' .'"`:'!' ' Y - •. . 'C`�`F;L;tr�}�� �, . . .t , � - . .'.s.l . .-. .. . � .7.' _
<br />! . - , . , , u ' _��__-_,.�.y�fiS: � �-...v--�._. .._._...r_..�._... '""'� � .. _ _ _-- ._
<br /> ,
<br /> C_"� ~ - -- � �� Ae_...
<br />. Borrotivar may aue such a defauft and reinstafe. as P��;�� '�;. P�g�Ah t�. �y �ussng tAe acUon or proceedin� to be ,� . . .�.•:4 ,:�r ;. i:'•�_r•--
<br /> �smissed with a ruf'sg that in L�nder's good iz:th da:s+nr.:araa,pzadudes totfeiture ot the Barrower's interest m the Property or = ..`.1.:;;;. ...�;�, M�
<br /> ,. • other matedal impalrtnent o1 the lien created by thLs Sea:esty �nsh'u;:�ent or Lender's securtty mterest. Borrower shail also be m �.� ,.i +•. . .�. _,
<br /> detault it Borrovrer. during the�oan aPPficaUon Process.�'ra 7rr:a'�ily islse or�accowate�n4orsnation or statements to Lender(e� _ , ,x�., . �
<br /> .. _ i . i_
<br /> faiied to provide Lender vrith eny material intomiati�l � �nR���'^ �h ihe lo�•Aa p� b�y t�'N�ot.�e. ind'd�'S•S�cur�ty , .- ' _
<br /> . •.�•,. . . ,
<br /> � Gmited to. representations conceming Borrower's oca:�e.acy a4 the Praperty P , . _
<br /> Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrowar shali compty �ntth e:f 'the Artiv�sions of the lPase. M 8orrower acqutres fee titte to the t . �--
<br /> Property,the leasehold and ihe fee title shall not merge un'rss 6.�dtf'a9rees to the merger in writIng. � ' . , �•_ �`�
<br /> 7. ProleCtion of Lender's Rlg�hts in 4hD Prts(SS�4y�..77 Borrower tai►s to peRorm the oovenants and agreements � • ,
<br /> � that ma s� ficant aftec[ Lenders rights in the PropeRy � .._. "'•`:�
<br /> coMained m this Securiry instrume.�t or there is a !�a �:rox�.s��B Y 9� �Y • . . - F.:�:
<br /> • (such as a proceedmg in bantwptcy,probate. for�caad�:.;:an cc fad�wTe or to enforce laws or regutatiorts). then Lender may . `; - .,�y,�=
<br /> = da and pay far whatever is necessary to proted the va!¢e of the Prapesty and Lenders rights in the Property. Lender's actions � _-__-_ .. -
<br /> � `..
<br /> _ may indude paymg any sums secured by a lien vrhi� has prtattly over this Securiry lnsVume�t appeating in court pay�ng - - - -
<br />� reasonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Prop�ty to m3ke r�pe?►s. 1Uttwugh Lender may lake adion under this paragraph � �t' .
<br /> 7. Lender does not have to do so. ^���" ";
<br /> My emounts dsbursed by Lender urtder paragraph 7 shP� beu�s$ddtonal debt of Borrower secured by this Security � ; ,:.;. _
<br /> InsUument Untess 8or►ower and Lender agree to othe�te:ms of;�a}::.�rt. th�e amounts shall bear mterest from the date of � . ,: _ , ,::.,^_ � . :,,':..
<br /> dtsbursement at the Note rate and shail be payabte_wth inte.�asi uppn notice trom LenQer to 8anower requestin9 PaYme�t �_.1: N�,< < ,` �s.�,c,�,'r„_
<br /> 8. Msrtga�e tnsuranee. fl Lender raGuaad .�nnRga�e �nsuiilnce as a condih'on of making the loaa secured by this : .. .......::..^�.,._, .•
<br /> �;,:;,.,.,,:::...,
<br /> Seaurily InsVument.Borrawer shall pay ihe prer.+:u:rtis ro�u�to m�:n�h the moRgege insurance in effeci. If.for any reason.the ' !: ..� �,,•�fi},:
<br /> moRgage insurance coverage required by l.er.der laps�a ar c��ses'A-be in eP2ct. Bortower shall pay the�sniums required to ;��,�yj��,���€`' ' ��-,,;.±jf
<br /> uivafent to t l�e m a Rg..�e�rtsurancs 4rarAaus�y�n effect,at a cost substart_. e ivalent to the !"�-��-}::
<br /> obta(n coveaage substantial1y eq ° '� � `` �. �`r
<br /> r�=f�'.��`
<br /> cost to Borrawer ot the mortgage insurance prav�aushr',rti c�fiz�. :ram an attemate moRgage insurer aop+avad by Lender• �1 ,�w--=�-._-.�-,-:___.--;'°-
<br /> ,�-,...�^-. ---°�-f3--
<br /> suDstrmtialty equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not av�ilul�ie. Borrower shal! pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ,.��ay�
<br /> a
<br /> onetweifth of the yearty mortgage insurance prem:um!se'v��pald Ml Borrower rihen the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to tr.,,�,
<br /> " Ge in effeG. Lender Hri!1 accep�use and ret�-:n thes°paY'rar•�as a�°u �e.+en'e in lieu of moRgage msurance. L.oss reserve .�=,=�'r� ,� ,
<br /> 'r ,-.r.--
<br /> � , payments may na longer be requ"ved,at the nptios.of lends:,it martgaga insurance coverage (�n the amaunt and for the period ; y_- 4y
<br /> that Lendet requires) provided by an insurer appraved by lende agar becames avai!abte and is abtained- Bor►ower shaU pay �.,,��
<br /> C:y-�v.:�-•�-
<br /> Me premiums required to mamtain mortgage in�r.uance in e;!e�t. or to provide a loss reserve, unUi the requ'uement tor moRgage �,:,,�,:•<<�?°.;���'
<br /> " insurence ends in eccordanee with any w�:tten egceeaent bei»���Borrower and Lenda ar ay�Lcabte Iaw. �.� '' �:��?::..
<br /> �} 9. Inspection. Lender or its agerR may m�]ce rezsnn�.b{a en�Mes upon and fnspediar.s at the Properiy. Lender sha0 give r.�;;r � � +� •• i,:
<br /> Borrower rtotice a i t he U m e o f o r p d o r t o a n i n s p e c i i o n s p�fi l i n�p r e a s o n a b t e c a u s e t a r t h e i s s�c t ion. ��!�•; ���� r,•. .
<br /> 10. Cant9emnaSion.The proceeds ot any eward or ciriue�fo►dama9es,direct or consequen'.al. in conaeetian vrith any ,;,,-��'• � :;. ,�� :;- -..,
<br /> cr for aom ce in Geu of condemna93ca, a�i'erebY asst�ed and • �''^�"�' '
<br /> . condemnaUon or other taldng of any paci of the Propesiy. � ,3'•,�+-"':='
<br /> sheQ be patd to Lender. { � F.
<br /> (� ffie event ot a total taking af the Property, the proc�,�1s shall be applied bs ihta sums secured by Lhis Security ;���
<br /> InsUument,whether or not thee►due,with any exce�s pacl fa Barmwer. In the event of ri.►u�taidng of the PrupeAy in which ��:��''w �
<br /> ' . �he}a�ma�C.e[;,a,rue o}the properiy immedate.y be?ore tha tald�up is equal to or greater tMan tfie amou�rt of the sums seaued
<br /> by ihis Sec�:.�*T+ �r,strument immflrd!�tely before tha tatdn��, untiaas Bortov+er and Lender othervvise agre� in wrfUng. the sums ; , ___
<br /> secured by t`s�•�soa+riry�nstrumert sha11 be redu�ed by the asnaunt o1 the p�ceeds muitiptied by the to�o�vin9 Vacttorr. (a+the � s_;�.�
<br />' • totai amourrt of tita sums secfared immediately 6efara the ta;ring.d:vided by (b)the falr market value of the Properly immeQiatety s, •,._,;.., .�z.
<br /> Y r•..
<br /> before ffie taktr►g.My balane�shall be pald to Borrowwc.m thn event of a ptuutial talcing uf!he Property in whieh tho faa markel `tr',�;*`i;;��'(S'`-F ' ;'s'• ''•;
<br /> betora the ta;drsg Is tess thtr�the amount o1 the sums s•�red immedlatety before the taking. , :�::?�,�����•���'�"µ��"��`• �'
<br /> � value of thB Propertll h�m�:'-'� . �.�
<br /> untas�. Borrower �z�d Lander ct�henvtse a�ee a� writ'r.g or untas applicabte law othen�vise pm�tdes, thQ pracctatls shaU be _ 1� �
<br /> ';�ti�l}':
<br /> , applied to the scm�s s2ar3d by thfs Secut[i3i���r�umant�vhath�of nat the sums are then due. 'i�;;;�:'° _
<br /> - �}�p pr,opem rs �ba-,�s-ed 6y Borrawer,or rt.ePtec nat'raa by�ender to Borrower that the conde.T,nar ofters to malce en �� �;;•�-
<br /> ' awald or settte e daim tor �nages. Borrovrer ta9s to re:ppnd to Lender wi'�hin �0 days after the date the noUce or oNthe �,.•
<br /> e
<br /> � Lender Is suihurizP_d to co11ec1 and apply the proceeCs. at it, opuon, either to restoraUon or repair of the PropeRy t'� _,_
<br /> suma secured�y�is Secudry Instrument,whe:her or nat then due. , ..• ���.:,;,_ .._�;�.,�
<br /> � Unless Lr�sdr� and Borrower otherwise a,roa in w�;:r.g. any apptication o1 proceads to princlpal shafl not extend or �
<br /> � postpone the dfu�da2e ot the morrthly payr.'�1�refe�ed to h+pfus�aPhs 1 and 2 or change the amount ot such payments. �';,__:,____
<br /> 11.Bwt�rwer Not 6ieleased: Fa�4usarsrtao�y Lende�Not a Waiver.Extmslon of the Ume tor Qayment or - ,�TN
<br /> • r,:�xlEqtlon et amoRizaUon ct U+n sums seCUred by tha SExurity tnstrumeni granted by Lender to any successor In Interest of .. ,...
<br /> Etrowet ahaU not operate ta r��se the frah�'ity ot tho e�na1 Bortower or Borrowers suc�essors In interest. LenQet shal not ��°e"'"� � --
<br /> t� requ(red to commence p:*x+�edinqs a�3(n� eny suoxssor In interest or refuse to o�tr_nd Ume far payment or otherwfse ��.��_ _
<br /> :� modity.amoRlzat[on of the sums secured by tf�i�Sec�srt!tnstrument by reason oi any demand made by tfie odglnal Bcrrawer or �_,a_,,.,�. •-_
<br /> � Botrmver's successors fn Internst. My to!a°1'arflnca by Lender in exerdsing any rtght or remedy shefl not be a v+ahrer of or �:"""__-
<br /> gr�a�ude the exerclse of ei►y rEght or rem:dy. '
<br /> ��. 12 Sueeessora aad l�sslgns Bcuc��+; d+tDn4 and Several Llabllity; Co-signers.The covenan�s end �,___:.
<br /> .�-----_.�._.
<br /> c�emerrts af thls Sewrfty M�:1'w:.�errt aha0 bs�d and ht�:as'it the successors and assl�►s ot LenQer end BaROwer.subject to the — _ ___,__
<br /> • �,mvis[ons of paragtaph 17. Ec:-awer's cever.a�ts and agreemerrts shaU be Jolnt and several. Any Bortower who ca-G+�s thls � a� '�
<br /> Security Ins'�umr:nl hut doea not executa t4-�t�ata (a)is co-sl�ing thls Securiry tnstrumerrt onty to moR�ge.grant a^.�'conve� 9i+�:,•�';,"'��,�
<br /> tTlSt BORCA'fY's (ntere�t in the PropeRy �:r:rira�tfio tarns oi ihis Secvrity Instrument; (b) is not personc:ly ab'egated to }ay L:�e
<br /> ' sums secured by thls Secur.'iy L'strur.cer.:; enA (cy acyees that Lender end any other Borrower may a�ee ta e�Re�Q.:�oC�itj. , .l.-' � �^.
<br /> � � t:�Sear or make eny accor•'nmdutlons with regard to the tertns ot thls Security Instrummi or the Note wRhoul thM 'I.a�:rers '
<br /> , ,,�.-
<br /> ��sent '
<br /> , 13. Loan Charge�. tt the loart sEe+:red by tnis Securtty Instrument Is subjecl to e law whleh seis ma�dmum loan . '�`�;
<br /> charges. and tAnt law Is fineDy int�rpro'r� :so th�tho interest or other tosn charges ooliected or to tre cottected in connection tii�
<br /> with the toan exceed the permitted Gmita. tlun: (a)any such loan charge sha11 be reduced by the artseu�st hecessary to�ed�u.� - _„
<br /> tho charge to the permittecD 1•mit: and(�D�Y g��'�a�eady collected ftom Bonowe► which exceedad pc�mitted Ilm:2s wiU Ca �"�"'�=
<br /> refunded to Botrower.LenCer�rr.y choa�e to m-�1c3 ths refund by�educing the pdndpal owed under the IVote or by nz:cing a ������,.
<br /> 'f direct payment to Bortow¢r. II a refund re:uces prlr.dpal. the reduction will be Veated c►s a partlal prepayment v�iUiout any
<br /> . prepa�m:en1 eharge under the Note. ��-.y����'�u-
<br /> ;�` 14. Na2iy83. My noUee to Ba-ravr�providtd tor in this Secudty Instrument shall be glven by de!ivering it or by mailing tt '�"�a��'�:;
<br /> py{irst dass ma7 unless appCcaAs Iaw requfn�s use of another method. 7he noUce sha11 be dtrected tn the Ptoperiy Address '�� ;,"'�,,�!';
<br /> • - ar eny other address Bortower desigr.�ta by notice to Le�der. Any rtoUce to lende► sha7 De gMen by first class mail to "�� �" *��"�''�' "
<br /> ., _.,o.�,.�._�.'---
<br /> �• Lendeis address stated herem or anj oitsEr ad�ress Leeder Cesignates by noUoe to Bano�vec My notice pravlded for in thls '.� - �x•• —.
<br /> Securitp Instrument shall be deemed to have becn given to Borrower or Lendet wAen giveo as provided in thls paragmph. r� _:;.��` i.
<br /> 15. (ioveming Law: Sevoea.�tlib,�. Thi� Securtty tnstrument shall ba govemed by federal law and the Iaw o1 tha ,�V ,�:'_'�_
<br /> jurisdietion in r�hlch the PropeAy Is locator�. fn the evenl that any provision or clause o1 this Seeurity �nsWment or ihe Note �� •; '
<br /> conP.:cts wRh app[cable law. sueh ecnfliat sh.Jl not aftect other provisions o1 this Security Instrument or tha Note whlch can 6e `�� � r""'-�,
<br /> ,�Ci'•tii'":
<br /> .:.'Q-• �:��...
<br /> �Nen ettett wfthout the contiicting prwi,lon. To this end the ptovisions o1 lhls Security tnstrument and tho Note are dedared to �: _. �
<br /> b0 Se+rerabt8. -- r ...-' � --
<br /> 16. �OTIOVYOrs COpy.BoaAirar sha7 tre cy'-�en on8 contormed eopy o1 the Note and o1 this Securiry InsVUmen� °" '•���•'•�'� ;
<br /> • c�¢ir.�1AR riFbt ��yr 3:1 i /� . . . . .. —
<br /> , . �
<br /> . �
<br /> .. ��'
<br />' . :+��t. - . . .
<br /> ' - s<a.-- . �
<br /> �,--.......-. _ _—^..���-._�...._. _--.-.-...-� .. - ' • __ . . .
<br /> �. �..--..-•...---• . _ ..."' '" " .. . .. .. .. _ .. . , . .
<br /> • . . .. ... - _ , . .. ' � .
<br />..... . . .. . . .... ....�. ..:... . . . . .
<br /> + r..
<br /> .. •
<br />. .-iC. . .- . .. . .. �.: .. � , . . ... . . .
<br /> . .. �,'��.� � (:. , . '
<br /> . � � . • •` .. � . . . .,. � yt . .. , �� . . . � • . � . . � . • . . .�. ... . ' ,�
<br />