• - �,� " _ . . - � . . . . � : .. , i 4 . ` c . . :.t� " . � _ _
<br /> •. •' .. `. ~ . , s s k .�_ .....L���'....�..�.������_..._"'_ _,._......_.. ......... .�. '�..�'"�'_'��tr��vy 'yt . . 'T —
<br /> ��a-_�av�u.� " _ ._...____..�r__ . � � L'..1�.% .
<br /> ' t�, TransPer o4 !ho Proga3rty� oor a Be�oflcial tn4eres! in �orravsrer. it a�i or any part ot me Praperty or -.�.�--" _
<br />� ; • any mierest in rt�s sold ar transferted (or if a beneficial ir�terest 1n Bonower is soid o�transtensd and Bortow�r�s not a natural � � �� . _
<br /> person) �rtthout Lenders pnor mitten eoasent Lender may.at ita option.require immediate payment in tuli ol aU sums secured by ' `�`-�,:' • ' "' " �
<br /> this Secunry Insvument. Ho�ve�+er,thts oR�on shail not be ex2�cised by lender H exereise is prahibited by federal Isvr as o} tAe ` �.• • �, ����
<br /> � date ot this 3eadry Instrumertt -
<br /> � i1 Eender exereses thts qpUor�. Lendsr sheU give Bortower noSice of acceleratioa. The noUce shall provide a period of not ' �
<br /> less tDan 30 days lrom the date 8�e noUee is delivered or mailed »cithln which 8orrower must pay all sums seuued by ihis , ': • : - -
<br /> � Security Instrument. It Borrower fails to pay these sums pdor to the ex�iratfon ot this penod tender may invoke any remedies ; � � �-`
<br /> pemutted by this Security Instrument w�thout furlher notice or demand on Borrower. e�� '�� • '
<br /> 4_
<br />' . 18. �o�otiver's RIgM to Reinsta48. It Borror�er meets certam con6itlons. BoROwer sha!I nave the ngnt to ha+re , - • ' � �`
<br /> entoreement ot this Securily InsWment discontinued at any t�me pnor ta the e2tlier of (a) 5 days (or such other penod as - . �-. � �� • "
<br /> - applicable lav� may speuty tor remstatement) before sate of the Property pursuant to any power of saie contaned N th�s Secunty ;-•-- -- --. -= �
<br /> instrument or (b) entry of a�u�gment enforaing th�s Security Insuument Those cond'fions are that 8orrower (a) pays Lender all : . • '^��_
<br /> , sums r�hich then wauid be due under th�s Sea:rity insIIUmert and the IVete as d nq acceleration had occurted (b► cures any � �i . ,_ _ .
<br /> ' detauR of an�� other covenant or agreements; (e) pays all expenses incurred�n entorcing this Securiry instrument incWdmg. but � ,.- - �� . �- : .;.• ^ __
<br />_ � not lmfted to, reasonable attomeyrs' tees:and(d) takes such actian as Lender may reasonabiy require to assure that tAe tten of � :._:_�. :.: • •
<br /> ,,�,.. : .,.*f�.,,,,�y,_
<br /> t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s tr u m e n t L enders ri ghts in the Pro pe rt y and Borrower's obG g ation to pa y the sums secured b y th�s Secu r R y
<br /> �� a �w;�.n�'
<br /> Instrument shall contmue unchanged. Upon remstatement by Bortower, this Securiry InsUument and the abGgadons secured -�-:t;,=Y� �- , '
<br /> hereby shall remafn fulty efteciive as it no acceteration had occurred. However, th�s rigfit to remstate shall not appry in the case � •��r{'`�"`�����-4`�,
<br /> td .�i r��'�w.9?� -_.
<br /> of acce1eration unde�paragraph 17. � '�,� .r.�r.�. .� --
<br /> 19. Sals of IVote; Change of Loari Service�. The Note or a a partia� interest in tne Note (tagether witA this _�• � r ` .�:r4-
<br /> ; .;' . , .. .. ..
<br /> f..�; Security Instrument)may be satd one or moro L'mes without prior nottce to Borrower.A sale may resutt in a change in tAe entiry :., �•. •-� °
<br /> � (Imown as the'Loan Service►")that collects morttAty paymertts due under the Note and this Secmily instrument There also may '�a.r�`� -
<br /> S�`:��� -
<br /> 6e one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unreiated to a sate of the Note. if there is a change of tRe Loan Servicer. ",_ ��=_: �
<br /> Bartower wiU be glvd�•uritten rtotice of the change in accordance vritd paragraph t4 above and appGcabte taw. The notice vriil ;-��"'�. ;• ' •
<br /> .. '•`. p �.,. : ;'�; i
<br /> "�'' state the name and addr�ss of the new Loan Servicer and the addrex�co which payments shou'A be mada Th�notice wi4 also �--
<br /> cor►taln rur�ather inf�naion requtred by appficable law. ���-'�
<br /> "` �u�'1.J�'.:'�Ttd �^ SUbS''t'd11C6S.Bonowe► shaD not cause cr permit the presence, use, d3sposal, storage, or releasa of -`.4'•-'"':
<br /> = aay �t�:sx:s Wtslssts-�xs on or in the Property. Berrower shaU not do, nor aitow anyone etse to do,anything affectlng the ��.; Y��-. -
<br /> °mp�~��at is in vir�on of any Envimnmer�t•rJ Law. The prece�ng two se�tences shall not appty to the presencs,use, or
<br /> s�~�gw n� the PropeM1y oi smatl quantitles ot Hazardaus 3ubstances that are generally recognized to be appropdate to nomial � �.:.-.._
<br /> =`�t':� res�`sna�uses and to maintenance of the Propertyr. '��""
<br /> �E..' B::m:wer shafl promptty give Lender written notice of any mvestigaUon, claim, demand, Iawsuit or other aetion Dy any �-��•`. �
<br /> ' . govemsr,aztaf or reguf�ry ag°ncy or prNate par[y tnva►vfng the Property and any Mazardous Substance or Environmental Law oi :: ,. . �'
<br /> ; wh!ah Bortower has aycoat knowtedge. If 9ortowa�-ns. or is notified by any govemmenLai or regulatory.uutnority, ihat any sa,eaw• L •��" �..` °'�
<br /> �}�� ... . ., - , . ��•:
<br /> -' removal or other rErvec'�ation oi any Hazardous �a:�.s,�.ce aHeoting Roperly r :acessary. Borrower sh�.ir. xr.�mpily take a0 �� . _� A,
<br /> necessary reme�al actions in accordance with Enviror^�a-'=,.A t�~Yi. `""°Y,'..: .� '`�� -.--_
<br /> , -.;':,. �L-
<br /> Acs�:.sed in this paragraph 20. 'Haurdaus Substances'aze n:�se substaness defined a�tm:ia�r hazardc�.is subs�tances by A ;•i�. -
<br />, Fmriraarten7al Law and 4he foUowing substances: gaso!ine. kerosene, other flammable or �wc petrole�� producis. toxic '<-� � ' " ' ,
<br /> pestiai�es ais�i herii:�as.votatile solve�ts, m3terials m�ta}ning asbestos or fom�aidehyde,and radioactive m�i�. Aa used tn -�� ' �'
<br /> , peta�� PrJ� "�r�ir.a^�nental Law' means federal (aa�and laws o1 the ju�sdtction where the Properiy is toca:ed that re7ata to �_• � . ::�� -�
<br /> -_ he�ii�.�-ty��c:�,.�.��S ptotectian. ��;�`-_ _
<br /> � g
<br /> ,� tfl�tu�'.�!l�i�'OAh+I CAVENAMS. Borrower and Lender fuRher covenant and agree as foitows: '� ,, -
<br />, 2n. �cceleaatlon; Gaeme�'las. Lertder shall give notice to Boa�ower p�or to acceleration '• ����'. _.
<br /> :a.:n�. �..�{A:. �_:
<br /> • tol(o»wmg Borrovrer's 6reaeh of any ��nant or agreamvn4 in ti�ts Securifiy Instrument (but noi .t�eis,���..�,*.
<br />. prior to accaleratlon under paragraph �?� unless appUcabt� law pravldes otherwiseD. The aatice ' ,c..; ;•. =�_;;;
<br /> � shali s�tecity: (a)tho default; (b) the aa�:lyn �equlred to cure the default; (c) a data, :.�sQ less than �-.�• �• �''.`' ��
<br /> Lc�,... ..,..
<br /> : 30 du,p�from the date tha rrAtice is given to Borrower. by whlch thQ d�f�ac�must Psa curod; zacuf �� :
<br /> � (d) ��! faiture ta cure ttrc� �lstauR on or befora t�1�s date s�acffied in �rt► rtatIce may reaut! in � �. ••=z'-��
<br /> � acceterdtEoe ot tfo� sums smr.�.�red by thls�ecu���2rrstrument and sale of the Praperl�.The nottco ��� � _�-�-:t'�:.:.-.�,=.
<br /> � shatl iurther ire?.�^uh 8onower of the ri�:f:�`rs���.b.s after acceteration and the ri�s'.:d to brirtg a ����"_-''`""-
<br /> � . court acYion C�s �r.ser4 the non-existe�sr.�r� ;f a c��alt or �s=y other detense a� Borwwer to •
<br /> ' aaesel�r,c2.',a� att+9 s�te. it the default is aot cu►est c:�,� or h.�fi�^e t3�e d2t�ea�ecffted �a tdte naticr�, �•+. r-;_..-_�
<br />� Lasn�r�r. � its c��3on may requlre immediate payacrj.r.dd Qn tuil c��tJ uuc�cs� r�w�,.uver➢by thts Sec�aa`cly °°---`�r
<br /> �� ,t Inscaue�r►�.�4 wiKscr�t fuQther demand aard snay tnvoke the poa�ur. c$ca�ie�+ +am� afoy atfata ��medis�
<br /> permiYSsd try a�sli�r.�bfe law. Lender sf.n�1P• be entitt�d to colt�r:t:�97 ex�t+�rnuag fz�r,xt7resc,�J Gtf pursuing �
<br /> 4F�� P�:�e�ies arrn��r�ed in 4hia parag�o 21. inctuding, but not Umitec� ir.� reasoa;�'fs"a attorneys' ,�,. .,,,:.;. '=�-
<br /> fae�fcrtrJ costs c?`2i4te evidence. �'- -' -"
<br /> :,r,':. W-
<br /> (�� 17�a po�++rer of sale i� tt�voked, Trustee shaU record a nottce M �;d3rn�lt in e�cb coun4�� iin �N�-��-`•'y���~' _.
<br /> �._ .�.
<br /> . wi�fct� �y part nt' the Pro�erty is tacated and shall mail aoples of �ucf� nottce in Uce mar.s�a� �"
<br /> �aresc�ibed by a�31a'.sa6to!aw to Borrowc:z and to the other pv►soe�s prescribed trj sp�11�^..able law. �,� '�="�—
<br /> After the time �cZrs9red by appitcable law. Trustee shalt give public nctic� of safe txz it•�ra per��.r,� ��,�,�
<br />�>>::; ared in the manner presaritesc9 by appllcabfe law. Trustea. v�i4hou3 domaa�i on Barrc^.ra�o, si�3Ei scclU �
<br />�:_`� � the Propeirty at pubftc aactlQia Ca the highest lafddor at the tlrtt� aoa! plac�re and under tPFa terr,� �•��.:,�
<br /> } : doslgnated In tita nMtce c1- �1e in ax�a or more parcets arrc9 ir� any c�rr Tws:e4 do4ormir�o�. � �
<br /> • Trustoa rnay po�t�rono sal� of al! or anyy parcel of the Pro��ety by public arenaun�ment at ffie ;� �
<br /> tima and ptac� o! an�/ previousty sclm�vted sale. Lender or its; designae may purehase the �t-'� `• -:•a.
<br /> �"",t�'`'"�..
<br /> . Property at any sale. ���,,z;,,,��,.�.�.
<br /> �. Upan recelpi ot payrt�ertt af ths price btd, Trustoe shall de8ver !o th� �urcMasor Trustes's "���"'`���"`r�"
<br /> deed conve in the Pro e The recitals in the Trustee's deed shafl be rima tacle evidenee of �' ��
<br /> . Y J P �ll• P ���;: .�:-
<br /> the truth af the stateme�s mado thnroin. Trustoa shall appty the proceeds M the sate in 4he •�' '�'`"�``L -
<br /> •'..�:�.:�.` ,.
<br /> ' follaviirtg order. (a) to atl cos4, anef exponsos of exercisi�c� the povier of sale. and the sale, ^, . • �••
<br /> . ; ineluding 4he paymeM ot th�Trustea's fees actualfy incun�d, na�to e��ed three ;-_��rr�y=,T:,;�• �
<br /> °Yo o!tixs principal amourst o! the ' �
<br /> � � .
<br /> � i na3e at the time of the dedarattms� of detauit. artd ceasonabte attorney's feos as permitted by law: � �'� -` ��
<br /> � (b)to all sutres secvred bv this Socur�ty Instrume�h and (c) any excoss to the person or �Oersans � .� • . • �'.:_��.
<br /> tegaUy ent34ted to it . �.
<br /> i / _ � . _ _.
<br /> ' ��-�_. '
<br /> - - -- -- - --
<br /> .. • � :1770�t�1G�3,551 o.iq.6 .+5 �� - --
<br /> ' `._j . . ,' � �.. .�,, -
<br /> !
<br /> i %'S�� . . __.
<br /> .- -� - � � � � .. , . . � . .
<br /> ' ' , . - - . . ._ . . _ . .y� - . .. r, i .t.: . . � � . .. .. . •i . . . .• - .. . �.: � �
<br /> .. . . . . _ .. . ��. ._. . _ .. ... . . - . . _.. .
<br />