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<br /> �=a..
<br /> �.�'''^�k.�.
<br /> } o. __
<br /> Deed of Trust �=y�R--�
<br /> ° `'��-`� . 92— soss�� _-
<br /> �:��.v:i'�y.r.-�, �.5. .' _
<br /> -, » ,x!'.•�.,.'a:o•.T°•f.,.., s�`_,_
<br /> '�.....,:>:.. .�,.�.: ��..r-
<br /> �-�, �=�.� �, � -
<br /> � � � ��: - 2g Juae 16 AiE�bY And betwoen �
<br /> �� TH IS Q€Eg OF�J����Is�rr1dadth�sy a . $��inaa. ue an
<br /> :..., �, [tUiia . a n �Yhetlwr�r1 e�r mon�(herolnalta►oalkd Nw"TNlbf'�I,
<br /> ° whw�mdllnp addr�sbla�!'��� aaka 68BOi .
<br /> �� ' ' -'"?�"'�`:, . e ras at oua 000c at on h relndter c led 1he"Tiust ), hosa m�lUnp addrosa!s
<br /> :., �...�., , e�g��sr,��v� Ne r�s�a Nat�onal Aesoc�at�on ,(herelnalter -
<br /> ,� . r , ran o an , end AWEST BANK Nebrae�A 68801 �
<br /> „ - -----,� . - •—
<br /> - . , , , ' � 9 4atl- ^;,-' (irand Teland. c
<br /> ��Y�sti�r•i+�'� C�I�/d pN�BfMflG�AI��j.W/lOd6 RJ�I111��d/1!�I/ — •
<br /> _� ° ' -.. .� —
<br /> ^" WITNESSETH:
<br /> ;_-�� � • � - DFSCRI9ED NEREINBELOW. � � _
<br /> WHEREAS,Tiustor la lndebted to BeneBclary!n the pdnQlpal sum o/ ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THUUSAND AND NO/100 -----__
<br /> � . . ppp��s�20_A00.00 ),Whlch lndebtedness!s evldenced b Tiustor's ror�!asorYrto te d �e ��I��
<br /> `��^ � . .
<br /> a�llad tho"Nota'),payable to the ader ol 8enepclay and havin�e maturity ol Sept�mber ���-�— •
<br />�;:y " ' - ' " ' ; � NOW,THEREFOAE,lor the purpose of secudnD: ----
<br /> �._:, � ; � (a) payment ol dw Note,toyether wlth Interest therean,laro chwpes,Prepaymont peneltles.any lufwo advancas,and all arten�lona, _
<br /> -:��, ,, modlNo�dona.aubsHtutlo+w and renewals thereol� �'._
<br /> . . - . ,, (b) peyment ol�ll oMer sums,lees or cha►pes.M9ether wlth Interest the�eon,advarced ro protect the ievuiNy o/thJi Deed ol Tiu�t and `
<br /> - ., the perlo�msnce o/the covenants and agreements ol7nistor,whefhe►o►rat sot lorlh hereln, �'__
<br /> `�'''L (c) perlormance,dlscharge ol end compllance wltli every term,covenant,o61/gedon and e�reement of Tiu�tor contdnad iw�eln a
<br /> �a.,.�::• .. �``'__---
<br /> lnco►paated by relerence or eny other secudry Insdument at enyflme glven to secare the Noro,and ____
<br /> � (d) the repayment of all oMer sums a futu►e advances,with lnrereat thoroon,whlch may hererolore hevo bean a harealtar bo odvancoal _ -
<br /> . ; . `:_,--
<br /> ..
<br /> by BenaNclsry fo TiusMr or Troato►'s successo►In lnterest or tlde, -,-A-�
<br /> All o/whlch ls he►elnaRei Collecdvety celled tlw"Mdebtedness",Tiustalnovocably prants and danafere lo Tivaroe,Jn dus�WITH POWER �;�--
<br /> „ OF SALE,tha folbwlny dosc►Ibed proPerty: o_--.s
<br /> .. " � ' �a• � The Easterly Sixty (60) Feet of Lot One (1), Block Three (3). ��
<br /> • Spaulding and Gregg'e Addition to thQ City of Graad Island, --
<br /> Hall County� Nebraeka
<br /> . ' together w!M(!)ell bulfdlnys,sbuctu►es,addldons,enlaryer►rents,modlflcadons,repelrs,replacements,entl/mprovemants now a iw�aitw
<br /> ' � /acated fhereon,(!!)ell equlpment,machlnery and Nxtures(Jncluding,wJlhout Umlfedon,all pghdnq,headng,vendladng,coalfig,alr ��,_,�_
<br /> �.. -�•• � condldoning,spdnkling and plumbinp Nxfures,water and power systems,englnes, bollers,ranges,ovens,dlshwashers,mlmo�s end manfels, ��
<br /> � d danalormera,elecMca!
<br /> carpednp,/umaces,oll bumera,elevatora and motors,�efiigeraHon plents or units,communlcadon syatems, ynamos, t r L
<br /> �, „ equlpment,srorm and screen wUdows,doors,awnings and shades)now or hereefter etteched to,a bulft ln,any buildlnq or lmprovement
<br /> now or hereafter Ixated thereon,(!II)all easements and rlghts ol way eppuRenant fherato,(!v),ell leasehold estate,rlyht,dtle and/nle►est o/ �;�'�=`-
<br /> +r"4YW'..
<br /> • Tiusta In and to all feases,whether now or hereafter exlatlng a entered lnto(Including,w ltho u t l lm l ta tlon,a l l cas h a n d s e cu►iy deposlls,
<br /> advance rentals end deposlts a payments of a s!mller nature),peRalnln�therero,(v)alf rents,Issues,proBts endlncome there/ian(su6Ject ��t�;.-�.
<br /> to the dpht o/Tiusta ro cdlect and appty such rents,lssues,prollts and lncome as they become duo and payeble so fong es no event of q-,�:;s-•-;:
<br /> delault nxlsfa hereunder),(W)all royaldes,mineral,o/l and gas dghts end pioNts,water,water rlghts,and water stock,(vll)all tenement�, ���•'���
<br /> heredltaments,pdvlleges and eppurtenences belonging,used or enjoyed in connectlon therewlth,and(vll!)ell proceeds ol converslon, �-..�_
<br /> vdunfery or lnvdunfery,o!eny ol the toregdng lnto cash or Ilquldated clelms pncluding,wlfhouNlmltaGon,procoods ollnsu►ance artd - ��---
<br /> . condemneNon ewards),alf o/whlch!s herelnalter collecUvely called the"Tiust Properfy". - __---
<br /> ��� ° 1. Tltle.Tiustor covenents,wenents end agrees wllh Benellcfary,lts successors and asslgns,that Tiustor owns the Tiust Piope►ry fiee tt ;� -
<br /> Irom any pdor Ilen or encumbrence,that thls Deed ol Tiusf Is and will remaln a velid end enforceable flrst llen on the Trust Property, ��
<br /> that Tiusfa,et lfs expenae,wll!preserve such tlfle and wlll ma/ntaln thls Deed ol Tiust as a/Irsf and peremount Ilen upon Me Tiust J
<br /> � " prppeAy end wlll laeve►wanant end delend the valldfry and prlod y ol the lien hereof against fhe clefms of all porsons end peRlas
<br /> whansoever.Tiusfa,atlfs expense,wlll cause fhls Oeed ol Tiust and each amendment or supplement hereto,to be flled end
<br /> �ecorded es a mortpage o/the Tiust Property M such manner and/n such place and wlll lake such acdon as!n the opin/on ol Trustee �.;_--_
<br /> � � may be requlred by any present or/ufure!aw In ader b perfect,malnteln end protect the llen ol thls Oeed o!Tiust,es the same may � -
<br /> �� be amended or supplemented Irom llme to tlme.Trustor wlll make such lurthe►assurence or assurances fo pe�fect Its Hde ro the Tiust � °�'w��•
<br /> � " Prope►ry as may be requfrQd by BenelJclary.Tru9toi hereby iallnqWshes al!rlght ol dowe►and homesteadln and fo Me Tiust Pioperiy. -
<br /> 2. Payment of Indebtedndss. Trusta shall punctualty pey fhe pdnclpel o!and lnterest on the Indebtedoess secured hereby. ••
<br /> � 3. Consbuctlon o!Improvements.Tiustor she/!com�lete In good end wakmanuke manner any bulfdings,Improvemenls a repelrs►eladng
<br /> tAereto whlch may be bequn on the Tiust Prope►ry or contemplated by fhe loen evldenced by the Note secured he�eby,to pay whan
<br /> due all costs and Ilabllldes lncurred therelore,and nof to permlf eny conshuctlon Ilen egalnst such Trust PropeRy./n the event �
<br /> ca�shucdon ol bulldJngs,lmprovements or repalrs ere contemplated, Tiustor also agrees,anything!n th(s Oeed ol Tiust to the conhary
<br /> �� nolwlti►sfandlnp;(a)to prompNy commence any such worlc and to complete the proposed►mprovemenfs promptly,(b)to complete the k
<br /> ; seme!n eccordence wph the plens and speclflcetlons as approved by Beneliclery,(c)to comply wlth all the te�ms ol e bullding/oan .
<br /> � agreement,!I any,between Tiusbr end Benellclary,the terms o!whlch are incorporated hereln by re►e►ence and made a part hereol, E
<br /> (d)to allow Bene/lclary to inspecf tho Trust Property at all hmes during construction,end(e)to replace eny work a matedals
<br /> unseNs/acfory to Henellclery wlthln/1Neen(1b)days alter wnften notice Irom Beneliclary o►such/ect.
<br /> � 1. Funds lor Payment ol Charges. Sub/ect to applicable law or to a wrltten wafver by BeneNciary,Trustor shal/pay to Benelialary on the
<br /> Nrst day o!each month,or such ofher dete each monfh as may be spec�lied by Benelic(ary,until the indebtedness ls pald in lull,a sum ;
<br /> (herelnaRe►called fhe"Funds")equal to 1i12fh o!the yearly laxes and assessmenis which may attam pr(onty over this Deed of Trust ,
<br /> and ground renfs on the Trust Properry,if eny,plus 1 i 12th n/the yearly premlum installments!or hazar�Y insurance,plus f i 12th ol the
<br /> yeady p►em(um/nstellments!or mortgage Insurance.il eny,all as reasoneb/y estimated lnitfel/y and Irom time to time by Beneficiary on
<br /> fhe bas/s o/essessments and bills and reasonable eshmates thereof. The Funds shell be he/d in an instlfutron,the deposrts o�
<br /> ' .,...,.�,..►e��Ww.�h o.a rne�..orf nr auaranreed bv a lederal or state a9enCy including Beneflcrary. Benolrc�ary shell appfy the Funds to
<br /> � , pay seld texes,assessmertts,lnsurance premuims and ground�ents.Benelrciary sha//not be required to pay Trusto�any�nreresr or -
<br /> eamings on the Funds.Beneliciery shafl g�ve to Trustor,wdhout charge,an ennual accounhng o/the Punds showing credi►s and
<br /> debRs to fhe Funds and the purpose for which each debit fo the funds was made. The Funds are pledged as add�honal securiry for
<br /> the Indebledness secured by thls Deed ol Trusf.lf the amounf o/fhe Funds held by Beneficlary,together wdh the luture monthly
<br /> • /nstallments ol Funds payable pnor to the due dates of tares.assessments, �nsurance premiums and ground rents,shall exceed the
<br /> emount requlred to pay seld faxes,essessments,rnsurance premiums and ground rents as they lail due,such excess shell be,et
<br /> Tiustor's opUon,effher prompNy repald to Trustor o�cred�ted to Trustor aga+nst future monfh/y mstellments ol Funds.If the emount ol
<br /> the Funds held by Benehc/ary shall not be suNiaent to pay texes.assessmenfs,insurence prem�ums end ground renfs as fhey lall due.
<br /> lrustor shell pey to Beneficlary any amount necessary to make up the dehciency w�fhln thury days from the date nohce�s ma�led by
<br /> •� Benefic(ary to Trustor requesting peyment thereof. Upon payment m lull of all lndebtedness,Benehaary shall promptly refund to
<br /> � - Trusta any Funds held by Benefiaery.ll the Trust Property is sold unde►fhe powe►of safe or th9 Trust Property�s otherw�se acquued
<br /> �• by Benedaary,Benef�c(ery shall apply,immed�ete/y pnor►o the sale of the Trust Prope►fy or ds acqu�srt�on by Beneliciary.any Funds
<br /> �� held by Benellcfery et the time olappl�CeNon es a credd egainst the Indebtedness.1!Benelrc�ary executes a►+•ntten w�rver ol Trustor's
<br /> oW�ga6ons under fh�s pa►agraph 4, Trustor covenanfs and eg►ees to pay,belo►e the same become dehnquent,all taxes.�ssessmants.
<br /> ����ervm i�..��u��w�• �
<br /> , r, _ . . .._ .
<br />