.. . . . , f t k . . . t \ ' .
<br /> • . - v. G �'` , � `}n .` . . . . _ V . � r� � `� a �.�G, . _ � � .
<br /> �� - � - fL� 1 S • c . �� Y "�G . ./ � - 'si-�'����5�..$�' �
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<br /> J� "-
<br /> g. �d @r ��rtyr Insura�nce, gorrower shall keep the improvemcnts now exisung or hereafter erected an the �.�_'•
<br /> Property insured against less by fire,ha�ards included withir.the term °extended coverage" and any other ha��rd�. iacluding ��'
<br /> tluods or flaading.for which Leader requires insurance. Tius inswance sha1Z be°��°�►►� ��e�OUnts and for the periads ��.�.
<br /> u an �
<br /> that Leader requires• The►nsurance c�nei Providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to I.ender's approVal
<br />- which shall not be unreasonablY withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain mvera�e described above. Lender maY• at Lender's ��'�:;.
<br /> :..�� option,obtain ooverage to proteet I..ender's:ighu in the Property in accordance with�p'aragraps��d mortgage clause. Leader � �
<br /> �.�s� .
<br /> - pll insurance policies and renewais shait be acceptaWe co L.ender and shal1 i ve to Lender all recei ts of �_--
<br /> shal!have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If L.ender requires,Bormwer shnll procnpdy gi
<br /> P ��:�°�
<br /> . paid premivms and renewal noaas.In the event of loss.Borrower shal!give prompt noace to the iasurance carrier and I.ender.
<br /> e roof of loss if nat made promptly by Borrower. air of the `��"-,
<br /> Lender may mak p �rt,
<br /> Ualess l.ender and Bornower otherwise agree in writing,insuraace procee�s s6a11 be applied to restoration or rep _ _-
<br /> property:�amaged,if the restont�on ar repair is economirally feasible and l.ender's security is not lessened.If the restoration or ��'`,_,,
<br /> repair is aac economically feasibte cr fiwnder's secwity would be lesseued.che insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Secvrity Instnment-�hether or not tt►en due,with any excess paid to Sorrower. tf Borrower abandons the ---
<br /> Property,or does nat answer within.i�days a natice from Lendes that th�e insurance carrier has off�d�o settle a claim,then �__
<br /> L,ender may collect the insurance pre�eds• l.en�fer may use the praceeds to repair or restore the Property ar to pay sums �.�-,
<br /> serured Cr3=:.his Securiry I�ntrumeni..-.��ther or not then due.The 30-day Pe�on of b s�s� p��p�`S�� Aat E�nd or �•
<br /> Ua[e� Lender and Borrower�s�..°r�vise agree in writing, any aPP� PT� �
<br /> � postpcne zh2 due date of the mor�i�.:y �}'�e�s r�fesred to in para8raphs 1 an� 2 pr c�r"�°e�e amount of the pagnaents. If �:.
<br /> , under�'�.`"aph 21 th�FtoPettY ts�.'.�'=t'y'�`''�=+�er,BorrowePs right to any insurance palicies and pr�cxds resa2taA8 f�°Q►
<br /> �am��:he propert-��rior to ttm s.�:�:�v:�u�a:e'�to Lender to the extc-r�t�f the sums secured by chss Szcuraty Instmment �--
<br /> i�a:.;vly prior to the acquisiticr. - ---
<br /> , F• =_r..�
<br />, 6.Q�cupancy,Preservatioik��irr�enance and Protedion of tiie Pco�erty;Borrower s Loan Applicatfan;h�-~�hotds. �
<br /> � Borrower shall occupy.establish.�ose the Property as Borrower's prineipal reside[tce within sixty days after the ex�-apon of �_
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall wntinue to occupy tlie Property as Borrower's principa! residence for ai least one year after ,�,�"`
<br /> the date of occupaney.unless Lender otherwise agrees in writin$. whi�h cansent sha11 not be unreason�tbE}withheld,or unless �,�,,.-._
<br /> extenuatin� circumstances exist wtri��'- aie beyond Bonowei s canuol. Borrower shall not desnoy. �ixmage or impair the _ _
<br /> Property. allaw the Praperey to dtt��:ate. or commit waste on the Propmty. Borrower si�a�1 be in defaWt if 2ny forfeitune
<br />• � action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal.is begun that in I.ender's gaod faith jud�-a�:rt could resuli in forfEitu�e of the ���;:
<br /> . propetty or othenvise materially impair the tien cxcated by this Securiry Instruinem or T.e��l�s securi€�•"s,-:tesest.�crr��aer maY —.s,
<br /> cure such a default and�°instate.as provided in p�ra.°mPh 18.by causing the ac�os or�s�ing to be¢=smissed with a tuling �._^_:
<br /> that, in Lender's gaod faith determination, prec:sdes forfeiture of the Borroiycr s ir�te�`..as�in the Pro&�"ry or other material
<br /> � impairment of the lien created by.rL:s SecuritY Insuu�ent or Lender's security'int�st- 1�rroWer shall also be in default if �y�,�-..
<br /> Borrower.dUring the loan�pUcaaon process,gave materially fals$or inaccurate infom�tiea or statements to Lender(or faile�J __^.
<br />' �'� to provide Lender with any material infomiation)in conneciion with che loan evideaced i�w:':te Note,inctuding.but not linito3 �:ss_;
<br /> • to,representations wnceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a Prineipal residence.If this Security Instrument is on u ��
<br /> � leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the let�se. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Prope�ty. tttn. �.•.
<br /> teasehold and the fee title shall nat�rge unless Lender agrees to tha merger in writing. �,.:.-.,
<br />� . �.� 9�hotectton of I.en�er's i�in the Property.If Barrowcr fails to perform the c�:enants and agreements contained in __
<br /> tlus r.�a-,..,�ity Insuuraent,or them cs a tegal proceedin8 that c�y�gn�ficandy aHect Lcn�r s rights in the Property(suc��$ ��;:
<br /> : pr��in bacilc�a��� �mU.��-;�r�ndemn�:r N or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons},d,r�a Ixndar m�y do and
<br /> � p�, �C�����S m„�s:1y aa,�ruxt the vata,e of the Property and L.eadcr's rights in the Prop..�ty- E.e�er's actions may
<br /> ;.� p. � pp in coz'st, a in
<br /> • inclada paying any sums seasrci! �3� a lien which has �r,�i over this Security Insmiment, a �ring D Y �'
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and emecc7;�on the Property to malce repairs. Alttiough Lender may take action under t"r�:s�+amgrt+Qh ;� ::_:.:,
<br /> 7.Lender dces not have to do so. `��
<br /> � � Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this Qaragraph 7 shaU becarne addirional debt of Borrower secumA by this ;�:
<br /> Securiry lnswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other termR of payment,thes�amounts sh�.�G!bear interest fram the `
<br /> '' date of disbursement at thc Noie rate and shall be payable, wiih intniest. upon notice from I.endez to Boaower reqar,�ting ;�yy.,�,
<br />=' ... Payment. '�`
<br /> • . 8.Mort�tge lnsurance•If Lender req�ired mortgage inswar►ca+�.s a condidon of�aE;i�o the loan secured by this Sr.carity _
<br /> lnsuument. Borrower shall pay the premiams reqnired to maintuin tha mortgage insura.zce in effect. If, for any reason. the ;�^!�
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Bonower shall p::y�premiums required to —_
<br /> obtain mverage substantially e�u.i+talent to the mortgage insurancm previously in effeci.a::a cost s►:�s�itially equivalent ca the -
<br /> ' cost to Borrower of the mact��e insu+�ce previously in effect. from an altemate rrrr�trgage insurer approved 6y Lender. If �„
<br /> � substancially equivalent rufl��e�►�sumnce co+�e�aSe is not ci':'fable.Bonower shall psy co 1-.ender each month a sum equr]to �j.`,,`,
<br /> u
<br /> one-twelfth of th��wuly c;,r•rr!�;�ge insurar.ce premium being paid by Borror�e�:when the insurance ea•�;erage lapsed or ceased to ���,�,;�
<br /> be in eifect.Lendes�,J:.ir:.L�t� ase arcd retain these payments as a loss resce+�e in lieu of mortga,?=:� ir.�surance. I.nas reserve ���z��
<br /> Rh\:!!;
<br /> r-c.m aozs s�so 5{.;,;�
<br /> �x�,:'
<br /> :�. Day�8 0�8 'ant'�;::
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