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<br /> _ _ �� THIS DBBU OF TRUST("Security Instrument")is made on June 22� 1992 —
<br /> -�.=��-„°�.��� The trustor is Thomas J. Timmerman and Lavonne K. Timnermen� each in his end her own right�
<br /> ,,,-_�.-.�:• �-
<br /> =�-=`����{� end as apausa of each other :r,�-
<br /> - _=;q„L-�:y.�,. ("Banower"). Thetrusteeis �
<br /> :��';d;:i�;�.'�,,,.��;���; Eerl 0. Ahlschwede� Attorney �-
<br /> . .,� (••'Itustee"). The beneFicitvy ia �,�
<br /> • .�t,,�:;'•'��,,�; -:
<br /> .; '���.�Y=:_,,�._.: �e Equiteble Building and Loen AseocietionpfGrend Islend� Nebraska� A Federal Savings Benk.
<br /> _.;..#��,�. ,.� „ which is drganized and existing under the laws of the Stete of Nebraaka .�Whasc addresa is �:,
<br /> ?�'��� 113-115 North Locuat Street� Grand Ielend, Nebreska 68801
<br /> ,;,..� t'' �oq„-. . . � �,.
<br /> :,��:•� . ('Lendcr"1. Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of __
<br /> �� �'`�� �°�ars�U'S'T�4Qn00�p�p no/100 --�':�is debt is evidenced by Borrower c�ote dated the same date as this Security --'
<br /> '�4•..�•.'�� ' lnsqument ("Note'S,w6ich-provides for monthly payments, with �he full debt, if nat puid earlier,due and payable on —_
<br /> � tl�'ti�°°�4ts.�•. . July 1� 2007 . This Securiry Instrument secures to L.ender: (a) Ihe repayment of the debt
<br /> ��-""�X° evi�enced by s!!e Nae,�rith fnterest,and a!!senewsls,exsensions nnd m�iticntionc of�he Nae:Ibl the puymcnt of all other - _
<br /> - 1rY. �ti':�-:5__.�t�_"__"
<br /> . - � sums,with interest,advanced under paragrs�ph 7 to protect the recurity of this Security Instrument;aad Ic)the performance of
<br /> ' •• �•:,��� • Horrower's covennnts and agreemenis. Far Ibis purpose, Borcower irrevocebly grunte and canveyR to 7rustee.in trust.with
<br /> �'������+•� ^° puwer of sale,the following described property lacated in Hell `
<br /> . r f� , County,Nebrasku: `-_
<br />� �"�0� � A trect of l.end comprising a part of� the Eest Helf of the Northeast Quarter (E',feNNE'�.) of Sect.. �_,
<br /> r,,: .,,,t.,_ 1:.
<br /> ^.,�����.�,� Twenty Four (24) � Township Twelve (12) North, Renge Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. in Hell �-�;-
<br /> .�� .• r,. ,, _ , County� Nebreska� more particularly described as follaws: Beginning at e point on the East
<br /> a� ;-' -� •' ��:`�, line of seid Section Twenty Four (24)� said point being Four Hundred Ni�ety Eight end Six
<br /> � . �' " Hundredths (490.06) Feet North of the Southeast corner of seid Northesst Quarter (NE'�);
<br /> � thence Northorly along the Eest line of seid SectiBn Twenty Four (24) on en essumed bearing of �
<br /> Oue North� e distance of 1,101.61 feet; thence S69 11'06"W, e distence of 149.92 Feet; thence �A
<br /> - � � � S18°09'35"E. e distence of 143.96 Feet; thence S3$°36'23"W� e distence of 220.52 '�eet; thence
<br /> �•��-• �,� S67�04'55"W� e distence of 111.6 Feet; thence S76 40'51"W, a distance of 86.53 Feet; thence �:.�
<br /> ;;,;�;;,',�. ..,.,, S63°14'01"W� a distence of 150.0 Feet; thenca Due South, e distence of 654.9 Feet; tiience °"
<br /> , ,,.� N89°27'O6"E� e distence of 556.48 Feet ta the plece of beginning� �"=�
<br /> -._:1�ut��� 4:'�...5_ ' _._
<br /> .s4r*�i.'.,fy.%.'"- ,
<br /> ,. �i 1 .
<br /> � � • � which has the addresx of 5688 North Webb Road� Grend Island ��
<br /> �S�mcq Iciiyl �
<br /> „ Nebruska 68803 1"Pmpeny AdJretiti'): - _
<br /> �z��c�a�I
<br /> �ry i�•
<br /> . �;� . . NEBINSICA-�Singlc Fumfly•-Fqnnle Mwe/Freddlc�fac VI\IFl1RS11Nti'1'RI�Mh:NT Fi�ro 31118 9�9D qutr/�)���w�¢r��
<br /> °• rtEN�9t5 1���1 Grcm latn tiur;oui+F�w�oe.Inc-�
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