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_ — _.="'?n' " ' , _�4 pqn°i� .,. � �-�., <br /> '. .'��t,,,�s : a:yty, . �,,,� ..� <br />_� ' . ...�'1 r•�1✓l.� •Y-'/'lL_�.��—�-. . <br /> —, ., ' . . .�3� - _ _. . <br /> . � '___ _ __._ <br /> - I <br /> _ ,. 1 <br /> �:�a'��M .._u.� .�.. <br /> ----_--- r 92 105589 <br /> ----__= TqCiET1�1�R WITH all�he improvcmenia now or hereofcer erecicd nn Ihc'pruperty.und all caxcnxnt�+.�ppuhcnunccA, <br /> and 8xtures now or hercaftcr a pan of the pte►penY• All rcplACCmcnlr And addi�iunx e�holl�Iso bc cuvcrcd by�his 3ecu�{ty — <br /> ° lmtrument. All of thc for+cgoing ix rcfcrred to in�his�Senurf�y In��nimen�a.r the"PiropertY." <br /> —�� BORROWER COVENANT5 thut Borrowcr iK luwfully xcl►ed of Ihe eatute hcrcby cunvcyed und hex thc right�o grant <br /> ��'`-'�' nnd convey the Rnperly and Ihat Ihe Properiy ix unencumt+ered,except far encuml+runce9 of recotd. B�xmwer warrwnts and ___ <br /> �� ---- will defend generally the�itle�o the Propeny Aguinat pli cluim�und demandK.cubject lu any encumbruncea af record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT c��mbines uniiorm covenanta fi�r nAlianul u+s� und nan•uniiorm covenw�l� wilh <br />-�! �.�_ - � �__ -- <br /> limited varfa�ona by ju�itidictian to cans�itute a uniform security inrtrunx:nt covcrin�rwl property. <br /> "''"� UNtFORM COVENANTS. BaROwer and L.ender covensmt and ugrec as fallaws: <br />�=�A"� 1. Paymenl ot Principtd and Inleresit P�epayment pnd Lpte Chwrge9. BoROwcr shall promptly puy when dua the _ _ <br /> —��...—��.''�• principal of and fnterest on the debt evidenced by the Nate and eny prepaymcnt and Iptc charges due undcr the Nae. <br /> "`'"°°'�'3'"�""°�� 2. Fund�tor 7yuces w�d�nsu�ence. Subject to applicable Inw ar to a wdtten wuiver by Lender.Borrower shall puy to <br /> ��`����u Lender on the dey monthly puyments urc due under the Notc,until the Nale is poid in full,u aum l"�unds"►for:(u)yeurly <br /> ��`�'`• �. ttuces and assessmcnta which mny attain pciorit over this Secudty lnstrumenl as n lien on�he Praperty:lb)y��Y��hold <br /> ---�•u•�w++:%.i�i_''' � eurl haziud or ro rt insurunce premiums: (d) yearly flaod _ <br /> ymeNa or ground renlx an thc PropenY. i w►Y� ��> Y Y p � y sums a able b Borrower to — <br /> 1�,r�:�+'�►?-••"`-u��:;-." � earl mon a e insumnce remiums, if any: und (� any P Y Y <br /> �, :.::�R;��j. � naumnce premiums, if any:(e) Y Y B B P �"'""' <br /> `��='�r'�" l.ender,in accordnnce with the provisions of paragrAph lieu of the yment of mortguge insurnnce premiums. These <br /> ,�....:,•.,.k, <br /> �'�'i"�"*'u`d�'���� items are called"Escrow Items:' Lender any time,collect nnd ho d Funds in An amount not to exceed the maaimum __ <br /> ��.�---�-� �-- <br /> •°���r�'�,� �� amount a lender for a federally relnted mangage loun muy require for Borrowerk escrow account under the federnl Reai <br /> 7?���"lr Bsu►te ctstlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 e�ceq.("RESPA"),unless another �::,,.- <br /> :�'�:.,-�.�,. ��:ri� <br /> - - law ti�•�t uppliea to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so.l.ender may,at any time.coilect and hold Fund.c in an wnount not to __ <br /> � y�=��:"!�¢���:='�' exceeu th� lesser mount. Lender may eatin�ate thc umount of Punds due on �he busis of current data ond reasonable �j <br /> --=���'"'r'�'•'4 ..:.` estimutes af expenditures of iuture F.�cmw Itema or otherwise in nccordAnce with upplicable law. __ <br /> c <br /> m "'�'�"=`'��'°' `'" �" The Funds shall bc held in an institution whose depoails are insured by a fedeml agency. instrumentality,or cnnry �_=`- <br /> . h'.�iJ..;..�:.;�,... <br /> -- " '""'''�'`"��''`+• . (including Lender,if Lender is such an instiwtion)or in any Feder�l Home Lonn Bnnk. l.ender shall apply the Fun c to pay =__ <br /> � " � ''� "�'�'"�'"•�'' the Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds. annually analyzing the escrow <br /> � `: 't�r�� •,,;;''.' account, or verifying the Escrow ltems, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds sind applicable luw permits �„N <br /> ��J ..r �•^,� <br /> —�"':�r;:.,�!r•;:. ` " l.ender to make such a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pny u one-time churge for un independent real <br /> �.`.:- " � eslate�ax rep�rting service used by Lender in connection with this loun,unless applicable law providcs otherwise. Unless an �- <br /> � 4 r, L.cnder shull not be required to pay Borrower any interest or ___ <br /> � :`�•a� -� ngreement is made or upplicable lew requires intcrest to be paid, __ <br /> _.�': " � earnings on the ELnds. Borrower and l.ender may agree in wridng,however,that interest shnll bc puid on the Funds. Lender �N. <br /> _ ' „�.'..•-�` shull give to Borrower.without chnrge,an annual accounting of the FLnds,showing credits and debita to ths Funds and the �___ <br /> —' v . •��t`�L purpose for which euch debit to 1he Funds was made. The Funds ore pledged as additional security for all sums Recured by �. <br /> °�'•�""'°'��-'.'� Ihia Securily Inswment. --- <br /> '4�"�'� � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permiued �u bc iieid by applicable law, Lender shell Hrcount to _ <br /> _ ��,�,�__;?�� �';. Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance wilh the requirements uf upplicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by <br />_ '':�.. �::'r:., <br /> � � , .. .,,,; Lendcr at eny time ia not sufficient to pay thR Escrow Items when due,l.ender may so notify Borrower in writinE.and,in � <br />,��� ., �� . , such case Borrower ahall pny to L.ender the amount neces�ury to mwke up the dePiciency. Borrower shull make up ihe =__ <br />�— ,�� deficiency in no more thun twelve monthly payments.ut Lender is solc discretion. --- <br /> � ��� Upon payment in PoII of ull sums securcd by this Security lostrument,Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower nny <br />-l;�r'�r�-%���'•=:�a�.;= 4 Funds held by Lender. If, undec paragraph 21. Lender shall ucquire or sell 1he Propeny,Lender.prior to the acquisition or �.V. <br /> - -' 'y""kM�`°�+�~' sAle of the Property.shall upply uny Funda held by LenJer at the time af ucquisition or sale os a credi� ngainst the sums _ <br /> �—: """''', ..' ,, aecured by this Securiry InsUument. • •,°_` <br />:�"� �';'�`�="��+��` . 3. Applicatbn of 1'aymenta. Unless applicublc luw provides othenvisc, ull puyments received by l.ender under � - <br /> - parngraphs I and 2 shall be upplied:fi�st,to any prepuyment chnrges due under the Note;second,to amounts puynble under <br /> - - paragrnph 2;third,to intcrcst due;founh,to principal due;und lust,to nny late chnrgeti due under the Note. <br />_����• 4. Charges; Liens. BoROwcr shnll pAy all taxes, nssessments, charges, �nes and imposit�ons attributable to�he _ <br />-.;�� ..��"� ; Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrumcnt.und leaschold pnyments or ground rents,if uny. Borrov►•er a.;�., <br />•��:� , shall pay thesc obligations in the monner provided in parugraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrowcr shall pny them on �.:_ <br /> ���`� � • time direcdy to thc person owed puyment. Borrowcr shall prompNy furnish to Lendcr all notices of amaun�s�o be puid undcr �: <br /> --����:.� this paragrnph. If Borrower makes thexe puyments direc�ly,Borrower xhall prampdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing _ .. <br /> -,._" . � . �he payments. ��� <br /> Y�.1�. <br /> --- Borrower shall promptly dischurge uny lien which has prioriry over this Security Inswment unless Borcowcr:(a)agrees 4... <br /> � in writfng to the paymcnt of the oblig�tion secured by thc lien in u munner ucceptuble to Lender;(b)contesls in good fuith the �._- <br />:� ' licn by,or defcnds against enforcement of the lien in,Icgul procceding�which in the l.endcr's opinion operatc to prevent the �,:� <br />'�� � enfbrcement of thc licn;or(c)secures from the holder nP�he lien un ugrecment sutisfnctary to Lender subordinnting the lien � <br /> -- -�►f+'�•°'� to this Secu�ity Instrument, If Lender determines that uny part of the Propeny is subject to u lien which mny attain priority =._ <br />-"' • " over this Securiry Instrument.Lender may give Borrowcr a notire iden�ifying the lien. Borrower shall satisiy the lien or tuke ---_ <br />;:�� ' ; one or more of the actians set forlh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �. <br /> � •• , ' S. Hazwrd or Property Insarance. Borrowcr�hull keep the improvements now exis�ing or herenfler erected on the — <br /> property insured ugainst loss by Cire,hn�ardz included within thc tcrm"cztended coveruge"and any olher huzards,including <br /> �� .. .. ".�. _ , tloods or flaoding. for which Le�xler reyuire� insur;u�cc. This in.urancc +hull tx: muimained in the amounts and for the <br /> t . <br /> �, .. Fotm J02M 919Y (�bke 2 nj6 puRts) � <br /> l '�• o�l 4 '�s` <br /> .. ... -^_.---� - -- . - - _ ••r�,n,.u.:_,i..:�.:. . _. � . . ....... .. _.......�t.:_..... <br /> .. . t. . <br /> , . ...��., . <br /> ' <br /> �.. , <br /> . ' � <br /> . � <br /> �1 . _ . � .__ ___- _. _ _ _._ <br />