,o►eny porhon thereo/,�ncluding in each case,fhe�ame o�the tenants a oCCUpants.a descn phon
<br /> ol fhe space ocCUp�ed by such tenant a occupanf,fhe rental payebfe fo►such space. and such other mlo�maGOn and documents w�fh ;
<br /> �y
<br /> respect fo suCh loases and tenenc�os es Benehc�ary may reasonably request
<br />