. . . � . . . . . .�. . . , . . . ' -
<br /> .—• ,••• .. _ . , ' - .. � ` � � c( f _s—_.�.. ...�—�_ • Y - �?�.
<br /> . � .
<br /> . , _ , .
<br /> . ,. . . . . . �.. . .
<br /> y � . <
<br /> . _ . , . . � . : . .. - -�ia
<br /> ,. .
<br /> : - � ., .. _ , . . � �� �
<br /> . .� . .. ,..�?x
<br /> . . - . . � .. ..;:..�_. ' ' �
<br /> ---__-�_.,..�,_�_._�._._1 .�._ ...._ .._ ..�_._. ._.V�.�._ - � — �.c- ---_ ._.
<br /> � �'t1 Y��4'lY - . ..�i.' C: --. �
<br /> J4 ,. .
<br /> .��19. F.ENDEEi�R.ii44F Td CO°�"r�iCE OR Q�FB�tD LE�3AL AClt4NS. t3ramor shall Irtmnd�sty pmv.d�lr.�r�s xt�h x°?�esi no�ee oi any aaual or ' u`, ` F `� . � .
<br /> �rdrttor hateby eApotrrts LendSr as its a"ar»y-�n-tEta ta rr•v�t'i�r�o.irtarvene in.and . 4 ._ ..
<br /> throa;eno�action.suir,or oUur proceaifng�f;oetiR4 tho Properry. ,� •; < � -
<br /> dat�nd su�aeUons.suits.cr athttr legal�aoee�ngs and to ecnproaisa or setL'e cury daim ar wrt�ar�,.rsy �rtF:n'hg tt�_aew. irldx:h�11 not ba Ilabta to > `
<br /> Grantar hir airy action.arrar.rtisiak�.�misston or dr.!a y�rta!nin g to the a�:ona��rlCad in this�T8$a�ar aTly d�:5 ra4uh!t��tfi7&fiom N01hdt� .�'`?,,�';• -.i•: `• �-.
<br /> . �prttainEd hCtB1t1 W 21�avGnt Lender fram tatdng tho e c t tons das c r i b ed In this�a��tts ovJ►►n.�. , '`
<br /> '�""-
<br /> t!. R4�8iN1FECAl10lV. Lendnr sha9 not assurtc ar ba respnnsihie tor the peAamsence of any of C-rantor's a5.i�atasra wah►esoca to ttie Pro�erry un�r � °. . ' . . ,.
<br /> any droumsiansea t?ramar shall irmed'+atta�y pravida L6nder with wimen natiea of an�irt�emury�td ho.d L3n3^ar and�tt sh.leh.i'�kra.drectors.ofFrers. �� ` .. ,. . ..�� .-
<br /> ram
<br /> err�loyraes ar�d agams hamisss iram aJ dalrres.d�rr�s•liabi:ities('mdu�n9 attomoys'tees and i_-�J e�iansos).�uses of�bn.ae�ons.saits and : .
<br /> other Ieg31 praceedu�gs(c�reil�lvety'Cialrts�Portalnin9�o ths Fro�r1Y(rtdudng.6u1 not�mfi3d to.tiso�sa icrm!�g H�adwt PJ.B!��[aIs)- Granta.upon _ .,:.�_,;._.:"--='-`
<br /> ihe request at Lander.shaU hUcr tegai oounsel ta dafend nder Gmn mrdi Clalrro.and Rsy th9 at'om�l►s to2s.teg��ox�zntos and other eosts ina�rted in =.�.:
<br /> e
<br /> _• .•".,.
<br /> obl:gatton tn�indertnity Lentler undar ihis paragr2ph sha.l�survive iho tff�m�ro nretQase'a�r totedo��a oi V d Q e e d o�Tnis�at Carantot's cost Grarttot's • , :_ . <
<br /> 15. TAX�S AMD ASSE33SLFNTS.Grantor sha�pay al:taxos and assessrt�ms relavng to Pra�rty+xhsn du�aM tmrrs�3;f9�avide Lender avidenoe -`- . : . _
<br /> ' ot paymerrt of sama. Upon tha rec�est ot Lender.Gntttor�'1 d:posit wi'�h Lend�r eacA rte�rrth ana-twa'.t�i'!t2}o��eztirnrnttsd annual'ms�aartee , . , :, ,
<br /> +� '.<r�,'C,
<br /> premium,taxas and assessrtrerrts Pe rt a n ing l0 t hB P I Op2 f 1 y. S O I G t 1 g 2S 1hE70 IS t10 d2 ` U13°A BfIC1II1t+Shcl b3 8�i3Li @Q f}Y`s�Y�ItI 0�f87C3S. -`:-•----.--�-.--�
<br /> assess�►is and im�uanee as requirec!on ihra Property. In rm at Lend:►'s oydor�nb agpli2d �� �rss�order oS:h�dL��ths turtds so hald to �_ �'', �
<br /> � pay any taxes ot against Ute Obliganons. My fimds appEed Y. :�r. - � v-�,- . ,
<br /> r' ? '�,`•�
<br /> 18. INSPECTtON OF PROPEf1Tif.BOOKS,RECOAOS AND REPOATS. Gtartwr stm:i aloN Lendar or iN a�rr.s to exarru�a and inspeei the Prnpertyr .,:. � , . ,. .
<br /> � and e�rina.ins�ct and rtakn coptes of CirarRafs boal�and�rds pertainin9 to th�Prap�rty{rom Cm�m tuno. (�rtar simtl p��ovitrue�acauate and � �'"°-�"��"�' . , ---
<br /> • �gQ11ITC�bJ►L8(tdB►}Or the58 pttfp0505. /�II of L�[9 SI��BS S1Yj ffY�OiIICit10(I OOt1f�tEd Ili C�t8TilOfs�3'JC6S 3i1�fBWIdS Sh2ll bB� .r;.. � �_ .
<br /> Fi tc- :_
<br /> corr�tete m e9 respects- Grarto�shaU note t ha eb s t e n o e o f L e n 3 s r's k s.s n e fi d a l frrterest in its b�fw�f rscords pertaining to it�s Properhi. Ad6WnaflY. �•.:1` .�'-`---- .
<br /> ',:aaa'✓.rt's Hnanndaf condfion o�the Propeny. The ._�:�;:._,.s-=,�--_-:
<br /> Grantar st�all repo».En a tortn satisfactory to Len�r.sudi intorrtxdfon as Lend�r rsey�equ�st ta�r�r►� na .<,..,-.--- _
<br /> �st
<br /> in(om�(on sha11 be tor such pedods.shall refl�cl+L�ratitcfs tecurtts at such li�.an�sfta9 h9 rert�a�id a�1^�i su:h frctsplenay►as Lendar may dasignate. Atl `:�,�,y�,�_A��_�
<br /> '' • irdomatlon tumished by Grantar to lender sM7 bo tru9.axutate and wrrplete fn a'1 res�ets.end�s_M[rf CLtEUrV�:if Lender recp�ests_ ;:'.,,. - _
<br /> ..'.o ,.-r'^`r;>=-'� _
<br /> 17. ESTCPAEL CERTtFlCAiES. Nfrthfn ten(10)days after arry►ecgsest by Len�t.C-rantor shaU�i:ver to I�n3zf.a any irRanded transferee of Lender's ;^�.�.,�,_ -�--
<br /> � r;�tk;yviih raspec7 to ihe Obligations.a si�ted and adQw'iReti�d siaiemetri�(eI ihe outsNatlffd�8�te nahtre of sttd�daU�rr..d�fenaes,sei�offs or ���-�•��:,
<br />� C-�Riot possesses any dairrs.detenses.set-of(s or oauritee serPatlon U�^�isn�r rte7l m34c3 to tl�ie Grtendsd trantferee�vith►��ccs to these mmtters in ..`_;•�.—_���
<br /> xLL�cteraaGns. Grantor Nn'�6e condusn�ty hound bY�Y A� :•_�-�"�a;��;._
<br /> -' S;s���rrt U�J L�rarrta►ta0s to provitle the requested siatertierrt m a urtsfy rtarv►et.
<br /> t9. OarAULT. Grarstor shall be in defautt un�r this Deed af Ttust ard ihe Trustee s pri�:r�b+carra o�rative in tha evartt that Grantw.Batrev�er ar ...��:.. �„,:..��.'°"-
<br /> any guatarRcr of ihe O�lig�toris: �,,.,-. —
<br /> (a) t�Ts ta pay arry Ob�lg�rion to Len�r when due: . � - ' -
<br /> " (b) taits to perform any Ohligat�n or breaches airy wa►ran1Y or oovanarti to Lendar oon'�rteci in th!s Qeed of Trust or arry a�fsar preserrt or tuwre ,-"w��t r. _
<br /> ` a�aeme�ri; .� v
<br /> � (e)desttoys.Inses or darta�s the Praperty in atry materiai respect ar:ub;esis the Pmpeny to seinu3.aonftst�.ttan.ar candartmaiien: 'r_ i� .
<br />�.� (d) seeks to ravolae.teminaze or othervrtso Itrnt ro Piah(liry under anY gi�ars�tY to Lender,
<br /> (v Yne henefit af credtnts.f�l�s t9 pay •;�:•� _._
<br /> ` (e} �Bes.beocrros laga1ly inwnpeterit.is dfssoNed or teminated.�`nsohrent,makes an asstgnm�rl �:, . ; .
<br /> ''1 dehts as they 6eeome due.files a petit:on ur.�r Ne tederzl hanfauptaY f�s.has an imm!orrta►Y Petitlan(n bsar."nvptey filed'a,•r,lr,iah Grazrto:.Qcrtower �;j�.: �'.=''
<br /> �. or a r ry�arantor is named.ar has property taksn under afry Lvrft or promss af couA: .���`s`�i;�;��;�� ,;
<br /> (� alloxrs gaods to be used.transpo rt e d or s to re d o n t h e P r c�s ri y.t fi e p a s s a s s l o n.t r a n s(n rt a t t o n.or use oi whieh,is iR e g z i. .._....ti:;.�a;;�.�
<br /> ,.��,,.._----
<br /> (9y z'�.aas any pany othet ihan Grantor or Bortawer to assucrs3 or undert��y ObUgation�viThout tha wdtten conserrt of Le:�ar v+r • ' .v�.;„ � '."4��;i�� sK t
<br /> (h) c2�t�Lend=.r to deem itselt insewre due to a stgn(fic�t dedine Irs Ita�rlwe of the Properiy:ar if Lender,in goad faith.fn'�'3'y R.'25�:1.b81I8V85 �•� 'f�,�'<#,.�`
<br /> ihat the pvspect ef paymert[or perbmmnce ts irtpaired ' ti'^ �;�
<br /> ��`'� '..,';..,
<br /> jg� p{�.;+�Q Q L E N 9 E 9 O N D E F A U L T. I f i h e r e i s a d�laa?:+:r�sar this Deed of Trusi.Len�xr shall he enUtied to exerdse ane cr��+'�re ot t�:a'r.il.nwing :t;� `:��rt'C.:.
<br /> ramedes wfihoul notfoe ar demand(except as required by 12�;; -..:,.-X-r��:i••,•;,�
<br /> -- -:�:. ��,��r,.
<br /> (a)to dectare the Ohligazlons tmrt�ed�atefy d�and Pa:'"�70 .r•.t II; ��;.�'
<br /> (b)to cdlect G����deli�vei�andrts�:�.�le te L�nder arry perso�ProDe„Y or Chanols eonstiw*ln81he Fmperly af a plaee reasona+9y �..,...-,-,,;�
<br /> ' (e) ta re�lre Yi'.,;;.�i,�l,;f`:'..
<br /> convenlent to C3rantor and lender: } c��.'' •
<br /> (� to unter upnn and take Possesslon ot the Properry��+nnaul eppMng br or obtatning tho appolrrtrr�nt oi a reoeiver an1.a1 Lenders eption.w .,l"':^!�. ..
<br /> appotm a recelver wilhodt Csnd,without tirsl bringing s:.iA on the Obligations and without otherwtso meet1n8�Y�+l pndnions regardmg ���t�
<br /> .. reoelvero.8 being Irrtertd��that Lender shall have tMs aorrtraclual rlgM to ey�olm a rocsNer, ,.,.��•r��t,.
<br /> (e)to emp1oy a manz�.''�aae►n of tho Rr°DeRY end tet the sant0.etihet In Tnrstee s ovm nar�.In the nama of Lender ar fa sf.i6 n..*�af Grantor.and + Fa ,
<br /> reoetve�z rents.(nc�.�ssues and pcofi[s of tha Property end appty tho�rr�.after payrtem ot all neoassary dtasges and e�za-^•ses.en 2.scaurtt ot �:�„�,:_o�',;;�:.�'�-�
<br /> 4ie O�f�,7attrz:ts: _�?.�::��
<br /> (�to pay any s�i��!1!�rm ar manner deumed e�e�errt by lander i_�mteet the seaulty of thls Deod ot Trust or to ra.^a.�-��fa�k atnsr lhan ;i�l!' .:
<br />-. � paymerA of irrterest or�;.ru~'pal on the Obllgatlans: P;
<br /> (g)to toredose ihts D��of Trust jude�altyt o►nonju�tt���rnl to cGteet the sale af tho{a�aty throu�e�rdse o19�e pov.ar J;sale as referenced In ,' j , .
<br /> paraSaph 20 haraot In ec�ordance wttn app�UraMe tar+: � �.`�ti
<br /> ertaurtts cwed Cirentor by lsnder induding.but nat limited to,monles.Instrurr�rrts.and Eepos(1 �.�"`" -,
<br /> (h)to setoH GrarrtoPs Obligatlans agalnst arry s�44•�:�,-:.�;
<br /> � • �•.•. 1 . ,..
<br /> areaunts rteintalned with tender or arty amunUy exlsting or futuro atiillata af Len�r,and ;�t,} . . --.
<br /> � � (q to exoteise atl other rfgMs availabie to Lender undor any other mFten egreement or app[Ira61e law. ,�; �:: . ,
<br /> IaL_rtt_A• �
<br /> LandeVS dphts are curtul�l�e and may Oo exerclsed toga'��.r,s�epara1ety.and in arry order. In the evant thai lender InstiMes an snUon seeic�t�the r .
<br /> reeavery oieny of tho P�2�by vlay ot a prejud�nem�dy in an aetion agatnsl(irerrtor,Citantot watvcrs tAe posting ot erry 6and whleh� ,�;�;�w,.;,�,��s•i�.: �
<br /> atherwlse be raquirod. L E S r,�r.cr L en d e r's de s l�w e ma yp�ud�ase tha Properry at a r ry sate. Proceods ot arry Trustee s s310 hereund=r shall 60 , , :�i.�:,,.
<br /> 8rst.to fho costs end e�ens�is ot oucrel�la3'_'-.o powr►r o 1 e a t e end ot ihe ca(e.Inctu�ng tho pa�r�ent of tho Tnrstee's fess adually inwrred end not to '� ...,t.,�yty�
<br /> exoeed Uw amoum wtdch rtay be provlded rra�n�h1s Deed ot Tru�,seoond,rz PaYmem ot�he lons sewrad hereby.thtrd.to the payrt�e°e�oi may '.i., � ����. -
<br /> . � Vust deed�,rtprtgages•or other 8enholderrx.�c3 the balanee.If arry.to tho�caan or rsans legally emiUed thareto. The Qroyetry or arry part s,.
<br /> bo sNd In ono pflroel.or tn auch paroefs.rr�rr,re or ador as Londer In its sa'.a dt n may eleet.and one er more exeiqL09 011h0 p0YJ8t hBfQh(�ffiit@4 ,f:l;'>t�.` ., ,;
<br /> N�+;:iy5��, : , •,t,'�,
<br /> sfiall no1 e�Ab�gulsh ar e�fiaust tho power urf.ess the emire proponY Is sotd ortho oh�g�tions are pald in fu11. � z`?',,`.,,�:.,..,.,i;
<br /> . '�'�M"����A_.�_�_.�
<br /> 20�TRU�TEE'S EXERCISE 6jF F�.'UER OF SALE O!'�00'rAULT: I}Lende►elee!s to sell Qrnr;.afs hrtorost In tho Prope�ry tr�as�r':a ot the power of ,�:a
<br /> r��.�-�'� :;;:--�._
<br /> .. sate hereln contalned.Lender�.1 notity Tru�eo In th�mannor then requlred by law. - ��,�-
<br /> ��'•�—.
<br /> � Upon r000iQt ot zueh noUeo 01 Lender end a11ha duatt2on ot LendEx,Trustee chall eauss to he reeordod,pu6tichad end de!i•re:�sufi noti:as nt defautt - ,•�.,.,,,,,,,._..
<br /> dx
<br /> • and rtaUcas of sae as may then ba reWUed by(aw and hy thts Deed of Trust.Trustee shall,only at tho dred(en oC Lcnder and x:�eut damartd cn Or�tnr, �„.�.��:;��-......�.*=__.
<br /> � afte�cuch Urm as may then ba requlred by law and aftor recordatlon of such no4ce of delautt and efter noUce ot sale having been ghcen as re�rrsd by law. . �,� i._—
<br /> � setl tho Propo-riY at tho tlrrQ ar✓.i place o1 sale fixod by 8 tn sueh notleo of sate.oither as vrhoto ar tn seDatato Iots or paroels or ft�ms as Lender ahal!doom
<br /> o srh,and ln such ordar es B may determlrto,a1 puhtia aucUon to tho hlgnest btdder far eash tn taariul monoy of ffie Untted Stzlos paYabta at Uin Urre ot �y�.s�»y. %x�����
<br /> �or as otherwlse rt►3y�han ba roqulrod by Iaw. Trustee shatl delNer to such putcfiaser ar purchasers thoroot Its goad and sufflcfartl deed or deeds _ '�,{��,-—
<br /> ��yryy��9 thQ prpperty so sold.Mrl wlihout any eovenant or wanemy.express or irtplied. fie radtats ln such dead of arry maiters or f�ets sha11 6e —� �.�..::. - .
<br /> oondueivo proot ot the Vuthfulness thereot. Any induding.wilhoul Ilmlt�lon,Grantor.Trusteo or Lende►.rt�ay purchase at such salo. Trusloe may - � ___
<br />.�'. i»1ho rt�mEt provlded��Y�ew PostpOno sato of 1 ot arry pordon of fio PropeAy. . - . -.
<br /> . . . . i
<br /> � 21. REQUEST FOfl HOTICES:Grentor requests that a copy o1 arry noHce o1 d9tault and a oopy o1 arry notloo ot sato heraundar be mailed to each person ,. , , ' ` ���-•�
<br /> :` who is e parly horelo 01 the sddross of sueh person snt forth heretn at tho stirtw tlme and in the samo mannor requ[red as thot�a soparato requast �.�.�..,.�"
<br /> ihereof had 6ean filed by each sueh persan.
<br /> �. -�
<br /> , � . . ; -
<br /> ' �-,
<br /> . , �.
<br /> _�, �' _ -- - �_
<br />. � , . . E
<br /> - v�3d6 . . - - - —
<br /> ' NEDOTC Rev.196 . '
<br /> .� ' - , �
<br /> - .... , . _ .. `,. . ... ' . . .. - � � . _. . . .' -. .' .. t. . . ..- ' � . .. • _. � . ,. 1i . ' . . , � ... ' .
<br />